10-2023 - Midor Project Cementitious Fireproofing Progress Report.

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XERVON - Egypt

Resources Summary Sheet

Site Midor Project Cementitious Fireproofing Period From 26-Sep To 25-Oct
Labors Equipment Application Needs
Category NO. Rate No. Day O.v Tim Total Kind Desc. No. Rate No. Day Total Item Unit Stock Added Used Remaining
Project management 0 0 0 0 Xervon Big 550 0 Sand m3 0 -
0 0 0 0 Compressors small 300 0 Garnet ton 0 -
0 0 0 0 Hire Loader 7 ton 875 0 Alu Oxide ton 0 -
0 0 0 0 Crane 60 ton 2736 0 Cleaner Lit 0 -
0 0 0 0 Hire Generator 60k 250 0 Solar Lit -
0 0 0 0 Sand Pot. 50 0 Scaffolding m2 0 -
0 0 0 0 After Cooler 50 0
0 0 0 0 Alrliss 100 0
0 0 0 0 Hp Washing 30 0
0 0 0 0 AIR RECEIVER 50 0
0 0 0 0 PFP Machine 2 250 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 13207.35
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Indirec Manpower 0 60,000.00
Direct Manpower 0 112,260.00
0 0 0 0 - Total 0.00

Net Working Days Bad Working Days Stop Working Days

Paint Material Qty. Supcontractor Works Additional Cost

Paint Kind Stored Added Total Used Transf. Touch Remaining Item Unit Previous Current Total % Execution Item Unit No. Total (L.E.)
sticky pins 700 - 700 - - 700 Accommodation EGP 1 6,600.00
Dry bond 540 250 - 250 - - 250 Transport (Buses) EGP 1 30,480.00
Wire mesh 50*50*1.5 mm 1500 - 1500 150.00 - 1350 Site Pickup EGP 1 16,250.00
Isolatek MII 0 - 0 - - 0 Consumable EGP 1 604.00
Tritosil W70 0 - 0 - - 0 Commissions EGP 1
Jotashield Sealer 165 - 165 - - 165 Abrasive EGP 0
Jotashield colourlast Glossy 370 - 370 - - 370 Buffet EGP 0
Tie Wire Stainless Steel 1.3 Mm 0 - 0 - - 0 Site&Office Tools EGP 0
Jotamastic 87 0 - 0 - - 0 Medical fees EGP 0
SikaCryl-621 144 - 144 57.00 - 87 Hiring Cars EGP 1
- 0 - 0 - - 0 Others( statements) EGP 1 20,000.00
Solar EGP 1 -
Supcontractor EGP 1
Mobilization/Truck EGP 1
Scaffolding EGP 1

Project Manager

osama kheadry
Client: Petrojet
Project: Midor Project Cementitious Fireproofing
Job ID: 4290321053237 & 4290321053383



sticky pins 700.00 700.00 1.50 14% 1.71 1,197.00 - - - 1,197.00

Dry bond 540 250.00 250.00 42.96 14% 48.97 12,243.60 - - - 12,243.60

Wire mesh 50*50*1.5 mm 1,500.00 150.00 1,350.00 16.40 14% 18.70 28,044.00 - - 2,804.40 25,239.60

Isolatek MII 0.00 - 417.44 417.44 - - - - -

Isolatek MII 0.00 - 620.00 620.00 - - - - -

Isolatek MII From Ikk Co. ( Accrual ) 0.00 - 840.00 840.00 - - - - -

Isolatek MII From El Nasr project 50.00 50.00 - 444.92 444.92 22,246.00 - - 22,246.00 -

Isolatek MII New Ordar 0.00 950.00 200.00 550.00 200.00 840.00 840.00 - 798,000.00 168,000.00 462,000.00 168,000.00

Tritosil W70 0.00 - 65.79 14% 75.00 - - - - -

Jotashield Sealer 165.00 165.00 33.90 14% 38.65 6,376.59 - - - 6,376.59

Jotashield colourlast Glossy 370.00 370.00 101.80 14% 116.05 42,939.24 - - - 42,939.24

Tie Wire Stainless Steel 1.3 Mm 0.00 - 31.17 14% 35.53 - - - - -

Jotamastic 87 0.00 - 14% - - - - - -

SikaCryl-621 987 144.00 57.00 87.00 250.00 14% 285.00 41,040.00 - - 16,245.00 24,795.00

