Home To School

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I had started to collecting things that I need, counting my books and copybooks, to
place my clothes to my suitcase at 2 pm. Then my mom wished me to pass my
exams with excellent marks and hugged me. When I leave my home, it was half
past 2 and it had started to snow. Snow looked like flying white butterfly. Then I
got into the car and it had started to move. The nature was beautiful, the gentle
breeze was pleasantly hitting my face, like a caress. Then I closed the car window.
The weak rays of the sun were falling on my eyes, as if afraid of melting the snow.
The clouds blocked the sun to protect the snow. At that time, the clouds seemed to
me like a kind sister. Because they loved and appreciated the snow just like me.
Next, I got out of the car and got on the bus. The bus was not as crowded as usual.
The first reason was the weather and the second was the fact that it was Sunday.
The bus started moving. All the people waved as they were swimming in the sea,
except that the movements were the same. I started looking around again. White
snow everywhere, as if someone were painting them white. I thought why that
person has so much paint. I wish I had that many paints. Of course, this is just a
dream. Then I started to feel the coldness of winter. The reason I did not feel it
before was because it was hot inside the car, but now it is cold inside the bus. All
busy with themselves, like a hive of bees. After that, the bus stopped at the stop
where I got off. I got off it and continued on my way. That is when I saw that the
lights were off everywhere and a police officer was directing the traffic. Next, I
arrived to the school and my journey finished.

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