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Basic Education department

Senior High School – North Campus

Activity Evaluation Form

Activity Title: ______________________________________________________ Activity Date: _________________

Program Duration (as indicated in the event details): ___________________________________________________

Actual Program Start Time: ________________ Actual Program End Time: ________________

Instructions: Please provide your feedback and assessment of the activity by marking the appropriate response for
each criterion. All attendees in the event, including the organizers and committee members, MUST comply with the
Activity Evaluation Form within 72 hours after the end of the activity.

I. General Information

Name of Evaluator: ___________________________ Role in the Activity: ______________________

Overall, how would you rate this activity? (Check one)

________ Excellent
________ Very Good
________ Good
________ Fair
________ Poor

II. Objectives and Purpose

1. Were the objectives of the activity clear and well-communicated?

________ Strongly Agree

________ Agree
________ Neutral
________ Disagree
________ Strongly Disagree

2. Did the activity align with the school's mission and educational goals?

________ Strongly Agree

________ Agree
________ Neutral
________ Disagree
________ Strongly Disagree

III. Organization and Planning

1. How well was the activity organized and planned?

________ Very Well

________ Well
________ Adequate
________ Poorly
________ Very Poorly

2. Were the logistics (venue, materials, schedule) effectively managed?

________ Very Effective

________ Effective
________ Somewhat Effective
________ Ineffective
________ Very Ineffective

w w w. u s c . e d u . p h
Basic Education department
Senior High School – North Campus

IV. Participation and Engagement

1. Did the participants actively engage in the activity?

________ Actively Engaged

________ Engaged
________ Somewhat Engaged
________ Disengaged
________ Highly Disengaged

2. Were there opportunities for all participants to contribute and participate?

________ Always
________ Often
________ Occasionally
________ Rarely
________ Never

V. Learning Outcomes

1. Did the activity contribute to the achievement of educational goals?

________ Significantly
________ Moderately
________ Slightly
________ Not at all

2. Did participants gain new knowledge, skills, or experiences?

________ Yes, to a great extent

________ Yes, to some extent
________ No, very little
________ No, none at all

VI. Communication and Feedback

1. Was communication about the activity clear and timely?

________ Always
________ Often
________ Occasionally
________ Rarely
________ Never

2. Was feedback collected and used for improvement?

________ Extensively
________ Somewhat
________ Minimally
________ Not at all

VII. Overall Satisfaction

Overall, how satisfied were you with the activity?

________ Very Satisfied

________ Satisfied
________ Neutral
________ Dissatisfied
________ Very Dissatisfied

w w w. u s c . e d u . p h
Basic Education department
Senior High School – North Campus

VIII. Suggestions for Improvement

Please provide any suggestions or recommendations for improving future activities.












Evaluated by: ____________________________

(Signature Over Printed Name)

Received by: _________________________

(Signature Over Printed Name)

w w w. u s c . e d u . p h
Basic Education department
Senior High School – North Campus

Date: _______________________________

w w w. u s c . e d u . p h

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