0.00 - - - - - - -

0.00 - - - - - - -

0.00 - - - - - - -

0.00 - - - - - - -

0.00 - - - - - - -

Total 154,086.43 798,000.00 168,000.00 503,295.40 280,791.03

430.00 100.00 430.00 - 430.00 100.00 430.00 430.00 100.00 430.00 - - 414.54 403,492.16
Material PO Scaffolding Wire Mesh fixation Fireproofing Final Coat Final Inspection m2 Amount Material PO Scaffolding Wire Mesh fixation Fireproofing Final Coat Final Inspection m2 Amount Material PO Scaffolding Wire Mesh fixation Fireproofing Final Coat Final Inspection m2 Amount
SL.No. NAME Quantity Material Cost Application Scaffolding Total
Unit Amount Unit Amount Unit Amount Unit Amount
Unit Total Unit Total Unit Total Unit Total QTY % QTY QTY % QTY % QTY % QTY % QTY % QTY % QTY % QTY % QTY % QTY % QTY % QTY % QTY % QTY % QTY % QTY % QTY %
Old Contract EGP
1.1 Steel Structure 6m height + scaf (Xervon) 1,250.00 597.54 746,923.78 357.17 446,462.78 190.29 237,863.44 1,145.00 1,431,250.00 492.1 100% 492.12 492.1 100% 492.12 492.1 100% 492.12 492.1 100% 492.12 492.1 100% 492.12 - 100% - 484.45 554,692.80 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 492.1 100% 492.12 492.1 100% 492.12 492.1 100% 492.12 492.1 100% 492.12 492.1 100% 492.12 - 100% - 484.45 554,692.80
1.2 Steel Structure 6-12m height +scaf (Xervon) 875.00 597.54 522,846.65 387.17 338,773.95 190.29 166,504.41 1,175.00 1,028,125.00 1,019.3 100% 1,019.27 1,019.3 100% 1,019.27 1,019.3 100% 1,019.27 1,019.3 100% 1,019.27 1,005.6 100% 1,005.57 41.0 100% 41.00 1,002.25 1,177,643.24 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,019.3 100% 1,019.27 1,019.3 100% 1,019.27 1,019.3 100% 1,019.27 1,019.3 100% 1,019.27 1,005.6 100% 1,005.57 41.0 100% 41.00 1,002.25 1,177,643.24
1.3 Steel Structure >12m height +scaf (Xervon) 1,600.00 597.54 956,062.44 405.73 649,168.36 190.29 304,465.20 1,193.56 1,909,696.00 1,188.1 100% 1,188.11 1,188.1 100% 1,188.11 1,188.1 100% 1,188.11 1,188.1 100% 1,188.11 1,360.0 100% 1,360.00 - 100% - 1,179.60 1,407,926.16 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,188.1 100% 1,188.11 1,188.1 100% 1,188.11 1,188.1 100% 1,188.11 1,188.1 100% 1,188.11 1,360.0 100% 1,360.00 - 100% - 1,179.60 1,407,926.16
1.4 Steel Structure 6m height 425.00 597.54 253,954.09 245.74 104,439.91 0.00 0.00 843.28 358,394.00 1,464.5 100% 1,464.48 1,464.5 100% 1,464.48 1,464.5 100% 1,464.48 1,000.0 100% 1,000.00 440.0 100% 440.00 1,422.48 1,199,550.51 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,464.5 100% 1,464.48 1,464.5 100% 1,464.48 1,464.5 100% 1,464.5 1,000.0 100% 1,000.0 440.0 100% 440.0 1,422.48 1,199,550.51
1.5 Steel Structure 6-12m height 600.00 597.54 358,523.42 245.74 147,444.58 0.00 0.00 843.28 505,968.00 2,001.6 100% 2,001.63 2,001.6 100% 2,001.63 2,001.6 100% 2,001.63 1,500.0 100% 1,500.00 1,150.0 100% 1,150.00 1,959.99 1,652,816.32 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,001.6 100% 2,001.63 2,001.6 100% 2,001.63 2,001.6 100% 2,001.6 1,500.0 100% 1,500.0 1,150.0 100% 1,150.0 1,959.99 1,652,816.32
1.6 Steel Structure >12m height 575.00 597.54 343,584.94 245.74 141,301.06 0.00 0.00 843.28 484,886.00 810.0 100% 810.04 810.0 100% 810.04 810.0 100% 810.04 300.0 100% 300.00 21.0 100% 21.00 768.82 648,328.01 - - - - - - - - - - - - 810.0 100% 810.04 810.0 100% 810.04 810.0 100% 810.0 300.0 100% 300.0 21.0 100% 21.0 768.82 648,328.01
1.7 Equipment 6m+scaf (Xervon) 1,300.00 719.26 935,037.92 306.81 398,850.84 118.93 154,611.23 1,145.00 1,488,500.00 398.1 100% 398.05 398.1 100% 398.05 398.1 100% 398.05 398.1 100% 398.05 419.0 100% 419.00 30.0 100% 30.00 394.24 451,406.74 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 398.1 100% 398.05 398.1 100% 398.05 398.1 100% 398.05 398.1 100% 398.05 419.0 100% 419.00 30.0 100% 30.00 394.24 451,406.74
1.8 Equipment > 6m+scaf (Xervon) 165.00 719.26 118,677.89 336.81 55,573.38 118.93 19,623.73 1,175.00 193,875.00 34.8 100% 34.81 34.8 100% 34.81 34.8 100% 34.81 34.8 100% 34.81 6.0 100% 6.00 - 100% - 32.66 38,374.85 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 34.8 100% 34.81 34.8 100% 34.81 34.8 100% 34.81 34.8 100% 34.81 6.0 100% 6.00 - 100% - 32.66 38,374.85
1.9 Equipment 6 m 400.00 719.26 287,703.98 254.09 101,636.02 0.00 0.00 973.35 389,340.00 1,841.6 100% 1,841.64 1,841.6 100% 1,841.64 1,841.6 100% 1,841.64 1,500.0 100% 1,500.00 - 100% - 1,799.77 1,751,801.71 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,841.6 100% 1,841.64 1,841.6 100% 1,841.64 1,841.6 100% 1,841.64 1,500.0 100% 1,500.00 - 100% - 1,799.77 1,751,801.71
1.10 Equipment >6m 110.00 719.26 79,118.59 242.33 26,656.31 0.00 0.00 961.59 105,774.90 72.2 100% 72.22 72.2 100% 72.22 72.2 100% 72.22 31.4 100% 31.38 - 100% - 69.25 66,591.62 - - - - - - - - - - - - 72.2 100% 72.22 72.2 100% 72.22 72.2 100% 72.22 31.4 100% 31.38 - 100% - 69.25 66,591.62
