What Are BOM and CPL Files

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What are BOM and CPL files?

Bill of Materials (BOM) and Component Placement List (CPL) are crucial files in

printed circuit board (PCB) design and manufacturing. Both BOM and CPL

provide important information about the components used on a PCB, but

serve different purposes.

A BOM lists all the components used on a PCB and may include additional

details like reference designators, description, manufacturer part numbers,

quantities, etc. It provides a components inventory for procurement, assembly

and testing teams.

CPL data provides location information by mapping components to their

placement positions on the PCB. This facilitates automated pick-and-place

assembly of components onto the bare PCBs.

The BOM File

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Purpose and Contents

A bill of materials contains a list of the components required to build an

electronic product. It serves as a master guide for procuring components and

materials needed for manufacturing the product.

Typical contents of a BOM file:

 Reference designator - identifies each component’s placement on the board

 Description - contains component specifications
 Manufacturer’s part number
 Quantity - number of components
 Reference(s) - indicates the schematic sheet and location
 Supplier and supplier part number
 Package type and dimensions
 Remarks and notes

Additional information may include component characterization, tolerances,

ratings, footprint dimensions, etc.

Here is an example BOM:

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The BOM facilitates procurement of components from suppliers based on the

manufacturing need. It eliminates guesswork and the need to cross-reference

multiple sources to determine required quantities of each component.

BOM Levels

BOMs can exist at multiple levels which provides different grades of

information for different teams:

 Customer BOM - High level components breakup for the end customer’s reference
 Engineering BOM - Detailed view of all components down to the piece part level

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 Manufacturing BOM - Similar to engineering BOM but contains additional info for
manufacturers like preferred suppliers/manufacturers
 Service BOM - Field components view for service technicians including mounting

For example, a customer BOM may just list "Power supply module - 5V" while

the engineering BOM would list every resistor, capacitor, regulator IC and

associated components under the power supply section.

BOM Management Systems

Manually managing BOM information in spreadsheet formats like Excel works

for small scale operations. But as products get complex, purpose built BOM

management software becomes necessary.

BOM systems help avoid manual errors in BOM creation and provide the

following major capabilities:

 BOM generation - Automatically compile component data from CAD tools

 Component database - Central database containing approved manufacturers, suppliers,
parts, lifecycle status, etc.
 Revision control - Manage changes across product lifecycle
 Supply chain integration - Connected workflows covering component sourcing to design,
engineering, test and production
 Analytics - Tracking, reporting and analytics for forecasting demand

Leading BOM management tools include Arena BOM Control, Arena BOM

Connect, & OrchestratedBOM.

The CPL File

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The Component Placement List contains location information on PCBs to place

components accurately. This positioning data aids in automated assembly of

components onto bare boards using pick-and-place machines during


Instead of manual labor to populate printed circuit boards, SMT (Surface

Mount Technology) component placement is performed by intelligently

programmed machines.

The coordination data in the CPL file guides the pick-and-place machine to

identify components, orient them correctly and accurately place them onto

their intended pads.

CPL File Contents

Typical contents of a CPL file:

 Reference designator
 Package footprint name
 Unique component identifier
 Location coordinates - X, Y & rotation angles
 Pick-up coordinates from feeders
 Special assembly/processing instructions

Additional information about adhesive dots, solder paste volumes, assembly

process order, vision recognition patterns etc. may be specified based on

machine platform requirements.

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Here's a snippet from a CPL file:






The coordinate and orientation values guide the machine to accurately

populate the components onto the PCB.

CPL File Generation

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CPL files are typically generated from CAD software tools and contain a wealth

of data to enable automated assembly. This includes:

 PCB layout data from CAD

 Component footprint locations
 Device 3D body information
 Feeder setup locations
 Assembly process order

Popular CPL file formats used across the industry include:

 IPC-2581
 ODB++
 GenCAD

Engineering teams leverage CAD software plugins to streamline the CPL file

creation process including setting up custom placement rules.

This eliminates manually intensive processes of determining placement

sequences, creating intelligent grouping of components, identifying adjoining

parts for optimized flow and managing coordinate values across potentially

thousands of components.

Comparing BOM vs CPL

While BOM and CPL files seem to be closely related, they serve very different

purposes in the electronics production workflow.

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The BOM drives procurement based on the comprehensive component

requirements list for the product. It answers what components are needed

and how many.

The CPL facilitates seamless transition of design data to the production floor

for automated assembly. It provides where the components must be placed.

