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Assignment No. sa cb Technology What is Web ! The \deh is the common_name. fo Web a sub ek of the Interene! consistin ge that canbe Accessed bya tizb biouw.ce¥. The Web tices HTTP pmokocal fo transmit dala Eee cs lle ici ii iia hi , J Browsers .cuch_ag Intevenet_Fyploier Goggle +Chyome Oy Mazilla Geet: cLtec| TO ccocs \Afeb to2_are Ldocumant or Web page Which are ¢onnected Vig links : 1 -| The Web ic just one of the ways that Infaremabion i? shared over the ISherned : ers include email, instant file Tronsfer_Partocal_ CEre) 4 ‘the. cad Wile le Caps omar Baga information ag the Web, j doctemont -and ih Uniform Rorowiree Locators Cua) fe it May he feetlioke aoa pails e_inlerred. S rceg of the Web gre_fransfeimed vie te mere ur be awecsed by users by a cEbunre application called o woh _brnw see, cond t are published called a web bipnsek -and Qe __— published by a s/y_appl called a wed server, apnd—avo The _world wide. web is not i the. | » hich predated She ‘eh in came —_Hechnolaies “af which ~ the Web is belt DlBrowsers_: : =Btomsers request informatHon § then they hom Us in the any we oan indorstand. Mast popubax byuicers ave | i cone 1 iy) i if) Frefow. iv) Toletnet Explorer \ ©) |HTMI 1 4 ptm “ig. the: tondard - Markup lan quage CUE ih at \ can _créade your nun —uieh alle — ass." stinds for cascading stylesheols ¢ if dostYibes” how H eal |_displayed on the : es eee ‘leb development frcmeworks are_a_starting _point of Heme thak a -cloveloper_cah_te A “anid doing the. simple or maoleen ‘tack € fy Linstead 9 & “aight. do work. 1) Angular oo 2 Neloys —TovaSenipl sex ver-sicla framework — Lif) Net = _Micwps oft's Full--stac ke. Framework — Lis) Django ~Full-stack— framework for_pysrhod — I ieee full stock framework for 5.—— )) Progicumong.- Languages i= i) Javasenipt - used Diango framework ) nigh ed iSusere dm ober ¢ Ibi oP Et other fromendorks : ii) Python = ued by Django framendork _¢_in 2 —tnojorntiy_ SOF mathematical — calculosons ae hi) Ruby ty)_ PHP \" Tava, 1) oge. )Matobacer pf fb fd | 0 — : pee [dalaboser canbe relational biko sq.’ or hob< relational Like_MongoDB. Web. appl? wae—dntabnaet— 4p core data that is ted to display on web _ pages: oa +a | iM oPR hi) bang = op QL. : tb SQL sorver- Miomsofk/s “Sp ‘dolabue Liv)_Posigres@L opensoured sq. dealabase —w)_Mysor — open-source database. i 6) Protocols = »Srvtpcols. ae eae “lal inkevadls = — among. Computer's. Further HTTPS Is’ -the @ i piptofol_pet” a_bmuwser§ a website. ___ i) DDP= new paotacel. “ortaked tn connection — “with_meleor thal _pstableohor a concistent | Socket Onnectionhet®. client ¢ servels ii) REST prptncal emeaermaren vee \ 7) Web Server's *- ; j-ollOw communration trafic. beth the Alea dhe Server. 1 ae 44) Apache Web server. — — i) N9ine Web Server 7 ae jy) 11s (Web sery er it) Ule speed Weh server £). fata formats bata formats studure. dala. forage ee = 1) JSON : ct tet team ment tg $it)..