1.11 Steel Box Section 6m +Scaf (Xervon) 42.50 14,246.88 605,492.38 2,427.11 103,151.98 1,646.01 69,955.64 18,320.00 778,600.00 35.0 100% 35.02 35.0 100% 35.02 35.0 100% 35.02 35.0 100% 35.02 32.0 100% 32.00 15.0 100% 15.00 34.81 637,670.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 35.0 100% 35.02 35.0 100% 35.02 35.0 100% 35.02 35.0 100% 35.02 32.0 100% 32.00 15.0 100% 15.00 34.81 637,670.90
1.12 Steel Box Section 6m-12m+Scaf (Xervon) 75.00 14,246.88 1,068,515.97 3,997.11 299,782.91 1,646.01 123,451.12 19,890.00 1,491,750.00 30.32 100% 30.32 30.32 100% 30.32 30.32 100% 30.32 30.32 100% 30.32 31.62 100% 31.62 13.00 100% 13.00 30.20 600,642.64 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 30.32 100% 30.32 30.32 100% 30.32 30.32 100% 30.32 30.32 100% 30.32 31.62 100% 31.62 13.00 100% 13.00 30.20 600,642.64
1.13 Steel Box Section >12m+Scaf (Xervon) 82.50 14,246.88 1,175,367.57 5,525.20 455,828.62 1,646.01 135,796.24 21,418.09 1,766,992.42 137.51 100% 137.51 137.51 100% 137.51 137.51 100% 137.51 137.51 100% 137.51 141.68 100% 141.68 9.50 100% 9.50 136.07 2,914,445.56 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 137.51 100% 137.51 137.51 100% 137.51 137.51 100% 137.51 137.51 100% 137.51 141.68 100% 141.68 9.50 100% 9.50 136.07 2,914,445.56
1.14 Steel Box Section 6m 12.50 14,246.88 178,086.00 2,393.12 29,914.00 0.00 0.00 16,640.00 208,000.00 137.45 100% 137.45 137.45 100% 137.45 137.45 100% 137.45 136.48 100% 136.48 38.00 100% 38.00 136.71 2,274,803.94 - - - - - - - - - - - - 137.45 100% 137.45 137.45 100% 137.45 137.45 100% 137.45 136.48 100% 136.48 38.00 100% 38.00 136.71 2,274,803.94
1.15 Steel Box Section 6m-12m 22.50 14,246.88 320,554.79 3,433.12 77,245.21 0.00 0.00 17,680.00 397,800.00 71.59 100% 71.59 71.59 100% 71.59 71.59 100% 71.59 60.00 100% 60.00 36.00 100% 36.00 70.79 1,251,643.99 - - - - - - - - - - - - 71.59 100% 71.59 71.59 100% 71.59 71.59 100% 71.59 60.00 100% 60.00 36.00 100% 36.00 70.79 1,251,643.99
1.16 Steel Box Section >12m 25.00 14,246.88 356,171.99 4,366.11 109,152.76 0.00 0.00 18,612.99 465,324.75 37.21 100% 37.21 37.21 100% 37.21 37.21 100% 37.21 20.00 100% 20.00 10.00 100% 10.00 36.08 671,621.11 - - - - - - - - - - - - 37.21 100% 37.21 37.21 100% 37.21 37.21 100% 37.21 20.00 100% 20.00 10.00 100% 10.00 36.08 671,621.11
2.2 Steel Structure 6-12m height +scaf (Xervon) 850.00 597.54 507,908.17 382.17 324,844.69 190.29 161,747.14 1,170.00 994,500.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2.8 Equipment > 6m+scaf (Xervon) 160.00 719.26 115,081.59 331.81 53,089.33 118.93 19,029.07 1,170.00 187,200.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
New Contract USD 30.89 30.89 30.89 30.89
3.1 Steel Structure 6-12m height +scaf (Xervon) 450.00 58.00 26,100.00 23.00 10,350.00 18.08 8,136.00 99.08 44,586.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.2 Steel Structure >12m height +scaf (Xervon) 15.00 58.00 870.00 23.00 345.00 19.59 293.85 100.59 1,508.85 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.3 Steel Structure 6-12m height 150.00 58.09 8,713.50 23.00 3,450.00 0.00 0.00 81.09 12,163.50 500.0 100% 500.00 500.0 100% 500.00 500.0 100% 500.00 300.0 100% 300.00 - - 481.56 39,050.00 310.00 310.00 310.00 310.00 310.00 310.00 - - - - 288.02 23,355.40 810.0 100% 810.00 810.0 100% 810.00 810.0 100% 810.00 300.0 100% 300.00 - - 769.58 62,405.40
3.4 Steel Structure >12m height 5.00 58.09 290.45 23.00 115.00 0.00 0.00 81.09 405.45 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.5 Steel Box Section 6m-12m+Scaf (Xervon) 75.00 1,402.23 105,167.25 561.00 42,075.00 217.28 16,296.00 2,180.51 163,538.25 - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - 0% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.6 Steel Box Section >12m+Scaf (Xervon) 15.00 1,402.23 21,033.45 561.00 8,415.00 267.33 4,009.95 2,230.56 33,458.40 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.7 Steel Box Section 6m-12m 25.00 1,402.23 35,055.75 561.00 14,025.00 0.00 0.00 1,963.23 49,080.75 80.00 100% 80.00 80.00 100% 80.00 80.00 100% 80.00 30.00 100% 30.00 - - 76.00 149,204.40 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 - - - - 8.36 16,406.82 89.00 100% 89.00 89.00 100% 89.00 89.00 100% 89.00 30.00 100% 30.00 - - 84.36 165,611.22
3.8 Steel Box Section >12m 5.00 1,402.23 7,011.15 561.00 2,805.00 0.00 0.00 1,963.23 9,816.15 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Contract # 1 8,570.00 8,929,612.17 3,863,316.69 1,393,047.21 14,185,976.08 9,771.47 17,299,960.08 - - - 9,771.47 17,299,960.08
Contract # 2 EGP 740.00 6,309,021.48 2,520,006.20 887,648.86 9,716,676.54 580.00 5,815,178.42 319.00 296.38 1,228,254.98 899.00 7,043,433.39
GRAND TOTAL 9,310.00 15,238,633.65 6,383,322.89 2,280,696.07 23,902,652.62 10,351.47 23,115,138.49 319.00 296.38 1,228,254.98 10,670.47 24,343,393.47
Data Unit Previous Current Cumulative
Denisty kg/m3 736 736 736
Weight kg/Bag 22.6 22.6 22.6
Volume m3/Bag 0.031 0.031 0.031
Thickness mm 0.04 0.04 0.04
Theo. m2 0.77 0.77 0.77
Theo.material Bag 30026.0 696.9 30723.0
m3 529 9 538
m2 9,822 310 10,132
Material Bag 26,650 600 27,250 (6,231.87) (3,801,441.41)
Loses % -11.2% -14% -11.3%

