Learning Feedback

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Manuel B.

Block A BSN 2009
Group 1
LFD date: November 29-30, 2007

A. General: To re acquaint myself with the clinical-hospital setting.

B. Specific: to re learn the work, procedures, and protocols done within the hospital settings. After
almost a year of absence, I need to get to my knowledge of the
Skills necessary to effectively carry out the work needed.


A. Self: I felt like a fish out of water during the first day, considering that I have not been exposed in the
clinical area for almost a year. I felt a little anxious of what I still can do and know. Luckily, on the first
day we were not given clients, it was a relief because I was unsure how I can be effective on the first
day, it felt like my first time to have a hospital duty once again, we were oriented on the protocols,
procedures, and other relevant things we need to accomplish in the ward. I was happy I still
remembered most of them. On the second day, we were already given patients, for me I think I was ok, I
carried out most of the orders, had done what was expected by the clinical instructress, although I know
I still know I need to work on my time management skills, I was not efficient as I was before.
B. Group mates: I think some of my groupmates have done what was expected of them satisfactorily,
although I can say I have an advantage over my groupmates over the experiences and skills I already
have because of my previous exposures I cant say I am better than them. Some were nervous I think
because they still do not know how our clinical instructress does her work and how she likes us to work
but I think they can get better when they get up to speed with her style of working in the clinical setting.

C. Clinical Instructress: She feels a little disturbed by some of my groupmates because she already
oriented us on the protocols and has briefed us about her expectations within the clinical setting. But I
think she understands that most of us need more time to get acquainted with her work style.


The basics of clinical skills have been taught in the classroom, but theoretical knowledge is not enough
to say that you are good, skills, like swords need to be put Under pressure and be cast in fire to be sharp
and that is what we are doing is all about. We also need to understand the connections we are able to
make when we begin to care about our clients, to understand what they go through, and that makes us
more human rather than merely persons there to give medicines and carry out orders. It also makes us
appreciate the kind of work we perform, of what we can be in the future, nurses that care

DECEMBER 6, 2007 AT 4:29 AM

mAnNy said...

Manuel B. Afiado
BSN 2009 Group 1
Learning Feedback Diary
Quirino Provincial Hospital

GENERAL: To be familiarized more with the procedures and routines done within the hospital, as well as
incorporate new concepts learned from the classroom to the actual duty area

SPECIFIC: To identify learning opportunities to be able to increase knowledge as well as skills on routine
hospital procedures.


A. Self: Its easy to say that you should leave your excess baggages at home when you come for duty.. But
really its not so easy doing it, I was preoccupied with problems at home.. Although I was able to do what
was required, I was not at my best, I was still physically tired and emotionally drained from what I had
experienced the following days. Although I know my clinical instructress knows that I was preoccupied,
more so sick, I had sore eyes... I’m thankful she took it easy on me.
B. Group mates: some of them still don’t seem to remember what was taught and oriented on the first
week, maybe they feel that they still need more time to get familiarized, I sometimes feel they are afraid
to ask and there comes the problem, because they can get prone to accidents. But by being guided by
our CI, although most of them are a bit nervous, most have adjusted to the work and procedures done.

C. Clinical Instructor: there are some times that she may seem to lose her cool, but she gets composed
and again diligently tells some erring students what to do. The great thing is she can defuse the tense
atmosphere by finding humor in whatever it is that irritates her.


An actual experience of the things learned theoretically, to the actual encounter with people who rely
on you to give them care even for just mere hours, to really be able work under pressure, to set aside
your problems and be straight faced in dealing with clients..That maybe is what they call grace under
pressure and I think nurses do it best.

DECEMBER 12, 2007 AT 6:36 AM

kryptonite said...


LFD #1


A. GENERAL: to be able to familiarize my self about the routines at the male ward.

B. SPECIFIC: to be able to enhance my ability about hospital works.


A. SELF: I am very excited because it is my first time to have duty at male ward and a little bit nervous
because i am not yet familiarize about the routines at the male ward.

B. GROUPMATES: They are very willing to share their knowledge with each other and their doing their
best to do their duties as a student nurse.


I have learned the different routines at the male ward and enhance my ability about hospital works...
and i hope that i will learn so much more about hospital settings during our exposure at the male ward.

DECEMBER 12, 2007 AT 9:09 PM

AKIRA said...

LFD DATE: NOVEMBER 29-30, 2007
LFD #1


A. GENERAL: To know the different duties and resposibilities as a student nurse.

B. SPECIFIC: To determine what are the rules and regulation in male ward.


A.SELF: I felt nervous during the first week of my duty, because it is my first time to handle a patient in
male ward, but i have overcome it.

B.GROUPMATES: They are all resposible and very cooperative.

c. CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR: She is very intelligent instructor, and resposible.

I had developed more my skill in getting the vital sign of patient and computing medicines. I had
experienced how to prescribed such medicines, how to do or fill-up such request/laboratory requests
and I experienced how to give medicines via IV push. I also learned how to do wound care.

DECEMBER 12, 2007 AT 11:30 PM

AKIRA said...

LFD DATE: NOVEMBER 29-30, 2007
LFD #1


A. GENERAL: To know the different duties and resposibilities as a student nurse.

B. SPECIFIC: To determine what are the rules and regulation in male ward.


A.SELF: I felt nervous during the first week of my duty, because it is my first time to handle a patient in
male ward, but i have overcome it.

B.GROUPMATES: They are all resposible and very cooperative.

c. CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR: She is very intelligent instructor, and resposible.

I had developed more my skill in getting the vital sign of patient and computing medicines. I had
experienced how to prescribed such medicines, how to do or fill-up such request/laboratory requests
and I experienced how to give medicines via IV push. I also learned how to do wound care.

DECEMBER 12, 2007 AT 11:30 PM

kitty said...

Cely S. Ancheta
BSN 3A Batch 2009
Group 1
LFD Date: Nov.28-30, 2007
LFD #1

A. General: To familiarize myself about the procedures and routines done in the Male Ward of Quirino
Provincial Hospital.

B. Specific: To equip myself about hospital procedures and protocols.

A. Self: It's my first time to have a duty at Male ward of QPH. I am quite nervous because I know that
procedures done in Male ward is more difficult than in Female and Pedia Ward where we first exposed.
It's good that on the first day we were not able to handle a pt., we just had an orientation about the
routines, procedures and protocols done in the ward. From the orientation, I was able to familiarized
myself about the routines done in the ward.

