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‫لتنمية الموارد البشرية نغامفراهمدرسة إبتدائية فاطمة الهاجري اإلسالمية المركز اإلسالمي‬
NSM : 111232170126 NPSN : 60709582 Terakreditasi : A
Komp. Bumi Pakusarakan Lama Jl. Kiansantang RT. 06/16 Desa Tanimulya Kec. Ngamprah Kab.Bandung Barat 40552
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Tahun Pelajaran 2023 – 2024

Nilai Tanda Tangan

Nama :
Guru Orang Tua
Kelas : V (A/B)
Hari/Tanggal :
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
ِ َّ‫نِالر‬
ِ‫حي ِْم‬ ِ ٰ ‫ِبسْ ِم‬
ِ ‫ِّللاِالرَّ حْ هم‬
A. Berilah tanda silang (X) pada huruf a, b, c, atau d untuk jawaban yang paling benar!
1. Number in Indonesia is ….
a. huruf c. benda
b. angka d. binatang
2. “ 100” in english is ….
a. ten c. three hundred
b. thousand d. one hundred
3. It’s equal to nine hundred ….
a. 890 c. 300
b. 900 d. 500
4. 200 in english is ….
a. three hundred c. two hundred
b. four hundred d five hundred
5. It’s greater than four hundred thirty ….
a. 540 c. 200
b. 300 d. 430
6. Is Greater than In indonesia meaning is ….
a. lebih besar dari c. sama banyak
b. lebih kecil dari d. sama dengan
7. Lebih banyak in english is ….
a. fewer c. more
b. many many as
8. 340 ….. 400, fill with is greater than, is equal to, is less than
a. Is equal to c. is less than
b. Is greater than d. is more than
9. The name of a baby bird is ….
a. Owl c. hatchling
b. Chick d. crocodile
10. You can go to this place to see animals ….
a. Park c. House
b. Restaurant d. Zoo
11. Jerapah ada di belakang dinding , in english translation is….
a. The tiger is inside the cage
b. The antelope is in front of the tree
c. The giraffe is behind the wall
d. The crocodile is in the pond
12. Disebelah in english are two meaning. There are…..
a. Between and behind c. among and between
b. Next to and in front of d. beside and next to
13. e-b-e-i-s-d , arrange it until correct answer….
a. behind c. ebesid
b. beside d. debesi
14. The lion is beside the bear, in indonesian translation is….
a. Gajah ada disebelah tikus
b. Singa ada dibelakang kandang
c. Singa ada disebelah beruang
d. Gajah ada di sebelah tikus
15. This food is frozen and tastes sweet …..
a. Pizza c. ice cream
b. Candy d. cookies
16. You make this food by adding some vegetables and cheese between two slices of bread…..
a. Sandwich c. tent
b. Ice cream d. porridge
17. Chocolate milkshake in indonesian is …
a. Kue coklat c. susu kocok coklat
b. Eskrim kocok coklat d. pudding susu coklat
18. F-r-n-e-c-h f-r-e-i-s , arrange it until correct answer …..
a. Frenhc fries c. chfren eirfs
b. Frenhc ifres d. French fries
19. You make this food by adding some vegetables and it is mixed….
a. Fruit saldda c. milkshake
b. Mixed fruit salad d. vegetable juice
20. We need that to protect our feet….
a. Sunglasses c. walking boots
b. Camera d. towel
21. It is needed to see far object….
a. Binoculars c. camera
b. Sandals d. sunglasses
22. We sleep inside it when we go camping….
a. Beach ball c. sleeping bag
b. Story book d. sun cream
23. Which one the thing for go to the beach? ….
a. Story book,tent, and mosquito repellent
b. Towel, swimwear, and suncream
c. Icecream, pizza, and beach towel
d. Bucket,hat,icecream and camera
24. We use this tool to collect sand on the beach…..
a. spoon c. swim wear
b. bucket d. spade
25. Ayo pergi berenang in english is….
a. let’s go to home c. let’s go to ancol
b. let’s go swimming d. let’s go to school

B. Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini dengan jawaban yang benar!

26. Five hundred thirty two in number is….
27. The name of baby monkey is….
28. Ditengah tengah are 2 meanings in english, they are…and….
29. Beef steak in indonesian is….
30. We need it to protect our eyes from the sun….

C. Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan jelas!

31. What is the meaning of is equal to, is less than, and is greater than?
32. Make sentences with in front of!
33. Mention 4 names of zoo animals!
34. Make 1 sentence with like and 1 sentence with likes!
35. Mention 4 names of camp thing and with the meaning!

َ‫اَ ْل َح ْم ُد ِ ه ّلِلِ َربِّ ْال هعلَ ِم ْين‬

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