Ent - NPD Report - Group 1

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Faculty : College of Built Environment

Program : Bachelor of Science Construction Management
Program Code : AP246
Course : Technology Entrepreneurship
Course Code : ENT600
Semester :5
Group Name : Group 1
Group Members : Chris Bryan Anak Nawot (2022793463)
: Dwayne Bejie Anak Tony (2022793477)
: Jazryen Hayqal Bin Julaihi (2022793397)
: Hazim Hazwan Bin Mustapha (2022787359)
: Shakir Zufyari Bin Asri (2022783039)

Submitted to
Submission Date
25th June 2023

Table of Contents

Contents Page Number

1.0 Executive Summary ................
2.0 Introduction ................
3.0 Technology Description ................
4.0 New Product Development ................
4.1 Definition ................
4.2 Classification of NPD ................
4.3 New Product Development .................
4.3.1 Research & Development .................
4.3.2 Product Design/Features .................
4.3.3 Concept Testing .................
4.3.4. Build Design (2D & 3D) .................
4.3.5 Test Marketing .................
4.3.6 Consumer Trend Canvas .................

5.0 Conclusion ................

6.0 References ................
7.0 Appendic

1.0 Executive Summary

Our new product development initiative aims to introduce an innovative offering that meets market
demands and drives growth for our company. Through thorough market analysis, we have identified a
significant opportunity and developed a product concept with unique selling propositions. The
development process follows a systematic approach, encompassing ideation, design, prototyping,
testing, and refinement. Our product, the remote key locator makes use of modern tracking technologies
like Bluetooth, radio frequency, or GPS to help users easily find their keys. The product will be a tiny
gadget that can be paired with a smartphone app or a specific tracking device, and it will be attached
to a keychain. Afterward, users can use their mobile device or the tracking device to locate their keys
through audio alerts, visual indicators, or proximity tracking. The remote key locator will be made to
work with a variety of key sizes and types, ensuring compatibility with different keychain designs. The
product will also support multiple operating systems, including iOS and Android, opening its use to a
wider user base. The product’s physical design will give priority to both appearance and durability. It will
be lightweight, tiny, and aesthetically pleasing so that it can be easily and comfortably incorporated into
daily life. Additionally, the system will be built to withstand normal wear and tear. In conclusion, the
remote key locator introduces an innovative solution to address the common problem of misplaced
keys. With its efficient tracking features, user-friendly interface, versatility, and stylish design, the Key
Finder Product aims to provide individuals with a reliable and convenient tool for locating their keys. By
saving time, reducing frustration, and offering a cost-effective solution, the remote key locator provides
an asset to users and addresses a significant pain point in daily life.

2.0 Introduction
2.1 Problem Statement and Issue

Outdated and Unsystematic Key Management: Numerous organizations continue to depend on manual
procedures or fragmented systems for the management and monitoring of product keys. This outdated
approach frequently results in inefficiencies, mistakes, and the struggle to maintain precise records.
Locating and retrieving specific keys becomes a challenge, causing delays in software activation and
customer support. We misplaced our belonging and then we forgot where we put them. This problem
is known for all individuals or families that has multiple set of keys for their belongings. (Sumathi Reddy,

2.2 Methodology

Research methodology discusses and explains the data collection and analysis methods you used in
research. A key part of thesis, dissertation, or research paper, the methodology chapter explains what
we did and how we did it, allowing readers to evaluate the reliability and validity of the research and our
dissertation topic.

1. Observation
We observed this problem through our family, friends and even our lecturer as this problem of
losing keys and forgot where we put them occurs to most of the key owner.
2. Survey / Questionnaire
To gain an actual information and opinion about this new product development, survey and
questionnaire has been distributed to the target market for response in the market.