TyssenKrupp Xervon - Egypt

Client: Petrojet Completion

Amount M2 Cementitious FP m2 23,049.87 - -

Project: Midor Project Cementitious Fireproofing 103.32% 125.38%

Job ID: 4290321053237 & 4290321053383
Monthly Project Statement
EGP/USD 30.89 30.89 30.89 30.89 From 26-Sep To 25-Oct

Total contract Total contract UNIT PRICE
Area (m2) Amount (EGP) PRICE (EGP) (EGP)

1.1 1,250.00 1,431,250.00 Steel Structure 6m height + scaf 484.45 - 484.45 1,145.00 357.17 190.29 597.54 173,030.35 - 173,030.35 92,185.95 - 92,185.95 289,476.50 - 289,476.50 554,692.80 - 554,692.80 563,488.85 563,488.85 (8,796.05) (8,796.05) (7.68) (7.68)
1.2 875.00 1,028,125.00 Steel Structure 6-12m height +scaf 1,002.25 - 1,002.25 1,175.00 387.17 190.29 597.54 388,041.19 - 388,041.19 190,718.82 - 190,718.82 598,883.23 - 598,883.23 1,177,643.24 - 1,177,643.24 1,072,281.50 1,072,281.50 105,361.74 105,361.74 89.67 89.67
1.3 1,600.00 1,909,696.00 Steel Structure >12m height +scaf 1,179.60 - 1,179.60 1,193.56 405.73 190.29 597.54 478,600.32 - 478,600.32 224,467.41 - 224,467.41 704,858.43 - 704,858.43 1,407,926.16 - 1,407,926.16 1,418,080.57 1,418,080.57 (10,154.41) (10,154.41) (8.51) (8.51)
1.4 425.00 358,394.00 Steel Structure 6m height 1,422.48 - 1,422.48 843.28 245.74 - 597.54 349,562.08 - 349,562.08 - - - 849,988.43 - 849,988.43 1,199,550.51 - 1,199,550.51 1,234,966.69 1,234,966.69 (35,416.19) (35,416.19) (42.00) (42.00)
1.5 600.00 505,968.00 Steel Structure 6-12m height 1,959.99 - 1,959.99 843.28 245.74 - 597.54 481,648.67 - 481,648.67 - - - 1,171,167.65 - 1,171,167.65 1,652,816.32 - 1,652,816.32 1,687,934.55 1,687,934.55 (35,118.23) (35,118.23) (41.64) (41.64)
1.6 575.00 484,886.00 Steel Structure >12m height 768.82 - 768.82 843.28 245.74 - 597.54 188,929.84 - 188,929.84 - - - 459,398.17 - 459,398.17 648,328.01 - 648,328.01 683,090.53 683,090.53 (34,762.52) (34,762.52) (41.22) (41.22)
1.7 1,300.00 1,488,500.00 Equipment 6m+scaf 394.24 - 394.24 1,145.00 306.81 118.93 719.26 120,956.64 - 120,956.64 46,887.84 - 46,887.84 283,562.26 - 283,562.26 451,406.74 - 451,406.74 455,927.55 455,927.55 (4,520.81) (4,520.81) (3.95) (3.95)
1.8 165.00 193,875.00 Equipment > 6m+scaf 32.66 - 32.66 1,175.00 336.81 118.93 719.26 10,999.97 - 10,999.97 3,884.24 - 3,884.24 23,490.63 - 23,490.63 38,374.85 - 38,374.85 40,901.75 40,901.75 (2,526.90) (2,526.90) (2.15) (2.15)
1.9 400.00 389,340.00 Equipment 6 m 1,799.77 - 1,799.77 973.35 254.09 - 719.26 457,302.51 - 457,302.51 - - - 1,294,499.20 - 1,294,499.20 1,751,801.71 - 1,751,801.71 1,775,039.99 1,775,039.99 (23,238.29) (23,238.29) (23.87) (23.87)
1.10 110.00 105,774.90 Equipment >6m 69.25 - 69.25 961.59 242.33 - 719.26 16,781.74 - 16,781.74 - - - 49,809.89 - 49,809.89 66,591.62 - 66,591.62 69,446.03 69,446.03 (2,854.41) (2,854.41) (2.97) (2.97)
1.11 42.50 778,600.00 Steel Box Section 6m +Scaf 34.81 - 34.81 18,320.00 2,427.11 1,646.01 14,246.88 84,481.14 - 84,481.14 57,293.44 - 57,293.44 495,896.31 - 495,896.31 637,670.90 - 637,670.90 641,566.40 641,566.40 (3,895.50) (3,895.50) (0.21) (0.21)
1.12 75.00 1,491,750.00 Steel Box Section 6m-12m+Scaf 30.20 - 30.20 19,890.00 3,997.11 1,646.01 14,246.88 120,705.48 - 120,705.48 49,706.73 - 49,706.73 430,230.43 - 430,230.43 600,642.64 - 600,642.64 603,064.80 603,064.80 (2,422.16) (2,422.16) (0.12) (0.12)
