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lab 4c (On / Ca wSaral Alternating current Contents 1 Module Description Page - ii 2. Homework Index Page - iii 3 Exercise 1 Page - 1 4 Exercise 1A Page - 3 3. Exercise 2 Page - 5 6. Exercise 2A. Page - 7 7. Answer Key Page - 10 Note Detailed solutions are available on the eSaral App. wSaral & at we ea Sl za wSaral Alternating eutent Module Description Student For mastering the concepts only learning is not sufficient. We have to practice and apply those concepts in problem solving. This sheet does just that. It contains a collection of problems segregated in the following exercises to help you master the concepts in a systematic and organized way. “Practice makes a man perfect” I Concept builder—1& 1A As soon as you have finished learning the concept do the problems from these exercises first. These exercises contains easy level questions to help you build your concepts. 1 =» Contains Single Correct Type questions, 1A —* Contains pattern based questions incorporating the latest JEE Advanced based patterns like more than one correct, mate! list, match the column, ete. 2. Brain Booster — 2 & 2A Now that you have built your concepts it’s time to master them by solving Brain Boosting problems. Don’t hurry through these problems. Take time to solve & learn from them. These exercises contains Medium & Tough level problems. Do questions from 2 & 2A after attempting 1 & 1A 2 —» Single Correct Type questions. 2A —» Pattern Based questions. 3. Simulator — IM & JA Contains questions from previous year JEE Mains & JEE Advanced questions in exercise JM & exercise JA respectively. Get the real taste & feel of the type of questions being asked in JEE. It’s a great tool for simulating your mind with JEE problems, These exercises are not included in the module but are provided separately. JM —+ JEE Mains previous years topic wise questions. JA —» JEE Advance previous years topic wise questions. a od wSaral Alkemating current Home Work Index Problem solving is an integral part of learning, Find questions to solve after each video in the homework Index. Make sure that you attempt all the problems (in Ex I to 2A) after learning a topic from the videos. For example if you have finished topic 8, first attempt all the problems listed in the index corresponding to topic 8 before proceeding to the video of topic 9, Sr.No. Topic Name Ext | ExtA| Ex2 | Ex2A 1 |Atternating Current-Introduetion 2 |Average Vale and RMS Value 1 1 1 12 3 |AC Voltage Applied to a Resistor 2 4 AC Vokage Applied to a Capacitor 3 10 2 3 5 |AC Voltage Applied to an Inductor 4 2 6 |Phasors and Phasor Diagram 3 3 7 |Impedance ul 3 45 8 _ |AC Voltage Applied to Series LR circuit 6 4,12 4s 6 9 |AC Voltage Applied to Series RC circuit 9 6 10 |AC Vokage Applied to Series LCR cireuit | 7 5 7 | 7410-12 11 [Power in AC citcuits-The Power Factor 89 13, 89 8g 12 |Resonance Condition 10,11 14,15 10,11 13. |LC Oscillations 12 12 14 14 Transformers 13,14 6 13, 1S 15 |Affer complete chapter 15,16 | 7,8 14 913 wSaral & at wa ered 1 wSaral Exercise - 1 Alternating current Concept Builder SINGLE CORRECT TYPE Each question has FOUR options for correct answer. ONLY ONE of these four options is correct option. For each question, choose the correct option to answer the question. Average Value and RMS Value QI. The rms. value of alternating current is 10 ampere having frequency of 50 Hz. The time taken by the current to increase from zero to maximum and the maximum value of current will be = (A)2* 10° sand 14.14 A (B) 1 * 107 sand 7.07 A (C)5 * 10° sand 7.07 A (D) 5 * 10° sand 14.14 A Q. Ina resistance of 25 © A.C. is passed to produce heat at the rate of 250 watt. The value of current in the resistance will be :— (A) 0.316 A (BLA (C) 3.16.4 (D) 104 AC Voltage Applied to a Capacitor Q3. Let £= 50 Hz, and C= 100 pF in an AC circuit containing a capacitor only. If the peak value of current in the circuit is 1.57 A at t= 0, then equation for AC Voltage will be : (A) E = 50 sin (100zt - 2/2) (B) E = 100 sin (50rt) (C) E=50 sin 100xt (D) 0 sin (100xt + x/2) AC Voltage Applied to an Inductor Q4. Ana. source of voltage V and of frequency 50Hz is connected to an inductor of 2H and negligible resistance. A current of rms. value I flows in the coil. When the frequency ofthe voltage is changed to 400 Hz keeping the magnitude of V same, the current is now (A) 81 in phase with V (B) 41 and leading by 90 from V (C) /4 and lagging by 90° from V (D) V8 and lagging by 90° from V Phasors and Phasor Diagram Qs. A capacitor of capacitance 100 uF and a resistance of 100Q is connected in series with AC supply of 220V, 50Hz. The current leads the voltage by :- Q X (A) tan (2) © waw'(2) (D) tan" (3) x x AC Voltage Applied to Series LR circuit (B) tan Inan A.C. circuit resistance and inductance are connected in series. The potential and current in inductance is :~ Q6. Vo +> sinoot (A) Y, sin ot, 7 y. (B) V, sin ot, 7 sin [or nm © V, sn[ot 3] Me since ° 2) Lo V, © e. sin} et — Oy, sn[o +4], , sn] ate wSaral & at wa ered 1 Lo wSaral AC Voltage Applied to Series LCR circu’ Q7. A circuit contains R, L and C connected in series with an A. C. source. The values of the reactances for inductor and capacitor are 2009 and 600 respectively and the impedance of the circuit is Z,. What happens to the impedance of the same circuit if the values of the reactances are interchanged :~ (A) The (B) The impedance will increase ;pedance will remain unchanged (C) The impedance will decrease (D) Information insufficient Power In AC Circuits-The Power Factor Q8. ANAC circuit draws 5A at 160 V and the power consumption is 600 W. Then the power factor is (yl (B) 0.75 (©) 0.50 (D) Zero Q9. For given circuit the power factor is == R=1100 2 nie (Ayo (D) none of the: L OR Resonance Condi Quo. An inductance of Im/H, a condenser of 10 and a resistance of 50Q are connected in series. The reactance of inductor and condensers are same. The reactance of either of them will be (A) 100.2 (C329 (B) 30 (D) 10 Alternating current QUI. INLCR circuit, capacitor C is changed to 4C, then what should be the value of L to keep resonance frequency same :- L L M2 BF OF Oar LC Oscillations QI2. Which statement is correct from following- (a) Inductor store energy in the form of magnetic field (b) Capacitor store energy in the form of electric field (©) Inductor store energy in the form of electric and magnetic field both (@) Capacitor store energy in the form of electric and magnetic field both (A) a, b (B) a,c (C)b,d (D) b,c Transformers Q13. The number of turns in the primary and secondary of transformer are N, and N, respectively. The resistance of the secondary circuit is R,. Then equivalant resistance of ereenrcti M ai (RY, BRIN Qua. turns in a transformer power is P. Neglecting all power losses, the input power must be :~ 3: 2and the output 1 = B)P 5 ®) o® »® OF OS a od wSaral Alternating current After Complete Chapter QU6.L, Cand R respectively indicate inductance, capacitance and resistance. Select the combination, which does not have dimensi- L at QUS. The dimensions of combination —— are ons of frequency = cvR (A) UR (B) RL same as dimensions of = ©) 1/ Ee D) CL (A) Change (B) Current (© 1VLe o (C) Charge! (D) Current Exercise - 1A Concept Builder ONE OR MORE THAN Q4. AnLR circuit with a battery is connected at ONE CORRECT TYPE 1 = 0. Which of the following quantities is not zero just after the cireuit. Each question has FOUR options for correct (A) current in the circuit answer(s). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these (B) magnetic field energy in the inductor four option(s) is (are) correct option(s). For each question, choose the correct option(s) to answer the (C) paper delivered by the battery question. (D) emf induced in the inductor QI. A generator produces a voltage V=240 sin120t volt where V is in yolts and t in OS. Fogs LCR seges cucuit with anA.C. source second. The frequency and rm.s. voltage of angular frequency © : are nearly 1 (A) 60 Hz and 240 V (A) circuit will be capacitive if > Fe (B) 19 Hz and 120 V (C) 19 Hz and 170 V 1 (D) 754 Hz and 170 V (8) cireuit will be inductive if o >= (©) power factor of circuit will by unity if Q2. _ Inacircuit the frequency is f = 1000 and capacitive reactance equals inductive ea reactance the inductance is 2 henry, then the reactance will be :- 1 (a) 200 2 (B) 200 pa (D) current willbe leading if >Fr= (C) 2000 @ (D) 2000 wo Q3. 200 © resistance and IH inductance are | Q6- The core of any transformer is laminated so connected in series with an A.C. circuit, The - 200 frequency of the source is S— Hz, Then Qn phase difference in between V and I will be = (A) 30° (B) 60° (45° (D) 90° asto- (A) Make it light weight (B) Make it robust and strong (C) Increase the secondary voltage (D) Reduce the energy loss due to eddy wSaral & at wa ered 1 current wSaral PARAGRAPH TYPE This section contains PARAGRAPHS. Based on each paragraph, there are questions. Each question has FOUR options. ONLY ONE of these four options corresponds to the correct answer: For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct answer. Paragraph for Question No. 7 & 8 In an L - C - R series circuit connected to an AC s{ 100+) \ ) source, V=V, Given V,= 40 V, V, = 40 V and V, = 10 V. Resistance R = 40. Alternating current QZ. Peak value of eurrent in the circuit is - (A) 102A (B) IsV2A (© 20v2A (D) 25V2A Q8. Choose the correct option (B) © (C) both (A) and (B) are correct (D) both (A) and (B) are wrong MATCH THE COLUMN TYPE Following questions contain statements given in two columns, which have to be matched. The statements in Column-1 are labelled as A, B, C and D while the statements in Column-II are labelled as (P). (Q). (R) and (S). Any given statement in Column-I can have correct matching with ONE OR MORE statement(s) in Column-IL Q9. Match the following items — Column-I component across an ac source (@ = 200 radisec) (A) wy 7 S00yF 8) HI (© —1-— S00F (D) wT, ‘HOF ©) kas Column. Phase difference between current and source voltage Py @ ala ® BIA (S) ela (1) None of the above rr BAUR ad od wSaral SUBJECTIVE TYPE Q10, A 15.0 pF capacitor is connected to a 220 V, 50 Hz source, Find the capacitive reactance and the current (rms and peak) in the circuit. Ifthe frequency is doubled, what happens to the capacitive rectance and the current ? Qu. Alternating current R L Fb Cc V = 200sin100rt volt A coil, a capacitor and an a.c, souree of rms voltage 24V are connected in series, by varying the frequency of the source, a maximum rms current 6A is observed, if this QUI. A bulb is connected to a mains line of 200 coil is connected to a battery of emf 12V and V, 50 Hz. If the bulb draws the same current internal resistance 4Q, then calculate the of 10A froma de source of 100 V, then find current through the coil. the inductance of the filament of the bulb. | | QIS. A coil of resistance R and inductance L is QI2. Acoil of reactance 1002 and resistance 100 connected in series with a capacitor C and Q is connected to a 240 V, 50 Hz a.c. supply. complete combination is connected to a.c. (a) What is the maximum current in the voltage, Circuit resonates when angular coil? frequency of supply is @ = a, (b) What is the time lag between the voltage Find out relation betwen @,, L and C. maximum and the current maximum ? LR Q13._ In given circuit R = 1000. If voltage leads current by 60° then find - (a) Maximum Current supply by source. (b) Average power V=V, Sinat(vol) Exercise - 2 Brain Booster SINGLE CORRECT TYPE QZ. Inan A.C. circuit capacitance of SF has a reactance 1000 . The frequency of A.C. Each question has FOUR options for correct will be :- answer. ONLY ONE of these four options is correct 1000 100 option. For each question, choose the correct option (A) —eyelels (B) — eyelers to answer the question. (C) 200 cycle’s. ——_(D) 5000 cycle/s QU. The current in a discharging LR circuit is QB. When 100V D.C. is applied across a coil a given by i=ie"'" where z is the time constant of the circuit, Calculate the rms current for the period ¢=0 to ¢=r a fl ON 2 (2) 2 w)* e current of 1A flows through it. When 100V AC. of 50 Hz is applied to the same coil only 0.5A flows. The induetance of the coil is (A) 0.55 H (B) 55 mH (C) 0.55 mH (D) 5.5 mit wSaral & at wa ered 1 ws Qa. Qi. aral A 12 ohm resistor and a 0.21 henry induetor are connected in series to an AC source operating at 20 volts, 30 cycle/second. The phase angle between the current and the source voltage is: (A) 30° (B) 40° (©) 80° (D) 90° Time constant of the given circuit is t. Ifthe battery is replaced by an AC source having voltage V = V, cos at, power factor of the circuit will be :- ro (B) 1 (A) or 1+ (wry (C) Ji+(ov? (D) None The graphs given below depict the dependence of two reactive impedances X, and X, on the frequency of the alternating, em. applied individually to them, We can then say that Impedance > Impedance -> Frequency > Frequency —> (A) X, is an inductor and X, is a capacitor (B) X, is a resistor and X, is a capacitor (C)X, is a capacitor and X, is an induetor (D) X, is an induetor and X, is a resistor Which of the following statements is correct, for an LCR series combination having the resonating condition as (A) the current (B) the phase difference between the current minimum. deme is = and emf. is 5. (C) the impedance is equal to R. (D) the value of power factor is minimum, Quo. Qu. Qi. Alternating current Power factor of an L-R series circuit is 0.6 and that of a C-R series circuit is 0.5. Ifthe clement (L,C, and R) of the two circuits are joined in series the power factor of this circuit is found to be 1. The ratio of the resistance in the L-R circuit to the resistance in the CR circuit 6 5 4A 33 OM; OF OF O> A series R -L- C (R= 10 9, X, = 209, X, = 20) circuit is supplied by V= 10 sin ot volt then power dissipation in circuit is = (A) Zero (©) 5 watt (B) 10 watt (D) 2.5 watt The self inductance of the motor of an electric fan is 10 H. In order to impart maximum power at 50Hz. It should be connected to a capacitance of (A) 2 * 10° F (B)3* 10°F (©) 104 F (D) 10°F Ina series resonant R-L-C circuit, if L is increased by 25% and C is decreased by 20%, then the resonant frequency will : (A) Increases by 10% (B) Decreases by 10% (C) Remain unchanged (D) Increases by 2.5% Inan LC cireuit, the capacitor has maximum dil charge q,, The value of | is - L © —_ do. Go. (\ Te ® Fe do ow (D) None of these tH od wSaral Alternating current QI3. An ideal efficient transformer has a primary | Q14. An AC voltage source of variable angular power input of lOkW. The secondary current frequency @ and fixed amplitude V when the transformer is on load is 25A. If connected in series with a capacitance C the primary : secondary turns ratio is 8 : 1, and an electric bulb of resistance R then the potential difference applied to the (inductance zero). When cis increased : primary coil is (A) the bulb glows dimmer 10? 