2.3 Limitation

1. Limited number of respondents

This case study only obtains 43 surveys as response from the respondents. With this number
of respondents, it is not very accurate to surely assume the opinion since everyone might have
different opinion.
2. Expensive
The technology that this product contains Global Positioning System, Bluetooth features, and
transmitter for radio frequency are very expensive to obtain or buy to create this product. Hence,
we are not able to experience to create such gadgets into reality and into existence.
3. Lack of experience in business
Because of this case study are carried out by us students, we have little to no experience
marketing a gadgets or new product to the market as this item is a proper item that should be
sold professionally and properly to the stores and markets in the community.

3.0 Technology Description

We often lost track of where we put our keys. It could be the key for the house, a key for a car or even
the key to a shop but sadly, we sometimes forgot where we put them. Hence, our group decided to
create and design a gadget to find keys that you have lost.

Figure 1.0 Findr

This gadget, Findr is a remote key locator that can locate your missing keys and tells you where
you left the keys with the help of modern day’s technology. You can connect Findr to your smartphone
to enable the Global Positioning System or also known as GPS for short. By enabling this feature
through the Findr application that has been installed in the smartphone, Findr will navigate us through
our smartphones to locate the missing keys. It works by transmitting radio frequency to the tags that
has been put together with the missing key. This similar but different technology can be seen on other
existing tools such as the Apple AirTag but Findr is functioning as a gadget to find missing keys. Findr
will connect through our smartphones with Bluetooth feature to aid us to find the missing keys by GPS.

The tags have high durability because keys might fell from a high place. It is also shockproof
and waterproof as keys are a small object and small objects tends to be accidentally damaged. Findr
will be powered by rechargeable batteries so it will be user friendly as the user will not have to buy
batteries every time the batteries run out. Furthermore, the tag will be built with built in magnet to assist
the keys to be found at easier places to retrieve the key. These small but powerful Neodymium Magnet
will help the keys to stuck on metal object which can be usually found on a static object such as cars,
gates, and even electrical gadgets. The Findr remote will be small in the size of 105mm x 45mm x
13mm as it will be easier to carry around in our pockets or in our bag.

4.0 New Product Development
4.1 Definition

New Product Development

New product development refers to the process of conceptualizing, designing, creating, and bringing a
new product or service to the market. It involves a series of stages and activities aimed at identifying
market opportunities, generating ideas, conducting research and development, designing prototypes,
testing, and ultimately commercializing the product.

The new product development process typically begins with market research to understand consumer
needs, preferences, and trends. This information helps in generating ideas and concepts for potential
products or services. Once an idea is selected, it undergoes further evaluation and refinement to
determine its feasibility and potential for success.

During the development phase, product design and engineering take place, including creating
prototypes and conducting various tests to ensure functionality, quality, and customer satisfaction.
Feedback from these tests is used to iterate and improve the product design.

After the product is developed, it enters the commercialization stage, where marketing, branding, and
positioning strategies are implemented. This involves developing a marketing plan, determining pricing,
creating promotional materials, and setting up distribution channels.

Throughout the entire new product development process, close attention is given to factors such as
market demand, competition, technological feasibility, cost-effectiveness, and profitability. The goal is
to introduce innovative and valuable products that meet customer needs and generate revenue for the

These are the example of the development stages.

Figure 2.0 NPD Stages

1. Idea Generation: This stage involves brainstorming and generating ideas for potential new
products or services. Ideas can come from various sources such as market research, customer
feedback, internal suggestions, or technological advancements.

2. Idea Screening: In this stage, the generated ideas are evaluated and screened based on criteria
such as market potential, feasibility, strategic fit, and alignment with the company's goals and
resources. Only the most promising ideas move forward to the next stage.

3. Concept Development and Testing: The selected ideas are further developed into product
concepts. Concepts involve detailed descriptions of the product's features, benefits, and target
market. These concepts are then tested with a sample of the target market to gather feedback
and assess customer acceptance.

4. Business Analysis: In this stage, a thorough analysis of the potential profitability and financial
viability of the new product is conducted. Factors such as development costs, production costs,
pricing, market size, competition, and revenue projections are considered to determine the
product's feasibility and potential return on investment.