¥ML = iit) CSV peepee ipl Feeaneonee i s ve marta j i Rajdhani (oaTE ff Assignmen No: Tahal ction of “ova Sinip “{=TovaSorip) ist ve lLghbuseig +, cmss~ pla fim. and_ - Tt is well knottin ages, many hon-baucer enviMnmonts alo tte i iS L a vasemipe con be tired fir::Cient-side- a : ai develo: = ipt_—_rontains a ib standord libtary of — Ohiec ike Arvoy Pale Math § a Core Sek at lon nguiage—elara clomonts like operators contro] — and cstateminhe - Tapp cane added fo “Your HTN, file Lp. |__» “Ther nal. fe cca -_ | Felerhal 6 i= synkose : Ls mien Sou Menta _ 2 sonipt) 22 ——_ y Towa senigh code i |< fsomiphy {nani wed_in_domains: : | Wehbsibes, Web Server, Game. cela bibl te Smart welch get : | Applica ione_of Tova : -l\web Deve elopmant _ | Addine g_Inberadivity 4 hehtulct fo sintic_ale Ts twas |nvented to do 4 ete ae ye | a hoe =| Weh A |_With aria tains ave p Lextent that. a- Language cucis equi red to y a —TJ =| Server “Applications: : : with he help OF Nonla . -js,15 mode its way ‘fy. cliont ‘te Servet hoole-js the mast PpOiesfel on tha sete ie Games : —_| The combi pa oo _of + HTML makes a rs —|-populour_in ame _ dbvelopfooat i PeDvicles_ alibiary Pebblesc whicl is—tused—tn—si | Foxe ts” which pxpvides salluaten fot_morking_ | with Vch meee - Ark | Artisks de 2 can_oreate whaleaer Hhey =| snk Cig Sto AFOW ON _HTMLA Canvds_ = Machine, Lecrnin Lmol6. 4s library Can be used In web clov: by uting Machine earning, (pare E “Thvninipt jag ealet iste fst pla fr Don Manipulation tothe h? : = Funchons in_TS_ave abjecks Thay ray | have -| con handle dale g Time oS aPRerfarms form validation although +the forms_ale— created Wing Hr Mp, =| No-compiler is needed. pl ‘ i 2! Dutals é. i Up. a vara data, 4 -l ale anne. Sa ae ——laed & —Mmaipulatedl.: __pangaaim + Rubs 5,23, ete id) Shap. ‘ ‘tele pete Ean i ! 0.0. tue_orf | Natl +". This type _has-only’ one. a ule 19) Undedined — variable has fot been o.1sjghed_o.value yp Diject bjs Pai building. ‘blocks. for “odorn Towvas ial tN Function. Declasiation va functi " yea funaieh Jedaanion or ncHon SaLpresSton Si Tucelionnlome (foroneler|,farieler2, wi fun bady Ye os a ~Funetion Definition — as Hon defini ion: is, SometHi so termod_ mes_a} clon declaration | fun” stademon} | - e.q d ‘ipation callin Cruesbor shamber 2) 7 ‘returs_numbeml numbers 5 =6 finctiana 2 : Se Suntayt ee ~-funcHionName-Cvalua-value2 35 Syntoy + turn voller 5 anahle ncaa) AG jalan access the = P. —____——— const _amnynome = C item), itemd,--1 -|Thene are 3 tays +n conshuck omoy in Taya Scaipt- By omoy ler) | it) By cintcting instance _af clivec ii)_BY Using an_Amayconchuckoz By cya Viderap res! , i Vor asayname = (value valued, J iN By using on feta conshuctor — Hee We. Nood +16 cenie. instanceof = y passing _cuigtumonts inc we dant ~hayetn provide. uci. expércitty ill) ZavaSompt+—orfiu —cready “{=tere New Ehjuosd 4 ets a toy ated astonce oF ay PH ag. f Var = onto Mone = new Array); DATE 1 Assignment No: LEvent handling ‘is'a softwinre.osbie shat D & Caerriorte. =Tt is tho recipt af an event ae soma event andler from cn event aL gk ea MLESse s . . Funchons- rent Ha od ling fee clon. it Id_be.-foy Lwaudod + makes the forward event verives: +o forward even). Dalene tee The ons handler may altimalely forward the even an_event consumer jor jcc £ i; —, Jon Click = “function is_callad- when object. in a bulion is Cliclsod, a ‘link is pushed”, achockchox ig checked ot _an_image map is selected 5) onWlouse Over - TowaSonipt code is called kan hole’ is placed over _a_specific__link ox _an_ohject- ae ge Orvocutes W clicking on: tho. “resed— bo Hoh: 2) an Sdeail = Calls chon the frum — i Tbmilled e) OnFocus ~ : baceces when_ilp focus enleres the field tabbing’ in ‘or “by clicking but nat t bring “ip. form —the field: ExeepHon handling. in Tava Sook 2 ExcopHion handlima is a pypiors_at halted 7 Used for handling” the abnormal in in the code & executing 1 em Se IHthe cacle incip_the Sy catch “block. 