10°x8 (B) the bulb glows brighter Aw>,Y Ba % (© total impedence of the circuit is unchanged 10° 10" (D) total impedence of the circuit increases Vv D : (3558 O) F58" Exercise - 2A Brain Booster ONE OR MORE THAN Q3. A capacitor of capacity C is connected in ONE OR MORE THAN P pacity ONE CORRECT TYPE AC. circuit. The applied emfis V=Y, si A———— then the current is - Each question has FOUR options for correct (A) 1 = 2 sinat answer(s). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these Co ‘four option(s) is (are) correct option(s). For each y A question, choose the correct option(s) to answer the (T= cisin [or +4] question. o (©) I= V,Co sinot QI. The average and rms value of voltage for ; square wave shown in fig. having peak value (D) T= V,Co sin} ot+ Vo Q4. A student connects a long air cored - coil of manganin wire to a 100 V D.C. supply and records a current of 25 amp. When the same ‘ coil is connected across 100 V, 50 Hz. AC. Bs le the current reduces to 20 A, the reactance of the coil is ~ (A)4Q (B)3Q2 («5a (D) None Vo (B) V2Vs. Jy | QS. A capacitor has a resistance of 12 ohm and (D) Zero, Zero Q2. A current in circuit is given by i= 3 +4 sin cot. Then the effective value of current is : (ays (B) V7 © Vi7 (D) Vio a capacitance of 22 microfarad. It is, connected to an AC supply of 80 Hz, then the e.m.f. of the AC supply required to drive a current of 10 virtual ampere is - (A) 904V2. volt (B) 913 volt 904 (© = volt (D) 452 volt wSaral & at wa ered 1 wSaral Q6. Qi. Qs. For L-R circuit, the time constant is equal to- (A) twice the ratio of the energy stored in the magnetic field to the rate of the dissipation of energy in the resistance. (B) the ratio of the energy stored in the magnetic field to the rate of dissipation of energy in the resistance (C) half of the ratio of the energy stored in the magnetic field to the rate of dissipation of energy in the resistance (D) square of the ratio of the energy stored in the magnetic field to the rate of dissipation energy in the resistance In given LCR circuit, the voltage across the terminals of resistance and current will be:~ (A) 400V, 24 (B) 800V, 2A aT Ram 40 aay (C) 100V, 24 (D) 100V, 4A ‘OO EOFE The given graph shows variation with time in the source voltage and steady state current drawn by a series RLC circuit :- 400 200 o ~200 400 10 15 20 ‘Timetns) ql Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) Current lags the voltage (b) Resistance in the circuit is 250/30 (©) Reactance in the circuit is 2500 (d) Average power dissipation in the circuit is 20.3W (A) Only a (Bya&b Oab&e (D) All Alternating current A circuit element is placed in a closed box. At time t= 0, constant current generator supplying a current of | A, is connected across the box. Potential difference across the box varies according to graph shown in figure. The element in the box is/are : ects) 2 = 13) (A) resistance of 2 (B) battery of emf 6V (C) induetance of 2H (D) capacitance of 0.5 F PARAGRAPH TYPE This section contains PARAGRAPHS. Based on ‘each paragraph, there are questions. Each question has FOUR options, ONLY ONE of these four options corresponds to the correct answer: For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct answer Paragraph for question nos. 10 to 12 If various elements, ic., resistance, capeitance and inductance which are in series and having values 1000 ©, 1,F and 2.0 H respectively. Given emfas, 100 V2 sin1000¢ volts Q10. Voltage across the resistor is - (A) 70.7 Volts (B) 100 Volts (©) 141.4 Volts (D) 270.7 Volts Voltage across the inductor is - (A) 70.7 Volts, (B) 100 Volts (©) 141.4 Volts (D) 270.7 Volts qu. QI2. Voltage across the capacitor is, (A) 70.7 Volts (B) 100 volts (©) 141.4 Volts (D) 270.7 Volts tH od wSaral MATCH THE COLUMN TYPE Alternating current Following questions contain statements given in two columns, which have to be matched. The statements in Column-1 are labelled as A, B, C and D while the statements in Column-II ave labelled as (P), (Q), (R) and (S). Any given statement in Column-I can have correct matching with ONE OR MORE statement(s) in Column-II. Q13. Instantaneous voltage and instantaneous current in an L-R AC circuit is V = 100 sin (100 t) and © i= 10sin (1001 -2), Match the entries of column | with the entries of column II. Column-l fa) R (b) X, ©L (a) Average power in one cycle (A) (@- p), (bg), (=), (d-s) (C)(a-q), (b-q), (¢- p), (d-s) Column-II (p) @/10¥2)Stunit (q) 5V2 St unit (®) 10V2 ST unit (s) None of these (B) (aq), (b= p), (8), (d= s) (D) None of these SUBJECTIVE TYPE Qu. Comparing the L-C oscillations with the oscillations of a spring-block system (force constant of spring = k and mass of block = m), the physical quantity mk is similar to Qs. A transformer having efficiency 90% working on 100 V and at 2.0 kW power. If the current in the secondary coil is SA, caleulate (i) the current in the primary coil and (ii) voltage across the secondary coil wSaral & at wae ea Sl wSaral Aerating current Answer Key Ex-1 p | ¢ {| c {] p | ep] ec fa fe fe] o Ex-1A LC 2. an 4.D 5.BC 6.D TA BA 9. (A) > (R) 5 (B) > (P) s (C) > (P) s (D) > (T) : (BE) > (RY 10. 1/2,2 11, 0.055H 12, (a) 24.A(b) 2.5 ms, 1 13. (a) 1A, (b) 50Watt 14.1.5 8.0,- Fe Ex-2A 1. 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.B 6A 1c 8D 9.D 10.4 L 1. 12.A 13.C rd 15. (i) 20 A Gii) 360 V eSaral APP pp>Getiton od PHYSICS lj Ca Saral ‘Atomic Structure Contents 1 Module Description Page - i 2. Homework Index Page - ii 3. Exercise 1 Page - 1 4, Exercise 1A Page - 2 5. Exercise 2 Page - 5 6. Exercise 2A Page - 6 7 Answer Key Page - 10 Note Detailed solutions are available on the eSaral App. wSaral & at we area Sl wSaral Atomic Structure Module Description For mastering the concepts only learning is not sufficient. We have to practice and apply those concepts in problem solving. This sheet does just that. It contains a collection of problems segregated in the following exercises to help you master the concepts in a systematic and organized way, “Practice makes a man perfect” 1. Concept builder—1& 1A As soon as you have finished learning the concept do the problems from these exercises first. These exercises contains easy level questions to help you build your concepts. 1 —+ Contains Single Correct Type questions 1A —» Contains pattern based questions incorporating the latest JEE Advanced based patterns like more than one correct, matching list, match the column, ete. 2. Brain Booster— 2 & 2A Now that you have built your concepts it’s time to master them by solving Brain Boosting problems, Don’t hurry through these problems. Take time to solve & learn from them. These exercises contains Medium & Tough level problems. Do questions from 2 & 2A after attempting 1 & 1A 2 —+ Single Correct Type questions. 2A ——» Pattern Based questions. 3. Simulator — JM & JA Contains questions from previous year JEE Mains & JEE Advanced questions in exercise JM & exercise JA respectively. Get the real taste & feel of the type of questions being asked in JEE. It’s a great tool for simulating your mind with JEE problems. These exercises are not included in the module but are provided separately. JM —» JEE Mains previous years topic wise questions. JA —+ IEE Advance previous years topic wise questions. Eee scsi ‘Google Play Saral Home Work Index Problem solving is an integral part of learning. Atomic Structure Find questions to solve after each video in the homework Index. Make sure that you attempt all the problems (in Ex | to 2A) after learning a topic from the vide ‘or example if you have finished topic 8, first attempt all the problems listed in the index corresponding to topic 8 before proceeding to the video of topic 9, Sr.No. |Topic Name Ex-l | Ex-tA | Ex-2 | Ex-2A 1 |Discovery ofeleetron and its charge} 1 Rutherford model and the discovery 2 I lof proton,nucleus and neutron 3 _ |S ofmcteus and drawbacks of 33 > [Rutherford model ” 4 [Wave Basies 4 5 __|EM waves and Planck's theory 5 2 6 |Bohr’s model 69 |347,11-13] 1-6 1.9.19 10-14, 7 |Spectrum and Rydberg’s formula 10-14 5,14 7-10 a3 8 |Drawback of Bohr, light: wave or 15 particle? «g_|Pebrogie explanation of boh's 1617 1H second postulate of Quantisation . 