5. Product Development: Once the business analysis indicates a positive outcome, the actual
product development process begins. This stage involves designing and engineering the
product, creating prototypes, conducting testing, and refining the product based on feedback.

6. Market Testing: Before launching the product on a larger scale, it is often tested in a specific
market or limited geographical area. This allows for further assessment of customer response,
market demand, and any necessary adjustments or improvements before a full-scale launch.

7. Commercialization: At this stage, the product is ready for full-scale production and marketing.
Marketing strategies are implemented, including branding, promotion, distribution, and pricing
decisions. The product is launched in the target market, and efforts are made to generate
awareness, attract customers, and drive sales.

4.2 Classification of New Product Development

1. Technological Innovation
• Global Positioning System: This feature is for locating the missing keys with accurate
location and distance.
• Transmitting radio frequency from the Findr remote to the tag in order to increase the
accuracy and precision to locate the missing keys.

2. Market Segment
• Working adult: The adults with busy schedule for work tends to forget something and
key are one of the things we often forgot as an adult. Whether we left our keys in the
workplace or forgot them in our car, it is convenient to have Findr in our pocket so we
will not lose our important personal stuff like housekeys.
• Students: students always rush to attend their class and since they always on their
smartphone to texts or to use social media, they can make sure that they brought their
keys simply by using the application on their smartphone.

3. Charging and Power Management

• Rechargeable power: Findr has built in alkaline batteries which are rechargeable. This
feature is to keep the usage cost so the user does not need to buy new batteries every
time the batteries run out.

4. Connectivity and Data Transfer

• Findr remote will transmit a radio frequency to the tags and upload the location by
Global Positioning System on the application of the user’s smartphone. A transmitter
produces a radio wave, which is subsequently captured by a receiver. An antenna
enables the transmission of energy into the surrounding space by a radio transmitter,
while a receiver captures energy from the space. Transmitters and receivers are
generally designed to function within specific frequency ranges (Catherine Manning,

4.3 New Development Process

4.3.1 Research & Development

1. Idea Generation

The idea generation of this product came from the modern-day problems face by us and our
personal experience of facing the situation, which is losing important things that are small in
sizes, such as keys. From this, there’s this urgency and needs to come up with a solution to
this small but troublesome problem which would makes our daily activities more efficient. Since
there is only one product which has the similar functions available in the market, there is a need
for competition and producing a product that would include all consumers.

2. Idea Screening

Idea screening is the act of assessing new product concepts early in the development process
to make sure they fulfil the needs of the business, market, and consumers (SurveyMonkey,
2021). All the raw ideas that are generated will be filtered while considering the market trend,
competitors, current product, and existing flaws. The idea of creating a remote key locator
compliments the market trends where more and more products are being created in small sizes
to cater the needs and demands of humans. When the specific idea of what type of product
have been decided, the target audience, initial capital, product value, and potential profitability
can be determined. Since the existing product that has similar functions to the proposed remote
key locator is only available to certain group of users, there’s a lot of room in the market for an
emergence of this remote key locator that will includes all types of users.

3. Market Survey

Market survey is carried out to acquire outside opinions and what preferable functionality should
be included in the product. The method used was a questionnaire via Google Form, to collect
data from consumers. The results were a total of 43 respondents participated in the survey from
different age of groups, background, and careers. Based on the findings, we were able to decide
whether our product is relevant to the community.

4.3.2 Product Design & Features

1. Product Design & Features

I. Remote Control

The remote control is a major part of Findr. It acts as a transmitter and is equipped with buttons
that helps users to locate their missing keys. The transmitter can send radio frequencies for up
to 70 meters in an open space. The remote is rechargeable and will no be required to change
its batteries frequently which will cut cost for the consumers.

II. Buddy

The “buddy” is the component that acts as a receiver and is attached to the keys, like keychains.
This buddy helps the remote to locate the location of the keys when signal is being transmitted,
which the buddy will have blinking lights and a beeping sound will be produced. The buddy is
powered by a rechargeable battery, same as the remote control.

