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Hello everyone, the first thing I need you to do is very simple.

Can you
please get yourself a piece of paper? 1 person 1 paper, please. I need you
to write on ur piece of paper the number from 1 to 6 vertically. And
please number 1, leave a space for maybe 1 or 2 lines, number 2 leave 1
or 2 lines. So first, I’m gonna tell you a little story, and all you have to do
is listen carefully.

Once upon a time, there was a dog who wandered the streets night and
day in search of food. One day, he found a big juicy bone and he
immediately grabbed it between his mouth and took it home. On his way
home, he crossed a river and saw another dog who also had a bone in its
mouth. He wanted that bone for himself too. Then he opened his mouth
and dropped the bone that he was biting. The bone fell out and sank,
so, That night, he went home hungry.

Easy short story? Maybe some yes some no? Okay, so you’re gonna hear a
story again, and this time please use your paper to take notes of the
story. I will say a number of the sentence, then I say the sentence. Then
I’ll leave you 5 seconds to take note of the sentence... Clear? You don’t
need to worry about the spelling in your note. But please write down the
sentence completely, not just the keywords.


So now, please look carefully at your note again, and find out the
sentences that have the same grammatical structure. When I mean by
grammatical structure, pay attention to the orders of the subject, verb,
and the object

It’s time for sharing the answers. Can I invite Quynh? Which sentences do
you think they have the same grammatical structure? Another one
Okay, so I see all of you have the same answer. Let’s look at the answer.
Oh, all of you did a good job. We have 3 sentences that have the same
grammatical structure.

Now we look that these sentences together. I put 3 of them on the same
page so you can see the similarities clearly

Sentence 1: There was a dog who wandered the streets night and day in
search of food.

S2: He crossed a river and saw another dog who also had a bone in its

S3: He opened his mouth and dropped the bone that he was biting

So now, could you identify for me the subject, the verb, and the object of
these sentences? We can do this activity together. Look at the first
sentence. Which one is the S? “There”. And the verb is: ... “was”. And the
object is a dog...

Sentence 2, the S is He. The verb is “crossed”. We have another verb here,
it’s “saw”. Do you remember which kind of sentence has more than 1
verb? Yes, the compound sentence. So the V1 is crossed, V2 is saw.

Sentence 3...

So after we have identified the SVO in each sentence. Look at the

sentence again, we still have the clause that are unhighlighted over here.
So what is it? If I delete the unhighlighted clause of these sentences.

Can you still understand these sentences?

So what is the use of these clauses in the sentence? Why do we need it? Do it bring you
It brings you more information. about WHAT? about the person or thing before it. Or we
can say that it supports the first clause of the sentence.
For example, look at sentence 1. If we say there was a dog, maybe there were many dog
over there so the information is not clear right. So this time, we need the second clause
to support the first clause. And the second clause is “a dog who wandered...”
So this kind of clause, we call it RELATIVE CLAUSE. And the word begins the relative
clause, we call it relative pronouns.
We have 5 pronouns: who, whom, which, that, whose
So that’s our lesson today. I have prepared a small quiz for you so that we can practice

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