B. C.I.: Ma'am Nhelia acquainted us about the routines in the ward during te first day. She's so smart and
intelligent. She explained everything what we need to know in te ward.

C. Groupmates: We have a new set of groupmates this sem. Like me, some of them are not yet familiar
about the routines in the ward because now, we're not only dealing with medical-surgical nursing but
also pt. with communicable diseases. On the second day where we already have a pt., some of us
committed mistakes because of nervousness.


"Learn from your mistakes". This is what I learned for this week of duty. All of us commit mistakes, and
this mistakes became our experienced. When we look this mistakes in positive way, the mistakes we
committed will become learning. In nursing, committing mistake should be avoided because we're
dealing with life. Once you commit mistake, your patient's life would be in danger or at risk.
DECEMBER 18, 2007 AT 12:56 AM

kitty said...

Cely S. Ancheta
BSN 3A Batch 2009
Group 1
LFD Date: Dec. 6-8, 2007
LFD #2

A. General: To be able to know more about hospital procedures.

B. Specific: To render service to the sick by means of applying different nursing care procedures.

A. Self: As part of our nursing care to pt. is the Nurse-Patient Interaction (NPI). Doing the NPI for me is
easy because I am a teacher by profession, I used to deal different kinds of people at different age level -
both student and parents when I am still teaching. It's hard implementing the interventions if the pt. is
not cooperative so, in order to make an effective intervention, we should establish first rapport to our

B. C.I.: She's always there guiding and helping us. I listened and accept every comments and advises of
my C.I., this served as my guide in rendering care to my pt. She knows better than I am so every
suggestion or criticism she made is I know that it's for my own good, for my development and
improvement of my skills.

C. Groupmates: We're sharing ideas about things that contribute to our knowledge. Little knowledge is
dangerous so sometimes we are consulting each other if what we are doing is right or wrong and they
are very willing to share what they know, they also give advise on what or which is better to a certain
procedure. I appreaciate our groupmate sir Manny - he's approachable and helpful to us. I'm glad he
belongs to our group.


Familiarization in the ward is very important in performing duty well. It's our second week of duty and
we are quite adjusted to the ward. When you're adjusted to the procedures in te ward, doing such
procedures will become routine. Just remember protocols and procedures done ion the ward and you
won't get lost.
Cely S. Ancheta
BSN 3A Batch 2009
Group 1
LFD Date: Dec. 13-15, 2007
LFD #3

A. General: To be able to provide care to my patient.

B. Specific: To be able to do some nursing procedures to my client that contribute to their treatment.

A. Self: This is my last week of duty and I'm glad because I learned a lot during my exposure in the ward.
My skills was developed and enhanced during my stay here. I could say that I am more knowledgeable
now than before.

B. C.I.: What can I say to my C. I.? Thank you very muc Ma'am Nhelia because I learned a lot from you.
First impression is always wrong. I thought before that she is strict but I think the right term would be
disciplinarian. She taught us how to behave and act as a professional for we will be a future nurses
someday. Whatever teachings and lessons I leearned from you will always be on my mind and heart.

C. Groupmates: Sometimes, misunderstanding arises in our group. But through patience and
communication, things were able to fix.


Being a nurse or student nurse is not easy. One must need patience, understanding, alertness and be
responsible to your own pt. Anything happened to patient due to negligence is accountable to the nurse
on duty including us -student nurses. So a nurse must be watchful in rendering care to patient especially
in giving medications.

DECEMBER 18, 2007 AT 1:40 AM

SORIANOhenry said...


DECEMBER 20, 2007 AT 6:45 PM

natre said...


JANUARY 7, 2008 AT 12:26 AM

Eugenio Cruz Dig said...

Eugenio Cruz Dig

Block A BSN 2009
Group 4
LFD date: January 10-11, 2008

A): GENERAL: To be able to learn more knowledge, to improve my skill ant to familiarized with the
routine in the male ward.
B): Specific: To enhance my skills with regard to hospital setting.
To to know more about ways to improve SOAPIE making.

A): Self: I'ved done my part to be a responsible student nurse, I'ved done good with my groupmats and
to my CI. And i didn't felt any kind of nervousness because i loved my work.
B): Groupmates: They are nice to be with, we help each other, we work as one.
They'ved done also their part, they done their job well.
C): Clinical Instructor: Our CI is strict but are nice to her student, she always help her student.
She is so knowledgeable. And i'm happy to be her as my CI. Thank you ma'am.

> With my three days staying or having a duty in the male ward, I'ved learned a lot from my CI. I'ved
learned to be a responsible nurse(student nurse), not only the way i act but also the way i carry myself,
meaning wearing the correct uniform. And i also learned to do the charting correctly and neatly. I had
developed more my skills in getting the vital sign of patient and computing medicines.

JANUARY 12, 2008 AT 3:16 AM

Mark Jay M. Daquioag said...

Mark Jay M. Daquioag

Block A BSN 2009
Group 4
LFD date: January 10-11, 2008


A. General: To be able to accomplish all the daily nursing routine that will be assign to me.

B. Specific: To be able to gain more knowledge and improve my skills regarding hospital settings.

A. Self: As i observed, I, myself is nervous because according to the group that was already handled by
our C.I., she is very strict and toxic.

B. Groupmates: They are all eager to start our duty. Maybe because they want to go home early. But i
know that they are also nervous. And even, they did their task right and with patience.

C. Clinical Instructor: during our shift, i observed that our C.I. is not that to strict. She is approachable
and very effective instructor. She is very informative at all times.

LEARNINGS: I've gathered some information regarding formulating a proper and correct SOAPIE where it
is included in our daily routine. I've learned and practiced on how to do my task easier and faster. Being
prepared always is important in the area. Some learnings was not new to me because i have a lot of
experiences and learnings during my past duties.

JANUARY 12, 2008 AT 3:20 AM

meanne said...

Mary anne rose domingo

Block A BSN 2009
Group 4
LFD Date. January 10-13, 2008

General objectives

To get more knowledge about health and illness of the hospital and able to apply it in the future.

Special Objectives

To experience more and become alert physically, mentally, and emotionally.


In every rotation that I have experience. I’ve learn a lot how to became alert in terms of giving
medication to my patient. I experience also to become more friendly into my patient and I learned how
to become patience when they are moody. Every duty I gain more confident to be able to my
responsibility as a student nurse. Time management is very important for me. We don’t need to become
confuse if there is an error or mistake. Because that is the way for you to learned.
Group mates
We helping each other particularly when we are in duty. Sharing some ideas, knowledge. If one we are
tired and we feel toxic. We encourage to become chill or relax. We treating each other as a brother and
sister and we give respect to each other.

