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FISHERIES by chance (P < 0.001; binomial exact test). The

estimation of temperature influences was also
robust to a number of other assumptions re-
Impacts of historical warming garding input data and model structure (figs.
S1 to S15 and supplementary text).

on marine fisheries production The importance of marine ecoregion in struc-

turing temperature influence suggests that the
impact of warming on ecosystem structure and
Christopher M. Free1,2*, James T. Thorson3,4, Malin L. Pinsky5, Kiva L. Oken1,6, dynamics manifests similarly for populations
John Wiedenmann5, Olaf P. Jensen1 inhabiting the same region (22). For example,
we found negative mean temperature influences
Climate change is altering habitats for marine fishes and invertebrates, but the net effect of in the Celtic-Biscay Shelf and North Sea eco-
these changes on potential food production is unknown. We used temperature-dependent regions (figs. S16 and S17), where warming has
population models to measure the influence of warming on the productivity of 235 populations enhanced stratification and driven shifts in
of 124 species in 38 ecoregions. Some populations responded significantly positively (n = 9 primary productivity, with cascading effects on
populations) and others responded significantly negatively (n = 19 populations) to warming, zooplankton (23), forage fish (24), and ground-
with the direction and magnitude of the response explained by ecoregion, taxonomy, life fish productivity (25). In the neighboring Baltic Sea,
history, and exploitation history. Hindcasts indicate that the maximum sustainable yield of we found a positive mean temperature influence,
the evaluated populations decreased by 4.1% from 1930 to 2010, with five ecoregions where cooler water temperatures delay and reduce
experiencing losses of 15 to 35%. Outcomes of fisheries management—including long-term spring zooplankton production and result in re-
food provisioning—will be improved by accounting for changing productivity in a warmer ocean. duced survival of larval fish (26, 27).
Taxonomic family was also an important,

though somewhat weaker, driver of temperature

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arine fishes and invertebrates have be- regions (14). A promising approach is to measure influence, consistent with the phylogenetic con-
come an increasingly important source the impact of historical warming on the produc- servation of life history traits and vulnerabilities
of food as the human population has tion of biomass and the maximum catch that can (28). The commercially important gadid family
grown, especially in coastal, developing be repeatedly harvested from that biomass, a (codfishes) and ecologically important ammodytid
countries, where they provide as much quantity termed the maximum sustainable yield family (sand eels) both exhibited negative mean
as 50% of animal protein consumption (1, 2). (MSY). Although sometimes criticized (15), MSY temperature effects (fig. S17). Populations of
However, ocean warming is driving changes in is the catch limit for the U.N. Convention on the species in both families are concentrated in the
ocean circulation and stratification (3), losses in Law of Sea, U.N. Sustainable Development Goal North Atlantic (26 of 36 gadid populations and
oxygen concentration (4), and shifts in primary 14, and many other fisheries agreements be- all three sand eel populations) and will be es-
productivity (5). As a result, marine fish pop- cause it maximizes long-term food provisioning pecially susceptible to the continued rapid warm-
ulations are experiencing large-scale redistribu- potential from the ocean. ing predicted for this region (29).
tions (6), increased physiological stress (7), and Simple correlations of fisheries production The influence of temperature on fisheries pro-
altered food availability (8). Understanding the and climate indices often fail because effects are ductivity was also well explained by species traits
net effect of these changes on fisheries produc- nonlinear and depend on interactions between and population characteristics (table S3). For
tivity (i.e., the net population increase at a given multiple processes (8, 16). In this study, we in- example, the position of a population within
biomass) is crucial to identifying the level of stead used a mechanistic population dynamics its species-specific thermal niche determined
biomass that will optimize fisheries outcomes, model (17) to measure the effects of ocean tem- the influence of warming: Atlantic cod (Gadus
including long-term food provisioning. Appro- perature (18) on the productivity of 235 global morhua) and Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus)
priately identifying a target level of population fish and invertebrate populations (19). The anal- populations at the warm ends of their thermal
biomass is in turn important for fisheries man- yzed populations represent 124 species, 38 eco- niches were more vulnerable to warming than
agers trying to regulate human impacts (e.g., regions, and ~33% of reported global catch. We populations at the cool ends of their thermal
through catch and effort restrictions) to achieve then used the model to hindcast temperature- niches (Fig. 2C). In fact, populations in cooler
fisheries targets. driven changes in MSY from 1930 to 2010 (20). environments often benefited from historical
Although the question of future fisheries pro- We estimated the influence of temperature warming, though such benefits may be expected
ductivity under climate change has received ex- on productivity as a random effect, where tem- to decline with further warming, consistent with
tensive attention (9–12), the ocean has already perature influences for each population were thermal niche theory (30). We also found that
warmed considerably (13), and the impacts of informed by a normal distribution representing fishes with faster life histories (e.g., faster growth,
this warming may have already affected global the effect of temperature across all populations. earlier age at maturity, and shorter life spans)
marine fisheries productivity. Retrospective analy- The most parsimonious model, as identified by were more responsive to warming, both positively
ses of historical temperature and population dy- Akaike’s information criterion (21), structured and negatively, than fishes with slower life his-
namics are especially important for quantifying the temperature influence by marine ecoregion tories (Fig. 2B and fig. S19). Fast-growing species
the magnitude of historical climate effects, testing (table S1). The mean of the random effects dis- are also known to shift locations more rapidly
hypotheses, and understanding variation among tribution for the influence of temperature was (6, 31), and geographic shifts in or out of a region
not significantly different from zero (Fig. 1A), in- may help drive productivity changes for these and
dicating that populations benefiting from ocean other shifting species (32). Habitat, trophic level,
Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers warming were roughly offset in number and body size, latitude, and population size did not
University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA. 2Bren School of magnitude by those that were negatively im- substantially structure temperature influences
Environmental Science and Management, University of
California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, USA. 3Alaska
pacted. However, the productivities of 28 popula- (figs. S18 to S23).
Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Fisheries, Seattle, WA, USA. tions (12%) were either significantly negatively We also found that exploitation history and
Northwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Fisheries, (n = 19 populations; 8%) or significantly po- temperature change interacted to determine the
Seattle, WA, USA. 5Department of Ecology, Evolution, and sitively (n = 9 populations; 4%) influenced by vulnerability of populations to warming. Popula-
Natural Resources, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA.
School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of
warming (Fig. 1A and table S2). By comparing tions that had experienced intense and prolonged
Washington, Seattle, WA, USA. with a null model (Fig. 1B), we found stronger overfishing were more likely to be negatively in-
*Corresponding author. Email: temperature influences than would be expected fluenced by warming, especially when they had

