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This CONTRACT OF LEASE is made and executed by and between:

---------------------------------------. represented by
------------------------------------, Authorized Officer, of
legal capacity , Filipino, with business address at
----------- City, hereinafter referred to as LESSOR;


-------------------------------------------, Filipino,
married, of legal age, with residential address
hereinafter referred to as LESSEE;


WHEREAS, [PREMISES]1, the LESSOR offers to lease, and the LESSEE

accepts, the said offer to lease a room ------------------------------------------------.

NOW THEREFORE, for an in consideration of the foregoing terms and

conditions, the parties have hereto agreed as follows:

1. PERIOD – That this CONTRACT OF LEASE shall be for a period of 12 months

commencing on January 5, 2023 up to January 5 2024 subject to renewal
under such terms and conditions as maybe agreed upon by the parties.
Likewise, the extension or renewal of the same should be mutually and freely
agreed by both parties within thirty (30) days prior to its expiration;

2. PURPOSE – The LESSEE shall engage repair and repainting of rooms.

3. RENTAL - The monthly rental of the leased premises shall be ₱ 10,000 a

month starting January 5, 2023 up to January 5, 2024 with 5% a month
interest in incase of default.

4. ADVANCE RENTAL AND DEPOSIT – That, upon signing of this contract,

the LESSEE shall pay/issue check(s) to the LESSOR the following sum(s) of:

4.1 Php 10,000 representing ONE (1) month rental advance

payable upon signing hereof;
4.2 Php 20,000 representing two (2) months rental deposit.
( Php. 10,000.00 to pay upon signing of this contract and the
other Php. 10,000.00 will be paid in 2 equal months or Php/
5,000.00 per month from January to February 2023.

5. PRE-TERMINATION – That this contract may be pre-terminated by either
party subject to a thirty (3) written notice with pre-termination penalty
equivalent to TWO (2) MONTHS RENTAL shall be imposed upon any party who
shall opt to do so;

6. REPAIRS – The LESSEE shall shoulder minor repairs, replacement of faucet,

bulbs and other gadgets or parts in the leased premises while major repairs due
to ordinary wear and tear of the leased premises shall be the responsibility of
the LESSOR. The LESSEE shall exert due diligence to maintain the property in
good tenantable condition;

7. ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES – The LESSEE is prohibited to conduct any form of

illegal activities or business and/or wrongful conduct within the lease premises.
Any or all business undertaking of the LESSEE must be duly registered with all
appropriate government agencies concerned. Any or all liability incurred due to
or attributable to the business of the LESSEE or any activity held within the
lease premises shall be for the account of the LESSEE;

8. UTILITIES and DUES - The LESSEE shall be responsible to pay dues, and
the utility bills on the leased premises during the entire duration of the lease
such as MERALCO and water charges based on consumption shall be billed on
actual consumption per NAWASA/DEEPWELL billing.

9. IMPROVEMENTS –Upon signing hereof, the LESSOR undertakes to

install/create (1) CR and one (1) shower room in the leased premises to
prepare a more conducive place to stay . Any and all repairs within the
premises shall be undertaken by the LESSEE and at his expense. However, in
the event that new improvements will be introduced by the LESSEE, the same
can only be done upon prior written approval of the LESSOR, the LESSEE shall
have no right of reimbursement from the LESSOR. Other improvements such as
installation of signage and furniture and fixtures to be used must be duly
approved by the LESSOR to preserve the aesthetics of the building;

10. OWNERSHIP ON IMPROVEMENTS – In case the LESSEE refuses to

renew the contract at the expiration of this contract, the LESSOR shall become
the owner without reimbursement of the fixed improvements made and
introduced by the LESSEE on the premises including, but not limited to the
buildings, fences, gates, water supply and system, ground improvements,
electrical and telephone wirings etc., except machineries, furniture’s and
equipment’s. This CONTRACT shall serve as the Deed of Assignment of such
rights of ownership without need of a separate document.

