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Chapter 6

The Tools of Structured Analysis

Structured Analysis
Structured analysis is a set of technique and graphical tools that allow the analyst to develop a
new kind of system specifications that are easily understandable to the user. The structured
tools focus on the tools like DFD (data flow diagram), data dictionary, structured English,
decision trees and decision tables. The objective is to build a new document called system
specifications. This document provides the basis for design and implementation.
Structured analysis has the following attributes:
1. It is graphic. For example DFD presents a picture of what is being specified and is easy
to understand presentation of the application/
2. The process is partitioned so that we have a clear picture of the progression from general
to specific in the system flow.
3. It is logical rather than physical. The elements of system do not depend on vendor or

Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

DFD has the purpose of clarifying system requirements and identifying major transformations
that will become programs in system design. So, when we want to analysis the structure of
Rajshahi College DFD is the first step. When we want to construct a DFD for any system that
may be Rajshahi College or any system we have to follow 4 symbols.
1. Square: It defines the source or destination of system data.
2. Arrow: It identifies data flow that means data in motion.
3. Circle or bubble: It represents a process that incoming data into outgoing data flow.
4. Open rectangle: It represents data store.
In constructing the DFD the processes was named and numbered for easy reference. The
primary strength of the DFD is its ability to represent data flows. It provides good
documentation and that’s is the reason we get various kinds of DFD for Rajshahi college
system. They use DFD like student file system, their management system, student information
system and son on. This DFD represents both the processes and data flow with various kinds
of database recorded in Rajshahi college database. The DFD is designed to aid communication.
It contains dozens of processes and data stores it goes too unwieldy. A DFD typically shows
the minimum contents of data stores. Each data store should contain all the data elements.
Now since we want to construct DFD for Rajshahi college system we have to follow the given
1. The process that we are going to for Rajshahi college should be named and numbered
for easy reference.
2. The direction of data flow is from top to bottom and from left to right.
3. When we exploded a process into lower level they are numbered.
4. The names of data stores, sources and destinations are written in capital letters. Process
and data flow names have the first letter of each word capitalized.
Now using this rule of data flow diagram (DFD) there have shown 3 DFD for Rajshahi
college system. This DFD is designed according to their college management system,
student information system and also admission system in both HSC level and BSC (national
university) level. From this figure we will see that DFD is easy to understand after a brief
orientation. That’s why DFD is called it is the process for designing communication
through we can understand any system processes.

Fig 6.1: A DFD that Shows the Student Files with Enroll

Fig 6.2: A DFD Shows the College Management System

The above figure shows the Rajshahi College management system in DFD. Here process,
database, data flow and source of the data student details and course details are used.

Fig 6.3: A DFD Shows the Student Information System

Here the DFD is used for student information system in Rajshahi college.

Fig 6.4 DFD That Shows the Login and Admission Process
From the above figure we can conclude that DFD is easy to understand after a brief orientation.
But the main problem is the large number of iterations that often are required to arrive at the
most accurate and complete solution.

Data Dictionary
A data dictionary is a structured repository of data about data. It is a set of rigorous definitions
of all DFD data elements and data structures. Here we use this term because it is a valuable
reference for any system because it refers to documentation. Now in Rajshahi college there are
various kinds of data element and to control information for each data element it is very
important. Also, there are student recorded database in Rajshahi college and data dictionary
helps in this way. So we can say that a data dictionary is an important step in building a



Name of the Student:
Fathers Name:
Mothers Name:
Name of Institution:
Entrance Qualification:
Name of Examination:
Discipline/ Subject:
Duration of Course:
Examination Roll No.:
Registration No.:
Year of Passing:
Marks Obtained:

Paper Total Marks for Marks
Titles of Papers Grade
No. Each Paper Obtained

Date: ……………………. Signature: ……………

Form 6.1 A Form that Records Students Results

Data Description Hierarchy
Now when the terms come for data description we came 3 categories.
1. Data element
2. Data structure
3. Data flow and data store

Describing Data Elements

Describing data elements means summary of the data element. Now when we try to describe
the data element we found the following terms:
1. Different name: There are various subject in BSC level which is used in shorthand
formant. Like AC means accounting. IS means Islamic Studies. Now if someone says
AC that means accounting, So, both are similar and any terms can be used.
2. Courses have specific value: Every subject has a course code in which that code
number describe that course information. Like 101 means physics. Now if someone
says course no: 101 it says about physics.
3. Physical location: Student record, file or data is described here.