Clinical Instructor
To my respective and intelligent clinical instructor Mrs. Nhelia Perez. I want to thank for the sharing the
knowledge, ideas, and some advises. I appreciate all the things that she do .particularly in our batch.
Thank you for being there. To teach and to learned us

We should always show our sincerity in the task that was assigned to us. Because good things are
waiting to happen. Improving my self to communicate different patient, different observation. I really
enjoy in the ward. Toxic but make me strong and you must always alert in giving medicine.

JANUARY 12, 2008 AT 8:26 PM

natre said...

Michelle B. Buenaobra
BSN 2009 Block A
Group 4
LFD date: January 10 - 12, 2008


A. General: To enhance our knowledge, skills and attitude in the clinical area.
B. Specific: To apply all the skills we've learned in the SLE like computing medication, carrying out orders,
regulation of IVF, etc.


A. Self: On the first day to handle patient I felt nervous because it is our first time to expose ourselves
again to the ward because our last rotation was in the OR and it is very different in the ward. Although
I'm slight toxic that because I don't know I'm doing because it is my first time to handle a CVA patient
and the patient was under coma. Last Jan. 12 I'm surprised because my patient last time was already
dead. So I handled new patient that day. I handled a Hypertensive patient and I'm thankful because I've
handledmy patient well and carried out orders correctly.

B. Groupmates: They were also nervous I think during our first day and also during the second day we've
handled our patient most especially one of our groupmate, she was the last one to do her SOAPIE chart
and she's the cause of our delay.
C. Ma'am Nhelia is strict but her strictness is ab effective way to handle her students. She's intelligent
and a keen observer she's observing all the actions of her students.


On our first day we've oriented with the routines in the male ward and also the routines of ma'am
Nhelia and the do's and don'ts during the duty hours. And I find that Ma'am Nhelia is very organized in
the Area.
Although the theories was injected to us before we are going to be exposed to the area it is so different
and hard to apply because there are differences between the theories we've learned to that on the
hospital setting. On our duty I've learned to be patience enough to andle patients and how to apply
what we've leaned in the SLE.

JANUARY 12, 2008 AT 11:31 PM

®an- Ð said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

JANUARY 13, 2008 AT 3:10 AM

®an- Ð said...

Baruel, Randy A.
Block A BSN 2009
Group 4
Quirino Provincial Hospital

I. Objectives:

A. General: To enhance and apply skills acquired in lecture to become a competent nurse in the near

B. Specific: Render necessary care to patients infirmed at Quirino Provincial Hospital.

II. Observation:

A. Self: During our duty, I felt like I'm catching everybody's attention, paricularly the patient's guardians.
They tend to approach me as if I'm already a nurse like addressing me with sir, and maybe in confussion,
they even call me "doc" sometimes.

B. Groupmates: Some of them are really not in shape during our first three days of duty. They do forget
some of their responsibilities as a student nurse and always end up fatigued after the shift. They do so
because everytime they have a procedure in line, they always happen to forget or left some of their
paraphernalias which is very much needed in the procedure they are supposed to do making it very
tiring for them as they return back and forth just to fetch their paraphernalias.

C. Clinical Instructor: Ma'am Nhelia oriented us before hand which in our part is very helpful to be able
to familiarized with the routines in the male ward. So to you ma'am, thank you very much and we
appreciate your patience to us although we do make your life a little bit messy, sometimes.

III. Learnings:

In the recent week of our rotation, I have never imagined my self to be a useful person until the time I
was assigned in the female surgical ward. It was a blessing then that I had a patient's family who
welcomes me with a warm heart. In return, I promised myself that I will do evrything under my power to
give the care needed by my patient like helping the staff nurse during the changing of dressing and
cleansing the surgical site, and even at the worst case scenario where we removed the baby's drain. I
made sure that erything I had learned from our school is put to good use.

JANUARY 13, 2008 AT 3:12 AM

gaspar said...


a. General Objectives- to be able to render service and give health teachings or additional knowledge to
patients of surgical and medical cases.
b. Specific Objective- to enhance my knowledge and skills in caring for a patient in male ward.
a. Self- it was my first time to have my duty at male ward so I was so very attentive when our clinical
instructor is giving the daily routines and instructions to do. I was hard in making SOAPIE so I was
practicing to make SOAPIE when there is free time in times of duty.
b. Groupmates- like me, all of my groupmates are very attentive when our clinical instructor is dictating
the daily routines and giving instructions. Some also of my groupmates are hard in making SOAPIE that is
why sometimes were too late in endorsing our patients with the next duty.
c. Clinical Instructor- our CI is very much strict in terms of uniform and paraphernalia, in giving
medications and everything that we will do to our patients, she instructed us to ask permission from her.
She is good in initiating us on how to deal with patients.
In that 3 consecutive days of duties, I learned a strategy from my CI, like preparing all the medications
that are the same with the time in taking vital signs, so that after taking the vital signs of the patient we
can already give the medications, so it is not time consuming. I learned also to make laboratory request
and operating room request because my patient in that time was for “E” debridement so need to be
done at operating room, and the following day after the debridement of my patient, I assisted in bathing
and changing wound dressing of my patient.

Gaspar A. Bucahi

JANUARY 13, 2008 AT 5:56 AM

utak said...

Lorena Mamauag
Block A BSN 2009
Group 4
LFD Date:January 10-11,2008

A.General: To be familiarized about the routine at male ward.

B.Specific: To know what are the common medicine to be given at male ward.

OBservation/ Evaluation

A.I felt excited and little bit nervous because this is may first time to under Ma'am Nhelia Perez and male
B.Groupmates:They felt nervous and felt exited. Some of them are confused what they are doing,but
there is a cooperation.
C.Clinical Instructor:They say that she is strict and terror but it is the way learn the student and properly

In the area I leaned you must have a presence of mind and ative to accomplish some procedure to be

JANUARY 14, 2008 AT 1:17 AM

cathelyn said...


BSN3A group 4

GENERAL OBJECTIVE: To acquaint my knowledge regarding routines done in the area.
SPECIFIC OBJECXTIVE: To render care with our own patient.

a.) SELF: After my staying in O.R ,I've been starting to worry and felt nervous for my next rotation which
is in the male ward wherein most cases were surgical patients both male and female at any age.
Most of my groupmates were also tensed like me especially during our first day of exposure but aside of
that, as one group we have bonding and cooperation to one another.
Our clinical instructor i nice yet she's very strict especilly in the area regarding on checking ofour
complete uniforms and parafernlias, in preparing and giving of medication and in writing on our
patient's chart.She wanted us always be aware and alert regarding daily routines done in the area and
she wanted also each one of us to become responsible enough in doind nursing care.