11. VIOLATIONS - In case of violation of the foregoing terms and conditions

includes the following:

11.1 The failure of the LESSEE to pay at least two (2) months rentals shall
automatically result to the termination of the lease contract and the
LESSEE shall automatically forfeit the entire deposit by way of
liquidated damages, in addition to other damages for which the
LESSEE may be held liable;

11.2 Illegal sub-leasing of the LESSEE shall automatically results to
termination of contract and shall result to forfeiture of the entire
rental deposit;

11.3 In addition, the LESSOR is deemed authorized by the LESSEE to

padlock the leased premises and to break open the leased premises,
take possession of personal properties belonging to the LESSEE within
the leased premises thereby the LESSEE shall have the right to hold
the same until payment has been made by the LESSEE or for the
LESSOR to conduct public auction sale of such personal properties, at
the option of the LESSOR;

12. ABANDONMENT - In case of abandonment of the premises by the LESSEE

without the knowledge of the LESSOR and there is no amount owing to the
LESSOR, the LESSOR is nevertheless deemed authorized to break open and
take possession of the leased premises and immediately offer the same for
lease to other interested LESSEE, any and all personal properties and
belongings of the LESSEE left therein shall be held in trust by the LESSOR for a
period of two (2) months, subject to reimbursement of storage charges. After
expiration of the said period, if the LESSEE fail to claim these properties, the
LESSOR is thereby authorized to dispose or sell the same in whatever way
beneficial, the proceeds of the sale shall be again held in trust for the LESSEE
by the LESSOR, subject to whatever expenses the LESSOR may have incurred
in this connection;

13. WARRANTY - That the LESSOR shall defend the right of the LESSEE to
occupy the leased premises against third persons who may try to evict or eject
the LESSEE during the existence of the LEASE CONTRACT. In case of eviction
of the LESSEE by third person, the LESSOR shall be liable for DAMAGES;


acknowledges that the leased premises are in good and tenantable condition
and agrees to keep the same in the same condition;

15. SUB-LEASE - The LESSEE is hereby prohibited to SUB-LEASE the

premises to third persons unless there is prior written approval of the LESSOR;

16. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND OTHER RULES – That during the entire
period of the lease, the LESSEE shall have all the rights to use the room and
improvements so constructed on the leased premises and as such, shall comply
strictly with all laws, orders, rules and regulations promulgated by the
government authorities. It shall also comply with the LESSOR’s Rules and
Regulations2 regarding peace and order situation in the property, its
maintenance and preservation, proper management of visitors, guests and
even the LESSEE’s staff or workers in going IN and OUT of premises.

17. INSTALLATIONS AND RISKS – That the LESSEE shall not install or
dismantle in the leased premises, such installation as would cause nuisance
thereon or keep in the premises any combustible and inflammable materials,
which may constitute fire hazard;

17.1. Construction or dismantling of anything like permanent fixtures shall

require prior knowledge and consent of the LESSOR;

18. INSPECTION – That during the effectively of this lease, the LESSEE shall
allow the LESSOR or its authorized representative to enter into the leased
premises for the purpose of inspecting the same;

19. MORTGAGE AND SALE – That the LESSOR reserves the right to
mortgage, sell or otherwise dispose of the property provided that the rights of
the LESSEE under this lease are respected. However, the LESSEE will be given
the priority to buy the same;

20. CESSATION OF CONTRACT – The destruction of the leased premises

caused by natural or man-made calamities such as earthquakes, war, fires,
hurricanes, etc. put an end to the LEASE CONTRACT;

21. NON COMPLIANCE – That the Lessee is hereby enjoined to faithfully

comply with the terms and conditions of this CONTRACT, otherwise, any
violation hereof would entitle the Lessor to eject the Lessee, refuse entry to the
premises and/or padlock the premises and to retain any and all properties and
belongings of the latter until full settlement of his obligation should there be

22. AMENDMENTS OR MODIFICATION – That this agreement may not

hereafter modified or innovated except by other instrument duly signed by the
parties hereof;

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hand this
____________________, at the City of ---------------, Metro Manila.



Authorized Officer



CITY OF -------- )

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in and for the City of ---------- personally
appeared before me, the following person(s) and exhibited to me his/her/their
____________________________ Nos. ___________________________ and
__________________________ issued at _________________________ and
_______________________ on _________________________ known to be the
same person(s) who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledge to me
that the same is his/her/their own free voluntary act and deed.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL this _____ day of

_____________________, Philippines.

Notary Public

Doc. No. ______

Page No. ______
Book No. ______
Series of 2023.

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