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The Importance of Peripheral Diabetic Retinopathy

Frederick L. Ferris III, MD - Bethesda, Maryland

When I was first learning about diabetic retinopathy 4 de- The relative ease that new imaging techniques provide
cades ago, I was fortunate to be personally tutored by Drs. for obtaining photographs of the peripheral retina affords
Lloyd M. Aiello, Matthew Davis, and Arnall Patz. They all new opportunities to assess how important the peripheral
stressed the importance of lesions in the retinal periphery. lesions of diabetic retinopathy might be. The study by Silva
Of course, they emphasized that this was a frequent site of et al2 in this issue addresses this question by dividing the
neovascularization, but they also taught us to focus on other population into 2 groups at baseline. They assessed the
major lesions of nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy. In severity of diabetic retinopathy in the fundus covered by
particular, they emphasized both extensive hemorrhages/ the traditional 7 stereo photographic fields and separately
microaneurysms and “featureless retina” as indications of assessed the severity of diabetic retinopathy lesions in the
peripheral nonperfusion. These peripheral lesions were peripheral retina, outside the 7 fields, using just ultra-
elegantly and laboriously imaged in that era by Dr. Koichi widefield imaging without angiography. In the first group,
Shimizu using fluorescein angiog- the lesions used to assess retino-
raphy.1 These angiograms, which pathy severity were equally or
were so painstaking to do at that Including these peripheral lesions in more prevalent in the 7 fields than
time, are now elegantly simplified a new grading system should in the periphery. In the second
with ultra-widefield imaging. If group, the lesions were more
the importance of these peripheral
provide better estimates of the prevalent in the periphery and the
lesions has been known for de- overall risk of progression of diabetic group was identified as “predom-
cades, what is the relevance of the retinopathy inantly peripheral lesions” (PPLs).
article by Silva et al2 (see page By dividing the population in
949) in this issue of Ophthalmology? this way, the authors were able to show that eyes with PPL
Assessment of the severity of diabetic retinopathy and were at considerably higher risk of progression of retino-
the risks of progression are largely based on the Modified pathy compared with eyes without PPL. Of course, there is
Airlie House Classification system that was first proposed an inevitable bias in this analysis that favors progression in
at the Airlie House Symposium on the Treatment of Dia- the PPL group. Because the assessment of severity is based
betic Retinopathy in 1968,3 modified for use in the on the level in the 7 fields, and because the PPL group is
Diabetic Retinopathy Study,4 and further modified on the composed only of eyes with additional risk factors, it is
basis of the accumulating results for the Early Treatment highly unlikely that the group with more risk factors would
Diabetic Retinopathy Study.5 This system was based on be associated with slower or even the same rate of reti-
reading center grading of the posterior pole of the nopathy progression. It is a comparison of eyes with
fundus, using 7 standard 30-degree overlapping stereo equivalent or less retinopathy in the periphery with eyes
photographic fields. As these protocols for assessing the with more severe retinopathy in the periphery. This is
severity of the diabetic retinopathy developed, there was particularly obvious for the eyes with no retinopathy in the 7
considerable discussion on how to include the peripheral fields. It is logical that the eyes with no retinopathy at all
fundus. Two major features limited how much of the pe- will be less likely to progress than eyes with retinopathy in
riphery could be reproducibly assessed using the photo- the periphery. If one somehow reversed the analysis and
graphic methods available at the time. First, obtaining based the severity of retinopathy on the lesions in the pe-
high-quality stereo 30-degree photographs in the periph- riphery and then created a subgroup with more severe reti-
ery was technically difficult. Second, even if technically nopathy in the posterior pole, it is inevitable that one would
feasible, the burden on the patient of obtaining the addi- find that the lesions in the posterior pole added to the risk
tional stereo pairs necessary to cover the midperiphery was estimate. There is no easy way to eliminate this bias.
problematic. The compromise that evolved was to photo- However, although the bias ensures the direction of the
graph only those peripheral fields outside the posterior 7 association, it is the magnitude of the association that is
fields where neovascularization was observed or suspected. important in this case. These analyses demonstrate that there
Because much of the literature associating lesions of dia- is considerable extra risk for eyes with lesions more prev-
betic retinopathy with the risk of retinopathy progression alent in the peripheral retina. However, one cannot conclude
or vision loss is based on the assessment using the modi- that the lesions in the periphery are more important than
fied Airlie House grading system, the effect of lesions in posterior lesions, only that they add significantly to the risk
the retinal periphery, although known to be important, has assessment.
not been well documented and is not part of current I suppose it is gratifying to prove that those who developed
grading systems for the severity of diabetic retinopathy. the grading systems years ago were correct when they

Ó 2015 by the American Academy of Ophthalmology 869

Published by Elsevier Inc. ISSN 0161-6420/15
Ophthalmology Volume 122, Number 5, May 2015

emphasized the importance of peripheral lesions, but that is improve our abilities to detect disease and thus provide better
not the important result of this research. The important result patient care.
is how it will change our clinical practice and future research.
For clinical practice, it reinforces the need to assess the pe- References
riphery when assessing the risk of progression for individual
1. Shimizu K, Kobayashi Y, Muraoka K. Midperipheral fundus
patients. The overall severity of retinopathy will help in
involvement in diabetic retinopathy. Ophthalmology 1981;88:
determining how frequently patients need to be followed and 601–12.
when it is appropriate to intervene with treatment. It will also 2. Silva PS, Cavallerano JD, Haddad NN, et al. Peripheral lesions
add to our ability to use telemedicine more accurately. For identified on ultrawide field imaging predict increased risk of
research, it suggests that we may need to further modify the diabetic retinopathy progression over 4 years. Ophthalmology
“modified Airlie House grading system” because we can now 2015;122:949–56.
reliably image the periphery. Including these peripheral le- 3. Goldberg M, Fine S, eds. Symposium on the Treatment of
sions in a new grading system should provide better estimates Diabetic Retinopathy. Washington, DC: U.S. Government
of the overall risk of progression of diabetic retinopathy. This Printing Office; 1969. USPHS pub. no. 1890.
will be important in developing eligibility criteria for clinical 4. The Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group. DRS Report
No. 7. A modification of the Airlie House classification of
trials designed to test interventions developed to slow the
diabetic retinopathy. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1981;21:21–6.
progression of retinopathy. It will also provide us with new 5. Grading diabetic retinopathy from stereoscopic color fundus
guidelines for assessing the risks of retinopathy progression photographsean extension of the modified Airlie House clas-
that we can use to discuss future risks and treatment options sification. ETDRS report number 10. Early Treatment Diabetic
with our patients. There is no doubt that the new imaging Retinopathy Study Research Group. Ophthalmology 1991;98
tools that have evolved over the last decade dramatically (5 Suppl):786–806.

Pictures & Perspectives

Juvenile Xanthogranuloma
Juvenile Xanthogranuloma (JXG) in 1-year-old boy who
presented with a history of single left medial canthal lesion
esmooth, raised, and orange ethat was present for 10 months
(Fig 1). Histopathology revealed diffuse granulomatous inflam-
mation (Fig 2) with histiocytes and Touton giant cells (arrow).
University of Wisconsin e Madison, Department of
Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Madison, Wisconsin


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