During the first day of my exposure in the area, we did not yet handled patient because our clinical
instructor oriented us regarding on daily routines so that we become familiarized.She discussed also
how to make a case abtsract which is one of our requirements.Through her discussion, I larned on how
to do 11 gordons functional pattern which is one part ofthe study.
On the second day, each one of us given and asigned one patient but we're only responsible in doing
vital signs, how to carry out doctors order from latest to previus, how to prescribe for the twentyfour
hours stock of the patient, in giving medications and on how to make a sample SOAPIE chart.
On the third day,Maam Chit handled us, all of us again worried and tensed because according to some
of our classmates she is more strict rather than maam Nhelia which is not true because they have only
different strategies in handling the students. On this day, I learned on how to make a home
meds.prescription, how to settled the bill of my patient, in removing of IV fluid and through observation,
i learned on how to do blood transfussio.

JANUARY 15, 2008 AT 1:06 AM

rowena said...

Rowena D. Gallego
Nhelia B. Perez

To develop more our knowledge and skills about. nursing care
To enhance our ability to perform the task or responsibility of a health care provider.

To render service to other people without asking anything in return

I there fore observed that in every procedure, I should know what I’m doing in order to avoid
malpractice and to be an effective future nurse.

We are all 13 in the group excluding our C.I. My co group mates are well cooperative. We performed
teamwork of the group by helping one another especially in toxic times. We also shared our knowledge
that we know.

Our clinical instructor is ma’am NHELIA B. PEREZ. She is very responsible. She guided us every procedure
that we should do. She is very strict especially in giving medication and charting but it is alright in order
for us to be learned. I really appreciate and admire you a lot ma’am. Nothing compares u!!!

During the first to third day of our duty at QPH, male ward, I learned something. I learned the correct
order on how to carry out doctors’ order, how to make SOAPIE, how to prepare medication, and how to
be an effective future nurses someday.

JANUARY 15, 2008 AT 7:12 PM

yume said...


Cathelyn V. Coronan
BSN 3A male ward

To gain more knowledge by doing some health care services done in our respective patient.


To render health care services to iur respective patient.



On my two weeks of etaying in male ward I'm still on adjusting regarding daily routines done in the
area,in coordinating with the staff nurses,with my clinical instructor and to my groupmates.

My groupmates were cooperative,helping each other even in a simple things like opening or breaking of
an ampule medicine.Sharing jokes even some were " toxic doing thier charting" we respect toeach other
by galling one by one as maam.

S.) C.I
Our glinical instructor is spproachable, willing to teach us anything,in assisting us in giving
medicatios,she wants everybody to become responsible in rendering helth csre services,to be always
and alert and aware what we were doing,We learn a lot from you maam!


During my two weeks of staying in male ward, I have learned a lot in rendering prper nursing health care
such as giving medications using the five rights,in some nursing procedures,and to become alert and
always aware what I am doing, in writting with my patie'ns chart with correct data or informations
because as long as you created error there is a corresponding demerits.
One thing more that I leaned is to become familiarized with the data of the patien before referring to a
physician so that as long as they will ask a question you can answere it correctly.

JANUARY 19, 2008 AT 2:40 AM

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Learning Feedback

Learning Feedback Diary

To orient us to their own rules and regulation and as well as the history To
appreciates some diseases that are not common in provinces
To encounter the unique attitudes of people and to enhance our ability to adjust and have a therapeutic
relationship with them
To educate patients about the disease for them to be aware and learn how to prevent and manage the
To have an opportunity to learn and apply our knowledge, skills and attitudes in giving service to
different individuals with their different diseases and as well as to acquire more learning from such

Of course, we acquired some ideas from the 4th student who had affiliation in San Lazaro Hospital to
prepare myself. I felt nervous because ma’am Perez will guide us in the area and it was my first time to
work with her in clinical area. But as we go on our duties, the nervous subsided into a relaxing feeling. I
am glad that I saw the beauty of San Lazaro Church. It was a great opportunity for me to sight and hear
the story about the place. I am also proud that we showed to everyone how effective nursing we are.
Group mate:
I knew half of them because they became my group mates before and the rest are new to me. I met
different personalities. They were all good and cooperative. I saw a little nervous but at the end they
were just enjoying their moment in San Lazaro Hospital. They proved that they can show their talent and
abilities to serve what they had learned.
Clinical instructor:
Our Clinical instructor was Mrs. Nhelia B. Perez. She guided us in our duties. She removed away our
nervous towards the hospital by making as laughing throughout the duties. She was also our walking
NANDA book. She discouraged us to use it for us to be smart and talented in making our SOPIE. My C.I is
very strict regarding the charting but she has purpose. She and Mrs. Luisa Y. Valencia made an activity
that will help us to be familiar on different diseases.
I’ve learned the history of San Lazaro Hospital which is one of the oldest and excellent hospitals. It
symbolizes the real hospital where sick people have a good recovery. From what happened to my group
mate, it emphasized the importance of the 5 rights in administering a drug to the patient. My C.I is very
strict regarding the charting but from that regimen we’ve learned to be more careful and have focus on
what we are doing.
We are all mastered in caring a patient with diagnosis of dengue because this is the most common
disease in SLH. We had experienced to have a duty to the patients who have tuberculosis. Although it
was very scary for us, we’ve overcome it. We use to do all the universal precaution such as wearing a
mask, have an alcohol, take high dose of Vitamin C and hand washing.
We had also our pre and post conference where everyone will has to report their respective topics and
case abstract that we have to past every other day, from that we have been familiarized in many
communicable diseases.

Capul, Ryan Jay

BSN 2 – G

Learning Insights ~

In our last community exposure in Tibungco. We do health teaching’s in our

Respective families and I learn so many things like doing the proper teaching, and having
the motivation of the outcome of our teaching will be helpful to them that they may use
in their daily activies. In some ways I am also practicing my communication skills in our
community exposure, so that I can communicate to every people whom I will encounter
someday that may help my profession.

Hindrances ~

The hindrances of my learning’s is I really can’t control myself on that day.

