RACI Exercise

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RACI Matrix Exercise

Definition: RACI stands for responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed. A RACI matrix is a formal way of documenting the role of each
stakeholder/participant when multiple parties are involved in a project or business process.

Definition of Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed

Role Role Code Definition
Responsible R This role completes the actual work and owns the problem; this role is the “Doer.” There can be multiple R’s.
Accountable A This role approves the completed work and is held accountable for it. “The bucks stop here.” There should only be one
Consulted C This role has information and/or capability to complete the work. This role is “in the loop” as two-way communication
occurs, usually between the “C” and the “R”. There can be multiple C’s.
Informed I This role is to be informed of progress and results. This role receives one-way communication, usually from the R. This
role is “kept in the picture” but is not involved in creating it.

Exercise: Assume you are building a student management system for VNU-IS. Fill in the chart below with R, A, C, or I using the following
definitions below. Use the blank columns as necessary if there are others who should be included in the matrix.

Task Project manager Product Developer Tester Business UI/UX Data

owner Analysis analysis
Study the A R I I C I

Risks analysis A I I I I I R
Define A R I I C

Document A C I R I
Desing A I I C R

Design GUI A I I C R
RACI Matrix Exercise


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