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Perception of Nursing as Science

Nursing is often perceived as a profession driven by compassion and empathy, and while these qualities
are essential to the practice, nursing is equally based in science. It is the fusion of science and
compassion that makes nursing a unique and crucial part of the healthcare system. In this essay, we will
explore the scientific foundation of nursing and how they contribute to the delivery of high-quality
patient care.

A solid foundation of medical and biological sciences forms the basis of nursing. A deep knowledge of
anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and pathology is necessary for nurses. Their capacity to diagnose
patients, safely deliver drugs, and offer comprehensive care is based on this scientific understanding.
Nurses would be unable to meet the complicated health demands of their patients without this scientific
foundation. The involvement of science in nursing contributed a greater visualization and enhances
experties for this profession. Alligood (2018) claims that scientists are undecided as to whether to
classify nursing as a basic or applied science. Nursing entails using the corpus of information learned
through fundamental sciences, such as cell anatomy, to solve practical problems. In addition, it makes
use of evidence-based practice through research to address health-related issues. Nursing theories,
according to Alligood (2018), serve as the foundation for nursing practice to address health-related
issues. As a result, nursing is an applied science since it uses information from the basic sciences to
address health-related concerns with a focus on the patient.

Moreover, nursing embraces evidence-based practice. Integrating evidence-based practice (EBP) into
the daily practice of healthcare professionals has the potential to improve the practice environment as
well as patient outcomes (Abu-Baker et, al. 2012). This commitment to evidence ensures that nursing
care is not merely based on tradition but on concrete scientific inquiry and the latest research findings.

In conclusion, nursing is both an art and a science, with science forming the foundation upon which
compassionate care is built. The combination of scientific knowledge, evidence-based practice, and
technology enables nurses to provide safe, effective, and patient-centered care. Nursing as a science
ensures that patients receive the best possible care based on the latest research and clinical expertise,
making it an crucial and dynamic component of modern healthcare.

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