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Celebration in my country

English work

The Independence Day in Indonesia

Independence Day is known as “Hari ulang tahun kemerdekaan
republik Indonesia” that is shortened to HUT RI. Here, we
celebrate by hoisting the national flag
and does celebrations or festivals like
games, performance and more. When
Independence Day, people decorate
their transportations with white and
red colors symbolizing the national flag.

People celebrates Independence Day in August 17

every year because it was made a national holiday by
government decree in 1946. There are a lot of games we can do
when we are celebrating Independence Day like Panjat Pinang.
Balap Karung, makan Kerupuk, balap Bakiak, balap Kelereng
and more. This celebration has been done by us everywhere
when Independence Day.
There are also competitions that have huge prizes such as
money. Lots of people would compete for that. People would
use white and red headband or white and red sticker on their
face to represent the national flag and wear them for
Independence Day. People in Indonesia would celebrate this
anywhere. Schools would celebrate this by doing games and
hoisting the national flag. The national anthem, Indonesia Raya
will be sing by people when hoisting the national flag.

In schools, they would tell the students to wear red and

white clothes or batik clothes. Batik is a traditional clothes that
can be used anywhere
especially for Independence
Day. More games such as,
making yell-yells and tug of
war. Independence Day is
an important and fun
celebration for Indonesian

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