Because I really can’t tolerate any bunch of garbage’s that really disgust me whenever I
walk in our area. And also the lifestyle of the people who are there, because when I was
there, I realize that I’m so blessed because I was totally different from them. And also I’m
starving that time that may cause me uncontrollable and the reason why it affect’s my

Recommendation ~

My recommendation is I hope someday I can control myself every time I will be expose again in a
community like that with no affections to my learning’s and I can manage my own health so that it won’t
affect my duty’s again and I can handle it completely and do it perfectly.


Today, we were supposed to have our exposure in a community of BarangayPonponan, so our group
gathered at the market place to wait for the bus.However, upon arriving at the barangay hall the
barangay captain was not able tomeet with our clinical instructor and failed to give us the assigned
place. This hindered usin performing our duty. To make this exposure fruitful our clinical instructor
decided tohave us do health teaching on the first graders of the Ponponan Elementary School. And
tomake this health teaching successful we planned the program thoroughly also with the helpof the
clinical instructor. We incorporated her ideas into ours and with the cooperation of my group mates we
were able to come out with a program called Hygiene for first graders.It is a simple health teaching
with more on the visual aides to attract the youngstersattention. We also had our contributions on the
snacks and prizes to give for the activeparticipators on the activity.To end our day, I and my classmates
already agreed on our assigned work and I hadto do some preparations since I was assigned to do the
visual aides. We are looking forwardfor a great participation on tomorrows activity.


Even though we were hindered to do our community exposure our clinicalinstructor did a great job on
helping us think of other ways to make our exposure fruitful.Thanks to her ingenious ideas, we were
able to do plan an activity that will enhance ourteaching skills as a nurse to lower our way of delivery to
fit the first graders. Lastly, she isvery approachable and supportive which helped greatly on our learning

Learning Feedback Diary

Sheryll L. Tamang BSN-2 Set 3

Area: Milagros District Hospital

Group E

Specific area: OPD area

Clinical Instructor: Miss Sheena Santos

Inclusive dates: August 12, 2009

August 19, 2009 August 26, 2009 August 02, 2009


On our first day in Milagros District Hospital in Cabagan, Isabela I felt so excited and nervous. I really love
to have our duty in MDH because our classmates told us that we will enjoy there because there are lots
of patients in the morning. When we arrived at MDH, we had first our orientation. Ma’am Sheena
oriented us about the hospital protocol and some rules and regulations. First, she discussed about the
OPD and how it works and also what are the things we should remember when we are in the OPD area.
She showed us an example of admission slip of the hospital. Then she discussed the requirement for the
last day of duty which is case presentation.

During our duty, I found out that there were differences between hospitals were we had been through.
There were some professional nurses that are kind to their patients and some are not. I observed many
things and practices that are different with the lessons that we discussed in school. Like for example, the
proper way of getting the V/S of the patients. We had many patients in MDH compared to Clinica de
Leon. During our duty in OPD, that’s the only time that I realized how toxic my chosen profession is. We
were all tired and hungry. But I enjoyed our first day because our C.I is not as strict and toxic as our
previous C.Is.

Same with 2nd day and 3rd day, we handled many patients in the morning and in the afternoon we had

sharing of experiences. We had a very good bonding with our C.I (honestly speaking she’s the best C.I).
During our 4th day in MDH, we had our case presentation. We didn’t have our duty in the OPD because
our case presentation will be the whole cover of the 8 hour duty. The first group who presented their
case was bombarded with lots of questions. Some of our questions were not answered by them. One of
my classmates got mad because she told me she was not prepared for that day. After having our lunch,
it’s our time to present our case. It’s about H-mole or hydatidiform mole. We were lucky because they
didn’t ask many questions. We felt relieved after our case presentation.

During the entire duty in MDH, I accomplished something that I thought I could never do. I applied my
knowledge and skills about nursing care in a hospital setting. I gained more self confidence and I know
now that I can be as good as a nurse as long as I put my heart in what I do. I learned to love my course.

I am very grateful because my patient always say thank you after I gave service

Marvin Guinto
Group 1 BSN 3-A


General Objective:
• To gain more knowledge in taking care, and giving meds. to a patient in pediatric ward.

Specific Objective:
• To be expose in different problems of the patient specially in pediatric ward


• On the 3rd week of our Duty we encounter different cases of a patient, and for the 1st time dami kong
meds. At TIV pa lahat…

Group mate:
• I am glad that my group mates are very nice, specially in times of trouble in the pedia ward “lalo na
pagnatotoxic na ang isat isa” we always help each other us to do the work faster and easier.

Class Instructor:
• Our c.i is the best, even thou toxic na eh smile parin at sabay tingin sa ballpen with an angel.
• Our C.i is always there for us helping us and guiding us, and I proud to say na dami ko natutunan with
our c.i
• Thank you mam nhelia

• on the last week of our duty hindi na ako MGH and ive got lots of meds. TIV and ive learn different
thing and cases in the pedia ward.



December 13, 2008 at 2:04 AM

rhodge said...

Rogelio trinidad jr.



General objectives
to be more familiarize those cases occured in pedia,on how to cary out order,actions of medicines.

Specific Objectives

To impart knowledge and skills in order to mke appropriate intervention for the good of my clients


self- well busy to facilitate the v/s of my client, happy because i experience how to become a procedure
nurse, honest.

Groupmates- some of them feel nervous when mam nhelz checked the chart, they are all generous in all
aspects, supporting and loving..

Clinical Instructor- she is observant and very supportive to us.she impart knowledge and unforgetable
one. like be good in spelling if u dont want to demerit


I familiarized those responsibilities how to become good student nurse, like u cary out meds once there
was an order and etc,i learned more how to apply my independent intervention.i learned wat was my
weakneses and strength in hospital settings...
god bless and merry x-mas

December 13, 2008 at 2:19 AM

rhodge said...

mam thnk u soo much,..,for the knowledge and time u spend to our group,.,u leave something
memorable and uniqueness in our group.... ty mamm
and merry x-mas and happy new year

December 13, 2008 at 2:24 AM

annloraine said...

Ann Loraine Beltran

Group 1-A

General objectives:
to gain more knowledgein pedia ward especially in the different disease

specific objectives:
to develop our skill in caring pedia patient

last thursday of our 3rd roration I'm so very toxic in taking v/s because the pt of my groupmates in
cluster 2 is monitoring the v/s.

they are helpful especially in computing drugs and administering drug to your pt.

Class Instructor:
Our CI is strict interms in documenting.She is strict but masaya siyang kasama and helpful.
thanks po..

In our 3rd roration,our senior student nurse assigned me as a procedure nurse in our cluster and the
only I can do is regulating the IVF, taking v/s and document.And we also learned how to use the syringe
pump discussed by maam CHIT,,pasensya maam hindi ko alam spelling eh..hehe

December 14, 2008 at 8:13 PM

kathrina castroverde said...


