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Good morning class

Kindly pick up a pieces of paper or any trash under your chair. Everyone please remaining standing for
the prayer. You may seat

For your attendance class, who’s absent? Why are they absent?

Okay, Again Good morning my name is Ellaine Daprosa and I’ll be your teacher for today, nice meeting
you again. How’s your morning class? Are you doing okay? I just wanna say goodluck since tomorrow is
your exam, right? Break a leg everyone

But for now let me present to you our classroom rules, everyone please read

 Ask questions. ( if you are curious or having a hard time understanding a certain topic
 Respect and listen to your classmates.
 Respect and listen to the teacher.
 Do not answer in chorus (Raise your hand to speak.)
 And respect the opinion of other

Is there anything you want to add?

As part of your initial task, it’s necessary to answer this pre- assessment to
assess your existing knowledge. Don’t worry it just a pre test, it’s not recorded.
I’ll give you 5 minutes to answer. you may start now.

I guess you already have an idea about our topic for today. And because of that
do you wanna play a game? Are you familiar with gibberish challenges? When
we say gibberish it’s a muttering, a sentence or a phrase that we couldn’t
Example of gibberish: Be yawn say (beyonce)
For the direction: The class will be divided into five group, and each group will
be given a gibberish phrases to guess the correct word. The group that is the
fastest to get the correct answer will earn a point.

I can see that you enjoy our little game,

The correct words are opinion, facts, I think, in my view, and I would say
Are you familiar with the given words?
When is it normally used?
Cite some examples…
How are you going to use them in a sentence?
Very good. Do you find it simple to convey your thoughts? Do you express your
opinion on new issues as they arise?
So let’s watch and listen to an Asian Boss street interview about what it is like
living in the Philippines. Then later one I’ll ask you some comprehension
Do you understand the video?
1. What is the video all about?
2. Do you agree with their opinions?
3. For you, what’s it like living in the Philippines

According to them, there are a lot of issues and problems that we are facing
today, including poverty and the inflation rate.
The recently released national poverty estimates show that poverty incidence rose from
16.7 percent in 2018 to 18.1 percent in 2021.
At the national level, the headline inflation rate for the Philippines increased to 5.3
percent in August 2023 from 4.7 percent in July 2023. Faster inflation was also
observed in twelve (12) more regions across the country.
So that’s mean their opinion are based on facts. That’s why a lot of us agreed
Your opinion based on fact can make your statement strong and credible. And that
class is our topic for today, Form an opinion based on fact
At the end of the lesson please.

- Define fact and opinion

- Differentiate fact from opinion
- Forms opinions based on facts.

Every day we are introduced to numerous situations that need careful analysis
before you come up with your own judgement
Today, we will learn how to express our personal opinions based on facts,
similar to what is demonstrated in this selection.
Difference between fact and opinion; Facts can be verified by evidence, while opinions
are statements of belief, attitude, value, judgment
How are you going to use those two in forming a strong statement

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