Data Structure
Here we describe data structure by specifying name of each data elements it represents. Some
elements are mandatory and some are optional. Now let see a data structure containing data

Mandatory Optional

Data structure: Student details

Data elements: Student name *

Session *

Date of birth *

Hostel name *

Religion *

Decision Tree and Structured English

Since we have defined data elements in our data dictionary now we focus on the processes used
by Rajshahi college. For this we will discuss here decision tree and structured English. A
decision tree has as many branches as there are logical alternatives. It simply sketches the
logical structure based on the stated policy.
Fig 6.5: Decision Tree for Attendance System

So, from the above decision tree we can say that it is easy to construct, easy to read, easy to
update. It shows only the skeletal aspects of the policy. But it has some limitations like it does
not lend itself to calculations or show logic as a set of instructions for action. For this limitation
we use another approach called structured English. It borrows heavily from structured
programming. It uses logical construction and imperative sentences designed to carry out
statements. Now let see the structured English which was shown in decision tree:
Attendance System:
IF level is HSC
IF attendance is 80% or more

THEN: mark is 10
IF attendance is 60-80%
THEN: mark is 8
ELSE (attendance is less than 60%)
THEN: not allowed in exam
ELSE (level is BSC/national university)
So-IF attendance is 40% or more:
THEN: Students are allowed for exam
ELSE (less than 40%)
THEN: not allowed in exam
Decision Tables
A decision table is a table for defining a problem and actions to be taken. It is a simple
representation of the relationships between conditions and actions.
The decision table we used here consists of two parts: stub and entry. Stub is divided into
condition stub and action stub and action is divided into condition entry and action entry.
Here the rules which are followed for constructing decision tables.
1. A decision should be given a name.
2. The logic of the table is independent of the sequence in which condition rules are
written but the action takes place in which the events occur.
3. Standardized language must be used consistently.
Now let see the decision table which we used in decision tree and then we represent that in
structured English but there was problem because no action part was shown there. So, in this
decision table it can be easily shown and it is easy to understandable to the student and also to
the teacher.

Decision Table for Attendance System

Condition Stub Condition Entry
1 2 3 4 5
IF Level is HSC? Y Y Y N N

Attendance is 80% or more Y N N N N

Attendance is 60-80%
Attendance is less than 40%
Level is BSC
Attendance is 40% or more
Attendance is less than 40%
THEN mark is 10 X

mark is 8 X

students are allowed X

not allowed in exam X X

Action Stub Action Entry

Table 6.1: Decision Table for Attendance System

So, from this chapter it can be said that the major contribution of structured analysis to Rajshahi
college development life cycle is producing a definable and measurable document. Other
benefits include increased student involvement, improved communication between students
and teachers.
Chapter 7
Feasibility Study
A feasibility study is carried out to select the best candidate that meets performance
requirements. The entails identification, description, and evaluation of candidate systems and
selection of the best system for the job. This chapter, then addresses the system performance
definition and expounds on the feasibility study as a second major steps in the system
development life cycle.
In this chapter, we will propose two candidate system and the effectiveness of each candidate
system for the system development. These candidate’s system will review a brief description
of how the old system problems may solve by them. Here we will also discuss the
characteristics of each candidate system. We will represent the weighted candidate system
matrix for each of the proposed system so that the organization can easily choose one candidate
system for better performance of their existing system.