GENERAL: To be able to acquire knowledge and to practice my skills in tha hospital.

SPECIFIC: To be able to know how to take care a pedia patient and to know what are the common
diagnosis of a pedia patient.

SELF: On our last duty, I was too nervous because the patient that I will be caring is our case. And it was
my first time to dischaged a patient.
GROUPMATES: My groupmates were so friendly and I'm starting to feel comfortable with them.
CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR: She is approachable, able to answer my doubts and she was too friendly.Enjoy to
be with.

> I know now how to discharged a patient.
> i know now how to make a proper Gordons and NCP but a little biot only, hehehe

December 14, 2008 at 8:19 PM

kathrina castroverde said...


December 14, 2008 at 8:20 PM

janus jane said...

janus jane agtunong

Group 1 BSN 3-A


General Objective:
>to continue gaining knowledge in the pediatric ward

Specific Objective:
>to be more expert to handle the situations we handle


>i had identified that now im so pruod of myself that i had so improved so much,one thing is that im so
into the situation that i always have a toxic patient..heheehe

Group mate:
>at the last day of our duty,everything seems to be so boring and unlively,they want to sleep,rest and
want to end the shift,but not because of exhaustion,but rather we have the feeling of boredom because
maam nhelia was not around

Class Instructor:
>as consistent,my comment and observation,,im proud im in this block that they are our clinical
instructor,,we are learning a lot

>learnings??for all of the learnings ive acquired i cant enumerate them already,all i know is that it made
me a better person and encouraged me to be a better nurse!!
nc move

salamat s lahat maam!!

the best!!
la msbe!!
maam ung angel q!!!

December 15, 2008 at 2:28 AM

axcel kenji said...

Axcel Kenji Balisi

Group 1 BSN 3-A
Batch "2010"

Pediatric Ward
General Objective:
-> To learn more in carrying out the doctor's order and in giving meds to the pt.
Specific Objective:
-> To render high level of wellness to the pt in the pediatric ward and to know different cases.


-> i obersve i gain more knowledge in rendering pt in pedia ward and also i identfy my weaknesses

-> they are all nice and sweet sometimes, i think they improve much their skill.

Clinical Instructor:
-> c.i is always on our back to help and guide us in rendering pt...she is fair to all of her student nurse. i
learn more sobra sobra! astig! ^^

-> on the whole part of the rotation i learn a lot especially in carrying doc.s order and giving meds.. i gain
lot of skill and knowledge about different cases we handled...and 1 thing i will never forget the drug
named:DEXAMETHASONE...hehe ^^ ty po maam ng marami...

>>>hapy new year po maam ^^!!!


arigato gozaimasu!

December 15, 2008 at 3:31 AM

jaribel dela cruz said...

Jaribel dela cruz

Group1 3A

Pediatric Ward

General Objectives:
>To recognized the needs of my clients based on my acquired capabilities, knowledge and skills.

Specific Objective:
>To established rapport and gain trust of my patient and their S.O.
>To widen my knowledge about different diseases in pediatric Ward.
>To apply my therapeutic skills in dealing with different clients as well as their S.O.

As we enter duty compared to my furst exposure before, I am now more confident and familiar in our
routine task in Pediatric ward.

They are all excelling in medical setting and honestly I am so challenge to strive more in the field of

Clinical Instructor:
My C.I. keep on assisting and teaching us. She never cease to correct us whenever we encounter mistake
in the ward. As she impart her knowledge to us, I can say that she is one of the best C.I. I've
encountered. And for our C.I. on our last day, I've observed that she wants us to learn also about
different technologies that being used in medical setting.

In our last shift, i learned how the injection pump being used especially as Ma'am Chit demonstrated on
how to operate it as well as its necessity. With all the challenges I've encountered during the exposure I
knew I've learned so much that being a future nurse should always flexible, open to the new ideas and
always enthusiastic in rendering care.

December 15, 2008 at 11:38 PM

Marie Ann C. Ramones said...

General Objective:
To gain more knowledge and understanding to every disease we encounter in the hospital.

Specific Objectives:
To provide an appropriate nursing intervention to my patient's problem, be able to provide care before
the patient leave the hospital and give appropriate health teaching for the betterment of my patient.

SELF - During the first day on our third week duty, I must say this day is not really a toxic day, I was not
able to give medicine because my patient's IV line was dislodged and his S.O. was not able to buy an IV
catheter due to financial constraint and I do not have a toxic case but I had a toxic patient and S.O. After
the doctor's round in the afternoon, I read on my patient's chart that he may go home, so I was in a
hurry to carry out those new orders, I assisted my patient's S.O. in the billing section and instructed
those take home meds.,the dosage, its frequency and importance of completing those meds. The
second day is a sad day because I was left by the bus and not able to have my duty, I am hopeless and

GROUPMATE - A very interesting part of having a group like this is you will be able to know and meet
new friends. My groupmate are very supportive, they really help when you are in need. I thank them for
cheering me up inspite of what happened that day.

CI - Our CI placed a role of a leader and she always do the right thing. She is an encourager, adviser and a

I observed how to do the checking of potency of the IV line that I should be careful in pushing the fluid.
As a student nurse, I need to be patient, flexible and with right attitude whatever and whoever patient I
may handle. I also learned how important managing my time, I should be time concious, alert, active and
always expect the unexpected.

December 16, 2008 at 3:35 AM

Marie Ann C. Ramones said...

ma'am, maraming maraming maraming salamat s lahat ng experience po namin s hospital...sa totoo lng
po takot po ako s paghandle ng mga baby pero po nung na punta po ko s pedia ward n conquer ko po
ang fear ko...salamat po s lahat ng naitulong niyo po smin...MERRY CHRISTMAS and MANIGONG

December 16, 2008 at 3:42 AM

cairel,equieza marie said...

Cairel, Equieza Marie

Group 1 BSN 3-A

a.General Objective:

To be able to know the diff. duties & responsibilities of Nursing students including CI in implementing &
improving health of pt.

b.Specific Objective:

To be able to know the s/sx of each diseases on how to provide care in order to eradicate some
complications and infection.


On the 3 wks. of exposing my self in hospital setting their are lots of things I learned esp. my skills &
knowledge on how to render care w/ my pt.

b.Group mates:
My group mates are approachable. They share their knowledge & skills. Whenever the group was
rushing on our case study, we as a group find time to help each other.

