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Unit V Journal _ Unnoticed Risks And Trade-Offs To Mitigate Identified Risks

Nguyen Duy Son

Columbia Southern University

MGT 6304 Managing Complex Projects

Dr. Zee

Date: May 2023


In our manufacturing facility, there was a sudden and unexpected explosion in one of the

production units, causing significant damage and injuring several workers. The investigation

revealed that the incident was caused by a buildup of flammable gases due to a malfunctioning

ventilation system. The risk of inadequate ventilation had not been identified or addressed

adequately during the facility's safety assessments.

The nature of the risk that went unnoticed was the potential for the accumulation of

flammable gases in the production area. The ventilation system, which was responsible for

maintaining a safe and controlled environment, had a hidden malfunction that hindered the

proper removal of these gases. As a result, the buildup of flammable gases reached a critical

level, leading to the explosive incident. The failure to identify and address this risk had severe

consequences. The explosion not only caused physical harm to the workers but also resulted in

property damage and production disruptions. It also had a significant impact on the morale and

well-being of the employees.

The operation board could have done differently by taking several actions to prevent the

incident and mitigate the identified risk as the following steps:

 Robust Risk Assessment: A thorough risk assessment should have been conducted before

the incident, considering all potential hazards and risks associated with the production

processes. This assessment would have helped identify the risk of inadequate ventilation

and the potential for the accumulation of flammable gases.

 Regular Inspections and Maintenance: Implementing a proactive inspection and

maintenance program for critical systems like ventilation could have detected the

malfunction earlier. Regular checks and preventive maintenance would have ensured the

proper functioning of the ventilation system and prevented the buildup of flammable


 Employee Training and Awareness: Providing comprehensive training to employees

about workplace safety, including the identification of potential risks and the reporting of

any abnormalities, could have increased awareness. Encouraging a culture of reporting

and addressing safety concerns would have allowed early detection and intervention in

case of ventilation issues.

 Risk Mitigation Strategies: Once the risk of inadequate ventilation was identified,

appropriate measures could have been implemented. This might have included installing

gas detectors, improving ventilation systems, or implementing additional safety protocols

to prevent the accumulation of flammable gases.

Once the risk had been identified, several trade-offs might have been initiated to consider

and address it as below:

 Resource Allocation: Allocating financial resources to upgrade or replace the ventilation

system would have been necessary. This may have required diverting funds from other

areas of the budget, potentially impacting other planned activities or projects.

 Time and Productivity: Addressing the risk might have required shutting down or

temporarily suspending production to carry out necessary maintenance or modifications

to the ventilation system. This could have resulted in decreased productivity and potential

delays in meeting production targets.

 Operational Changes: Implementing risk mitigation strategies might have necessitated

changes in work processes, employee routines, or safety protocols. These changes could

have required additional training, adjustments to workflows, or increased supervision to

ensure compliance, which could have impacted operational efficiency.

In summary, while identifying and addressing the risk may have required trade-offs in

terms of resources, time, and operational changes, the potential consequences of not taking

action far outweigh the short-term impacts. Prioritizing safety and risk mitigation measures

would have ensured a safer work environment, protected employees' well-being, and safeguarded

the facility and its operations in the long run.

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