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Q.1 Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals.
A. On the Annual Day celebrations, the Principal delivered a lecture, “Good Evening Children, you all
(1) ________ be the future policy makers, hence you (2) ________ obey your teachers. You (3)
________ always try to win over the confidence of your superiors. You must not leave any stone
unturned and you (4) _____ not worry about the result. Take a pledge that you (5) ________ obey and
respect your elders. You (6) _______ take whatever stream you like but excel in the path chosen.
1. a. will b. would c. can d. should
2. a. shall b. ought to c. should d. can
3. a. should b. would c. may d. has to
4. a. need b. should c. would d. shall
5. a. should b. may c. can d. might
6. a. can b. may c. might d. would

Q.2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals.

1. He _________ (not) go out as it is raining.
2. The meeting will start just now. They _______ be present.
3. They _______ start early as it was getting dark.
4. You _______ not pluck flowers from the garden.
5. She ______ stay up late. She is unwell.
6. We ________ to spend our money carefully.
7. __________ you go there?
8. Come what may, I ________ finish it by today.
9. They ________ abuse the beggars.
10. We ________ look after our aged parents.

Q.3 Complete the dialogue conversation using appropriate modals.

MANISH: I (1) _________ practice wrestling every day.
RASHID : But you (2) _______ not overexert yourself so much.
MANISH: I (3) _________ win the competition at any cost.
RASHID : You (4) _________ remember that our health takes priority over other things.
MANISH: Oh yes! You (5) __________ worry. I am careful about my health.

Q.4 Given below are two (2) extracts; one is a newspaper article and the other is a Notice for Library
Clearance. Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals.
20 April, Jammu: Cross-border terrorism has become a major concern for the country. With the arrest
of two terrorists, it is clear that we (1) ________ tackle these problems practically. All political parties
(2) ________ come forward and overcome their differences. The paramilitary forces (3) __________
be equipped with the latest weapons and the Border Security Force (4) __________ be alerted to
watch out for further action.

All the XII Std students are hereby informed that they (1) _______ get their library clearance done
before their session ends. Students (2) ________ be required to deposit their library cards and (3)
_________ have to pay a fine if there is any delay. In case of any irregularity, they (4) _______ not be
allowed to appear for their board exams.

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