15-18, 10 |Afier Full Chapter 6,8,9,10 20,22 wSaral & at we area Sl Saral Exercise - 1 Atomic Structure Concept Builder SINGLE CORRECT TYPE Each question has FOUR options for correct answer. ONLY ONE of these four options is correct option. For each question, choose the correct option to answer the question. scovery of electron and its charge a. Charge on electron is - (A) =1.6 x 10"C (B) ~1.6 « 10" (C) -4.8 « 10C (D) Zero Size of nucleus and drawbacks of Rutherford model Q2. The size of an atom is of the order of : (A) 10% em (B) 10cm (C) 10? em (D) 10% em Q3. Anatom having atomic mass number 13 has 7 neutrons. What is the atomic number of the atom ? (6 (B)7 (8 (D9 Wave Basics Q4. Calculate the wave number of a radiation having wavelength 600 nm ? (A) 1.67 « 10° mm! (B) 1.67 = 10" m! (C) 1.67 x 10" m! (D) 1.67 * 10° m! EM waves and Planck's theory Qs. The frequency of an electromagnetic radiation is 2 10° Hz. What is its wave- length in metres (Velocity of light = 3 x 10° ms") (A) 6.0 « 10 (B) 1.5 « 108 (C)15 «10 (D) 6.0 « 102 Bohr's model Q6. The energy required to remove an electron ina hydrogen atom from n = 10 state is- (A) 13.6 eV (B) 1.36 eV (C) 0.136 eV (D) 0.0136 eV. Q. The binding energy of an electron with n= 4 in the H-atom is- (A) 13.6 eV (B)3.4eV (C)151eV (D) 0.85 eV The velocity of electron in the first Bohr orbit of He” ions is- (Aye (C) 20/137 (B) c/137 (D) 4/137 The ratio of energies of first two excited states hydrogen atom is - (A3/1 (B) 1/4 (D) 9/4 ©49 qu. Qi. Qi3. The number of different wavelengths may be observed in the spectrum froma hydrogen sample if the atoms are excited to third excited state is - (a3 ©s (B)4 (D)6 The transition from the state 4ton=3 ina hydrogen like atom results in ultraviolet radiation. Infrared radiation will be obtained in the transition (A)2>1 (C)452 (B)3 2 (D)S 4 The shortest wavelength present in the Brackett series of a spectral | (A) 912A (B) 8201A (©) 1.46 pm (D) 2.28 jum Out of following spectral series of hydrogen spectrum, the one which lies wholly in the ultraviolet region is- (A) Balmer series (B) Brackett series (C) Paschen series (D) Lyman series wSaral & at we wea Sl wSaral Qua. The wave number of the series limit of Lyman series is- (A) 1.097 « 107m! Atomic Structure De broglie Explanation of Bohr's second postulate of quantisation (B) 2.74 « 10°m"' QI6. According to De Broglie, wavelength of (©) 1.22 10%m" electron in second orbit is 10° metre. Then (D) 6.86 « 105m! the circumtrance of orbit is (A) 102m (B)2* 10m (C)3* 10°%m D)4* 10°m Drawback of Bohr, light : © ‘ cle? . . wave or particle? QI7. When a hydrogen atom emits a photon of energy 12.1 eV,its orbital angular momentum, Q15. According to the modern theory for nature changes by : of light, the light has- (4) Losx10"5— (A) wave nature only a (B) particle nature only (B) 2.11x10™I-s (C) dual nature (C) 3.16x10 “J—s (D) none of these (D) 4.2210 I-s Exercise - 1A Concept Builder ONE OR MORE THAN Q3. Fora doubly ionised Li-atom ONE CORRECT TYPE (A) Angular momentum of an electron in 3h 3rd orbit is 5 Each question has FOUR options for correct answer). ONE OR MORE THAN ior of these (B) Energy of electron in 2nd excited state _four option(s) is (are) correct option(s). For each #=13-66V uestion, choose the correct option(s) to answer the , c ven fe the correct option ay Az answer ie (©) Speed of electron in 3rd orbit is 75>, where ¢ is speed of light QI. Rutherford’s experiment established that : (D) Kinetic energy of electron is 2nd A) Tashdn the atorn there MERI coative excited state is half of the magnitude (A) Inside the atom there isa heavy positive ofthe potential energy contre (B) Nucleus contains protons and neutrons cage te: tt like atom has it " " |. A particular hydrogen like atom has its (C) Most of the space in the atoms is empty ground state binding energy 122. 4 eV. It is (D) Size of the nucleus is very small in ground state. Then - (A) Its atomic number is 3. Q2. — Theenergies E, and E, of two radiations are (B) An electron of 90 eV can excite it 25 eV and S0eV respectively. The relation between their wavelengths ie. 2, and 2, will be? (A) A, (2, =42, (C)Anelectron of kinetic energy nearly 91.8 eV can be brought to almost rest by this atom. (D) Anelectron of kinetic energy 2.6 eV may emerge from the atom when electron of kinetic energy 125 eV collides with this atom. on ‘Google Play wSaral Qs. An electron in hydrogen atom after absorbing energy photons can jump between energy states n, and n, (n, > n,). Then it may return to ground state after emitting six difference wavelengths in emission spectrum, The energy of emitted photons is either equal to, less than or greater than the absorbed photons. Then n, and n, are :- (A) a, (B)n, (On, (D)n,=5,n,=1 Q6. A beam of ultraviolet light of all wavelengths passes through hydrogen gas at room temperature, in the x-direction. Assume that all photons emitted due to electron transition inside the gas emerge in the y-direction, Let A and B denote the lights emerging from the gas in the x and y directions respectively. (A) Some of the incident wavelengths will be absent in A. (B) Only those wavelengths will be present in B which are absent in A. (©) B will contain some visible light. (D) B will contain some infrared light Q7. The magnitude of angular momentum, orbit radius and frequency of revolution of electron in hydrogen atom corresponding to quantum number n are L, r and f respectively. Then according to Bohr’s theory of hydrogen atom (A) fL is constant for all orbits (B) frL is constant for all orbits (C) FL is constant for all orbits (D) fL? is constant for all orbits Atomic Structure PARAGRAPH TYPE This section contains PARAGRAPHS. Based on ‘each paragraph, there are questions. Each question has FOUR options, ONLY ONE of these four options corresponds to the correct answer: For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct answer: Paragraph for Question. 8 to 10 ‘While conducting his doctoral research in theoretical physics and with no experimental evidence to go ‘on, de Broglie reasoned by analogy with Einstein's equation E = hf and with some of the ideas of his. theory of relativity. The details need not concem us, but they led de Broglie to postulate that if a material particle of momentum p = mv has @ wave- like nature, then its wavelength must be given by where h is Planck’s constant. This is p mv called the de-Broglie wavelength. de-Broglie considered a matter wave to be a traveling wave. But suppose that a “particle” of matter is confined to a small region of space and cannot travel. How do the wave-like properties manifest themselves? This is the problem of “a particle ina box.” Figure shows a particle of mass m moving in one dimension as it bounces back and forth with speed v between the ends of a box of length L. We'll call this a one-dimensional box; its width isn’t relevant, A particle in a box creates a standing de Broglie wave as it reflects back and forth, Matter waves travel in both directions wSaral & at we area Sl Atomic Structure wavelength of | Q10. confined particle in the box [here nN). 