III. Torch

Findr is equipped with a torch or flashlight on the top part of the remote that can be turn on and
off using the button on the remote. This torch helps users to locate keys in dark spots and areas
with less lighting.

IV. Dock Base

The dock base acts as a stand holder and charger for the remote control. The dock base will
ensure that the remote control is always ready to be used and the remote would not be

V. Two-Way Search

Other than using the remote control, Findr can also be utilized using an integrated app. This
app will use the GPS function to know the exact location of the missing items or keys. This two-
way method also broadens the market to all ages since not all users are familiar with
technology, especially the elderlies.

VI. Charging and Power Management

Findr has built in alkaline batteries which are rechargeable. This feature is to keep the usage
cost so the user does not need to buy new batteries every time the batteries run out.

2. Physical & Artistic Design

I. Material
The main material used to create Findr is acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, or ABS Plastic, which
is a type of hard plastic. This material is used because it is lightweight, which will not add extra
weight when being attached to the keys, and also will not face the risk of rust or corrosion. It
also has good thermal range and control which makes it comfortable on the hand.

II. LED lights

Findr can operate a maximum of 4 locators on a single device. Each of the buddy is equipped
with different LED colours to differentiate it between one another. The LED lights also function
as an indicator to ensure whether the buddy still have enough battery power to be used.

III. Keyring & Neodymium Magnet

The buddy is equipped with a keyring used to insert keys that have ring holes on it. For other
metal object that is not a key, neodymium magnet is equipped inside the buddy to help it to stay
attached with the metal items.

IV. Product Design

The remote is designed in a rectangular shape that ensure grip on the user’s hands. Meanwhile,
the buddy is designed in a oval shape so that it can be used in any situation and kept in any
place that compliments its shape.

V. Product Parameters

Figure 3.0 Parameters of Findr

4.3.3 Concept Testing

Concept testing is a method for determining whether a new or updated product provides users with
what they're looking for. The primary purpose of concept testing is to estimate consumer reactions to a
product idea before committing substantial funds to it. Additionally, concept test is used to determine
the potential target market and how the concept might be improved (William L Moore, 1982). The
opinions of the consumers are collected as data to determine whether our product is a necessity and
relevant for the current market trend. The motive of doing concept testing for Findr is to expose
consumers about what our product is about and how can it help in their daily lives. This method will also
help us improve on the long run for us to upgrade our product to meet with future market demands and
updated technologies.

1. Verbal Description
Findr is a solution to our small, modern-day but troublesome problems. It is a small device
designed to help you find misplaced or lost keys, consists of three main components which are
a remote control, a buddy and a dock base. Findr is designed to be sleek and practical to the
ergonomics factors of the human body and is very easy to be used. Other than using the remote
control, which is using a radio frequency transmission technology, Findr can also be used using
an app from our mobile phone. This app activates the GPS function of Findr, which is not
available on the remote control, so that the location of lost keys that are attached to a buddy
can determined precisely. Findr can be considered as a necessity in this modern day since keys
are a small item and can easily be lost if it is misplaced. Other than keys, Findr can practically
be used on small item such as tv or air-conditioner remote, purse, wallets and more.

2. Render
A realistic image of the product is produced to provide consumers with how the final product
will look like. Through rendering, consumers can also see the difference between our products
and existing products that has quite similar functionality.

Apple Air Tag Findr

Figure 4.0 Apple Airtag & Findr

The Apple Airtag is a product by Apple, which is only can be used by Apple devices’ user and it
is available on the market with an expensive price. Meanwhile, Findr is a product that can be
used on any mobile device through its application online. Other than that, Findr can also
function without the usage of a mobile device through its component which is the remote
control, and it also will be available with an affordable price to compete with the Apple Airtag.

3. Consumers Data
We also have acquired opinions and data from our consumer during the Research &
Development stage (R&D) through questionnaire via Google Form, to help us decide what
functionality will be interpreted on Findr.

