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The war on drugs campaign in the Philippines must be dealt with by the public health sector
rather than the law enforcement sector and the government should consider health based
rehabilitation programs adapted to Filipino culture and communities.

 Filipinos who struggle with drug addiction will be encouraged to receive the necessary
medical care.
 The public health sector could provide the right information and could raise awareness
regarding the dangers of drug misuse to the general population

 The country also lacks both doctors who can assess the patients’ needs and qualified
drug counselors.
 It could cost the government to provide treatment for those who have come forward


More drug rehabilitation centers for drug victims should be added. Besides that, the government
should invest more in developing different programs designed to eradicate drug addiction.


● Some drug users/addicts will choose to enter a rehabilitation center rather than
continue to use.
● Getting drug users/addicts to a rehab center as early as possible helps to prevent the
spread of drug addiction.
● It will raise awareness about its negative effects.


● They may still not follow and are unwilling to be educated.

● They may still refuse to surrender to the authorities.


In conclusion, we recommend ACA 1 rather than ACA 2, because we agree that if the public
health sector handles the situation, it will be more efficient. Since we are talking about drug
addiction and the risk to a person's health, it should also be handled by health professionals. If
ACA 2 is utilized, it will not entirely eliminate drug addiction because the majority are still
hesitant to change and refuse to surrender. Rather than relying on a drug war, it should be
handed to a health professional. Because while we were in the hands of the Duterte
administration, the war on drugs has reduced and prevented drug addiction but its
ineffectiveness remains more dominant among the majority. Authorities do not go after those
who began it and are at the foundation of the problem, but rather they target the poor victims.
As a result, small-time drug dealers are killed at a higher rate than drug lords. Justice is not
served for those who were killed despite being innocent. Furthermore, the police officers who
are in charge of the operation are abusing their authority, which contributes to the public's lack
of trust.

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