Free et al., Science 363, 979–983 (2019) 1 March 2019 1 of 5


also experienced rapid warming (>0.2°C per de- variability (37, 38) and interact with life history this time period to minimize extrapolation to
cade) (Fig. 2A). This interaction likely arises and climate variability to increase the likelihood temperatures cooler or warmer than those used
through several mechanisms. First, fishing can of population collapse (39). Thus, overfishing has in model fitting (figs. S24 and S25). We estimate
truncate age distributions (33) and select for reduced the resilience of populations to climate that the combined MSY from the 235 populations
earlier maturation or reduced body sizes (34), change, and climate change will likely hinder decreased by 4.1% (1.4 million metric tons), from
both of which can decrease reproductive output efforts to rebuild overfished populations (40). 35.2 million metric tons in 1930 to 1939 to 33.8
(35). Fishing can also reduce intraspecific diversity, We used the model estimates of temperature million metric tons in 2001 to 2010 (Fig. 3A). The
alter species interactions, and damage habitat influence, intrinsic rate of increase, and carrying 95% confidence interval for this trend ranged
(36). As a result, overfishing can magnify fluc- capacity along with historical temperature data from a 9.0% decline to a 0.3% increase, indicating
tuations in abundance due to environmental to hindcast MSY from 1930 to 2010. We chose much stronger support for declining productivity

Fig. 1. Influence of
warming on fisheries
productivity. Distribution
of temperature influences
estimated by (A) the final
model and (B) the null
model. Examples of
populations where
historical ocean warming
(C) increased productivity
(black sea bass in the

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U.S. mid-Atlantic),
(D) decreased productivity
(Atlantic cod in
the Irish Sea), and
(E) did not affect
productivity (Atlantic
herring in the northwest
Atlantic). In (A) and
(B), points show mean
estimates and error bars
show 95% confidence
intervals. Significant
positive and negative
temperature influences
are shown in blue and
red, respectively. The
shaded gray column indicates the 95% confidence interval for the global mean (m) of the temperature influences. The null model is fit to simulated
temperature time series exhibiting the same means, variances, autoregressive properties, and trends as the original time series. In (C) through
(E), blue and red points represent cooler- and warmer-than-average years, respectively. Black lines show production at the population’s average
temperature. Blue and red lines show production at temperatures progressively cooler and warmer than the average, respectively (−1.0°, −0.5°,
+0.5°, and +1.0°C). mt, metric tons.