2L L L “5, 8) Oy Oa Confined particle’s energy is given by : 2n°h* ® 7b nth? ame oO) Consider an oil drop from Millikan’s oil drop experiment having diameter 1 jum confined between the plates separated by 10 um, Density of oil is 900 kg/m’, What is minimum energy of such an oil drop? [Given : h= 6.63 « 10™ Js] (A)24 «1085 (B)1.2« 10°) (C)3.6 «1025 (D) 4.8 « 1085 MATCH THE COLUMN TYPE Following questions contain statements given in two columns, which have to be matched. The statements in Column-1 are labelled as A, B, Cand D while the statements in Column-I are labelled as (P), (Q), (R) and (S). Any given statement in Column-I can have correct matching with ONE OR MORE statement(s) in Column-HI. Qu. In each situation of column-I a physical quantity related to orbiting electron in a hydrogen like atom is given. The terms 'Z' and 'n' given in column-II have usual meaning in Bohr’ theory. Match the quantities in column-I with the terms they depend on in colums Column-I (A) Frequency of orbiting electron (B) Angular momentum of orbiting electron (C) Magnetic moment of orbiting electron (D) The average current due to orbiting of electron I Column-It (P)__Isdirectly proportional to Z? (Q)__ Is directly proportional to n (R)__ Is inversely proportional to n° (S) __Isindependent of Z (T) None of these NUMERICAL TYPE Qi3. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. For each question, find the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/ rounded-off to the second decimal place; e.g. 6.25, 7.00, -0.33, ~.30, 30.27, -127.30) Qua. Find the ratio of the area of orbit of first excited state of electron to the area of orbit of ground level for hydrogen atom. Qi2. Get Top Ranks in IIT-JEE/NEET/10"/9"/8" with eSaral APP When an electron jump from second orbit to ground state of hydrogen atom then calculate the wavelength of emitted photon. SUBJECTIVE TYPE A stationary hydrogen atom of mass M emits a photon corresponding to the longest wavelength of Balmer series. The recoil velocity acquired by the atom is- (R = Rydberg constant and h = plank’s constant) TH ind ‘Google Play Saral Exercise - 2 Atomic Structure Brain Booster SINGLE CORRECT TYPE Each question has FOUR options for correct answer: ONLY ONE of these four options is correct option. For each question, choose the correct option 10 answer the question. a. Q. Q3. The velocity of an electron in single elec tron atom in an orbit. (A) is independent of the atomic number of the clement (B) increases with increase in atomic num- ber (C) decreases with increase in atomic num- ber (D) increases with increase in quantum num- ber An energy of 24.6 eV is required to remove one of the electrons from a neutral helium atom, The energy (in eV) required to remove both the electrons form a neutral helium atom is - (A) 38.2 (C)S18 (B) 49.2 (D) 79.0 follows the Bohr model ies the Bohr Ifthe atom , Fn and the radius of ,, Fre” is n radius, then find n. (A) 100 4 (B) 200 (D) 4 Let the potential energy ofa hydrogen atom in the ground state be zero. Then its energy in the first excited state will be : (A) 10.2eV (B) 13.6eV (€)23.8eV (D)27.2eV Ratio of difference of spacing between the energy levels with n = 3 and n = 4 and the spacing between the energy levels with n= 8 and n=9 for a hydrogen like atom or ion is - (A) 0.71 (B) 041 (C)2.43 (D) 14.82 Q. Inhydrogen atom, the radius of n® Bohr orbit is r,. The graph between ve( and h logn will be: i (A) . (2) (B) é logn © logn “Gh (D) A photon collides with a stationary hydrogen atom in ground state inelastically. Energy of the colliding photon is 10.2 eV. After a time interval of the order of micro second another photon collides with same hydrogen atom inelastically with an energy of 15 eV. What will be observed by the detector? (A) 2 photon of energy 10.2 eV. (B) 2 photon of energy of 1.4 eV. (C) One photon of energy 10.2 eV and an electron of energy 1.4 eV. (D) One photon of energy 10.2 eV and another photon of energy 1.4 eV. wSaral & at we area Sl Atomic Structure Q10. The figure shows energy levels of a certain a8. atom, when the system moves from level ' 2E to E, aphoton of wavelength A is emitted. ‘The wavelength of photon produced during its transition from level 4/3 E to E level is : a 2 2 WR, ®R, (C)2R, (D)4R,, (3 et Q9. The largest wavelength in the Iymen series of the hydrogen spectrum is 122 nm, The of smallest wavelength in the paschen series . " - (A) 3n (B) 3/42, of the hydrogen spectrum (QC) v4 (D) 22, (to the nearest integer) is : (A) 802 nm (B) 823 nm QUI. Calculate the energy of a photon of sodium (© 1882 nm (D) 1648 nm light of wavelength 2 * 10" m? (A) 9.9% 10°F (B) 6.6 x 105 (C)99 «1081 (D) 48x 10" J Exercise - 2A Brain Booster ONE OR MORE THA CORRECT TYPE Each question has FOUR options for correct . answer(s). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these | Q3- In Bohr’s model of the hydrogen atom, let four option(s) is (are) correct option(s). For each R. V. T, and E represent the radius of the question, choose the correct option(s) to answer the orbit, speed of the electron, time period of question. revolution of electron, and the total energy of the electron, respectively. The quantities QI. Let A, be the area enclosed by the n® orbit proportional to the quantum number » are: in a hydrogen atom, (A) VR (B) RE The graph of In (A, /A,) against /n(n) 7 v (A) will pass through the origin OR OF (B) wil beeen poms lying ona straight Q4. Imagine an atom made up of proton and a ne with slope hypothetical particle of double the mass of (©) will be a monotonically increasing the electron but having the same charge as nonlinear curve the electron. Apply the Bohr atom model and (D) will be a circle consider all possible transitions of this hypothetical particle to the first excited Q2. The electrons in a hydrogen atom make a transition n, > n, are the principal quantum numbers of two states. Assume the Bohr’s. model to be valid. The time period of the electron in the initial state is eight times that in the final state. The possible values of n, and n, are : Get Top Ranks in IIT-JEE/NEE level. The longest wavelength photon that will be emitted has wavelength 2. (given in terms of the Rydberg constant R for hydrogen atom) equal to : (A)9ISR (B) 36/5R (C) 18/5R (par on Pa ‘Google Play Saral Q. qv. Q3. A hydrogen atom and a Lion are both in | Q9. the second excited state. If¢,, and ¢,, are their respective electronic angular momenta and E,, and E,, their respective energies, then : (A) é,> 4, and |E,I>E, | (B) 4, = f,, and |E,|<|E, | © 4, Gand EP, (D) 6 < é,and [E IIE, | ul The electron in a hydrogen atom makes a transition froman excited state to the ground. state. Which of the following statement is true? (A) Its kinetic energy inereases and its potential and total energy decreases (B) Its kinetic energy decreases, poter energy increases and its total energy remains the same (C) Its kinetic and total energy decreases and its potential energy increases (D) Its kinetic, potential and total energy decrease In the hydrogen atom, if the reference level of potential energy is assumed to be zero at the ground state level. Choose the incorrect statement. (A) The total energy of the shell increases with increase in the value of n, (B) The total energy of the shell decrease with increase in the value of n. (C) The difference in total energy ofany two shells remains the same, (D) The total energy at the ground state becomes 13.6 eV. When a hydrogen atom is excited from ground state to first excited state then (A) Its kinetic energy inereases by 10.2 eV. (B) Its kinetic energy decreases by 10.2 eV. (C) Itspotential energy inereases by 20.4 eV. (D) Its angular momentum increases by 1.05 «10% Fs, Q10. Qu. Atomic Structure Suppose the potential energy between electron and proton at a distance r is given 3r ition of Bolr’s theory to hydrogen atom in this case shows that : (A) energy in the n!orbit is proportional to nf (B) energy is proportional to m° (m= mass of electron) (C) energy in the nth orbit is proportional ton? (D) energy is proportional to m*(m = mass of electron) Hydrogen atoms absorb radiation of wavelength 4, and consequently emit radiations of 6 different wavelengths of which two wavelengths are shorter than ,.. Then - (A) The final excited state of the atoms is n=4 (B) The initial state of the atoms may be n=2 (©) The initial state of the atoms may be n=3 (D) There are three transitions belonging to Lyman series The electron in a hydrogen atom jumps back from an excited state to ground state, by 16 15R* where R is Rydberg’s constant. In place of emitting one photon, the electron could come back to ground state by : emitting a photon of wavelength 4) = (A) Emitting 3 photons of wavelengths 2. 