Our CI is strict but i learned a lot from her. She have the ability to share knowledge. She is a great CI.


I learned how to prescribe meds., carry out dr's order & charting w/o any error.I learned to become a
keen observer & alert in any changes that comes.

December 17, 2008 at 4:21 AM

cairel,equieza marie said...

....hellow maam...

HAPPY NEW YEAR. kboommmmmmmmmm>>...hekhek

wala kaming x-mas eh.....

maam tnx s lahat ng effort neo s amin lalo n a akin kh8 pasaway kung minsan ok nman hehehe.. gudnyt

December 17, 2008 at 4:24 AM

April Ann G. Bautista said...

To gain competence in giving holistic care to a patient.

To be able to function more effectively as a student nurse without the close supervision of our clinical

Our last week’s duty was okay with me, but not till the 2nd day arrived, because our CI was not around
at that time. We had a new supervisor then, and I really got surprised when she almost rejected our
SOAPIE, good thing she let it passed though because maybe we were running out of time then because
there were a lot of wasted time during lunch while we were waiting for her to give the due meds to our

We were again divided into 3 clusters as usual but last friday, all of us were supervised by 3 senior
students. Everything was going smooth ‘til the afternoon came and we all had trouble in our SOAPIE
because our CI at that time doesn’t like our nsg. diagnosis.

C. CI:
Our CI is Ma’am Perez, and I really like the way how she handled our group. She’s one of the best CI I’ve
known so far and I’m glad I was under her supervision. 

I learned that CI’s really do have different way of handling students. Anyway, I still enjoyed our last duty
because finally I was able to have a discharged patient. It was very fulfilling because I have done the
removal of the client’s IVF which at first I thought was very difficult.

December 17, 2008 at 6:03 AM

Anonymous said...


Romeo Factor Jr.

Group 1 BSN 3-A
General Objective

>To promote a quality health care for the patient while they are in the hospital

Specific Objective

>To help the patient to their treatment and medication. To share some information or answer their
question about their disease and illness



>i am sad because ma'am was not present,even we still did what we have learned from ma'am


>having my groupmates in my duty is so helpful because they help me and each other in times problem

Clinical Instructor

>so glad that ma'am nhelia is my c.i. at my duty to the pedia ward,she shared knowledge to us


>i have learned many thing in my past duties about pediatric patients and i learned also how to use
some apparatus us in there

tnx maam
ours duty days was great.,.,.


December 21, 2008 at 2:38 AM

Mary Anne Rose V. Domingo

Group 2 Male ward

GENERAL: To be able to gain more knowledge about taking care of the patient inside the ward and be
familiarize with the different nursing responsibilities for the improvement of every students' skills.

SPECIFIC: To be expose ourselves specifically on the medical and surgical ward, to know the different
problems of patients.

Self. On the first day I am the medicine nurse, it was very interesting to give medication to the patient
first you have to know all your responsibilities before giving medication to yours patient. At the second
day I’m the head nurse but sad to say we only carry out the doctor’s order because of the meeting of the
clinical instructor but I enjoy it every much. And the third is I’m the procedure our Patient is not toxic.

Group mate: to my group mates I’m very happy of there company ,when we have an error you can see
in there face that they are really disappointed when they got an demerit but that is only the part of our
duty to be able to learned to lessen our error.

Clinical Instructor: Mam Nhelia thankyou so much for the learning and experience that you give to us.
Being a student nurse we really appreciate the functional it’s been toxic...grabe... but enjoy talaga…

Learning: in our duty I’ve learned a lot because of the experience that we are encounter. You now how
to work with the cluster and you can see people who are kaka toxic grabe… kainis hehehe. I really want
to have merit to lessen my demerit but if your group is very slow to work it’s so sad.

October 4, 2008 10:24 PM

October 9, 2008 at 2:03 AM

Anonymous said...

manuel b. afiado
BSN 4a
Learning Feedback Diary

GENERAL: to apply appropriate nursing and caring attitudes to patients handled during the week.

SPECIFIC: to apply nursing skills like assessment, identification of the patents problems. and carrying out

Self. i was a head nurse during the first week, which tested my management skills in terms of my
medicine nurse and procedure nurse, on the second day i was a medicine nurse, and on the third day i
was a procedure nurse, i was able to rotate into three different positions and accomplish my goals in
each position.
Group mate: i think i have the best group so far we jive, and get along together even if there are
problems we don't let it get in the way of our work.
Clinical Instructor: Maam Nhelia had us going back to our basics, like doing the basic things we were
doing in the ward when we were juniors but all in all it was for the better, we all ahd a good time doing
those things.
Learning: functional nursing like everything that's new has had us get adjusted first before we were
doing things better again, toxic pero rock..hehe

October 9, 2008 at 4:04 AM

Anonymous said...

Cathelyn V. Coronan
group 2


To developed more our knowledge and skills in rendering nursing health care with our own respective


To render nursing care and to make proper assessment doccumentation with our own assigned patient.


a.) SELF:
Anyway it was our second tme to assigned as functional nursing that's why Im did my best and
responsibilities in order not to commit error.
I like functional nursing because you have to focus only in your assingned task.

My groupmates were responsible enough in thier assigned task.All of them were approachable and jolly.
They do their best in order not to make error to avoid a lot of demerit.

Our clinical instructor is very patient to us,she always guieded us whatever procedure we do especially
in administration of medication.She wanted everybody to become responsible in their assigned task, to
work as a group that's why she implemented in each clusters the demerit of one will be demerit of the
whole cluster; in these case she wanted the students to be very careful in their task because she always
said that the chart of the patient is cofidential.


On the second week of our rotation,I was assigned as medication nurse, its my responsibility to scan first
my Drug Hand Book before administering the dugs to know the nursing responsibilities,the effect of
drug and clasification of drug you have giving because some patients also asking the classification and
effect of drugs upon administering.One thing more that's the essence of being a medication nurse and
yuo have to do it or else you submit your self into demerit.
On the second day, I was assiged as Head Nurse.As a head I did my best in carrying out of Doctor's
order,prescribing medications and proper documentation.
On the third day, I was assigned as procedure nurse." my God! TOXIC!!!".My one patient was
unconscious due to sucidal attept I had been monitor his vital sign every one hour, I rendered morning
care as part of his hygine.
My second patient has a chronic heart failure secondary to pnuemonia " my God monitoring din q2hrs
wala p siyang bantay hay buti na lang nag-out na 12:00 for dialysis"
My third patient has also communicable disease,also monitoring of vital sign and intake and output
every two hours,being a toxic one I had learn so much especilly in maintaning them an stable condition.I
was awarded as the mst toxic of the day....

