Cream Neutral Minimalist Finance Basics Webinar Presentation 20231106 135405 0000

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By:Group 1



Bonds are debt securities that are issued by
corporations, municipalities, and governments to
raise capital. When an entity issues a bond, it is
essentially borrowing money from investors. In
exchange for purchasing the bond, the investor
receives periodic interest payments, known as
coupon payments, over the life of the bond. At
the end of the bond's term, the investor receives
the face value of the bond, also known as the
principal or par value.
Face value: Bonds have a face value, which is
the amount of money that the bond issuer
will pay to the investor when the bond
matures. This is also known as the par value.

Yield: The yield on a bond is the return that an investor

can expect to receive from the bond. It is calculated by
dividing the coupon payment by the price of the bond.
The yield can fluctuate based on changes in the bond's
price and interest rates.
Fixed income: Bonds provide a fixed rate
of return, which is paid to investors at
Add a Lower returns: Bonds generally
regular intervals until the bond matures.
This provides investors with a predictable provide lower returns compared to
source of income. stocks and other securities, as they are
considered to be less risky.
2. Lower risk: Bonds are generally
considered to be less risky than stocks,
as they are not subject to the same . Interest rate risk: The value of a bond
market forces that affect stock prices. can be affected by changes in interest
The value of a bond is largely determined rates. If interest rates rise, the value
by interest rates and the creditworthiness of existing bonds will decrease, and
of the bond issuer.
vice versa.
what is corporate bonds?

Corporate bonds are debt securities Corporate bonds are typically

issued by corporations to raise capital considered less risky than stocks but
for various purposes, such as funding riskier than government bonds. The
expansion projects, refinancing creditworthiness of the issuing
existing debt, or financing mergers and company determines the level of risk
acquisitions. When you invest in a associated with the bond. Companies
corporate bond, you are essentially with higher credit ratings are
lending money to the issuing company considered more stable and are
in exchange for regular interest therefore likely to offer lower interest
payments and the return of the rates on their bonds compared to
principal amount at maturity. companies with lower credit ratings.
Maturity Date: Corporate
bonds have a specified
maturity date, which is
the date when the issuer
is obligated to repay the
principal amount to the
bondholders. Maturities
can range from a few
years to several decades.
Market Price: Corporate bonds are
traded in the secondary market, and
their prices can fluctuate based on
changes in interest rates, credit ratings,
and investor demand. The market price
of a bond may be higher or lower than
its face value, depending on prevailing
market conditions.

Secured Corporate Bonds: Secured corporate bonds are backed Unsecured Corporate Bonds (Debentures): Unsecured
by specific assets or collateral of the issuing company. In the corporate bonds, also known as debentures, are not backed
event of default or bankruptcy, bondholders have a claim on the by specific collateral. Instead, they rely solely on the
specified assets, which can be sold to repay the bondholders. creditworthiness and ability of the issuing company to fulfill
its payment obligations. In the event of default or
These assets act as a form of security or protection for the
bankruptcy, bondholders of unsecured bonds are
bondholders. Examples of assets that can be used as collateral
considered general creditors and have a claim on the
include real estate, equipment, inventory, or other valuable
company's assets after secured bondholders and other
assets owned by the company. Secured bonds are generally creditors with higher priority. Unsecured bonds carry a
considered less risky compared to unsecured bonds because higher level of risk compared to secured bonds, as
bondholders have a higher chance of recovering their bondholders have a lower chance of recovering their
investment if the company defaults. investment in case of default
Difference of
stocks and bond
Here are somey differences
between stocks and bonds:

1. Ownership: Stocks represent

4. Priority in Payments: In the
ownership in a company, while event of bankruptcy or
bonds represent debt owed by an liquidation, bondholders
issuer. have a higher priority in
2. Risk and Return: Stocks have the receiving payments
potential for higher returns but compared to stockholders.
also come with higher risk, while 5. Market Value: Stock prices
bonds offer more stability and are determined by supply and
predictable income. demand in the stock market,
3. Income Generation: Stocks may while bond prices are
provide dividends, while bonds influenced by interest rates
and the creditworthiness of
generate income through interest
the issuer.

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