Statistika Two Means Different Test

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A. Introduction

Two Mean Difference Test is a statistical test that compares the means of 2 groups of data.
Or if a researcher wants to know whether the parameters of two populations are different or not,
then the statistical test used is called the difference between two means test. Generally, the
approach taken can be a Z distribution (Z test), or a t distribution (t test). The Z test can be used
if; (1) the population standard deviation (σ) is known, and (2) the sample size is large (> 30). If
these two conditions are not met, then the type of test used is a two sample t-test.
Before we carry out statistical tests on two groups of data, we need to pay attention to
whether the two groups of data come from two independent groups or come from two
dependent groups/pairs. It is said that the two groups of data are dependent if the data of one
group is independent of the data of the second group. On the other hand, the two groups of data
are said to be dependent or paired if the data groups whose data are compared are mutually
dependent. Based on the characteristics of the data, the difference test for two means is divided
into two groups. , namely the test of the difference between two independent means and the
test of the difference in dependent means.


>For large samples (n>30) use the z test
1. If the population standard deviation is known

2. If the population standard deviation is unknown


>For large samples (n>30) use the t test


>Requirements / assumptions that must be met:

1. Data is normally/symmetrically distributed.
2. Both groups of data are independent.
3. The variables to be linked are in numerical and categorical form (with only two groups) and
the variables (data) being tested must be interval or ratio type data.
4. In the t test and F test for two or more samples, the two samples are taken from two
populations that have the same variance.

The principle of testing two means is to see the difference in variation between the two
groups of data. Therefore, in this test information is needed whether the variance of the two
groups being tested is the same or not. The variant form of the two data groups will influence
the standard error value which will ultimately differentiate the test formula.

● Test for Same Variants

𝑛1 or 𝑛2 = number of samples in group 1 or 2
𝑆1 or 𝑆2 = sample standard deviation of groups l and 2
Sp = population standard deviation

● Test For Different Variants

● Homogeneity of Variants Test

>The purpose of this test is to find out whether the variance between one group is the
same as the second data group.
>In F-test calculations, the larger variance is the numerator and the smaller variance is
the denominator.

> Calculation using the F test:

1. Normal data distribution.
2. Both groups of data are dependent f pairs.
3. Variable type: numeric and categorical (two groups).


𝑑 = Average deviation or difference between sample 1 and sample 2
𝑆𝐷𝑑= standard deviation of the deviation or difference between sample 1 and sample 2

1. Someone believes that the average working hours of workers in areas A and B are the
same as alternative A is greater than B. For this reason, samples were taken in both
areas of 100 and 70 respectively with a mean and standard deviation of 38 and 9 hours
respectively. per week and 35 and 7 hours per week. Test this opinion with a real level of
Answer :
n1= 100 x1= 38 Sp1=9
n2= 70 x2= 35 Sp2=7
Ho The average working hours of workers in areas A and B are the same.
H₁ Average working hours of workers in area A > B.
Ho, accepted when Z count < or = Z table
Ho, rejected when Z count > Z table

So, from the calculation above, the calculated Z is greater than the Z table, so the null
hypothesis (Ho) is rejected so that the average working hours of workers in area A are
greater than in area B.

2. A Ministry of Health official was of the opinion that the average nicotine contained in
cigarette A was higher than in cigarette B. To prove his opinion, he was researched by
taking random samples of 10 cigarettes A and 8 cigarettes B. The results of data
processing reported that, the average nicotine content cigarette A is 23.1 mg with a
standard deviation of 1.5 mg. Meanwhile, cigarette B has an average nicotine content of
20.0 mg with a standard deviation of 1.7 mg. Based on this data, test the opinion of the
Ministry of Health official using an alpha of 5%.
Answer: The first step is to check the homogeneity of the variance of the two data using
the F test.
Hypothesis: Ho : 𝜎12 = 𝜎22 (variance of nicotine levels in cigarette A is the same as
variation in nicotine levels in cigarette B)
Ha: 𝜎12 ≠ 𝜎22 (variant nicotine content in cigarette A is different from the
variant in nicotine content in cigarette B)
F Test Calculation:

From the value of F and the two dfs, then look at table F, 𝑑𝑓1=7 as the numerator, and
𝑑𝑓2 = 9 as the denominator. The F distribution table is used to help test hypotheses
where the F distribution table is a help table when using F test statistics. The following
explanation will provide an explanation of how to read and use the F distribution table in
hypothesis testing. One form of F table structure available is as follows:
The table title usually contains information regarding the probability values of the F table
presented. In the example above, the probability is 0.05.

So what is meant by probability in table F? In hypothesis testing, we first determine the

level of significance of our test (usually symbolized by α (alpha)). For example 1%, 5%,
10% and so on. This level/level of significance is the probability in the F table used.

The title of each column starting from the second column (numbers in bold) of the table
is the degree of freedom (df) for the numerator, or known as 𝑑𝑓1. Also often symbolized
in table F with the symbol N1 as in the table above. Next, the title of each row is the
degree of freedom (df) for the denominator, or known as 𝑑𝑓2. Also often symbolized in
table F with the symbol N2 as in the table above.