Proposed Potential Candidate Systems

As a system analyst we have observed the existing system. We found many problems in the
existing system. We provide two candidate system to solve this problem. We have
recommended first candidate system that includes a backup server for solving server problem,
hire more assistant engineers for solving less manpower, send staff so that they go to class and
train the students for solving training problem and arrange an online money transfer system so
that the operators need not face any difficulties. The second candidate system includes a hard
copy for solving server problem, train the existing engineer for solving less manpower, train
one or more students perfectly so that they can train other students for solving training problem
and suggests online money transfer for operators. Now we are trying to explain this with details.
We found that there is no backup server for the existing system. So, our first recommendation
is to take necessary steps to attach a backup server as early as possible. The second suggestion
is to store the details information of the student using hard copy and that hard copy may be
controlled by some stuff. The benefits of our two proposed candidate system is better than the
existing system. Because if the main server is lost for any reason, it will cost a lot to recover
the information of the students. But if there exist a backup server or hard copy to store the
information then the information can be properly recovered and the cost of backup server and
hard copy to store information are much lower than that and the company is able to carry it.
The problem is worth solving and the solution is more reliable.
The second problem is that whole computer system is conducted by only one assistant engineer.
The system is run and supervised by him. The user wants that the whole system should not
controlled by just one individual. As a system analyst, our first recommendation to the
organization is to hire more assistant engineers. The second suggestion is to train the existing
engineer so that they can learn about how the system is working and how to control the system,
due to his absence, so that they can control the system and solve any problem when they arise.
If this college does not appoint any assistant engineer or not to train the existing engineers and
if the current one is gone, then the college will have to redesign the entire system, which will
result in the loss of a lot of money. And this is also good for the existent assistant engineer who
designed the system because his work load will be reduced and the system that is designed by
him is also become feasible and can support extra load. If the college employs more assistant
engineers or train the existing engineer, then it would be less costly than redesigning the whole
system and there will be no risk to it at all. This will make the system more efficient and more
reliable than ever before.
Another problem is that the waste of time and money, during the operator's visit. Due to various
complications, when operators have to pay or to take their due money, they do not get their
money on time. As a system analyst our recommendation is to the organization for arranging
an online money transfer system so that the operators need not face those difficulties. Online
money transfer can solve all this problem. They can get the monthly payment properly without
visiting the office. Organizations can afford to spend the cost of designing online money
transfer systems. The system is more reliable and save the time and money of the operators.

Characteristics of Candidate Systems

As a system analyst, we have tried to give effective solution to the organization. We have
recommended two candidate system. We have recommended backup server and hard copy to
store the information for solving the server problem. The backup servers are most effective
because if the main server is damaged for some reason then student's information can be
properly recovered and this process is quite first. Also, the system response is quite effective
than the other solution. Also, the student’s information can be recovered from the hard copy
but it will take some time. Because this solution focuses on physical implementation then the
logical implementation.
We have recommended the organization to hire some assistant engineer or train the existent
assistant engineer for solving the less manpower problem. If the organization hires some
assistant engineers, they can share the responsibility together and they can easily solve problem
when arise. If one is sick or out of task, other assistant engineers can control the system. When
they discuss about problems, there is a hundred percent possibility that a better plan will come
out which is very tough for one person. It also reduces the wastage of time. This candidate
system also reduces the threat for the organization. If he is no longer be able to continue work
for the organization, it is possible for other existing engineers to control and maintain the
We have recommended the organization to send their staff so that they go to the class and train
the students or to train one or more students perfectly so that they can train the other students
about various important subjects. So, it is the most effective solution for the Rajshahi College.
As system analyst, we have recommended the organization that they can design an online
money transfer system. There is a saying that reduction of visit, money, time increases the
successful rate. This candidate system suggests online money transfer for operators. This will
reduce the visit, money and time. Therefore, operators do not need to visit the organization for
getting their monthly money. It also decreases the rate of time consuming for both operator and
organization as there is no need to work through different processes. The interpersonal
relationship between the operators and organization will be increased.

