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Detailed Lesson Plan

Grade 10 English

a. Learning Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

a. define exposition text;
b. identify the language structure and features of an exposition text; and
c. dissect an exposition text based on its structure and features.

b. Subject Matter

Topic : Structures and Language Features of an Exposition

Reference : English Quarter 2 – Module 2: Structures and Language of
an Exposition
Skills : Speaking and writing

Instructional Aids : Manila paper, Marker, Laptop, activity materials and

Technological tools
Value Focus : Cooperation, teamwork and decision making

c. Procedure
Teacher’s activity Student’s activity
Preliminary Activity

 Greetings

Good morning, class. How are you today? That’s good to hear. Good morning, ma’am
 Prayer We’re doing good ma’am

So, before anything else, let’s have a prayer first. Everybody

please stand. May I request Ms._________ to lead us a prayer?
(Someone leads the prayer)
Amen. Now, before you take your seats, please arrange your
chairs properly.
 Checking of attendance
Now, for your attendance please get 1/8 sheet of paper and
write your name, and the date today. Understand class?
Okay, I will just give you 15 seconds to write your name, and
after that you need to pass your papers forward. Yes, ma’am
(After 15 seconds, students pass their papers
Seems like you are all present today, that’s very good class. forward)
That’s a good sign to start our lesson.

 Presenting classroom rules

Before we start, let us have our classroom rules first. Everybody
please read our classroom rules.

 Be ready to learn
 Listen and follow directions (Students read the classroom rules)
 Raise your right hand if you want to speak and ask
 Be respectful to others  Be ready to learn the
 Listen and follow directions
 Raise your right hand if you
want to speak and ask questions
The said classroom rules will be strictly applied in our class.  Be respectful to others
Again, I will be giving reward cards to those students that will
participate in my class today.

(The teacher will show the different cards)

I will be asking you questions from time to time. So, please listen
carefully with our discussion today. Is that clear, class?

 Review Yes, ma’am.

Okay class, before we proceed with our topic this morning, let’s have a
quick review of our past lesson. So last meeting, we discussed about?

Very Good.
Now who can give me an example of Campaigns or advocacy?
Ma’am It’s all language of Research, Campaigns
and Advocacy ma’am

Alright. I’m Glad that you have learned a lot from our previous Advertising Ma’am
discussions. Do you have any questions? If there’s none let’s proceed Tree Planting Ma’am
with our new lesson for today. Slogan Ma’am
Poster Ma’am
 Motivation
Activity- Complete Me

Direction: Complete the following words by filling out the blanks with No ma’am
the omitted letters.

1. f e a _ _ r e 4. _ r o c e s _
2. _ _ p o s i t i o _ 5. a _ _ u m e n t
3. e _ i d e n _ e. 6. s t r _ _ t u r e

Okay so I have here a set of activity, may I request everyone to please

read the directions.

(Students read the direction)

Direction: Complete the following words by filling

out the blanks with the omitted letters
So now, anyone who wants to answer Number 1?
Yes Ms. ____?
Very Good! How about number 2?
Excellent! How about in number 3? (Students Raise their hands)
Correct! Another hand for number 4? Feature Ma’am
That’s right! Number 5? Exposition Ma’am
Very Good! How about in the last number? Evidence Ma’am
Process Ma’am
Argument ma’am
Structure Ma’am

Base from the Activities that we had; do you have an any idea on what
might be our topic for today’s Discussion?

Excellent! For today’s lesson, we will discuss about About exposition Ma’am
About feature Ma’am
Structures and Language Features of an Exposition
Argument Ma’am
Structure Ma’am

(Students Read
Structures and Language Features of an Exposition

 a.1. Linking Statement

(Students Read)
But before anything else let us read first our learning objectives.
Everyone please read our learning objectives.
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to;

a. define exposition text;

b. identify the language structure and features of a. define exposition text;

an exposition text; and
b. identify the language structure and
c. dissect an exposition text based on its
features of an exposition text; and
structure and features.
c. dissect an exposition text based on its
structure and features.

Thank you, class.

D. Lesson Proper

Activity: Dig Deep ON Me!