From testing the hypothesis in the question above, it is known that 𝑑𝑓1 =7 is the
numerator, and 𝑑𝑓2 = 9 is the denominator. So in the F table below, it can be seen that
the F table values are:

In the question above, the value Fcount = 1.28 and Ftable = 3.29 is obtained so that the
decision: H0 fails to be rejected, meaning that the variance in the nicotine content of
cigarette A is the same as the variance in the nicotine content of cigarette B.
The next step is to test the difference in the means of the two groups of data using the t
test for the same variance.

Hypothesis: H0: 𝜇1 = 𝜇2 (mean nicotine content of cigarette A is the same as mean

nicotine content of cigarette B)
H0: 𝜇1 > 𝜇2 (mean nicotine content of cigarette A is higher than cigarette B)

With Ha as above, it means the test is one tail (one direction / one side). Calculation of
the T test:

In the question above, the value of t = 4.1 with df = 16 is obtained, so P<0.0005 so Ho is

rejected (because the P value is smaller than the alpha value, namely 5% = 0.05)

Statistical test decisions:

The calculation results produce a t table value < the calculated t value, so it can be
decided that Ho is rejected, so that by using an alpha of 5% it can be concluded that
statistically the nicotine content of cigarette A is indeed higher than the nicotine content
of cigarette B.

3. A researcher wants to know the effect of Vitamin B12 on anemia. A total of 10 patients
were given vitamin B12 injections and their blood Hb levels were measured before and
after treatment. The measurement results are as follows:
Before: 12.2 11.3 14.7 11.4 11.5 12.7 11.2 12.1 13.3 10.8
After: 13.0 13.4 16.0 13.6 14.0 13.8 13.5 13.8 15.5 13.2
Try to prove whether there is a difference in Hb levels between before and after giving
an injection of Vit B12 with alpha 5%.
H0: 𝛿 ≠ 0 (there is no difference in Hb levels between before and after
administering Vit B12)
Ha: 𝛿 = 0 (there is a difference in Hb levels between before and after giving Vit
t Test Calculation:
The average deviation (d) = 18.6/10 = 1.86
Standard deviation of the deviation value (𝑆𝐷𝑑) = 0.60

From the question above, t = 9.83 and df = 10 - 1 = 9, so the value of t table = 2.26.

Statistical test decisions:

The calculation results produce a value of t = 9.83 > t table value = 2.26, so it can be
decided that H0 is rejected. So by using alpha 5% it can be concluded that, statistically
there is a difference in Hb levels between before and after being given the vitamin B12
4. Diet drug manufacturers want to know the effectiveness of their drugs on weight loss. So
a sample of 10 people was taken and their body weight was weighed before and after
taking diet medication for 1 month.

Determine whether there is a difference in the effectiveness of the drug on weight loss,
alpha = 5%.

So the standard deviation obtained is 12/10= 1.2 and the standard deviation of the
deviation is 2.53 and the number of data (n) is 10. So the T count is:

From the question above, t = 1.50 and df = 10 - 1 = 9, so the value of t table = 2.26.

Statistical test decisions:

The calculation results produce a value of t = 1.50 < t table value = 2.26, so it can be
decided that H0 is not rejected. So by using an alpha of 5% it can be concluded that,
statistically there is no real difference in effectiveness between before and after drug

5. A pair of regional head candidates will conduct vision and mission maturation training for
their 10-person success team. To find out whether the training was effective or not, their
knowledge score regarding the vision and mission before being given the training and
after being given the training was recorded. The following is the score data: (numbers in
the value range 0 to 100)

With a confidence level of 95%, can it be concluded that providing training is effective in
increasing knowledge about the candidate's vision and mission?
Answer :
● Hypothesis
Ho: Providing training is not effective in increasing knowledge about vision and
H1: Providing effective training increases knowledge about vision and mission
● T table with a significance level (alpha) of 5% = 0.05 and df=n-1=10-1=9, so that
the t table has a value of 1.833
● Test Statistics

● The calculated t is 0.417, so the calculated t < t table.

● Conclusion
Because t count < t table, so Ho is accepted. So, providing training is not
effective in increasing knowledge about vision and mmmissi


1. A fish feed company recommends that with its artificial feed at the age of 3 months catfish
can have an average body weight of 500 grams / head. Furthermore, observations were made
in the rearing ponds that used the feed. From a random sample of 36 catfish in the pond, data
on the average body weight of 490 grams / head with a standard deviation of 35 grams were
obtained. Based on these observations, prove whether the feed manufacturer's statement is
true? Use a significance level of 0.05.

2. Suppose from the pond example above, 16 samples were taken and after weighing, it was
found that the average weight was 515 grams/head with a standard deviation of 32 grams.Test
with a significance level of 0.05, is the recommendation correct?

3. A brand of medicine is given to a group of Arowana fish that are suffering from disease. To
determine the effect of the drug, feed consumption was weighed before and after 7 days of
being given the drug. It is asked whether the average measurement before and after treatment
is the same or different. It is necessary to test whether the treatment given has an effect or not.

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