Characteristics of Selected Candidate Systems

Characteristics Candidate system 1 Candidate system 2
Backup server Yes No
Extra manpower for No Yes
storing backup data
Cost Medium High
Operator payment Online Online

Table 7.1: Characteristics of Selected Candidate Systems

Cost Effectiveness of The Candidate Systems

In this section, we are trying to evaluate the cost effectiveness of the two candidates’ system
and compare their performance criteria against the cost of each candidate system to determine
which candidate system is likely to be the most cost effective and also meets the performance
requirements. Each candidate system’s performance and cost are evaluated against the existing
system. We have easily evaluated the cost of each candidate system because the benefits of
each candidate system are easily measurable and tangible. In the following table 1.2 we are
trying to show the candidate qualitative evaluation matrix. And table 1.3 we are trying to show
the candidate system performance and cost evaluation matrix.

Candidate Qualitative Evaluation Matrix

Evaluation Criteria Candidate system 1 Candidate System 2

System consistency Excellent Good
System response during Excellent Average
failure of main server
User friendly Excellent Average
Capacity of storing data Excellent Medium

Hardware High Low
Operator training Low High
System maintenance Low High

Table 7.2: Candidate Qualitative Evaluation Matrix

Candidate System Performance/Cost Evaluation Matrix

Evaluation Criteria Candidate system 1 Candidate System 2

System consistency 95% 70%
System response during Less than 1 hour More than several days
failure of main server
User friendly Yes No
Capacity of storing data 100TB 50TB

Hardware 20000$ - 30000$ 5000$-10000$
Operator training 2-5 days 15 days
System maintenance $2500-$3000 (per year) $5000-$10000 (per year)

Table 7.3: Candidate System Performance/Cost Evaluation Matrix

Weight Matrix of System Performance and Cost Data
In this section, we are trying clear to the organization that which candidate system is the best
choice for selecting as a candidate system. Although, the performance and cost data for each
candidate system show which candidate system is the best choice but, in some cases, the
situation is not clear cut. For this reason, we are trying to weight the importance of each
evaluation criterion by applying a rating figure. By doing this, we will help the organization to
select the best candidate system that will great reliable and effective for their system. In table
1.4 we are trying to show the weighted candidate evaluation matrix.

Weighted Candidate Evaluation Matrix

C.S.1 C.S.2
Evaluation Criteria Weighting Rating Score Rating Score
System consistency 5 5 25 3 15
System response during 3 4 12 3 9
failure of main server
User friendly 2 2 4 2 4
Capacity of storing data 3 3 9 2 4
Hardware 1 2 2 5 5
Operator training 3 3 9 2 6
System maintenance 3 3 9 2 6

For C.S.1 For C.S.2

Total score = 70 Total score = 49

Table 7.4: Weighted Candidate Evaluation Matrix

Best Candidate System Selection

In this section, organization select the matrix, it is seen that the first candidate system has the
score 70 and the second candidate system have the score 49. Hence best candidate system based
on the system with the highest total score. From the weighted candidate evaluation, the
organization are easily selected the first candidate system as the best candidate system based
on score and some other performance of the system.

We proposed here about two candidate system and measured cost effectiveness, performance
of each candidate system against the existing system. Here we also verified the economic
feasibility, technical feasibility and behavioral feasibility of each candidate system. We also
tested whether each of the candidate systems can fulfill the organization’s objectives and goals.
We tried to determine the necessity for the greater development of the organization based on
our proposed candidate system. We verified which candidate system shows better performance
for which evaluation criteria. These performance and cost effectiveness have been represented
by weighted candidate evaluation matrix. By observing the weighted matrix, the organization
has easily realized which candidate system is more feasible and reliable for the organization.
Finally, the organization has selected one candidate system as best.

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