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Unit 12: Ability

Before you watch

I. You are given a piece of text with eight spaces. You are also given a set of four words (A, B,
C, and D) which correspond to each space. Choose and circle the correct word for each
space from the set of words given.

1. A) epoch B) season C) period D) date

2. A) average B) common C) general D) unusual

3. A) rich B) perfect C) fashionable D) happy

4. A) instances B) situations C) lives D) existences

5. A) principle B) way C) system D) kind

6. A) ability B) power C) force D) strength

7. A) cut B) made C) distributed D) brought

8. A) position B) align C) arrange D) shape

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Unit 12: Ability
While you watch
II. Watch the video. Then, check (✔) the correct name for each question.
1. Who seems to think that you need to have natural talent to succeed at an early age?
2. Who seems to think that you need to be pushed to succeed at an early age?
3. Who thinks that it’s upsetting when a six year old is more talented than an adult?

III. Watch the video. Check (✔) True or False. Then, re-write the false sentence to make them
1. Jenna starts the conversation by talking about her children. True False

2. Jenna asks if people are born with talent to draw or paint or if you True False
learn it.

3. Sam thinks that his parents pushed him. True False

4. Jenna talks about six-year-old pianists that play classical concerts. True False

5. Sam thinks that even gifted kids have to do a lot of hard work True False
and practice.

6. Jenna can do paintings and drawings. True False

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Unit 12: Ability

After you watch

IV. Answer to the question asked by your teacher.

(3 pts.)

(2.5 pts.)

(2 pts.)

(1.5 pts.)

(1 pt.)

(0 pt.)

Points will be deducted from the total of the grade if:

• the student doesn’t bring the material to the class (book or any other material necessary to work in the classroom)
• the student speaks in Spanish during the English class period.
• the student
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