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Clerk of Court: All rise! The Court is now in session, silence is hereby enjoined.

Judge RhennalynNisperos, presiding. Let us pray.

Almighty God, we stand in Your Holy Presence as our Supreme Judge. We humbly
beseech You to bless and inspire us so that what we think, say and do will be in accordance with
Your will. Enlighten our minds, strengthen our spirit and fill our hearts with fraternal
love, wisdom and understanding, so that we can become effective channels of truth, justice and
peace. In our proceedings today, guide us in the path of righteousness for the fulfillment of Your
greater glory. Amen.

Judge: Court is now in session. (stamp gavel) Call the cases.

Clerk of Court: For trial, Criminal Case No. 32178 People of the Philippines v. Federico
MonisCariago for the crime of Homicide.

Clerk of Court: Appearance for Prosecution and the Defense.

Public Prosecutor: Your honor, I am Atty. Aaron Gualberto, appearing as a public prosecutor.

Defense Counsel: Your honor, I am Atty. Helen Pallatao, defense counsel for the accused.

Public Prosecutor: your honor, we are respectfully offering the testimony of complainant
Jonathan Dela Cruz.

Judge : What is he going to testify?

Public Prosecutor : That he is an eyewitness at the time of incident, your honor.

Judge : Call the witness.

Court Interpreter: Okay. Please raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth,
the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Melvin Micu: Yes, I do.

.. I AM JONATHAN DELA CRUZ, 22 years old, single,

unemployed and a resident ofBrgy. Nagyubuyuban, San Fernando
City, La Union.

The testimony of this witness is being offered to prove that
on October 4, 2018 about 2:05 in the afternoon at Brgy.
Nagyubuyuban, San Fernando City, La Union, He and the
victim were working in the victim’s rice fields when
suddenly Mr. Federico Monis, armed with bolo and scythe
arrived asking on top of his voice: “AYAN NA NI
GALDO?”, they scampered. The suspect chased them and
He was able to chase Mr. Dela Cruz; He will testify that the
accused stabbed Mr. Dela Cruz once on the chest stabbed;
he is going to identify his affidavit and also the identity of
the accused in this case.

May we proceed, your honor.

COURT : Proceed.

Prosecutor : Mr. Witness, on October 4, 2018 about 2:05 in the afternoon, do you recall
where you were?
Melvin Micu : Yes, sir

Prosecutor : Please tell to this honorable court where you were at that time.
Melvin Micu : I am working at the rice field in our Barangay (Nagyubuyuban, San
Fernando City, La Union) together with my father, Antonio Dela Cruz,
Salvador Dela Cruz, and Eduardo Ortega, sir

Prosecutor : While you were working at that rice field, did you observe anything?
Melvin Micu : Yes, sir.

Prosecutor : What did you observe?

Melvin Micu : After a few minutes working at the rice field, I noticed the arrival of my
uncle, Federico Monis y Cariaga at the rice field, sir. I also saw that he was
holding bolo and scythe, sir.

Prosecutor : What happened next when you noticed the arrival of your uncle Federico
Monis y Cariaga?
Melvin Micu : Upon nearing to our place, he was yelling, saying “AYAN NI GALDO”,

Prosecutor : What happened next when you saw Federico Monis approaching nearer to
your place?
Melvin Micu : I felt so nervous sir, because I thought of his previous mental retardation
record and his actuation may a sign of getting worse, sir

Prosecutor : So when you felt nervous because you thought of his previous mental
retardation record and his actuation that may a sign of getting worse, what
did you do next, if there be any?
Melvin Micu : When I/ we saw Federico Monis nearer to our place, we ran away in order to
avoid him as we saw him having a plan to hurt, but while we were getting
far from him, my father, Antonio Dela Cruz suddenly stumbled. Federico
Monis was then reached him and stabbed my father on his chest, sir.

Prosecutor : What did you do if any, when you saw the stabbing of Federico Monis to
your father?
Melvin Micu : I took a long wood and struck it to my uncle, Federico Monis and when my
uncle fell down – I together with Salvador Dela Cruz helped each other to
subdue and to guard him, sir.

Prosecutor : What happened next when you subdued your uncle, Federico Monis?
Melvin Micu : Eduardo Ortega rushed up and sought help to the Barangay officials, sir.

Prosecutor : Did the Barangay officials come to help you?

Melvin Micu : Yes sir, they arrived a few minutes later and then our Barangay chairman
called the police authorities, sir.

Prosecutor : If so, then what happened next?

Melvin Micu : Few minutes later, police authorities together with personnel of EMS
CHWC arrived and tried to save my father by applying first aid however,
my father was declared dead, sir.

Prosecutor : What happened next, if there’s any?

Melvin Micu : We surrendered uncle Federico to PO1 Clint Kevin Cardenas together with
the two (2) weapons he used in stabbing my father, sir.

Prosecutor : What happened when you surrendered Federico to PO1 Clint Kevin
Melvin Micu : PO1 Clint Kevin Cardenas advised us to go with them for my statement
taking, together with some other witnesses, sir.

Prosecutor : What did you do when PO1 Clint Kevin Cardenas advised you and other
witnesses to go with them for my statement taking?
Melvin Micu : The police officers brought uncle Federico, while I, Salvador Dela Cruz and
Eduardo Ortega were advised by PO1 Cardenas to seat at the back of the
police patrol car, sir.

Prosecutor : What happened next, when you at the police patrol car?
Melvin Micu : We proceeded directly to EMS CHWC where they conducted physical and
medical examination to Uncle Federico, sir.

Prosecutor : Then, where did you go after the conduct of physical and medical
examination of Federico?
Melvin Micu : We then proceeded to police station and there we gave our statement freely,

Prosecutor : If you see Federico Monis again, will you be able to identify him?
Melvin Micu : Yes, sir.

Prosecutor : Will you please look inside this court and point him.
Melvin Micu : There, he is sir

Court : Witness pointing to a man wearing yellow t-hsirt with markings “THANK
Interpreter YOU SA MATAAS NA GRADE NAMIN, SIR” and when asked his name
he answered ” Federico Monis”

Prosecutor : In relation to this case, do you recall having executed an affidavit, Mr

Melvin Micu : Yes, sir.

Prosecutor : And if you see that again will you be able to identify it?
Melvin Micu : Yes, sir.

Prosecutor : I am showing you an affidavit consisting of three (3) pages, with signature
over a name printed.
Melvin Micu : Yes sir, that is my affidavit, sir.

Prosecutor : On the third page of this affidavit, there is a signature above the name
Jonatan Dela Cruz, whose signature is that?
Melvin Micu : That is my signature, sir.

Prosecutor : That would be all, your honor.

Defense : May we proceed with the cross- examination, your honor?

JUDGE : Proceed

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