6 - Types of envora: _. oe i) Synton_emor : lit) Runtinne orbs . Li))_Logical_ennrot_ =. L GheepHion ef thera tun i LMe_eroy ore ty oom) 9, An_enor : SS [Date - fet) =< tite ik Yieales apd obje ef t Ftades and An enpr obi TE ynamy aj ect ha ‘{t00_properties ti) mec age | - =A "try. catch is Used in vexious programming. Jeungs 2 = a3 Used to handle the empr= prone part of Coole. _ = = lh initially ests -the Code _for_ath possible emmrs. H_may_cohtain, then +t inaplomentsacions te tackle_those _empts. 1 né yea a oh ! ich heeds possible enmor testing! is lop} within the hey block Catch 3. toatement - This block handler the emr_of th Code by emocuting the cel of statements qantten toithin the ‘ oe Syntax. fry £ 4 LON» Catch Cemor) f eaprestion 4 DATE ft Thinin State mont= They QW tcecl fax Thoining_titem=cofined ears User oandofine ¢ thio h oir Otn t 7 enor “Sy ntat ee ors: Catch Cena EncpyecS)on % ta t os » Lj. a ot ' ' ey —cokch fine Ehaliy” isan ephin after “the encecelt un of Stademments. 6 Finally block tujll definitely evectite if pretend. “Syntcrm try —! Srpecsion 4 Catch Ce enpression , 5 finally £ — ~ a expression | ) : t : Assignment NO- 6 “hl Sr teak 2 Simple Testing “Angulo JS —affs _cation Nngulay TS 2 FR a “Romeank Tt can be ‘odded to He pee a £Seri = Analay extends HTML atbsibules * | Drives and binds: data 4p ATPL il - Nala 1S_is_a Jayaieaip} ‘Open- Sousa Htnt end Frameaowk thal 15" mainly Used) to ed op Single page ae ! at _— Bet dia Son finish hulle — tt ~pallahon oF LAMP — sido aph-g Sudo ops} Be jyutall ido ~aphegit Sas caleh spd palege _ Ripsshos p tpl = shepa- _Inshetl_ Apa “al apache 2 press a ys ~and cree, of dattatef mysql Serve. fibapachea | * Rohan’ -“Occupahion” =>“ Sudent” | “as “Das, echo = $c T‘namel echo = $¢ [ ‘occupation’ 1; echo = $¢ {* ag’) 2 | | | fy dD i AA . Y. Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Kolhapur | labulay dala in an aca senled _by dow * Clumna ey — 2 Php gc asay_( J C* name! = “Rohan” agli =y 10) (~nomne” => “ Rahit” ‘croll” =) | ssn analy (“ name” => Vishal”, ‘etal =) 12) Sit 2. wy | echa £clo' I ‘name’: Tor each ($c as $a ) echo. fol (“aall’ 12 i echa $c [si 1namecl, OR while (list $k , Su Ne ocho deca} L'ntall’) orha ($0) ') ec ayt* echa get a) C“aall' 1 echo “$k ---- Su" YD | _inction Desewiption. 2 Kt | 2) | assay O fosla_oa_oamay (Case C uppect Case OQ _| solils on aovay inlo chunks of aay 5 page No. :.. Kolhapur jaan iC) page aya’ ( Compare. ‘values_on 2) | oanay. dil Assoc) | (Comp : D lowsoy aif loved | Compass ownays nd elunns doe differences ( Compare keys only’) 9) | asaay Pill Gills an oway wilh Valuer N) onoy Fill kev) | fills on aoray’ with values specif ing key | 2) aatacly filleor illers dhe Values of an aanay ing a_call ba i 18} } oanay, flip ips. Exchanges all keys with Hei i Nolues (nan advay 18) | aasioy. inlensoct c) | Cong : Compare valver only’) Is) aQaoy, key existse)! Checks if dhe specified! ey exists in dhe canny | ic\] oncay keys (| Reluavia all the les ofan aryera, 1 | aay map C) Sends o¢ ee f foncan which deluens ‘tw values 