Essay 1 Reflection

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Martinez 1

Ezequiel Martinez

Ms. Briones


September 27, 2023

Imagination Reasonable

I learned about genre and the rhetorical situation to get a good understanding of my first

essay. Those help me to be able to continue writing to focus on any topics such as music. For

example, when I want to make the comedy genre match the rhetorical situation in my essay, this

essay would make sense and be smooth. If I miss one of two things, my music would be a

missing piece. If I do not use both, readers would be confused like “What are you talking

about?” That’s why I should use both to make sure I understand.

I learned about drafting and the revision process for early ideas and writing in my first

essay. Those early ideas and writing helped me to be able to write any essay because “careful’

writing and focused topics do not matter for early writing. For example, I can’t think about how

to focus on a topic and make sure of good grammar. That’s not good and is slowly progressing. I

only do writing with brainstorming and any writing in my essay. I continue without stopping

until my brainstorming or prewriting runs out as a car. I can go back to fix my essay.

My instructor helps me improve my genre and writing situation by receiving feedback for

sure. Her three pieces of feedback made me realize “how to discover perfect pieces for my

music.” The first feedback is from the first-person point of view to the third-person point of

view. I changed “I” to “they.” The second feedback is that my grammar changes the correct way,

so my grammar changes that feedback tells me. The third feedback is to make the correct MLA
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format work cited. My work cited made a change by asking my instructor to make sure it was

correct because that is the correct way. I do follow guides that are very understanding and

smooth. This feedback made me understand and learn how to write the correct way.

A peer review with a classmate helped me improve my genre analysis essay. Those two

pieces of feedback are helpful as side quests. The first feedback is that I made the correct

grammar way, and the second feedback is that my grammar was refined. I made changes by

classmate’s feedback that guided me to correct grammar and refine it. I do that because I want

my grammar to be clear and strong like a shiny gem. Those are making me learn the correct way

and how to refine the way.

I would read my essay first to last and last to first, or I would ask my family members.

Both would make me recognize missing connections. When I read my essay I searched for

missing something like cooking steps. If I find it, I will make a fixed idea for the focus topic

because it may be confusing if I don’t make changes such as cooking rotten food. My family

members fix my grammar to avoid confused expressions. I would become aware of missing

elements in my writing to help me prepare for future writing assignments. That's an easy way to

do that. Mistakes make you strong. I learn from my mistakes every time, and I would become

more aware and know what I do.

I think brainstorming topics is the most challenging part of my essay assignment because

I’m not good at being aware of the community. I don’t want to do popular and boring ideas as an

AI robot. I want to talk about interesting community topics. I researched the community on the

Bing website and AI Bing. AI Bing is helpful because AI helps me recognize new ideas that I

never heard of. I would do that, so that is how I overcame this challenge. I think I might use

lecture notes as examples, but I don’t think I use consult to address my challenge because it’s not
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helpful. Resources can't magically make magic, so I can see new ideas. It is more like a

guidebook. Once again, that’s why it is not helpful to my biggest challenge. I can recognize my

challenge when my brainstorming ideas can't be active like passive skill. For example, I don’t

know what to say about an example with my brainstorming ideas like “How do I say and do


The least challenging part of my essay assignment is writing plans because I have no

issues, and I am well at planning and step-by-step as a guidebook. For example, I have set

brainstorming, genre, and everything. I would start planning how I write with them, like how to

make new music with puzzle pieces. When I finished planning, I would start writing. I think that

is my least challenge for sure.

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