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Name : Joshua Kriston Octavianus

NIM : 043612581

Soal nomor 1

1. Ragam Bahasa yang digunakan adalah gaya Bahasa kasual, dapat dilihat dari percakapan
diatas mereka melakukan penyingkatan atau pemendekan kata yang menghilangkan
beberapa huruf dari kata aslinya, seperti didn’t, what’s, wasn’t
2. Topik percakapan diatas adalah keadaan atau kabar seseorang.

Soal nomor 2

Hello, Greetings, I hope you are all healthy and happy, this time I want to tell you a little about
my office. My office is in a well-known company and is in the city center. My office is equipped
with lighting, computer, cabinet, desk, and chair, with all this equipment I can do my work
efficiently and effectively. I feel comfortable and happy working in this office because in this
office I have a chair so that I can work comfortably, and there is also a computer which is
important for my work, and there is a cabinet that can help me store the work that I have done
finished, and I can arrange it neatly so that it is easy to find again when it needed again.

Soal nomor 3

a. Pengirim memo itu adalah manager perusahaan

b. Memo tersebut ditujukan untuk semua karyawan perusahaan
c. Memo tersebut memberitahukan tentang upacara perpisahan untuk melepas marketing
manager dan semua karyawan diharuskan hadir pada upacara tersebut.

Soal nomor 4

To : My City Got Talent Organizing Team

From : Joshua Kriston
Date : 10 May 2022
Subject : Having Problems Registering for the Competition

To whom with my concern,

Good morning,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is Joshua Kriston Octavianus, I am a student at
Indonesia Open University interested in your competition.
I want to apply for the My City Got Talent competition, but I don't know where I can get the form.
Maybe you can tell me where I can download the form.
That's all for my email. I will be waiting for your response. Thanks in advance for your time.

Best Regards
Joshua Kriston Octavianus

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