Week 11 Milestone Submission Template

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Week 11 Service Concept Report Milestone – Feedback &

Each member of the team is required to submit the group file on problem definition. Please save
team name, tutorial day and time in the file name.

Name of allocated Service Organisation that needs improvement:

Revisiting the problem statement – based on the presentation feedback revisit the following steps
 What is the problem?
 What is causing the problem?
 Why is it a problem?
 Who is this problem impacting?
 Which services marketing theory/s explain this problem?
 Has your understanding of this problem changed since the presentation? If so why?

Hi-Fi Prototype testing

Provide a clear and concise outline of your solution (descriptive sentence on how it works, key
features and intended outcome):

What was the initial reaction to your solution in the class presentation?

Have you tested this hi-fi prototype with other users? If so how did you test it and what was the

Outline specific areas of feedback received during testing. What challenges or risks are to be

How do you intend to address this feedback, what improvements are you implementing?

Outline how your modified solution rates according to the DVF Framework?

 Desirability (customer lens):

 Viability (business lens):

 Feasibility (technology lens):

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