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Nacana, Arianne Lois

1. Do people need technology in their lives? Is it a necessity?
Technology has had a positive impact on our lives by solving problems associated with
daily life and making tasks easier to perform. As a result of technological advancements, farming
has become easier, cities have become more feasible, and travel is more convenient, among other
things. In addition to facilitating globalization, it also facilitates economic growth across all
countries on earth. Technology allows us to accomplish virtually all aspects of our lives more
conveniently, effectively, and quickly, resulting in fewer problems in one way and more
problems in another.
As humans advance into the future, it will become more vital than ever for engineers to
conduct their work with greater diligence and responsibility, and for end users to strike a balance
between the use of technological systems and time-tested methods for accomplishing tasks in a
more efficient, productive way.

2. How do you reconcile the ‘need’ for technology and the dilemma/s it faces?
In my perspective, the need for technology has yet to reach its peak, to render that its
dilemmas cause more harm than the good it serves won't benefit us, but recognizing and figuring
out a way to solve those dilemmas would equalize and eventually reconcile that the need for
technology weighs more than the effects of the different quandaries that it faces.

3. Should there be an ethics of technology?

Yes, there should. It's important to be knowledgeable about the usage of technology as it
may affect not only our lives but others as well, technology gives us great advantages that ease
our way of living, but it isn't secure from being taken advantage of. You should be able to
recognize the good and the bad in the usage of technology, as it has a great impact on its users. It
is important to be aware of netiquettes, to both avoid committing and to avoid experiencing the
negative side of technology, specifically the “Internet”.
Digital Era
Time has gone when people had something to say.. Emoji's express human expression

Socialism and family celebration is an old trend.. These days everything happen on

Love has no definition to narrate. GIF explains human feelings in detail!!

Finger tips have changed their shape.. Many surgeons have patients waiting at their

Technology flourish by leaps and bound.. It has changed human life, no matter he is
young or old!!!!

Gizmos has over taken human life.Sometimes I wonder does oxygen still require to

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