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Meeting at Council Bluffs Sacagawea

At Fort Mandan, Lewis and Clark met
Lewis and Clark sei up camp at a place

later called Council Bluffs. It was in an a young Shoshone woman named

ideal position near several local nations,
Sacagawea ("Bird Woman"), who
including the Oto, Sioux, and Omaha As
was married to a hunter. The couple
it was on a bluff (low hill), it could also be
and their newborn baby joined the
away. They called the Oto expedition. Sacagawea acted as guide
seen from far

to a meeting. Lewis and Clark wore full and interpreter when Lewis and Clark
reached the Shoshone country near
uniform. They fired cannons in salute,
the Rocky Mountains.
but when one shot knocked down a tree,
She became one of
the Oto became frightened and ran off.
the most valued
Eventually the meeting took place. The
chief of the Oto offered to trade furs and
members of the
horses for guns to use against their enemies.

Peace pipe
When Lewis and Clark met the various nations of North America,
pipes such as this one were often passed around as a sign of r»
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La Salle leaves Foi

Frontenac, Aug. }(>H0 Sv 'IU
This time he heads north
ifrom Lake Ontario * MONTRI U

Salle sails (heTiriffon La Salle leaves hi»

rough Lakes Erie, Huron. headquarters at F<
< and Michigan, trading Frontenac, 1678 .

~*\ Jorjurs along

Lewis and Clalath
La Salle 1643-1687
meet the Oto at La Sail
Council Bluffs, builds Fort
1r* Robert Cavelier de l\ Salle
Aug. 1 804. Miamis. La Salle, a French trader, went to Canada tihen New
La Salle
and his companions
* France in 1666 to seek his fortune and settled near

Montreal He was excited by the stones told by native

build the Griffon.
tjfj*T Miami » peoples of the unexplored lands to the southwest, and he
La Salle builds made many jounu lore the Great Lakes region From
<v P
Fort ( 1681 to 1682 he sailed all the way down the Mississippi and

He leaves his mjn claimed the entire region for France In 1684 he sailed from France
BLUFFS' « u More the Mississippi delta from the sea He couldn't find it and
got lost In 1687 his men mutinied and one of them murdered him


l' y Li Salic rejoins 'us men, I hex

Lewis and Clark leavt

decide to continue
Mississippi in canoes
down the
tSt. Louis, May 1804. They
sail up the Missouri l ,i Salle's part) hi .us i(u
oj /In \rkansQ
rivei named after thern/N
Arkansas are friepdiy

Building the Griffon

In 1 ( Ik and his companions built a ship, th on
the banks of the Niagara River He hop
Likes in it Thi flat -bottomed boal

about 55 ions The native people called it i

1a Salle sailed through the Great Likes, slopping 10 trade Soon

the I is filled with enough beaver s

Salh divides for e\er\ gentleman in Fran< U the ship back to the
^ Niagara while he «
party into
groups to follow and the valuable cargo
i different . ourses
through the Mississippi
1 he fur trade
delta The) meet again
on the coast, \pi fur traders he
I a Salle 1 1. inns the knov
Mississippi region foi France ah*

native :

100 200 100 Miles


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