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[Registered under the Tanzania NGO Act of 2002, Registration No. ooNGO/R/3308 ]
Head Office, Mianzini- Ilikiurei Street, Near Moonshine Bar
P.O.BOX 15652, Arusha-Tanzania
Mob: +255 (0) 765 102 329/ +255 (0) 685 318 217




Youths’ empowerment through football commenced on April, 2023 but came into
implementation on 3rd July 2023 with the aim of fostering personal and athletic growth among
young individuals in Tanzania. The program aims to enhance football skills, promote education,
instill values, and provide potential career pathways in the football industry.

GENERAL GOAL: To empower young people in Tanzania through formal and informal
opportunities in sports, games, and recreation for personal and social development.

This report will primarily focus on completed tasks, ongoing tasks, and outline our planned tasks for the
next quarter.


1. Community Engagement:

Period: July 2023

- The program started through meeting with youth’s local football club around Ilikiurei
Street for introduction of the program.

- Registration of program beneficiaries; 24 youths aged 14-18 years registered for the

- Partnership with volunteers’ organization (VIVA Tanzania) to provide human resource

(volunteers) for program implementation.

2. Training and Education:

Period: August – September 2023

- Participants attended regular training sessions conducted by Ayoub as the main coach
together with International volunteers, focusing on technical
skills, tactical understanding, and physical fitness.
- Life skills sessions were incorporated into the program, covering topics such as teamwork,
leadership, discipline, and conflict resolution.


1. Personal and Academic Development:

- Participants demonstrated personal growth, showing improved discipline, commitment,

and positive behavior on and off the field.

- Academic support sessions were integrated into the program, emphasizing the

importance of education and assisting participants in their studies.

2. Beneficiaries improvement in sports

- Increased Beneficiary Count:

We are pleased to announce that the number of beneficiaries in our Youth Empowerment
Program through Football has seen a significant increase from 24 to 55 individuals. This surge in
participation showcases the growing interest and success of the program in reaching out to
underprivileged youths.

- Formation of Two Age-Specific Groups:

With the increased number of beneficiaries, we have successfully formed two distinct age groups:
under 14 years and under 20 years. This segmentation allows us to tailor the training sessions and
development programs to cater to the specific needs and abilities of each group.

- Improved Performance in Sports:

The dedication and commitment displayed by the beneficiaries have led to substantial
improvements in their sports abilities. Through focused training sessions, participants have
demonstrated enhanced technical skills, tactical understanding, and physical fitness. This
improvement not only benefits them on the field but also builds their confidence and selfesteem.

- Unofficial Friendly Match:

To gauge the progress and provide valuable exposure, we organized an unofficial friendly match
during this quarter. The match allowed our beneficiaries to showcase their newly acquired skills
and experience a competitive environment. This friendly match served as a motivating factor and
encouraged them to strive for continuous improvement.

3. Community Engagement:

- The program actively collaborated with local communities, organizing community

cleanup drives and social events to foster social cohesion and a sense of pride among
participants and their families.

4. Infrastructure and Equipment:

- Efforts were made to have at least a suitable training facility for the program. We have
managed to shift from small pitch to big one where the players and coaches are
5. Successful recruitment of 9 international volunteers from VIVA Tanzania
Our program succeeds to recruit 9 international volunteers from our partner VIVA Tanzania.
These dedicated volunteers joined our organization and contributed their expertise,
experience, and cultural diversity to the development of our players.

Limited Funding: Securing consistent funding remains a challenge, impacting the program's
ability to expand and provide additional resources for participant development.

This is the major challenge, where the organization can’t be able to employ professional coaches,
buy exercises uniforms and jersey, football equipments, medication and first aid facilities, have
its own football ground, and all related costs, where currently depends donations from
volunteers, organization members and internal organizations.
Late arrival of participants: One of the challenges we faced in our youth empowerment program
through football is the consistent tardiness of the participants. Due to the program being
conducted after school hours, some children arrive late to the pitch. This has impacted the
smooth running of the program and has led to a disruption in the planned schedule and activities.

Inconsistent attendance: Another challenge we encountered is the inconsistency in attendance

among the participants. Although the program aims to provide regular engagement and
development opportunities, some players/beneficiaries do not attend consistently, which limits
their overall engagement and progress in the program.

Language barriers: Language barriers between the volunteers and the players/beneficiaries have
proven to be a significant challenge. Volunteer coaches often face difficulties in effectively
communicating instructions, coaching techniques, and mentorship due to the varying languages
spoken by the participants. This hinders the quality of interactions, engagement, and overall
understanding of the program's objectives.


Training players in class

- We will enhance the development and skills of the players in our youth’s empowerment
program through football by incorporating classroom training sessions.

Expanded Outreach Program:

- Seek collaborations with neighboring communities to extend the reach of the

empowerment program.
- Plan and organize football clinics and workshops in nearby areas to promote participation
and inclusivity.

Partnership Development:

- Explore potential partnerships with local businesses, organizations, and sports clubs to
improve program sustainability and access to resources.
- Identify potential sponsors to support the implementation of various activities in the

Skill Showcases and Tournaments:

- Organize skill showcases and inter-community tournaments to motivate participants and

provide them with opportunities to showcase their talents.

- Establish a competitive league within the community to enhance youth engagement and
foster healthy competition.


Overall, the Youths Empowerment Program through Football has made significant progress in
empowering and developing the participants since its inception on 3 July 2023. Completed tasks
have improved the skills, sportsmanship, and community engagement of our youths. Ongoing
tasks focus on sustained training, mentorship, and community support. Moving forward, our next
quarter will involve expanding the program's outreach, fostering partnerships, and organizing
prominent youth-oriented events. Through these efforts, we aim to create a positive impact on
the lives of the young participants and promote their holistic development through football.
This section contain programs’ photos

Earlier Pitch at Ilikiurei Currently Pitch at Ilboru

Under 15 years players Under 20 Players

Some of our football couches volunteers
Community Engagement (Clean-up event)

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