1.13 82.50 1,766,992.42 Steel Box Section >12m+Scaf 136.07 - 136.07 21,418.09 5,525.20 1,646.01 14,246.88 751,835.54 - 751,835.54 223,979.87 - 223,979.87 1,938,630.15 - 1,938,630.15 2,914,445.56 - 2,914,445.56 2,945,201.56 2,945,201.56 (30,756.00) (30,756.00) (1.44) (1.44)
1.14 12.50 208,000.00 Steel Box Section 6m 136.71 - 136.71 16,640.00 2,393.12 - 14,246.88 327,156.23 - 327,156.23 - - - 1,947,647.71 - 1,947,647.71 2,274,803.94 - 2,274,803.94 2,287,334.40 2,287,334.40 (12,530.46) (12,530.46) (0.75) (0.75)
1.15 22.50 397,800.00 Steel Box Section 6m-12m 70.79 - 70.79 17,680.00 3,433.12 - 14,246.88 243,045.50 - 243,045.50 - - - 1,008,598.49 - 1,008,598.49 1,251,643.99 - 1,251,643.99 1,267,479.20 1,267,479.20 (15,835.21) (15,835.21) (0.90) (0.90)
1.16 25.00 465,324.75 Steel Box Section >12m 36.08 - 36.08 18,612.99 4,366.11 - 14,246.88 157,544.38 - 157,544.38 - - - 514,076.74 - 514,076.74 671,621.11 - 671,621.11 692,589.36 692,589.36 (20,968.25) (20,968.25) (1.13) (1.13)
2.2 850.00 994,500.00 Steel Structure 6-12m height +scaf - - - 1,170.00 382.17 190.29 597.54 - - - - - - - - - - - - 124,827.30 124,827.30 (124,827.30) (124,827.30) (106.69) (106.69)
2.8 160.00 187,200.00 Equipment > 6m+scaf - - - 1,170.00 331.81 118.93 719.26 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Extra work Metal lath apllication (m2) 980.00 - 980.00 120.00 120.00 - - 117,600.00 - 117,600.00 - - - - - - 117,600.00 - 117,600.00 100,303.20 100,303.20 17,296.80 17,296.80 144.14 144.14
Extra work Metal lath apllication (m3) 58.00 - 58.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 - - 69,600.00 - 69,600.00 - - - - - - 69,600.00 - 69,600.00 43,536.00 43,536.00 26,064.00 26,064.00 21.72 21.72
Extra work for Repair work per point 110.00 113.00 223.00 900.00 900.00 - - 99,000.00 101,700.00 200,700.00 - - - - - - 99,000.00 101,700.00 200,700.00 - 200,700.00 200,700.00 99,000.00 - 110.00 -
3.1 450.00 44,586.00 Steel Structure 6-12m height +scaf - - - 99.08 23.00 18.08 58.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.2 15.00 1,508.85 Steel Structure >12m height +scaf - - - 100.59 23.00 19.59 58.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.3 150.00 12,163.50 Steel Structure 6-12m height 481.56 288.02 769.58 81.09 23.00 - 58.09 11,075.96 6,624.42 17,700.38 - - - 27,974.04 16,730.98 44,705.02 39,050.00 23,355.40 62,405.40 53,517.78 53,517.78 (14,467.78) 8,887.62 (178.42) 109.60
3.4 5.00 405.45 Steel Structure >12m height - - - 81.09 23.00 - 58.09 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.5 75.00 163,538.25 Steel Box Section 6m-12m+Scaf - - - 2,180.51 561.00 217.28 1,402.23 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.6 15.00 33,458.40 Steel Box Section >12m+Scaf - - - 2,230.56 561.00 267.33 1,402.23 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.7 25.00 49,080.75 Steel Box Section 6m-12m 76.00 8.36 84.36 1,963.23 561.00 - 1,402.23 42,635.69 4,688.31 47,324.00 - - - 106,568.71 11,718.51 118,287.22 149,204.40 16,406.82 165,611.22 148,086.44 148,086.44 1,117.96 17,524.78 0.57 8.93
3.8 5.00 9,816.15 Steel Box Section >12m - - - 1,963.23 561.00 - 1,402.23 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