18) Gsvay merge) | Mera one ay mane coca i | 28) ania Pode) Insects a specified ile Nolue, io an a 94) | et) Paodyct ¢ 23) quay push ¢9 | a c 80) D. Y. Patil i College of Engineering & Technology, }—————_L aor _fallo a 98 j Octo sreuenseC) | Rebucns_an_aniiay fin ie cyevouse aader—_—— i Lcnkcucaee oe ce iven valve -aind | velurns 4 the ly © —______— Kolhapur an a slain, _alsing user _| Pundlion © | Lote dhe values. dae fist araay- roma wid Yolues| | Reaves dhe fins! element fron ava Relucns selected pauls of an acraay | acmray pliced qvany slice C) Rormover_{ aoplaces specified elements af ain agaay} Rol ene wi af fe values in an angay Sum C’) Remover dupliccbe vi gan nique ¢*) Adda one oct move clemments to she begining, | oacray, unskifto of an_acraa: Reluons all “dhe values of an avaay 88) |_aw (uesC) assay walk ¢) | Applicx a usecy function to eve Ora y 3) | Gmpact 0 tule onsay fling sins and dia 38)|_fount 0) — "Tha numba af olements in_an_aqaa ga\|_cucaent C) Relumns dhe Cuscrent ele S| ond O sols dhe inleanal Poinley of an aaaay to ils loa} element ! | [edoock ¢) _| Impoals vomichles inlo the cuneont syrabol lable | faoyn_an_aaaay a | 0) folches_a ey foam an_daaay sal () oals an indexed aaray in ntending cadet BQ PaYONO. oe, D. Y. Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Kolhapur | Conclusion 2 | in this. i we _sludien that ‘tmpleraentatian | [aE Bacay ail dlls ons -—_____________| { |] TT Q D. Y. Patil Page No, : eeewnnees College of Engineering & Technology, Kolhapur Expeaiment = 14 0 Title — Implementation of _ohjecl - osignled Concepls (i Bb Inleaface ) in PHP eatlance | * |Theowy - lc -A vse. is nome of the class ond o et af i dial byusing class Keyiwoael followed by dhe = Al ils paopeatlien_ond riobhads oo inside dhe beiacer + Synlox — K2 php fF a Vonuit _| Code. > + Example — <€Php clas oui 4 Public 4 nome whlic $ mad Et sot _namé ($name) is > name = fname + irctin gut ome 0 elugn $ this > name + Page No, Y D. ¥. Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Kolhapur ‘\ “Saiohle declacalion — i ic_hy defoul! =the vay keywowd in PHP is-used bo declooeo Paopectly_owt no = “ihe “ec_keyunad Is _same_as Public _when declaci S * Svnlox —— class classname § Var_§ vaniable = “Anuja” 3 1 othey shmls ey — KA Pho qo sludent Nag § call = to) Nav $ name = “Rohan” y Nad $ Addass = “ kop" function display ¢> echo * RollNo”. $thia > coll echa* Name”. §this > name; echa “Addooss’. § this > adders I 1 $ ald = new sluden| ( » $ sid > display | 4 sid > all = 20 $ sid > name = ” pohil” » il 4 sd > addooss =“ Sonali" | echo “Rollo”. 4 std > aoll “Name”. sid > name echo * Addevors’”, §sid > adders; » Page No. : D. Y. Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Kolhapur - ‘Co = {ten apse of nets hese cl “Tasline o fonclavelon’YouCon pass osmnany G8—aagiments — *synlag = Fonckion _Conslavel_( $na1_, dade) [ode ; | * Example — XV php class _fxample Public Punction fonslouc! () echa “ Hello” [ Sabi = new example Cs 22, * Tnheaifance — f \eeywuosid | | another class. 1k we inheoit dhe class Pealuves (nto anathe cy | class, we can_occes both class poopectl ie | - we Com extends the | ‘ Page No. - 2.2... D. ¥. Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Kolhapur ~ ~ Toh lonce hoe thee 4 Ayore = malig an walled i——} a /-—}—We Can simulate mulliefe at by ing lca — using inteofacer, ey = Sh hp }— Class. fort L Public vor $ nome =“ Rohan” Public Function test ( $inorm) | } Sthis ~> hame = $name 1 4 Public. function displ ay j echo “hello”. dhis > name + | Gos fokt_exlnlt ek —____| Public function display QO i an # welcome” + a 4 = new testi (“ vishal") 4t > display t $t > displays 0: » Page No. 2 .2-- DQ D. Y. Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Kolhapur number of doquinen|s, eg = 4 thy class lest i ail function fer (Snore) §this —> nome = name t | public vor &nome =“ Rohan” 4 2 j il function disp! ay 1 @cha” tn Bore class” » Bho” tw dial a 4 t= wew toate Ce vishal "x St —> display (4 YD Lt Pages Y D. Y. Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Kolhapur * Tnbecare — = An inlocface is similaa to a closs-except thot it Canna! Contain Core. = An tnlecrface Con deline wethod vot the Conlents of the wmelhod = Any classes, implementing an interface must imple me | oll methods daft i dip in. the * sulecface | eynerd | - A class Coin ipl ~ Ay inlen face ig cleclaned si aaa __| - swleaface Can't maintain N eas ehp 4 i inlecface a public function dis oC) | public function diss Cd» 7 echo“ Meshad 9 =." * < Lvl leaface bs { gobi = new demo (9: public Punction disor | ¢ obj => dist Oo; 7 § obj > diso ca. va demo implements ah 5 2 eee dis 0) echo“ method 1..." + Conclusion — Tn this Expect of abjectanienled Conceols ial it Subel tel epennelai Y D. Y. Patil College of Engineering & Technology, a FS Experiment _No=12. |. Fiitle 8 Cee of fbem _and_extxart user inp using Se age tnkert eT A : «_ hit = equiv: = ype’ ‘context tex} / him) ces = l “UTE = Page No. :...22-+20 a D. Y. Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Kolhapur | 2 lhead < body > |e — i ia Tan ction_="vegighotion form phy final N we a inst Name A inj a ext” name= . me pub "| cigars ¥ Pa Ly Tid a= " i = en” name =~ towm. zi fe Su Hed value= "4" Le Zin ve =" submit” value =" Su £1 Sonm 2 I body Zhimty ae _this experiment we. leaned that e| inp eT POS ; gludent “regislzadio form using and Post | eee Page No. :..... yy D. Y. Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Kolhapur {Experiment =18 : Hee anata Tec te aie asi |: Theory = - $_ALES = = Hee a sey Apeit oom ui epeay ies L e —FILES Supeng mation of the file. that avxé—uploadled - Tts a two dimensional array which hd the fal = ath tuploading Files} 4: name: jane of the Fil S-FTLES C'filename 1 C'name'] - vetusn filenam 9- type : type of the file . $2 FILES? T! Filename’] [’ name’) wefurs : IME ot 3: aie size ms the ) @ ! 1 ' @ 4 exxor: enor if Fle upload has fai + Diffesent functio the fi {}4-move ploaded. file 0: mov e. moves’ iploabted location - DB &-veadhle -Q) Page No. 2... D. Y. Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Kolhapur The _veadfile (Stainq SFlenaine [ baal. | ae $- context JJ) 3 mail D* Tall function 19 used ?o_send emai) in PHP CL ae fora eadex Cc » Stag § tL paxomelad)) 2. uploacin poograra i & him A body . form action =" uploader - php” method > "h enclype =" mulhpart | foxm = data’ select , e L Ainpul type aye name =" file up| Linpuk tuige =" Submit” value= Aj fe name = " submit ”/ L A Hons 4 shim) | Conclusion — Tno_this penis wne_leared that Des isaac of File “usig PHP OST Page No. 2.2... Yy D. Y. Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Kolhapur Expesiment - 14 and <7 Ving ha ation From 4 : ha pH. session _and © ‘ Codes - used to xeeognize lhe user Cookies {fg a smal] _plece of —_ infosmation N i i yowsex, Tt is Conkier rs saved io client sends request _to client yy a , ia) 1 Reqesk ——— hep gener + 8ynlax_of create. _cookien 2 oP alle C cookie -nome_, cookie-value F i: Bxpev e | | sf securwe_, Cth 2 Cookies--. pi domain | ———— ie ‘| 3 |} figgsam of _coe Migr an! Sg 4. drat" | $ cookie -name ="! user” 5 $ cookie. valye =" Tahn Doe"; Ee: getcodkics C$ Coolie. name + $ cookie - valud, Page No. :.......... yy D. Y. Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Kolhapur fime b+ Caéanox 30) 1"; // 86400 = 1 day } wy L_| Z him! Coady £2 ph 1 C1 isset ($- conkie [9 cookie nome ]) 4 “echo " cookie named’ , $ cookie ,name_._| Nig enol sept "> * a * | Session $= = Session ig used to. stove E_pass_inlonnation = Session i id fox each _| | onainer \ _ 22 Sesion id rd unique SERS | = F session Sanggemen)_— “hess on a slox_~ impostant . infon such | “asthe userid more. socensely an_ the gover where. malicioug user cannor L tempy _tolth _ them oan timepass wala ean one. | ‘to___ another a ae ae alenative tn Cookie on do__nok__ sy cookies —__| 4: You “ne devooping an fee ae as. Q__Shonp) Cox: dempoxcit} sha" ine? with a capacity layger than] 4KB of session - i pbp fasion sla Oo! cere him” * | Conclusion Th ‘his. experiment_,.0e leasned that |_| and4__dlevelop _9_ program fbx slosi "ee Page No. 2... YQ D. Y. Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Kolhapur Experiment = 15 ‘lle Desge + Decl —an_ap™ ey band ual epg) arg Pt {thee Func ions Pee Datahase. | [mu sai D: ur al tennect tp mysql olatabase 2 -my an TThis “funtkoy js used tp exe SQL ee The function con be} hjeal_—to execute the _allnuoing query -bype| : @ el i Odie #8 2 php Ee $'db-harz ue by 2 Page No. !...-.--.0. D. Y. Patil College of anaoal & Technology, Kolhapur 43: myspl=felh vray): This func —dauzef _] ra rnws__orvays_ froma] — query Sams . v4 > Synteys ¢_php. ny isqlin felch anny (x eu 2 ps eon open debad a se. conne chan SN J “Zi php mys4] — coe Cbdb handle). | 2Y : 5° iyigli- connect ex O. Fag nina | gna g| =u. tot po =p- = epls Geal” usev-b tent q dalabase_| | Step y= en datalaso. —-Sslep $= —— Wise eloigse cea vader = agin, —taith Pe nea (freaked sey = he ues pe_ the following command ——__| tated - oy ' ANSE dp = Crete table and insexk a CO slep 6 ©_CREATE TABLE. Page No. 2... Y D. Y. Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Kolhapur CGid__smallint! ned’ not nul) auty- increament_, aa Yonschar (20) 7 bull» constraint example —_primaxy ree Cid) 5 © ‘Insert Toto exam fii ndine: salves | Cnull ,! aa * Grealing Ar ielchaatt oat. Stepi = Haga to XAMPP_in Your system xAnadp oN |__| = " STARTY button cone: sponding - 4p ae ga mo step = No —— ns eg illic Ephpmyalth Shep 4 = Ind can ‘see Q no of tabs a Such asi data use’ “sei, usey Acenusl ixt__‘Tmpor} __ setting _ etc - eae sear ee a al | sheps = i as have tp _ivitialize _our- Columns ase) on their tupe. = Click gp" save” in the bot»m aight: Coyne - Z . Y, Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Kolhapur o Sle papa onset 9 gute te TZ him Shims They student fowm < [title> 4 thea Zhocly2 7 {osm achen2 "i -php"! 2 a Roll:

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