1 1 1 _ ISR + 2, and ?., such that = and )., sucl 7 (B) Emitting 2 photons of wavelength 2.,and 1 1 _ ISR 2, such that — BR wSaral & at we wea Sl 16 wSaral (C) Emitting 2 photons of wavelength ,, and 16 * ISR A, such that 2, +2 (D) Emitting 3 photons of wavelength A,, te ISR A, and A, such that ,+A,+; QI2._ Ina hydrogen atom, the electron is in n'* excited state. It may come down to second excited state by emitting ten different wavelengths, What is the value of n ? (A)6 (B)7 (8 (ys QI3. Monochromatic radiation of wavelength % is incident on a hydrogen sample containing in ground state. Hydrogen atoms absorb the light and subsequently emit radiations of ten different wavelengths. The value of . is - (A) 95 nm (B) 103 nm (©) 273 nm (D) 8 nm Qu. The electron in hydrogen atom in a sample is in n® excited state, then the number of different spectrum lines obtained in its emission spectrum will be : (A) 142434041) (B) 142434... +(n) (C)1+2434 0.4041) (D) 1 «2% 3 x... (n= 1), Qs. The electric potential between a proton and an electron is given by V = V, fn— , where 1, is a constant. Assuming Bohr’s model to be applicable, write variation of r,with n,n being the principal quantum number = 1 (A)r en Bre 7 Atomic Structure PARAGRAPH TYPE This section contains PARAGRAPHS. Based on each paragraph, there are questions. Each question has FOUR options, ONLY ONE of these four options corresponds to the correct answer. For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct answer Paragraph for Question Nos. 16 to 18 ‘An electron is orbiting in a circular orbit of radius under the influence of a constant strong magnetic field of strength B. Assuming that Bohr’s postulate regarding the quantisation of angular momentum holds good for this electron, find : Q16. The allowed values of the radius ‘r” of the it | here a, =,” orbit 0 = Ine (A) r=Vna, (8) r= yin, (©) r=2vna, (D) None of these QUT. The time period of revolution of electron in nt orbit is = A) 3am B xm ) eB ®) cB om p) 2 © 3B le QI8. The total magnetic flux due to the magnetic field B passing through the n® orbit. 2nh ah (A) == (B) 6=— e e ‘Google Play Saral MATCH THE COLUMN TYPE Atomic Structure Following questions contain statements given in two columns, which have to be matched. The statemems in Column-I are labelled as A, B, Cand D while the statements in Coltumn-II are labelled as (P), (Q), (R) and (S). Any given statement in Column-I can have correct matching with ONE OR MORE statement(s) in Column-I. Qu. Q20. When we write expression for energy of electron in n' orbit of helium ion (He") we take zero potential energy for n= cc, but the potential energy depends on reference. If we take total energy of atom for n= 1 orbit as zero then Column—l (A) Total energy of electron in n = 2 (B) Ionization energy from ground state Column—Il (P) 54.4eV (Q) 40.8 eV (C) Energy required to exit electron fromn=1ton=2 — (R) depends on reference level (D) Negative of potential energy of electron in 1 (S) independent of reference level (1) 70.3 eV The energy, the magnitude of linear momentum, magnitude of angular momentum and orbital radius of an eleetron in a hydrogen atom corresponding to the quantum number n are E, p, L and r respectively. Then according to Bohr's theory of hydrogen atom, match the expressions in column-I with statement in column-II. Column-I (A) Epr Pp Be (C)Er (D) pr Column-I1 (P) is independent of n. (Q) is directly proportional to n (R) is inversely proportional ton, (S) is directly proportional to L. NUMERICAL TYPE Qu. Q22. SUBJECTIVE TYPE ‘An electron in the 1" excited state in a | The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL hydrogen atom comes down to the first excited state by emitting 10 different wavelengths. Find the value of m (an integer) VALUE, For each question, find the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/ rounded-off to the second decimal place: e.g. 6.25, 7.00, -0.33, -.30, 30.27, -127.30) Find the recoil speed (appoximately in m/ | Q23+ Find the longest and shortest wavelength sec) when a hydrogen atom emits a photon when a hydrogen atom in the ground state is during the transition from n= 5 to n= 1 excited by radiations of wavelength 975 A. wSaral & at we wea Sl Eu wSaral Atomic Structure Answer Key Ex-1A 1.A,C,.D 2.8 3. A,B,C,D 4.A,C,D 5.C 6. ACD 7.B 8B 9.C 10. B 11. (A) (PR) ; (B) (QS) 5 (C) 4(Q S) 5 (DPR) :) 12.1621 13. 121 nm. 14. ™ (36 A Ex-2A 1.A.D 2.AD 3.A,C,D 4.0 5.B 6A 7.B 8.B,C,D IAB 10. A,B,D 1. A.B 12.A 13.A 14.B 15.A 16.A 17.D 18.C 19. (A)-QR, (B)-PS, (C)-QS, (D)-PR 20. (A)-R, (B)-Q,S (C)-P, (D)-Q,S. 21.6 22.4 23. Rg = 18787.8 A, hgg= 975 A Get Top Ranks in IIT-JEE/NEET/10' rea Get it on ‘Google Play i [o) U 7 fae) u ioe) N Vv SUOISAHd 3 wSaral Contents 1 Module Description 2. Homework Index 3 Exercise 1 4 Exercise 1A 3. Exereise 2 6. Exercise 2A 7. Answer Key Note Detailed solutions are available on the eSaral App. Page - ii Page - iii Page - 1 Page - 2 Page - 4 Page - 5 Page - 7 Calorimetry wSaral & at wae wea Sl wSaral Calorimetry Module Description Student For mastering the concepts only learning is not sufficient. We have to practice and apply those concepts in problem solving. This sheet does just that. It contains a collection of problems segregated in the following exercises to help you master the concepts in a systematic and organized way. “Practice makes a man perfect" 1. Concept builder—1 & 14 As soon as you have finished learning the concept do the problems from these exercises first These exercises contains easy level questions to help you build your concepts. 1 — Contains Single Correct Type questions 1A —® Contains pattern based questions incorporating the latest JEE Advanced based patterns like more than one correct, matching list, match the column, ete. 2. Brain Booster — 2 & 2 Now that you have built your concepts it’s time to master them by solving Brain Boosting problems. Don’t hurry through these problems. Take time to solve & learn from them. These exercises contains Medium & Tough level problems. Do questions from 2 & 2A after attempting 1 & 1A 2 —» Single Correct Type questions. 