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Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5 Column6 Column7

Sr # Member width (MM) width (M) Length (MM) Length (M) Total Square Meter (M2)
1 Beam 600 0.6 1800 1.8 1.08
2 Beam 600 0.6 1200 1.2 0.72
3 Beam 450 0.45 850 0.85 0.3825
4 Beam 250 0.25 900 0.9 0.225
5 Beam 250 0.25 1500 1.5 0.375
6 Beam 200 0.2 900 0.9 0.18
7 Beam 200 0.2 1400 1.4 0.28
8 Beam 200 0.2 1500 1.5 0.3
9 Beam 150 0.15 600 0.6 0.09
10 Beam 150 0.15 500 0.5 0.075
11 Angle 75 0.075 500 0.5 0.0375
12 Plate 500 0.5 500 0.5 0.25
Column8 Column9
Qty Fire Proofing
Description and of
Number of side size (mm) for one tank
one Total number of support
support in Square Meter (M2)
4 4.32
4 2.88
4 1.53
4 0.9
4 1.5
4 0.72
4 1.12
4 1.2
4 0.36
4 0.3
2 0.075
1 0.25
43 15.155
Column10 Column11 Column12

Total same size of Total Square meter for For 19 Tank

support in one tank one tank same support Total tank 19
3 12.96 19
3 8.64 19
6 9.18 19
24 21.6 19
12 18 19
4 2.88 19
2 2.24 19
2 2.4 19
2 0.72 19
2 0.6 19
15 1.125 19
30 7.5 19
105 87.845 228

Total number of Qty of

support in 19 tank
Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5 Column6 Column7

Sr # Member width (MMwidth (M) Length (M Length (M)Total Squa
1 Beam 600 0.6 1800 1.8 1.08
2 Beam 600 0.6 1200 1.2 0.72
3 Beam 450 0.45 850 0.85 0.3825
4 Beam 250 0.25 900 0.9 0.225
5 Beam 250 0.25 1500 1.5 0.375
6 Beam 200 0.2 900 0.9 0.18
7 Beam 200 0.2 1400 1.4 0.28
8 Beam 200 0.2 1500 1.5 0.3
9 Beam 150 0.15 600 0.6 0.09
10 Beam 150 0.15 500 0.5 0.075
11 Angle 75 0.075 500 0.5 0.0375
12 Plate 500 0.5 500 0.5 0.25
Column8 Column9 Column10 Column11 Column12 Column13
Qty Fire Proofing
Number and of
side size (mm)
one offor
Total one
support tank
size of Formeter
Square 19 Tank
forTotal number of Qty of
support in Square Metersupport
in one tank same
tank support in 19 tank
4 4.32 3 12.96 19 246.24
4 2.88 3 8.64 19 164.16
4 1.53 6 9.18 19 174.42
4 0.9 24 21.6 19 410.4
4 1.5 12 18 19 342
4 0.72 4 2.88 19 54.72
4 1.12 2 2.24 19 42.56
4 1.2 2 2.4 19 45.6
4 0.36 2 0.72 19 13.68
4 0.3 2 0.6 19 11.4
2 0.075 15 1.125 19 21.375
1 0.25 30 7.5 19 142.5
43 15.155 105 87.845 228 1669.055
width (MM) width (M) Length (MM) Length (M)

Beam 600 0.6 1800 1.8

Beam 600 0.6 1200 1.2
Beam 450 0.45 850 0.85
Beam 250 0.25 900 0.9
Beam 250 0.25 1500 1.5
Beam 200 0.2 900 0.9
Beam 200 0.2 1400 1.4
Beam 200 0.2 1500 1.5
Beam 150 0.15 600 0.6
Beam 150 0.15 500 0.5
Angle 75 0.075 500 0.5
Plate 500 0.5 500 0.5
Total number Total same
Number of
Total Square of support size of
Type Actual Area side of one
Meter (M2) in Square support in
Meter (M2) one tank
1.08 1.08 profile 4 4.32 3
0.72 profile 4 2.88 3
0.3825 profile 4 1.53 6
0.225 Solid fill 4 0.9 24
0.375 Solid fill 4 1.5 12
0.18 Solid fill 4 0.72 4
0.28 Solid fill 4 1.12 2
0.3 Solid fill 4 1.2 2
0.09 Solid fill 4 0.36 2
0.075 Solid fill 4 0.3 2
0.0375 Solid fill 2 0.075 15
0.25 Profile 1 0.25 30

43 15.155 105
Total Square meter for Total number of Qty of
Total tank 19
one tank same support support in 19 tank

12.96 19 246.24
8.64 19 164.16
9.18 19 174.42
21.6 19 410.4
18 19 342
2.88 19 54.72
2.24 19 42.56
2.4 19 45.6
0.72 19 13.68
0.6 19 11.4
1.125 19 21.375
7.5 19 142.5
87.845 1669.055

87.845 228 1669.055

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