Interdependencies Between BOM and CPL

While BOM and CPL serve distinct purposes, they have an indirect

interdependency during product manufacturing:

 The BOM informs CPL generation since component selection & quantities drive
placement requirements
 Design changes affect component selection thereby impacting CPL files
 Component procurement is driven by the BOM while CPL determines assembly order
 Inventory reconciliation of used components depends on accuracy of BOM and
assembled PCBs based on CPL
 Component lifecycle changes in the BOM system must sync with latest CPL data
 Optimized sequencing in CPL can minimize changeovers based on intelligent BOM

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Hence cross-discipline data synchronization between engineering, supply

chain and manufacturing teams is crucial.

Let's look at a simple scenario of what happens when there's misalignment

between BOM and CPL data:

 BOM lists component 'X' with 10 quantity needed

 CPL data however places 15 instances of component 'X'
 Only 10 components procured based on the BOM while CPL drives assembly of 15
 Result: 5 boards fail assembly operation due to material unavailability

Such issues can cascade into downstream manufacturing and repair delays

impacting overall time-to-market.

This underscores the need for validating BOM and CPL data concordance as

part of product release.

Implementing BOM-CPL Synchronization

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Electronics hardware businesses need to align their BOM Management and

CPL Generation workflows to avoid costly manufacturing errors resulting from


Here are some ways to implement continuous BOM-CPL synchronization:

Common Data Foundation

 Maintain central product master database as the single source of truth driving both BOM
and CPL data

CAD-ERP Integrations

 Synchronize ERP component records with CAD library parts in real-time

 Automate data exchange between CAD tools, BOM systems and CPL generators

Validation Checks

 Execute periodic batch validation scripts between BOM and CPL databases checking for

Coordinated Workflows

 Institute mandated cross-departmental reviews and change approvals

 Assign ownership of component data integrity across teams

Unified Platform

 Converge BOM management and CPL generation onto a single connected platform

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A unified data foundation, tight design-manufacturing integrations combined

with collaborative workflows provides complete BOM-CPL alignment

minimizing errors.

BOM and CPL - Importance and Best Practices

Maintaining accurate BOM and CPL data is critical for streamlined procurement,

prompt production and optimized costs in electronics manufacturing.

Here are some best practices:

BOM Creation

 Always generate from CAD models, not manual entry

 Maintain standardized component naming
 Control BOM revisions with ECO processes
 Allocate safety stock buffers where needed

CPL Generation

 Leverage DFM analysis in CAD stage

 Define optimal placement rules and sequences
 Setup validation checks before release

Change Management

 Follow strict ECN/ECO processes for engineering changes

 Ensure cross-department data version alignment

Unified Platform

 Converge BOM and CPL onto a single connected system

 Maintain central component database reconciling quantities

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Getting BOM and CPL management right is key to digital thread execution

across product engineering, sourcing and manufacturing. It accelerates

time-to-market by enabling collaborative real-time processes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can BOM and CPL for the same product be in different


Yes, BOM and CPL files can be generated in different formats since they cater

to different teams. BOM formats are usually Excel, CSV or migration-friendly

like XML. CPL formats are optimized for automated assembly like IPC-2581,

ODB++, GenCAD etc. However maintaining some common component

identifiers across BOM-CPL facilitates cross-referencing.

Q2. How frequently should BOM and CPL be compared to ensure


It is good practice to validate BOM against CPL at multiple checkpoints:

 Upon completion of any engineering changes

 Before sending to procurement and manufacturing
 When there are any component revisions or replacements
 Prior to product release milestones like pilot builds

Periodic checks for data consistency prevents cascading issues due to

outdated information downstream.

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Q3. Who takes ownership of BOM-CPL change process in an


The scope can vary based on company size:

 Small firms - single person like design engineer

 Large teams - dedicated BOM manager role

Usually cross-disciplinary change review boards with members across

engineering, supply chain and manufacturing oversee BOM-CPL modifications.

Authorization protocols institute checks before accepting revisions.

Q4. Is manual BOM-CPL management feasible?

Manual processes can cause frequent data misalignments and are not scalable.

Automated generation and synchronization of BOM-CPL data using

purpose-built tools is highly recommended for accuracy.

Common pain areas with manual management:

 Typos and info mismatch

 No revision history records
 Copy-paste errors across files
 Lack of validation checks
 Unplanned procurements
 Inaccurate assemblies
 Production delays

Leveraging digital BOM platforms prevents these issues through workflow


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Q5. Can BOM drive CPL or is unilateral CPL to BOM mapping


Bi-directional mapping between BOM and CPL enables flexibility:

 BOM-driven workflow allows component selection to guide CPL placement rules

 CPL-driven workflow facilitates prioritizing sequence, groups and optimization logics

However any unilateral changes need synchronized updates to the connected

file. Collaborative data foundation is key for rapid coordination between the

two datasets.

Modern data management systems provide associative connectivity between

BOM and CPL data models simplifying change propagation in either direction.

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