Our group has measured the user response through a survey that was conducted using google
form. The questionnaire contains several parts which are:

Figure 5.0 The respondents to often misplace or have difficulty finding their remote keys

Based on the pie chart in Figure above, A majority of 40 people frequently experience the frustration of
misplacing or struggling to locate their remote keys, while a small minority of 3 individuals seem to be
exempt from this common struggle. This shows how it is the common problem faced by many individuals
on a daily basis.

Figure 6.0 The respondents to features they would expect in a smart remote key locator

Based on the chart in Figure above, when it comes to the features that people expect in a smart remote
key locator, the results from a survey of 33 individuals reveal some interesting insights. The feature that
garnered the highest percentage of votes, with a significant 33 people in agreement, was smartphone
app integration. This indicates a growing demand for seamless connectivity and the ability to control
and track the key locator using a smartphone, which aligns with the increasing reliance on mobile
devices in our daily lives. Coming in closely behind, with a commendable 28 people supporting it, is the
feature of an audible alarm. This demonstrates that users highly value an audible alert system that can
help them locate their keys with ease, even in scenarios where the keys might be misplaced or hidden.
Another feature that was held in high regard, also receiving 28 votes, is long battery life. It seems that
people prioritize a key locator that can withstand the test of time and provide reliable performance
without frequently requiring battery replacements or recharges.

Figure 7.0 shows the preferred method of receiving alerts when they cannot find the remote keys

In a recent survey conducted among a group of 43 individuals, it was revealed that smartphone
notifications emerged as the most favoured method for receiving alerts when faced with the predicament
of misplaced remote keys. This technologically advanced approach garnered the highest percentage of
preference, with an impressive majority of participants, accounting for a substantial 34 individuals,

expressing their inclination towards this mode of alert delivery. Additionally, the survey also revealed
that a significant number of participants, precisely 33 individuals, indicated a preference for sound alerts
on dedicated locator devices. These devices, specifically designed to assist in locating misplaced items,
emit audible alerts when triggered.

Figure 8.0 shows how much they would be willing to invest in a smart remote key locator with the
desired features.

In this survey conducted among a group of 43 individuals, it was discovered that a significant portion of
the participants expressed a strong interest in investing in a smart remote key locator with specific
desired features. The findings unveiled that out of the 43 respondents, a notable number of 17
individuals were more than willing to allocate a budget ranging from RM 100 to RM 150 for this
innovative device, showcasing their enthusiasm for acquiring a high-quality product that aligns with their
needs and preferences. Furthermore, the survey results also shed light on the fact that 13 participants
expressed a willingness to invest in a smart remote key locator at a price point lower than RM 100. This
subset of individuals, although seeking a more budget-friendly option, still recognized the value and
utility of such a device and were open to exploring cost-effective solutions that fulfil their requirements.

4.3.4 Build Design

1. The 2D design of Findr was developed by using SketchUp. This prototype shows the main
components of this product provide the consumers with the rough ideas and design of Findr,
and if it will be deemed practical for daily usage.

Remote Control (Transmitter)

(Charger Deck)

Buddy (Receiver)

Neodymium Magnet

Figure 9.0 2D Design of Findr

2. The 3D design has also been produced by using the same software, SketchUp. This is to
enhance the visual appearance of Findr so that it will be more accurate to the real version of
the product. Consumers can also see the practicality and aesthetic of Findr through a more
accurate representation, which is the 3D design.

Remote Control (Transmitter)

Charger Deck

Buddy (Receiver)

Figure 10.0 3D Prototype of Findr

4.3.5 Test Marketing

Test marketing is a method that aims to explore consumer response to a product or marketing campaign
by making it available on a limited basis to test markets before a wider release (Katie Terrell Hanna,
2023). Our method of test marketing is by showing potential consumers our 3D design of Findr and
giving a brief explanation about our product. The responses we receive was our product would help
keep an eye out for their keys or other small objects that can be operated by Findr. The respondents
were chosen based on the questionnaire we made, who has the tendency to lose their keys and small
items, which they all have in common.