Fig. 2. Drivers of the influence of

warming on fisheries
productivity. (A) More and larger
negative influences of warming for
populations with histories of over-
fishing and rapid temperature
increase. Points represent individual
populations and are colored by the
direction and magnitude of their
temperature influence (deeper blue,
more positive; deeper red, more
negative). F/FMSY is the ratio of
fishing mortality (F) to the fishing
mortality that produces MSY
(FMSY). Values greater than one
indicate overfishing. (B) Larger and
more significant influences of temperature for populations of species with faster life histories (i.e., shorter life spans). Points represent individual
populations and are colored by significance (blue, positive; red, negative; gray, not significant). The solid line shows the 50th-percentile quantile
regression fit, and dashed lines show the 2.5 and 97.5% quantile regression fits. (C) Increasingly negative influences for populations at the warm ends of
their thermal niches for the two species with ≥10 populations. Lines show Theil-Sen regression fits. Theil-Sen regression, a form of robust regression,
identifies the median slope of lines through all possible point pairs and is insensitive to outliers and end points in small datasets.

Free et al., Science 363, 979–983 (2019) 1 March 2019 2 of 5


during this period. Losses from populations re- in recruitment potential (fig. S27) (14), suggest- evaluated populations. For example, we found
sponding negatively to warming outweighed ing that climate effects on the other components that 162 fish populations (10.6%) in the much
gains from those responding positively because of productivity—somatic growth and natural more complete Food and Agriculture Organiza-
negatively responding populations constituted mortality—may be strong enough to offset effects tion (FAO) landings database (1) exhibit the char-
a larger biomass (Fig. 3, B and C). The greatest on recruitment. However, declines in North Sea acteristics associated with a negative effect of
losses in productivity occurred in the Sea of fisheries productivity are consistent with studies warming on productivity—that is, they are over-
Japan, North Sea, Iberian Coastal, Kuroshio showing declines in forage fish (24) and ground- fished, have experienced warming, and are at the
Current, and Celtic-Biscay Shelf ecoregions, where- fish (25) productivity induced by ocean warming. warm ends of their thermal niches (figs. S28 to
as the greatest gains occurred in the Labrador- Declines in East Asian fisheries productivity are S30). This proportion is comparable to the pro-
Newfoundland, Baltic Sea, Indian Ocean, and consistent with single-species studies document- portion of data-rich populations that have ex-
Northeast U.S. Shelf ecoregions (Fig. 4 and table S4). ing negative climate impacts in the region (43), perienced a negative influence of historical
The East Asian ecoregions experienced some of the though community-scale studies suggest that de- warming (8%) (Fig. 1A). Region-specific studies
largest warming-driven declines in MSY (8 to 34%) clining predator productivity may be balanced by are necessary to better understand the impacts
and support some of the largest and fastest- corresponding increases in prey productivity (44). of warming on important but poorly described
growing human populations in the world (41). Our study is limited in three ways. First, we fisheries, especially those of tropical developing
Our results present a new map of “winning” evaluated only the influence of temperature on nations. Lastly, the use of population model out-
and “losing” ecosystems under ocean warming productivity, though other factors such as chang- put as data has been criticized because of dif-
(Fig. 4). Studies that project fisheries productivity ing primary production, dissolved oxygen, pH, ficulties in accounting for model assumptions,
under future emissions scenarios often predict and habitat availability may also be influential uncertainty, and bias in post hoc analyses (46).
increases in productivity at the poles and de- (45). Progress in the development of global his- We addressed these concerns by following best
creases at the equator (10, 11, 42). We see no evi- torical datasets for environmental variables other practices for stock assessment meta-analysis (47)
dence for this prediction over the observed time than temperature would enable more compre- and by explicitly confirming that the results were
period (Fig. 4 and figs. S16, S18, and S26), sug- hensive investigations in the future. Second, not influenced by the methods of the source pop-

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gesting that contemporary range shifts have yet the fisheries database used in this study presents ulation models (supplementary text).
to drive productivity to the poles or that this pre- a nonrandom selection of global fish populations A number of analytical constraints imply that
diction is driven by populations not evaluated in (19). By identifying traits that can explain vul- the impacts of ocean warming on fisheries pro-
this work. Our estimates of ecoregion-scale trends nerability to warming, however, our analysis ductivity may be more negative than we could
in productivity were also uncorrelated with trends provides an approach for extrapolating to un- detect. Data limitations required us to estimate a

Fig. 3. Hindcast of temperature-dependent MSY. MSY hindcasts are shown (A) for all populations and for populations with (B) significant
positive, (C) significant negative, and (D) nonsignificant influences of temperature on productivity. Solid lines indicate the median MSY estimates,
shading indicates the 95% confidence intervals, and dashed lines show MSY at average temperature. mt, metric tons. (E) The mean global
sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly from 1850 to 2015.

Free et al., Science 363, 979–983 (2019) 1 March 2019 3 of 5


Fig. 4. Percent change in mean MSY between the period from 1930 of populations in each ecoregion is shown inside the point. Dashed

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to 1939 and the period from 2001 to 2010 by ecoregion. Points lines indicate FAO major fishing areas. Aust., Australian; NZ,
are scaled to the MSY at average temperature, and the number New Zealand; mt, metric tons.

