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Resolution No.


WHEREAS, the election for the Board of Directors of the

_________________________________________ Homeowners Association will be held on:
DATE : _________________________________________
VENUE : _________________________________________
TIME : 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM

WHEREAS, there is a need to promulgate guidelines to govern the conduct of the said election;

WHEREAS, an Election Committee needs to be elected to supervise the conduct of the elections;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved, that the following guidelines are issued
for the upcoming election of the Board of Directors:


These Election Rules and Guidelines are established to promote fairness, transparency, and
orderliness in The _________________________________________ Homeowner's
Association elections, thereby encouraging member participation and maintaining the
integrity of the election process.

These rules shall apply to all phases of the election process, including but not limited to
candidate nominations, campaign procedures, voting methods, and dispute resolution.


The GA resolution to conduct an election aims to restore the democratic process in the
association after failing to hold elections as mandated by the bylaws. The elected ELECOM
shall ensure the orderly conduct of the election in accordance with this Resolution. The GA
shall appoint an Election Committee responsible for overseeing and administering the
election process. The committee shall consist of impartial members who are not candidates
for any elected position.

An elected Election Committee (ELECOM) is hereby appointed composed of:

________________________________________- Chairperson
________________________________________ - Poll Clerk
________________________________________ - Election Officer
________________________________________- Election Officer
________________________________________ - Election Officer

Duties and Responsibilities:

The Election Committee shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
a. Verify the eligibility of candidates and voters.
b. Establish the election timeline, including key dates for nomination, campaigning, and
c. Supervise candidate forums and debates, if applicable.
d. Receive and validate all candidate nominations.
e. Oversee the secure distribution and collection of ballots.
f. Tally and verify votes transparently.
g. Resolve disputes related to the election process.
h. Announce the election results promptly.
All eligible members of the homeowner's association, as defined in the association's
governing documents, shall have the right to vote.
• The masterlist of voters shall be based on the association's occupancy verification record
containing the list of legitimate residents.
• Open to all members as of six (6) months prior to election.
• Of legal age on the day of election.
• Must be an actual resident as verified.
• Must present a valid ID on election day.


4.1 Candidate's qualifications and Nomination procedure
• Must be a homeowner and member in good standing for at least 6 months prior to the
• Of good moral character and integrity.
• Must be an actual resident of the subdivision/village.
• Has not been convicted of an offense involving moral turpitude.
• Has no criminal or administrative charges pending.
• Has not served for the maximum number of terms allowed.
• Complies with all other qualifications in the association's bylaws.
• Must file a certificate of candidacy and other requirements before the deadline.

4.2 Fair Campaigning

Candidates and their supporters shall engage in fair and ethical campaigning, refraining from
negative campaigning, personal attacks, or misrepresentation of facts.
• Campaigning shall only be allowed within the designated period.
• Campaign materials should be removed one (1) day before the election.
• Campaign activities shall not disturb the peace and order.

4.3 Access to Association Resources

All candidates shall have equal access to association resources for campaign purposes,
subject to reasonable rules and restrictions established by the Election Committee.

4.4 Candidate Forums and Debates

If organized, candidate forums and debates shall be held to allow members to become
informed about the candidates and their platforms.


The secrecy and confidentiality of each member's vote shall be maintained throughout the
voting process.
• Members may cast their votes through secret ballot in person at the designated polling
• Proxy voting shall be allowed. Authorization shall be notarized and submitted by the
deadline set by the ELECOM.
• The Comelec shall administer the casting and counting of votes.
• The candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared winner.
• Winning candidates shall immediately assume office upon proclamation.
• All election protests shall be notarized and filed within 5 days after proclamation.
• The ELECOM shall issue additional rules as necessary.

a. Multiple Voting: It shall be prohibited for any member to vote more than once in an election,
either by submitting multiple ballots or attempting to vote under multiple identities. Each member
shall have only one vote, regardless of the number of properties they own within the association.

b. Voter Intimidation: No member, candidate, or campaign supporter shall engage in any form of
intimidation, coercion, or harassment towards other members to influence their vote. This
includes but is not limited to verbal threats, physical intimidation, or undue pressure.

c. Campaign Misrepresentation: Candidates and their supporters are prohibited from making false
statements about themselves, their opponents, or the election process. Misleading information,
libelous statements, or false endorsements shall not be tolerated.

d. Proxy Voting Abuse: The misuse of proxy votes is strictly prohibited. Proxy votes should only be
used when a member is genuinely unable to attend the election meeting in person. Any proxy
votes found to be obtained through deception or coercion shall be invalidated.

e. Vote Buying and Selling: No member, candidate, or campaign supporter shall offer, provide, or
accept any form of compensation, bribe, or incentive in exchange for votes or support. This
includes gifts, money, or other valuable items.

f. Electioneering in Restricted Zones: Campaigning and electioneering activities shall not be

conducted in prohibited or restricted areas, such as inside association facilities, during
association-sponsored events, or within a certain distance from the polling station. These areas
shall remain neutral zones.

g. Ballot Tampering: Tampering with ballots, whether by altering, destroying, or fraudulently

submitting them, is strictly prohibited. All ballots shall be treated with the utmost integrity and
security throughout the election process.

h. Influencing Election Officials: No member, candidate, or campaign supporter shall attempt to

unduly influence or manipulate the election officials, including the Election Committee or the
Association Board, to gain an unfair advantage.

i. Non-Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest: Candidates must disclose any potential conflicts of

interest that may affect their ability to act in the best interests of the association. Failure to
disclose such conflicts may result in disqualification.

j. Disruption of Election Proceedings: Disruptive behavior that interferes with the orderly conduct
of the election, such as shouting, physical altercations, or the use of loudspeakers, shall not be

k. False Candidacy Withdrawal: Once a candidate officially announces their candidacy, they shall
not falsely withdraw from the election to manipulate the vote in favor of another candidate. Any
withdrawal must be genuine and timely.

l. Failure to Comply with Election Rules: All members, candidates, and campaign supporters shall
adhere to the election rules and regulations set forth by the Association. Failure to comply with
these rules may result in penalties or disqualification.

Penalties for Violating Prohibited Acts:

Violations of these prohibited acts shall be subject to penalties as outlined in the Association's
governing documents and may include, but are not limited to, disqualification of candidates,
revocation of voting rights, fines, or legal action as deemed appropriate by the Association Board.
Review and Amendment
These Election Rules and Guidelines may be reviewed and amended as necessary by the Board, with
input from the Election Committee, to ensure their effectiveness and fairness.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these Election Rules and Guidelines shall take effect immediately
upon approval and shall be prominently communicated to all members of the homeowner's association.
Approved this ____ day of ________, 2023.

Election Committee

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