8,570.00 14,185,976.08 Total Contract # 1 10,706.17 113.00 10,819.17 4,636,821.57 101,700.00 4,738,521.57 889,124.30 - 889,124.30 12,060,214.21 - 12,060,214.21 17,586,160.08 101,700.00 17,687,860.08 17,707,060.23 200,700.00 17,907,760.23 (120,900.15) (219,900.15)

740.00 9,751,277.85 Total Contract # 2 EGP 557.56 296.38 853.94 1,659,153.07 349,450.15 2,008,603.21 - - - 4,156,025.35 878,804.83 5,034,830.18 5,815,178.42 1,228,254.98 7,043,433.39 6,227,645.08 - 6,227,645.08 (412,466.66) 815,788.31

9,310.00 23,937,253.93 TOTALS EGP 11,263.73 409.38 11,673.10 6,295,974.64 451,150.15 6,747,124.78 889,124.30 - 889,124.30 16,216,239.56 878,804.83 17,095,044.39 23,401,338.49 1,329,954.98 24,731,293.47 23,934,705.31 200,700.00 24,135,405.31 (533,366.82) 595,888.16


Indirect Direct Subcontractor
Month Painting (m2) Medical fees
Manpower Manpower Application

Cementitious Indirect Direct Subcontractor

Sr. Month Medical fees
FP m2 Masnpower Manpower Application
1 Feb-22 100.00 12,509.74 18,303.12
2 Mar-22 139.94 20,793.25 18,265.64
3 Apr-22 269.93 13,293.25 32,532.22
4 May-22 544.69 13,293.25 76,122.28
5 Jun-22 940.32 34,103.75 137,539.70
6 Jul-22 551.47 44,033.00 75,268.81
7 Aug-22 999.02 39,033.00 158,452.95
8 Sep-22 916.50 42,783.00 194,821.09
9 Oct-22 1,496.50 77,148.40 272,059.75
10 Nov-22 1,760.42 41,283.00 309,012.59
11 Dec-22 2,115.00 41,283.00 318,812.60
12 Jan-23 2,106.58 52,241.52 436,822.98
13 Feb-23 1,803.00 42,241.52 341,879.68
14 Mar-23 1,543.45 42,241.52 345,423.50
15 Apr-23 971.94 47,241.52 238,214.00
16 May-23 1,666.39 42,241.52 265,463.80 -
17 Jun-23 1,571.19 42,241.52 244,768.21
18 Jul-23 963.02 42,241.52 200,583.01
19 Aug-23 1,286.00 58,024.39 289,888.01
20 Sep-23 1,048.88 58,024.39 227,807.65
21 Oct-23 535.00 60,000.00 132,466.80 -
22 Nov-23
23 Dec-23
24 Jan-24
25 Feb-24
26 Mar-24
27 Apr-24
28 May-24
29 Jun-24
30 Jul-24
Total 23,329.25 866,296.06 4,334,508.39 - -

Actual Direct Manpower/m2 185.80

Budget Direct Manpower 206.70
Accommodation Transportation Personnel Supply DIESEL