2A —» Pattern Based ques . Simulator — JM & JA Contains questions from previous year JEE Mains & JEE Advanced questions in exercise JM & ¢ JA respectively. Get the real taste & feel of the type of questions being asked in JEE. It's a great tool for simulating your mind with JEE problems. These exercises are not included in the module but are provided separately. JM —» JEE Mai s previous years topic wise questions. JA —» JEE Advance previous years topic wise questions. IT-JEE/NEET/10"/9"/8" with eSaral APP p>Get ton gle Play wSaral Problem solving is an integral part of learning, Home Work Index Calorimetry Find questions to solve after each video in the homework Index. Make sure that you attempt all the problems (in Ex I to 2A) after learning a topic from the videos. For example if you have finished topic 8, first attempt all the problems listed in the index corresponding to topic 8 before proceeding to the video of topic 9 Sr.No. Topic Name Ex-l_| Ex-1A | Ex-2 | Ex-2A 1 {Introduction to Calorimetry 1-2 6 12 1 2 [Principle of Calorimetry 3 135 34 4 3 |Change of State 47 247 5-8 | 2,3,5,6,7 wSaral & at wa area 1 wSaral Exercise - 1 Calorimetry Concept Builder SINGLE CORRECT TYPE Each question has FOUR options for correct answer. ONLY ONE of these four options is correct option. For each question, choose the correct option 10 answer the question. Introduction to Calorimetry QU. Heat is associated with (A) kinetic energy of random motion of molecules. (B) kinetic energy of orderly motion of molecules. (©) total kinetic energy of random and orderly motion of molecules. (D) kinetic energy of random motion in some cases and kinetic energy of orderly motion in other. Q2. Calorie is defined as the amount of heat required to raise temperature of 1 g of water by 1°C and it is defined under which of the following conditions :~ (A) From 14.5°C to 15.5°C at 760 mm of He (B) From 98.5°C to 99.5°C at 760 mm of Hg (C) From 13.5°C to 14.5°C at 76 mmof Hg (D) From 3.5°C to 4.5°C at 76 mm of Hg Principle of Calorimetry QB. Lkgofice at ~ 10°C is mixed with 4.4 kg of water at 30°C. The final temperature of mixture is (specific heat of ice is 2100 J/kg/k) (A) 23°C (B)4.4°C (©)5.3°C (D)8.7°C Change of State Q4. A block of mass 2.5 kg is heated to temperature of 500°C and placed on a large ice block. What is the maximum amount of ice that can melt (approx.). Specific heat for the body = 0.1 Cal/gm°C. (A) Lkg (B) 1S kg (C)2kg (D) 2.5 kg QS. 10 gmofice at 0°C is kept in a calorimeter of water equivalent 10 gm. How much heat should be supplied to the apparatus to evaporate the water thus formed? (Neglect loss of heat) (A) 6200 cal (B) 7200 cal (C) 13600 cal (D) 8200 cal Q6. A solid material is supplied with heat at a constant rate, The temperature of material is changing with heat input as shown in the figure. What does slope DE represents? 0 Heat Taput—> (A) latent heat of liquid (B) latent heat of vapour (C) heat capacity of vapour (D) inverse of heat capacity of vapour wSaral & at wa erew 1 wSaral Q7. Statement-1 : A solid material is supplied heat at a constant rate. The temp. of the material is changing with the heat input as shown in figure. Latent heat of vaporization of substance is double that of fusion (given CD=2aB). Calorimetry Statement—2 : L, «AB and L, T (B) ASP; BOS; C5Q; DOR (C) A>P; BS; C>R; DQ (D) A98; BP; C3Q; D>R SUBJECTIVE TYPE NUMERICAL TYPE Q5. Two identical calorimeter A and B contain equal quantity of water at 20°C. AS gm pi (C?y is dropped into A and a 5 gm piece of of metal X of specific heat 0.2 cal g metal Y into B. The equilibrium temperature in A is 22°C and in B 23°C, The initial temperature ofboth the metals is 40°C. Find the specific heat of metal Y in eal g' (C2)', The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. For each question, find the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated! rounded-off to the second decimal place; e.g. 6.25, 7.00, -0.33, -.30, 30.27, -127.30) Q6. Calculate heat required in cal to raise the temperature of 1 g of water through 1°C ? Q7. Find Heat releases by 1 kg steam at 150°C if't convert into 1 kg water at 50°C (ink cal). wSaral & at wae aea Sl wSaral Exercise - 2 Calorimetry Brain Booster SINGLE CORRECT TYPE Each question has FOUR options for correct answer. ONLY ONE of these four options is correct option. For each question, choose the correct option to answer the question. a. Q. Qs. Two substances A and B of equal mass m are heated by uniform rate of 6 cal s under milar conditions. A graph between temperature and time is shown in figure. Ratio of heat absorbed H, /H, by them during complete fusion is :- t 100 2 0. 5 60 % 40- E20 : : OTe sas es Tine) + ay By o§ b> M7 BO; OF OF The density of a material A is 1500 kg/m’ and that of another material B is 2000 kg/ m’, It is found that the heat capacity of 8 volumes of A is equal to heat capacity of 12 volumes of B. The ratio of specific heats of A and B will be (A)1:2 (B)3:1 (©)3:2 (D)2:1 Some steam at 100°C is passed into 1.1 kg. of water contained in a calorimeter of water equivalent 0.02 kg at 15°C so that the temperature of the calorimeter and its contents rises to 80°C. What is the mass of steam condensing, (in kg) (A) 0.130 (B) 0.065 (©) 0.260 (D) 0.135 A continuous flow water heater (geyser) has an electrical power rating = 2 kW and efficienty of conversion of electrical power into heat = 80%. If water is flowing through the device at the rate of 100 cc/sec, and the inlet temperature is 10°C, the outlet temperature will be (A) 12.2°C (C) 20°C (B) 13.8°C (D) 16.5°C Tt Qs. Q. PMA 540 g of ice at 0°C is mixed with 540 g of water at 80°C, The final temperature of the mixture is (Given latent heat of fusion of ice = 80 cal/g and specific heat capacity of water = 1 cal/g'C) (A) °C (B) 40°C (©) 80°C (D) less than 0°C 2 kg of ice at -20°C is mixed with 5 kg of water at 20°C in an insulating vessel having a negligible heat capacity. Calculate the final mass of water remaining in the container. It is given that the specific heats of water and ice are 1 keal/kg/*C while the latent heat of fusion of ice is 80 keal/kg :- (A) 7kg, (B) 6 kg (C)4kg (D) 2 ke Ice at 0°C is added to 200 g of water initially at 70°C in a vacuum flask. When 50 g of ice has been added and has all melted the temperature of the flask and contents is 40°C. When a further 80g of ice has been added and has all metled, the temperature of the whole is 10°C. Calculate the specific latent heat of fusion of ice. [Take S, =I cal /gm°C.] (A)3.8>10°V kg (B) 1.2 «10° kg (C)24x10° kg (D) 3.0 10° kg Inan insulated vessel, 0.05 kg steam at 373 K and 0.45 kg of ice at 253 K are mixed. Then, find the final temperature of the Ligcan 7 80 cal/g = 336 Wg, = 540 cal/g = 2268 J/g, 2100 J/kg K = 0.5 cal/gK and S ug, = 4200 Jikg K = 1 cal /gK (A) 273K (B) 373K (©) 100K (D)0K it (ed wSaral Exercise - 2A Calorimetry Brain Booster ONE OR MORE THAN ONE CORRECT TYPE Each question has FOUR options for correct answer(s). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s) is (are) correct option(s). For each question, choose the correct option(s) to answer the question. QI. Equal amount of heat energy are transferred into equal mass of ethyl alcohol and water sample. The rise in temperature of water sample is 25°C. The temperature rise of ethyl alcohol will be. (Specific heat of ethyl alcohol is one half of the specific heat of water). (A) 12.5°C (B) 25°C (C) 50°C (D) It depends on the rate of energy transfer. Q2. 