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Term of Reference

2nd International Conference on

NatuRE-Based Solution In CLImatE ChangE
A. International Conference RESILIENCE 2023
Pertamina through Pertamina Foundation and Universitas Pertamina will hold an international conference
with the title: International Conference on Nature-based Solution in Climate Change (RESILIENCE) 2023
on Friday, 24th November 2023 at Ballroom Grha Pertamina, Jakarta, Indonesia. This theme means the key
challenges and opportunities to address climate change by harnessing the powerof ecosystems.
The RESILIENCE 2023 is a forum for:
• Uniting researcher, scientists, academics, policy-makers, and professionals to exchange information
and identify research needs in the climate field
• Enhancing the high visibility of publications for the research community
• Developing the value of contribution in the continuous development of research and technology
in energy dan climate change.

The keynote speakers in the RESILIENCE 2023 are:

1. Keynote speaker 2 : Prof. Lee Chun Hung
Institution : Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, College of
Environmental Studies, National Dong Hwa University
Topic : Nature-based Solution for Climate Change Adaptive Capacity

2. Keynote speaker 3 : Dr. Ahmad Aldrie Amir

Institution : Institute for Environment and Development (LESTARI),
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Topic : Blue Carbon as Coastal Ecosystem for Climate Change Mitigation

3. Keynote speaker 2 : Andreas A. Hutahaean, Ph.D

Institution : Deputy Director Coordinating of Ministry for Maritime and Investment Affairs
Republic of Indonesia
Topic : Marine Ecosystem for Climate Change Mitigation

Apart from international keynote speaker sessions, the RESILIENCE 2023 also provides opportunities for
researchers to show the results of research that has been carried out. There are 8 topics that will be raised
in this conference, namely:
• Forest Conservation and Restoration
• Afforestation and Reforestation
• Agroforestry and Sustainable Agriculture Practices
• Wetland Restoration and Mangrove Conservation
• Blue Carbon Ecosystem
• Urban Green Spaces
• Renewable Energy in Natural Areas
• Ecosystem-based Adaptation
B. Schedule RESILIENCE 2023
Time Activity Description
07.30 - 08.00
Registration Registration for Audience and Paper Presenter
(30 Minutes)
- Safety Briefing
- Welcoming Announcement
- The National Anthem of Indonesia
08.00 - 09.00
Opening - Speech by Agus Mashud S. Asngari
(60 Minutes)
- Speech by Nicke Widyawati or representing
- Speech by Siti Nurbaya or representing
- Photo Session
09.00 - 09.10
Bridging MC Introduce the Opening Speech Person
(10 Minutes)
09.10 - 09.40 Topic: Bioenergy as Nature-based Solution in Climate Change
Opening Speech
(30 Minutes)
09.40 - 09.50
Bridging MC Introduce the Moderator
(10 Minutes)
Topic: Nature-based Solution for Climate Change Adaptive Capacity
Speaker 1: Prof. Lee Chun Hung
Topic: Blue Carbon as Coastal Ecosystem for Climate Change Mitigation
09.50 - 11.10 Speaker 2: Dr. Ahmad Aldrie Amir
Keynote Speakers
(80 Minutes) Topic 3: Marine Ecosystem for Climate Change Mitigation
Speaker 3: Andreas A. Hutahaean, Ph.D
Moderator: Prof. Rudy Amirta (University of Mulawarman)
Co-Moderator : Dr.Eng., Nova Ulhasanah (University of Pertamina)
11.10 - 11.20 Closing Plenary
MC Close the Session and Inform about the Session after Friday Prayer
(10 Minutes) Session
11.20 - 12.30 Friday Prayer and
(70 Minutes) Lunch
Registration for Presenter
12.30 - 13.15 Opening Parallel
(30 Minutes) Session Announcement for Parallel Session (Hybrid)
Photo Session
13.15 - 15.45
Parallel Session 3 rooms onsite, 5 rooms online (Zoom)
(150 Minutes)
15.45 - 16.00
Closing Speech Prof. Dr. Techn., Djoko Triyono
(15 Minutes)
16.00 - 16.15
Awarding Category: Best Paper and Best Presenter
(15 Minutes)

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