Figures 11.0 Product Exposure & Feedback session with potential consumers.

4.3.6 Consumer Trend Canvas


Locator Coming up with a product

Apple Airtag that enable consumer to
Device • Easy to be
find small size lost items.
used for all
• Practical and
• Affordable and
• Solution to a
troublesome Remote Key Locator
problem. (Findr)

• An easier way to help

people to save the • More products • Products and
troublesome of finding or devices are services are
small missing things. getting smaller getting more
in size now to and more
• To counter the make it easier digitalised and
carelessness of human for human to more varieties.
Every person that
being use.
owns a key or small

Figure 12.0 Consumer Trend Canvas (CTC)

A Consumer Trend Canvas is a visual framework that helps in understanding and analysing of new
trends, consumer behaviour, and market dynamics by organisations and businesses. It offers a
methodical method for recognising and analysing trends, allowing businesses to modify their strategy
and product lines accordingly. From this canvas, the basic needs can be determined, and an idea can
be generated through the inspiration of a product. Drivers of change is a crucial part of the product to
create a long-term and short-term milestone that needs to be achieved. From the expectations of the
consumers, criteria can be set, and limitations can be kept ensuring the satisfaction of potential users.
From the analysis of the trends, a product that caters the need of the many can be produce, which is
Findr, a remote key locator, designed for every person who owns keys and important small things,

5.0 Conclusion

In conclusion, the production of a remote key locator device offers significant advantages and
convenience to users in their daily lives. This compact and practical device is designed to alleviate the
frustration and time wasted in searching for misplaced keys. By incorporating advanced technology,
such as radio frequencies transmission or GPS, the remote key locator device allows users to easily
locate their keys within a certain range or even track their whereabouts using a smartphone app that
uses GPS. The research and development of a remote key locator device involves careful planning,
design, and market study to ensure its functionality, reliability, and user-friendliness. Attention to detail
during design stage ensures the device's practicality, portability, and ease of use.

Once produced, the remote key locator will undergo some quality control checks and testing to
guarantee their performance and durability will satisfy consumers satisfaction. This ensures that users
can rely on the device to consistently locate their keys and withstand everyday wear and tear. The
impact of remote key locator devices extends beyond personal convenience. By reducing the time spent
searching for misplaced keys, these products contribute to increased productivity and decreased stress
levels for individuals. Additionally, they help promote sustainability by minimizing unnecessary waste
generated from replacing lost keys. As technology advances, we can anticipate further improvements
in this product. Future improvement may incorporate additional features, such as enhanced range, voice
command integration, or integration with smart home systems. With ongoing innovation, remote key
locator devices have the potential to become even more efficient and seamlessly integrated into our
daily lives.

In summary, the production of remote key locator devices provides a practical and valuable
solution to the common problem of misplaced keys. By combining advanced technology with careful
design and development, these devices offer convenience, reliability, and improved productivity for
users. As we look to the future, we can expect further advancements in this field, making remote key
locator devices even more indispensable in our lives.

6.0 References

1. Moore, W.L., 1982. Concept testing. Journal of business research, 10(3), pp.279-294.

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6. Selvi, M.R., Deekshitha, B., Deeptha, B. and Divya, P., SMART KEY DETECTOR.

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9. Klompmaker, J.E., 1976. Test Marketing in New Product Development. Harvard Business
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11. Manning, C. (ed.) (2021) What are radio waves?, NASA. Available at:
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12. A&C Plastic, A.P. (2021) Plastic Electrical Enclosures: A guide to plastic electronic enclosures -
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12. Reddy, S. (2014) Why we misplace our keys, phones, wallets, The Wall Street Journal. Available
at: https://www.wsj.com/articles/why-we-misplace-our-keys-phones-wallets-1397517054
(Accessed: 20 June 2023).

7.0 Appendices

Figure 13.0 Promotional Poster for Findr


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