50 gm ice at — 10°C is mixed with 20 gm steam at 100°C. When the mixture finally reaches its steady state inside a calorimeter of water equivalent 1.5 gm then : [Assume calorimeter was initially at 0°C, Take latent heat of vaporization of water = 540 cal/gm, Latent heat of fusion of water = 80 cal/gm, specific heat capacity of water = I cal/gm-°C, specific heat capacity of ice = 0.5 cal/gm°C] (A) Mass of water remaining is : 67.4 gm (B) Mass of steam remaining is : 2.6 gm (C) Mass of water remaining is : 67.87 gm (D) Mass of steam remaining is : 2.13 gm MATCH THE COLUMN TYPE Following questions contain statements given in two columns, which have to be matched, The statements in Columnel are labelled as A, B, C and D while the statements in Column-Il ave labelled as (P), (Q), (R) and (S). Any given statement in Column-I can have correct matching with ONE OR MORE statement(s) in Column-II. @. A sample ‘A’ of liquid water and a sample B of ice of equal mass are kept in 2 nearby containers so that they can exchange heat with each other but are thermally insulated from the surroundings, The graphs in column-II show the sketch of temperature T of samples versus time t. Match with appropriate description in column-I Column I (A) Equilibrium temperature is above melting point of ice. (B) At least some of water freezes. Column II T @) @ wSaral & at wa area 1 wSaral (C) At least some of ice melts. (D) Equilibrium temperature is below freezing point of water Calorimetry (R) (s) qd) ERICAL TYPE The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE, For each question, find the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/ rounded-off to the second decimal place; e.g. 6.2: 7.00, -0.33, -.30, 30.27, -127.30) Q4. A flow calorimeter is used to measure the specific heat of a liquid, Heat is added at a known rate to a stream of the liquid as it passes through the calorimeter at a known rate, Then a measurement of the resulting temperature difference between the inflow and the outflow points of the liquid stream enables us to compute the specific heat of the liquid. A liquid of density 0.2 g/em* flows through a calorimeter at the rate of 10 em'/s, Heat is added by means of a 250-W electric heating coil, and a temperature difference of 25°C is established in steady- state con outflow points. Find the specific heat of the liquid (in YPC kg.) ions between the inflow and the Meee lad Qs. An aluminium container of mass 100 gm contains 200 gm of ice at ~ 20°C. Heat is added to the system at the rate of 100 calls. nd the temperature of the system (in °C) after 4 minutes. (Given : specific heat of ice = 0.5 cal/gnv/°C ic heat of Al= 0.2 and L = 80 cal/gm, speci cal/gnv/°C) SUBJECTIVE TYPE Q6. Q7. A block of ice with mass m falls into a lake. After impact, a mass of ice m/5 melts. Both the block of ice and the lake have a temperature of 0°C. IfL represents the latent heat of fusion, the minimum distance the ice fell before striking the surface is 5 gm of steam at 100°C is mixed with 10gm of ice at 0°C. Find the final composition of mixture. Get it on (od wSaral Calorimetry Answer Key Ex-1 Ex-1A 1.B,C,D 2. B,D 3. (A) T (B) R, (C) Q, (D) T 4.D 5. 27/85 6. | cal 7. 615 Keal. Ex-2A LC 2AB 3.A-Q;B-PR;C-QS;D-R L 4.5000 °C kg 5. 25.5°C 6 sg 7. 1.67 gm of steam +13.33 gm of H,0 wSaral & at wae wea Sl wSaral -: Important Notes & Formulas :- PHYSICS lj Ge wWSaral Capacitor Contents 1 Module Description Page - ii 2. Homework Index Page - ii 3. Exercise 1 Page - 1 4, Exercise 1A Page - 5 5 Exercise 2 Page - 8 6. Exercise 2A Page - 11 7 Answer Key Page - 13 Note Detailed solutions are available on the eSaral App. wSaral & at we area Sl wSaral Capacitor Module Description For mastering the concepts only learning is not sufficient. We have to practice and apply those concepts in problem solving. This sheet does just that. It contains a collection of problems segregated in the following exercises to help you master the concepts in a systematic and organized way. “Practice makes a man perfect” 1. Concept builder—1& 1A As soon as you have finished learning the concept do the problems from these exercises first. These exercises contains easy level questions to help you build your concepts. 1 —+ Contains Single Correct Type questions 1A —» Contains pattern based questions incorporating the latest JEE Advanced based patterns like more than one correct, matching list, match the column, ete. 2. Brain Booster— 2 & 2A Now that you have built your concepts it’s time to master them by solving Brain Boosting problems, Don’t hurry through these problems. Take time to solve & learn from them. These exercises contains Medium & Tough level problems. Do questions from 2 & 2A after attempting I & 1A 2 —+ Single Correct Type questions. 2A ——» Pattern Based questions. 3. Simulator — JM & JA Contains questions from previous year JEE Mains & JEE Advanced questions in exercise JM & exercise JA respectively. Get the real taste & feel of the type of questions being asked in JEE. It’s a great tool for simulating your mind with JEE problems. These exercises are not included in the module but are provided separately. JM —» JEE Mains previous years topic wise questions. JA —+ IEE Advance previous years topic wise questions. Ec wooed Page ii ‘Google Play wWSaral Home Work Index Problem solving is an integral part of learning, Capacitor Find questions to solve after each video in the homework Index. Make sure that you attempt all the problems (in Ex 1 to 2A) after learning a topic from the videos. For example if you have finished topic 8, first attempt all the problems listed in the index corresponding to topic 8 before proceeding to the video of topic 9, Sr.No. Topic Name Ext | ExtA| Ex2 | Ex2A 1 | Capacitor Introduction 1 15,16 u 2 [Parallel Plate Capacitor 2 2 112 3. |Series and Parallel combination 3-6 4 |Citeuit Amalysis- mesh and nodal analysis | 7-9 2 5 |Bnergy stored in capacitor 10,11 6 Charge flow and heat loss 12-16 12 14 3 7 | Equivalent capacitance and parallel plate | 17 17,22 56 8 [Dielectric 3,18 78 9 |Diferet combinations of dielectric 18-22 9 4 10 |Bketric force on dielectric slab 10,11 5 11 [Transient state capacitor 2B AX, WA 12. |Calculation of current at different state 5.6 12 6-9 13. |Discharging of capacitor 24 78,19 | 1314 14 After full chapter 25 20,23 15 10 wSaral & at we area Sl wWSaral Exercise - 1 Capacitor Concept Builder SINGLE CORRECT TYPE Each question has FOUR options for correct answer: ONLY ONE of these four options is correct option. For each question, choose the correct option 10 answer the question. Capacitor Introduction QI. The earth has Volume 'V' and Surface area, A’ then capacitance would be : A Vv (A) dreo > @) 4reoF Vv A (© Brey (©) Bre > Parallel Plate Capacitor Q2. Statement-1 : The capacitance of a capacitor depends on the shape, size and geometrical placing of the conductors and its medium between them. Statement-2 : When a charge q passes through a battery of emf E from the negative terminal to an positive terminal, an amount gE of work is done by the battery. (A) Statement-I is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1 (B) Statement-1 is True, Statement—2 is True ; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement—1 (C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False. (D) Statement— True. is False, Statement—2 is Series and Parallel combination Q3. The equivalent capacitance between the points A and B in the given diagram is, uF L our are ae (A) 8 WF (B) 6 nF 8 3 (Cc) gue (D) gir Q4. An infinite number of identical capacitors each of capacitance I F are connected as in adjoining figure. Then the equivalent capacitance between A and B is : 4+} HHH] HHS camector HH Lt fie carci HH a v B (A) Ib F (B) 21 F 1 (©) GRE (D) © QS. What is the equivalent capacitance of the system of capacitors between A & B as shown in the figure TeT 1 E_E B 7 (yee (B) 1.6 joc (D) None wSaral & at we area Sl Ea

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