October 4, 2008 10:38 PM

Blogger judilyn pagaduan said...

Judilyn R. Pagaduan
Group 2 Male Ward

> To have more confidence and patience in rendering care to our patient
> To develop our hidden potentials as a student nurses
> Be matured and disciplined enough regarding the different responsibilities of a student nusre

a. Self - It is my first time to be a student supervisor and at first I am very lucky to be one but suddenly I
realized that being a supervisor is not that so easy because there are so many responsibilities like
checking all your CLUSTER'S work..supervise them for what they are doing...and the most difficult of
being a supervisor is that if they have mistakes or an error, you are also part of that error especially with
b. Group mates - they are very fun to be with though some of them are toxic..hmmp especially Sir "?".
c. C.I - Ma'am Nhelia is very jolly..she always start the day with her beautiful smile..if we are toxic she
makes us laugh for us not to be stress.

I've learned to be an effective leader...this time I know that I can handle my responsibilities properly and
orderly..I've learned to prioritize important matter first before anything else...I learned to accept
mistakes and correction and take those as a challenge for me to improve my self...
October 7, 2008 10:26 PM
Blogger jonathan said...

Jonathan Tabios
Quirino Provincial Hospital
Male Ward


General: To be able to find the best interventions to render to all the patients I’m handling during our
duty using functional nursing routine.

Specific: To be able to know and gather further informations regarding the diseases of my patients. Its
signs and symptoms, its do’s and don’t’s and the disease process.

Self: I feel fine and ready with our new routine, functional nursing. I know I did my part well but still, I
commit mistakes or erasures that is why we was awarded with a star.

Groupmates: I observsed my groupmates are very careful while we are on duty. Maybe because they
don’t want stars hehe.

Clinical Instructor: Glad to say our instructor is very approacheable and supportive.

LEARNINGS: On the second week of our rotation, our instructor divided us in three clusters. With this
routine, I learned how to cooperate and our work as a team was very effective and fun. We’ve learned
how to manage our time and the extra care in charting was very much implemented t avoid having a
star. Nobody wants to be a STAR huh.

October 8, 2008 2:14 AM

Blogger pearl said...

Pearl Concepcion M. Luis

Group II (Male Ward)


General Objective:
To complete the hours of duty required these semester and be able to gain more knowledge about
nursing process.

Specific Objective:
To prove everyone that i am capable in rendering my nursing care as a student nurse and to prepared
myself for the future..

Well,I may say that I done my part and responsibility as part of the cluster.I said that I have to be very
careful this time because I earned already lot of demerits but still I'm not excuse because we as a cluster
demerit of one demerit of all.This week ive beee a headnurse but sad to say I just carry out orders and
thats all because ci's have meeting.the other day im assign to be a medication nurse and im really really
sorry for my patient because all his medicine is not available thats why I buy him the cheapest meds.that
I can give,That should not be.
Honestly,Im little bit disappointed.But its okey.We cannot blame each other because that team effort.
I think She is already used of us that is why she just let us do our job...Demerit is strictly imposed...I
salute you ma'am.This always should para matuto pa kmi lalo na magingat specially in charting.....

I learned that in everything that you do you must keep it because as a nurse you must be flexible. It is
not an excuse whether you were in different rotations before,whats important is you must always have
something preserved in your mind and be very careful enough in every procedure.

October 8, 2008 4:21 AM

Blogger raisa valdez said...

-to improve my performance and gain lesser demerits than of last week
-to render effective nursing care on our respective patients
-to gain more knowledge regarding nursing health care

To Self: i just felt sad for having lots of demerits,especially when i was the supervisor nurse. anyways, i
felt more lucky coz i was the first to be the supervisor nurse. i admit that it was my first time, yes, i really
don't know what to do and i tried my best,but still i got lots of demerits!:) that day was so weird yet
sooo fun

To Group mates: they are all cooperative, understanding and fun to be with. they all do their very bests
for the cluster not to have stars.
To Clinical instructor: ma''am nhelia is a cool c.i. she wants everyone to be responsible. she guides us on
everything we do and gives patience and understanding.

Learnings: atleast i experienced once what it feels like to be a supervisor nurse. i became a head nurse
and it was so toxic yet exciting. also once i became the procedure nurse and i enjoyed it. we handled an
unconscious pt and learned lot from it. i knew how to establish effective rapport with pt especially for
having anxiety.

October 8, 2008 7:36 AM

October 9, 2008 at 4:05 AM

jonathan said...

Quirino Provincial Hospital

Male Ward 8-4 shift
Jonathan Tabios


a. General Objectives: To be able to effective nursing care to my patients who has different illness to the
b. Specific Objectives: To gather further information about the patient’s disease, its signs and symptoms
manifested by the patient and to know what is the proper intervention to be rendered.

a. Self: I’ am happy that time because I only have one week more to wait for my cell phone hehe. But,
speaking of the portfolio, I feel sad because all my photos which I have to put on my portfolio is saved on
my phone huhuhu.
b. Group mates: Glad to say that we all have a lot of improvements. We work very smooth at that time
especially when Mr. Afiado was assigned as the supervisor.
c. Clinical Instructor: Still, our instructor does not change. She is still beside us, guiding us with what we
are doing.

Learning: Functional nursing helps us to develop our skills in all its aspects. This routine forced us to
create cooperation and teach us how to manage our time and how to work under pressure. Huh, TOXIC
pero OK lang. ah ah ah. Meh eh eh eh eh.

October 12, 2008 at 8:10 PM

windhawl said...
Rex Kester Bobila
Group 2 Male ward

General: to be able to gain more knowledge and experience in functional nursing.

Specific: to be able to accomplish the given task, while in the process lessen the acquisition of stars.

Self: i did some mistakes that made me one of the highest grosser in demerits. as usual thanks to my
undecipherable penmanship. for that am deeply sorry for my groupmates.

Groupmates: they are all trying to do their best not to gain more stars. for their own benefit and others.
at the same time trying their best to care for their patients more.

CI: she keeps on motivating and reminding us that its not an easy job to become a nurse. not only
because were taking care of a life, but also the documents involved is a legal paper.

Learnings: taking good care of a patient is not only an individual but a group effort. since it takes several
nurses to take care of an individual, and a single mistake done by one nurse could be carry out by
another. so vigilance and diligence is a key every nurse should have.

October 14, 2008 at 5:11 AM

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