Guide Questions: (Students answer vary)

1. What is the exposition about? (students answer vary)
2. What do you feel about the writer’s negative stand about children
using social
media? Modal verbs ma’am and conjunction
3. What do you call the underlined words in the text? How about the
italicized ones?
4. Has the article presented only one side of the issue or the other way Yes ma’am
around? (student answer vary)
Prove your answer
5. What do we call a text that presents only one side of an issue?

An EXPOSITION persuades a reader or listener

Class, a text that presents only one side of an issue is called exposition. by presenting one side of
Everybody, please read the definition of exposition. an argument. By taking a point of view and
justifying it, we aim to convince
(Flash the ppt) others to see only that side of an issue. Some
expositions speculate as to
what might be and persuade others as to what
should be.

Activity: Identify Me

So, I have here another example of expository text. For this particular
lesson we will be dealing with how arguments/exposition are presented
in an essay you will be guided through this guide questions.

Directions: Read carefully and be ready to dissect the structure of the

article below. (Oral Recitation)

Guide Questions:

1.How many paragraphs does the article have?

2. Which paragraph is the introduction?

(student answers)
3.Which paragraph/s is/are the body?

4. Which paragraph is the concluding one?

*Quick review of the structures of exposition


Activity 4: Think Me (Group activity)

Directions: The following lines are lifted from the text above. Find out
the language feature/s being used.
Alright! suesdtivity: ladeems like you are all present, that’s very
good. That’s a good sign to start our
Alright, So, how was
everyone? Did you enjoy your weekend?
So, how was
everyone? Did you enjoy your

Alright! So, any questions or clarifications regarding with our

Then are you ready for an activity?


Activity: Let’s Write!

Directions: Compose at least three-paragraph exposition article

observing the Structures and language features. Be guided by the rubric.

Time is up!

Pass all your papers.

(Students answer vary)

*Expository writing has a clear purpose: to educate

Generalization the reader by presenting facts backed up with
Ok class, lets recap what we discussed today. Try to complete the
following sentences with the information or concepts learned from this

1. An exposition aims to ________

2. The three structures of an exposition are _____
3. The language features of an exposition are ______

Yes Ma’am
To persuade the audience Ma’am
*Have you ever dreamed to be a writer?
To deliver the information effectively Ma’am

*Why is it important to know the Language Features on an Exposition?

Yes, Very Good! And also this gives your reader a preview of where you
are going to take them.

 Evaluation (5 minutes)
Direction: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the best

1. What language feature is used in the quoted lines above?

A. Mental process
B. Material process
C. Relational process
D. Use of conjunctions


What do you call the underlined words in the text?

A. Modals
B. Conjunctions
C. Verbs
D. Prepositions
3. What is stand of the writer based on the given text in item 2?
A. Sex should be discussed to prevent the rise of minors contracting
B. Sex should not be talked about especially among young people.
C. Sex is best discussed only among adults.
D. Sex is best not discussed.
_4. What is the purpose of an exposition?
A. To entertain
B. To persuade
C. To explain
D. To expound
_5. Which is NOT a structure of an exposition?
A. Introduction
B. Body
C. Conclusion
D. Opinion
_6. What is mental process as a language feature of an exposition?
A. What happened
B. What the writer thinks or feels
C. What is and should be
D. What should not be
_7. In which part of the exposition does the writer usually put his/her
A. Introduction
B. Body
C. Conclusion
D. Opinion
_8. “Another reason why aggressive driving should be avoided is it
injuries.” Where should this statement be found?
A. Introduction
B. Body
For items 9 & 10, refer to the text below.
C. Conclusion
D. Opinion

For items 9 & 10, refer to the text below

9. What language feature is dominantly used in the text?

A. Mental process C. Relational Process
B. Material process D. Use of conjunction
_____10. What’s the stand of the writer?
A. Families and churches must be quiet about sex.
B. Families and churches should lead a decent discussion about sex.
C. Families and churches have done their best to address the problem
about HIV/AIDS.
D. Families and churches are important units of the society.

Research about other examples of exposition.

Before we will end our class. Do you have any questions? or

clarifications regarding our topic for today? None so far ma’am.

Okay class. That is the end of our lesson for today.

Good bye class. See you next meeting. Good bye Ma’am.

Prepared by: Rachel Z. Rodriguez

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