Accommodation Transportation Personnel Supply S

7,029.00 37,841.86 39,907.56 17,727.51

6,390.00 45,448.89 68,935.02 17,936.78
6,000.00 13,047.50 64,872.97 153,773.92 35,066.00
16,287.19 105,702.72 295,952.08 15,458.93
12,000.00 23,962.50 207,605.95 388,799.54 38,671.13
6,000.00 24,895.38 150,197.19 238,046.81 21,318.00
6,000.00 46,660.31 250,146.26 509,748.17 6,241.00
6,000.00 49,256.25 292,860.34 380,202.45 39,163.80
6,000.00 59,160.75 414,368.90 578,700.25 86,507.36
6,000.00 68,319.75 424,615.34 909,962.63 29,622.35
6,000.00 73,059.00 439,154.60 1,354,526.00 26,004.81
6,000.00 72,260.25 567,324.75 1,362,066.03 21,090.95
6,000.00 66,828.75 456,949.95 853,990.29 14,037.88
6,000.00 64,166.25 457,831.27 2,027,802.86 36,001.83
6,000.00 54,900.00 346,355.52 470,085.38 7,095.00
7,200.00 66,967.20 381,872.52 1,326,919.97 7,353.00
6,600.00 62,057.55 355,667.28 1,207,484.09 11,166.00 2,500.00
6,600.00 53,601.45 303,025.98 823,520.71 5,261.10
6,600.00 59,182.05 413,694.45 1,567,975.60 4,231.10
6,600.00 58,085.10 350,517.14 923,992.06 4,788.00
6,600.00 53,272.20 252,339.00 503,295.40 604.00 -
118,200.00 999,388.43 6,318,392.88 15,985,686.82 445,346.53 2,500.00
Direct Cost 2022 & 2023
Mobilization Mobilization
Garnet Sand Material Xervon Hiring
Xervon Rental
Mobilization Mobilization Xervon Hiring
Garnet Sand Material
Xervon Rental Equipments Equipments
57,635.07 5,000.00
8,816.98 95,688.78 5,000.00
188,839.92 12,593.88
311,411.01 7,480.00
427,470.67 10,000.00 1,450.00
9,349.06 525,338.23 6,900.00
13,585.00 432,951.25 28,683.41
26,359.00 691,566.61
1,380,530.81 33,185.57
1,383,156.98 28,572.16
- - - - 503,899.40 - -
- - - 58,110.04 16,491,643.39 43,683.41 95,181.61
Xervon Other G&A (Major
Equipment Statement Insurance General
Scaffolding Expenses Projects)
uipments 20,000.00
Xervon Other Stamps &
Equipment Statement Insurance General
Scaffolding Expenses Fees
5,000.00 665.00 665.00
5,000.00 4,180.00 5,050.00 205.00 5,143.00 14,578.00
12,593.88 6,863.00 3,990.00 9,600.33 20,453.33
7,480.00 4,345.00 8,700.00 650.00 18,133.66 31,828.66
11,450.00 2,033.00 5,360.00 29,779.34 37,172.34
- 4,858.50 4,650.00 260.00 17,843.40 27,611.90
6,900.00 3,355.25 9,600.00 350.00 (83,115.04) (69,809.79)
28,683.41 3,006.85 93,670.74 505.00 38,535.41 135,718.00
- 2,090.00 745.00 11,715.05 14,550.05
39,792.91 39,792.91 4,645.00 170.00 25,400.19 30,215.19
20,000.00 53,185.57 5,963.50 21,361.00 1,035.00 15,170.00 43,529.50
28,572.16 1,844.50 12,382.73 (21,760.00) (7,532.77)
- 861.82 31,027.00 1,205.00 126,168.76 159,262.58
17,133.18 17,133.18 9,669.00 5,744.32 11,000.00 26,413.32
20,000.00 20,000.00 12,260.00 4,900.00 8,759.39 25,919.39
- 3,723.97 9,103.00 11,530.84 24,357.81
- 37,356.00 9,125.99 46,481.99
- 23,842.00 5,520.15 29,362.15
- 8,149.57 29,100.00 106,807.54 144,057.11
- 28,704.00 34,146.00 (105,399.11) (42,549.11)
- - 20,000.00 47,878.38 67,878.38
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
96,926.09 235,791.11 187,750.96 279,404.94 21,690.00 271,317.13 760,163.03

Application Scaffolding Total
Over Head Total Cost Supply Revenue
Revenue Revenue Valuation

Application Scaffolding Total

Over Head Total Cost Supply Revenue
Revenue Revenue Valuation
101,141.93 19,479.41 - 53,167.38 72,646.79
160,715.67 42,205.39 - 100,656.69 142,862.08
286,760.10 78,783.40 - 187,892.49 266,675.89
456,422.39 134,761.81 - 368,950.83 503,712.64
683,698.96 210,767.17 24,799.11 591,637.50 827,203.77
437,173.90 111,903.24 9,696.48 374,050.25 495,649.98
712,574.70 210,401.45 29,461.97 623,463.97 863,327.39
890,212.99 220,067.18 81,929.95 517,046.24 819,043.38
1,120,485.56 356,868.15 103,137.87 813,369.09 1,273,375.12
1,434,208.42 437,785.34 137,877.54 963,414.11 1,539,077.00
1,916,400.48 429,570.30 78,401.90 1,140,988.48 1,648,960.67
1,971,521.12 482,540.79 110,673.47 1,167,053.80 1,760,268.06
1,484,240.70 349,972.21 18,224.15 1,078,279.29 1,446,475.64
2,565,182.46 511,683.72 148,688.54 1,019,413.55 1,679,785.81
869,455.29 252,353.26 75,200.66 583,792.58 911,346.50
1,740,503.30 307,382.79 38,172.97 907,796.64 1,253,352.40
1,623,299.36 237,316.09 34,572.82 863,905.93 1,135,794.84
1,161,169.94 281,004.35 13,119.58 638,300.62 932,424.54
2,129,958.26 871,464.70 27,706.21 2,181,672.59 3,080,843.50
1,236,748.09 775,573.38 (42,538.94) 2,015,478.04 2,748,512.48
824,116.78 451,150.15 - 878,804.83 1,329,954.98
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- 23,805,990.41 6,773,034.28 889,124.30 17,069,134.89 24,731,293.47

Margin %

Margin %

(28,495.14) -39%
(17,853.59) -12%
(20,084.21) -8%
47,290.25 9%
143,504.82 17%
58,476.08 12%
150,752.70 17%
(71,169.61) -9%
152,889.56 12%
104,868.58 7%
(267,439.81) -16%
(211,253.06) -12%
(37,765.06) -3%
(885,396.65) -53%
41,891.21 5%
(487,150.90) -39%
(487,504.52) -43%
(228,745.40) -25%
950,885.24 31% ### 857,427.27 997,952.40
1,511,764.39 55% ### 824,116.78 505,838.20
505,838.20 38%
- 0 525,424.69 33,310.49 492,114.20
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0 17,000,000.00
- 0 2,210,000.00
925,303.06 3.74%
EPC Project
Average No. of coats/1m2 sand
Blasting area Painting area Blasting

m2 0

Cost Description Total Cost Cost/m2

Personnel 252,339.00 0

Material 503,899.40 0

Equipment - 0

General 67,878.38 0

Total Cost 824,116.78 0

Site Over Head - 5%

Total Revenue 1,329,954.98

Total Margin 505,838.20 38%

Project: Midor Project Cementitious Fireproofing
Client: Petrojet
Activity Cementitious Fireproofing Project Cash Flow
Job ID: &
Main Contract Value 14,185,976.04

Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 May-22 Jun-22 Jul-22 Aug-22 Sep-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23
Actual Cash In 2,837,195 1,255,065 1,128,203 1,456,393 4,801,931
Actual cash in Accumalative - - 2,837,195 2,837,195 2,837,195 2,837,195 2,837,195 4,092,260 4,092,260 5,220,462 5,220,462 6,676,855 6,676,855 ###
Social insurance 16,885
Actual Cash out 101,142 155,573 277,160 438,289 653,920 419,330 812,575 851,678 1,108,771 1,408,808 1,901,230 1,993,281 1,358,072 2,565,182
Actual Cash out Accum 101,142 256,715 533,874 972,163 1,626,083 2,045,413 2,857,988 3,709,666 4,818,437 6,227,245 8,128,475 ### ### ###
Actual Net Cash (101,142) (256,715) 2,303,321 1,865,032 1,211,112 791,782 (20,793) 382,594 (726,177) (1,006,782) (2,908,013) (3,444,901) (4,802,973) (2,566,225)






Oct-21 Feb-22 May-22 Aug-22 Dec-22 Mar-23 Jun-23 Oct-23 Jan-24

Actual cash in Accumalative Actual Cash out Accum

Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23
### ### ### ### ### 12,635,371 12,635,371 12,635,371

860,696 1,728,972 1,611,673 1,161,170 2,023,151 1,342,147 776,238

### ### ### ### ### 22,772,820 23,549,059 23,549,059
(3,426,921) (5,155,893) (6,767,566) (6,772,151) (8,795,302) ### ### ###
Project: Midor Project Cementitious Fireproofing
Client: Petrojet
Activity Cementitious Fireproofing
Job ID: 4290321053237 & 4290321053383 USD
Main Contract Value 14,185,976.04 17,733,732.57 21,265,091.90 9,751,277.85 31,016,369.75
Overall Invoice Status Report
Invoice Gross Amount Deduction Invoice Net Amount Duration
Invoice No.


Advance Performance Witholding Other Expected

Description Invoice Issued Date Retention Social insurance Stamp fees Receipt
Amount % Payment Bond Tax Deduction Amount % Receiving

10% 20% 5% 3.60% 1% 0% 0%

Main Contract Advance Payment 3/10/2022 2,837,195.22 2,837,195.22 20% 4/9/2022 3/10/2022 30 - (30)

1 Progress 01/03/2022 To 30/06/2022 18/Jul/22 1,876,166.18 13.2% 187,616.62 375,233.24 42,557.00 15,694.74 1,255,064.59 8.8% 9/1/2022 9/19/2022 45 63 18
2 Against Materiales 1 18/Aug/22 1,611,718.00 11.4% 161,171.80 322,343.60 1,128,202.60 8.0% 10/2/2022 11/6/2022 45 80 35
3 Progress 01/07/2022 To 20/10/2022 14/Nov/22 2,098,251.14 14.8% 209,825.11 419,650.23 12,382.74 1,456,393.06 10.3% 12/29/2022 1/17/2023 45 64 19
4 Progress 21/10/2022 To 25/12/2022 1/Jan/23 3,304,653.52 23.3% 330,465.35 660,930.70 5,744.48 2,307,512.98 16.3% 2/15/2023 3/8/2023 45 66 21
5 Against Materiales 2 25/Jan/23 3,563,453.86 25.1% 356,345.39 712,690.77 2,494,417.70 17.6% 3/11/2023 3/22/2023 45 56 11
6 Progress 26/12/2022 To 10/03/2023 15/Mar/23 1,656,250.25 11.7% 165,625.03 331,250.05 2,790.17 1,156,585.01 8.2% 4/29/2023 7/12/2023 45 119 74
7 Metal Lath Erection Invoice # 01 21/Jun/23 143,839.20 0.0% 14,383.92 129,455.28 0.0% 8/5/2023 11/27/2023 45 159 114
8 Progress 11/03/2023 To 04/07/2023 10/Jul/23 2,778,971.23 19.6% 277,897.12 15,096.62 177,324.70 2,308,652.79 0.0% 8/24/2023 11/27/2023 45 140 95
9 Progress 05/07/2023 To 09/09/2023 12/Sep/23 673,756.84 0.0% 67,375.68 606,381.15 0.0% 10/27/2023 11/27/2023 45 76 31
10 Progress 26/07/2023 To 23/09/2023 USD 24/Sep/23 6,227,554.27 622,755.43 224,191.95 5,380,606.89 11/9/2023 11/27/2023 46 64 18
11 FP Repair Invoice # 01 23/Oct/23 200,700.00 20,070.00 180,630.00 12/7/2023 11/27/2023 45 35 (10)
0.0% - 0.0% 45 - (45)
Total 23,991,475.28 169.12% 2,413,531 2,837,195 177,325 224,192 - 42,557 36,612 18,260,062.84 128.72% 91

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