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26. B. R. MacKenzie, F. W. Köster, Ecology 85, 784–794 AC KNOWLED GME NTS
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(2004). We are grateful for the hard work of the many scientists who
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RE FE RENCES AND N OT ES 28. A. D. Rijnsdorp, M. A. Peck, G. H. Engelhard, C. Möllmann, S. MacConnachie, and P. Neubauer for their contributions to
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fisheries and aquaculture 2016” (Food and Agriculture 29. V. S. Saba et al., J. Geophys. Res. Oceans 121, 118–132 J. Wilkin and E. Hunter for discussions regarding temperature
Organization of the United Nations, 2016). (2016). datasets. We also thank J. Deroba, M. Roswell, and members
2. H. C. J. Godfray et al., Science 327, 812–818 (2010). 30. H. O. Pörtner, R. Knust, Science 315, 95–97 (2007). of the Jensen and Pinsky labs for valuable discussions and
3. S. Manabe, R. J. Stouffer, Nature 364, 215–218 (1993). 31. A. L. Perry, P. J. Low, J. R. Ellis, J. D. Reynolds, Science 308, feedback while we were working on this paper. Lastly, we are
4. R. E. Keeling, A. Körtzinger, N. Gruber, Ann. Rev. Mar. Sci. 2, 1912–1915 (2005). grateful to E. Ward, J. Hastie, M. McClure, and four anonymous
199–229 (2010). 32. S. D. Gaines et al., Sci. Adv. 4, o1378 (2018). reviewers for providing constructive comments on the
5. L. Bopp et al., Biogeosciences 10, 6225–6245 (2013). 33. L. A. K. Barnett, T. A. Branch, R. A. Ranasinghe, T. E. Essington, manuscript. Funding: We acknowledge support from NSF
6. M. L. Pinsky, B. Worm, M. J. Fogarty, J. L. Sarmiento, Curr. Biol. 27, 2843–2848.e2 (2017). OCE-1426891 and DEB-1616821 and from an Alfred P. Sloan
S. A. Levin, Science 341, 1239–1242 (2013). 34. E. M. Olsen et al., Nature 428, 932–935 (2004). fellowship. C.M.F. was supported by an NMFS–Sea Grant

Free et al., Science 363, 979–983 (2019) 1 March 2019 4 of 5


Population Dynamics fellowship. This publication (NJSG-18-939) discussed the analysis and results and contributed to writing SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
is also the result of research sponsored by the New Jersey Sea the manuscript. Competing interests: O.P.J. and J.W. are
Grant Consortium (NJSGC) with funds from the National members of the Scientific and Statistical committees for the Materials and Methods
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office of Sea Mid-Atlantic and New England Fishery Management councils, Supplementary Text
Grant, U.S. Department of Commerce, under NOAA grant respectively. M.L.P. serves as an Oceana science advisor and Figs. S1 to S30
NA13OAR4170114 and the NJSGC. The statements, findings, is a visiting research collaborator at Princeton University and Tables S1 to S8
conclusions, and recommendations are those of the authors a guest researcher at the University of Oslo. Data and References (53–71)
and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NJSGC or the materials availability: The raw data for both the RAM Legacy Appendices A to G
U.S. Department of Commerce. Author contributions: O.P.J., Database (50) and COBE sea surface temperature dataset
M.L.P., J.T.T., and C.M.F. conceptualized the analysis. C.M.F. (51) are publicly available. All of the processed data are 28 July 2018; accepted 9 January 2019
performed the analysis and wrote the manuscript. All authors available on GitHub (52). 10.1126/science.aau1758

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Free et al., Science 363, 979–983 (2019) 1 March 2019 5 of 5

Impacts of historical warming on marine fisheries production
Christopher M. Free, James T. Thorson, Malin L. Pinsky, Kiva L. Oken, John Wiedenmann, and Olaf P. Jensen

Science 363 (6430), . DOI: 10.1126/science.aau1758

Accounting for a warming ocean

Fisheries provide food and support livelihoods across the world. They are also under extreme pressure, with many
stocks overfished and poorly managed. Climate change will add to the burden fish stocks bear, but such impacts
remain largely unknown. Free et al. used temperature-specific models and hindcasting across fish stocks to determine
the degree to which warming has, and will, affect fish species (see the Perspective by Plagányi). They found that an
overall reduction in yield has occurred over the past 80 years. Furthermore, although some species are predicted to

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respond positively to warming waters, the majority will experience a negative impact on growth. As our world warms,
responsible and active management of fisheries harvests will become even more important.
Science, this issue p. 979; see also p. 930

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