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u Study Plan
Lessons Table of Contents Confidence Levels Notes Bookmarks
j Game Center

e Discussions
  Important Indices
k Lessons

g Flashcards
1. Human Development Index – 2021-22 Rate Your Co
r Practice
Released by - United Nations Development Program’s (UNDP) High
" Resources
India’s Rank- 132 Mediu

Topped by: Switzerland followed by Norway and Iceland. Low

Bottom country: South Sudan

(a) Life Expectancy at Birth
Readings for Ge
(b) Mean Years of Schooling
(c) Expected years of Schooling

(d) Gross National Income Per Capita

2. Global Environment Performance Index – 2022

Released by: Yale and Columbia University researchers
 
 
India’s Rank: 180th
K Home

Study Plan
Topped by: Denmark (world’s most sustainable country)
j Game Center Bottom country: India

e Discussions Indicators: Environmental health and sustainability of countries.

k Lessons 3. Global Hunger Index – 2021

g Flashcards
Irish aid agency Concern Worldwide and German Organisation
r Practice
" Resources
India’s Rank: 101st

Total of 18 countries, including China, Kuwait and Brazil, shared

the top rank.

Bottom Rank: Yemen


(a). Undernourishment

(b). Child Stunting

(c). Child Wasting

(d). Child Mortality

4. World Happiness Report 2022

Released by: United Nation Sustainable Development
Solution Network.
 
 
K Home
India’s Rank: 136th
u Study Plan
Top 3 Country:
j Game Center

Discussions 1. Finland
k Lessons 2. Denmark

g Flashcards 3. Iceland
r Practice
Bottom rank: Afghanistan
" Resources
Indicators: psychological wellbeing, health, education, time use,
cultural diversity and resilience, good governance, community
vitality, ecological diversity and resilience, and living standards

5. World Press Freedom Index -2022

Released by: Reporters Without Borders

India’s Rank: 150th

Topped by: Norway

Bottom Rank: North Korea

Indicators: pluralism, media independence, media environment

and self-censorship, legislative framework, transparency and
quality of infrastructure that support production of news and
 
 
K Home
6. Energy Transition Index-2021
u Study Plan
Released by: World Economic Forum (1971, Geneva
j Game Center
Switzerland) in collaboration with Accenture.
e Discussions
India’s Rank: 87th
k Lessons

Flashcards Topped by: Sweden

r Practice Last Rank: Zimbabwe

" Resources
Indicators: Economic development and growth, sustainability,
and energy protection and access indicators

7. Global Innovation Index 2021

Released by: World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) –

1967, Geneva Switzerland.

India’s Rank: 46th

Top 3 Countries:



3. USA
Bottom Rank: Guinea
 
 
Indicators: political environment, education, infrastructure and
K Home
business sophistication.
u Study Plan
8. Global Startup Ecosystem Index 2021
j Game Center

Discussions Released by: Startup Blink – HQ - Hefa, Israel

Lessons India’s Rank: 20th
g Flashcards Topped by: USA
r Practice
Indicators: The number of startups, coworking spaces,
" Resources accelerators, traction of the ecosystem’s top startups including
making of unicorns, providing investor exits.

9. World Competitiveness Index 2022

Released by: Institute for Management Development’s (IMD) –

HQ – Switzerland

India’s Rank: 37th

Topped: Denmark


(a) Economic performance.

(b) Government efficiency.

(c) Business efficiency.
 
 
(d) Infrastructure.
K Home

Study Plan
10. Global Gender Gap Report 2022
j Game Center Released by: World Economic Forum – 1971, Geneva
Discussions Switzerland
Lessons India’s Rank: 135th
g Flashcards Topped By: Iceland
r Practice
Bottom rank: Afghanistan
" Resources
Indicators: Health, Education, Economy and Politics

11. International Intellectual Property Index 2022

US Chamber of Commerce Global Innovation Policy Centre –

Washington D.C.

India’s Rank: 43rd

Top 3 Country

1. United States

2. United Kingdom

3. Germany
Indicators: 1) Patents 2) copyrights 3) trademarks 4) design
rights 5) trade secrets 6) commercialization of IP assets 7)
 
 
K Home enforcement 8) systemic efficiency and 9) membership and
Study Plan ratification of international treaties.
j Game Center 12. Global Climate Risk Index 2021
e Discussions
Released by: Bonn-based environmental think tank
k Lessons Germanwatch.
g Flashcards
India’s Rank: 7th
r Practice
Top 3 Countries:
" Resources
1. Mozambique

2. Zimbabwe

3. Bahamas

Indicators: Greenhouse gas concentrations, Sea level rise,

Ocean Heat and Ocean Acidification.

13. Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) 2021

Released by: Bonn-based environmental think tank


India’s Rank: 10th

Topped by: Denmark

Indicators: The CCPI looks at four categories, with 14

indicators: Greenhouse Gas Emissions (40% of the overall

 
K Home score), Renewable Energy (20%), Energy Use (20%), and
Study Plan Climate Policy (20%).
j Game Center 14. Economic Freedom Index-2021
e Discussions
Released by: The Heritage Foundation – Washington D.C.
k Lessons
India’s Rank: 131st
g Flashcards
Topped by: Singapore
r Practice

Resources Indicators:
(a) Rule of Law (property rights, government integrity, judicial

(b) Government Size (government spending, tax burden, fiscal


(c) Regulatory Efficiency (business freedom, labor freedom,

monetary freedom)

(d) Open Markets (trade freedom, investment freedom, financial


15. Corruption Perception Index 2021

Released by: Transparency International

India’s Rank: 85th
 
 
Topped jointly by three countries: Denmark, Finland and New
K Home
u Study Plan
Indicators: Political and Administrative
j Game Center

Discussions 16. Henley Passport Index 2022

Lessons Released: Henley & Partners in collaboration with the
International Air Transport Association (IATA).
r Practice India’s:

" Resources 83th in Quarter 1

85th in Quarter 2

87th in Quarter 3

Top Countries:

1. Japan

2. Singapore

3. South Korea

Indicators: The Henley Passport Index compares the visa-free

access of 199 different passports to 227 travel destinations. If
no visa is required, then a score with value = 1 is created for
that passport. The same applies if you can obtain a visa on
arrival, a visitor’s permit, or an electronic travel authority (ETA)
when entering the destination.
 
 
K Home
17. Sustainable Development Report 2021
u Study Plan
Released by: UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network,
j Game Center
New York
e Discussions
India’s Rank: 131st
k Lessons

Topped by: Finland
r Practice Indicators: Performance in Sustainable Development Goals.

" Resources 18. Global Peace Index 2022

Released by: Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) Sydney.

India’s Rank: 135th

Topped By: Iceland

Bottom Rank: Afghanistan

Indicators: The Global Peace Index (GPI) is a quantification of

the absence of violence or the fear of violence to assess a
nation's level of peace. This lack of violence is defined as
Negative Peace. A higher GPI represents a higher level of
violence in a country.

19. Inclusive Internet Index 2021

Released by: Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) – 1946, London,
 
 
K Home
India’s Rank: 49th
u Study Plan
Topped: Sweden
j Game Center

Discussions Indicators: Availability, Affordability, Relevance and Readiness

k Lessons

20. Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index (RECAI) 2021
r Practice Released by: Consultancy firm Ernst & Young (EY) – London,
Resources UK
India’s Rank: 3

Top 3 Country:

1. USA

2. China

3. India

Indicators: Production of Renewable Energy

21. Global Skills Report 2022

Released by: Coursera – California, USA

India’s Rank: 68th

Topped: Switzerland
 
 
Indicators: The report benchmarks three of the most in-demand
K Home
skill areas driving employment in the digital economy –
u Study Plan business, technology, and data science.
j Game Center
22. Chandler Good Government Index 2022
e Discussions
Released by: Chandler Institute of Governance, Singapore
k Lessons

India’s Rank: 52nd
r Practice Topped by: Finland

" Resources Bottom Rank: Venezuela


(a) Leadership and foresight.

(b) Robust laws and policies.

(c) Strong institutions.

(d) Financial stewardship.

(e) Attractive marketplace.

(f) Global influence and reputation.

(g) Helping people rise.

23. Global Food Security (GFS) Index 2021

Released by: Sponsored by Corteva Agri science designed
constructed by London-based Economist Impact.
 
 
K Home
India’s Rank: 71st
u Study Plan
Ireland, Australia, UK, Finland, Switzerland, Netherlands,
j Game Center
Canada, Japan, France and US shared the top rank
e Discussions
Indicators: Affordability.
k Lessons

r Practice Quality and safety.

" Resources Natural resources and resilience.

24. World Talent Ranking report 2021

Released by: International Institute for Management

Development (IMD)

India’s Rank: 56th

Top 3 Countries:


2. Sweden

3. Luxembourg

(a) The Investment & Development factor measures the
resources earmarked to cultivate a homegrown workforce.
 
 
K Home
(b)The Appeal factor evaluates the extent to which an economy
u Study Plan attracts foreign and retains local talent.
j Game Center
(c) Readiness factor measures the quality of the skills and
e Discussions
competencies that are available in a country’s talent pool
k Lessons
25. Global Health Security Index 2021
g Flashcards
Released by: Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) and the Johns
r Practice
Hopkins Center for Health Security at the Bloomberg School
" Resources
India’s Rank: 66th

Top 3 Countries:

1. USA

2. Australia

3. Finland


(a) Prevention of the emergence or release of pathogens.

(b) Detection and Reporting: Early detection and reporting for

epidemics of potential international concern.
(c) Rapid Response: Rapid response to and mitigation of the
spread of an epidemic.
 
 
K Home
(d) Health System: Sufficient and robust health system to treat
u Study Plan the sick and protect health workers.
j Game Center
(e) Compliance with International Norms: Commitments to
e Discussions
improving national capacity, financing plans to address gaps,
k Lessons and adhering to global norms.
g Flashcards
(f) Risk Environment: Overall risk environment and country
r Practice vulnerability to biological threats.
" Resources
26. Asia Power Index 2021

Released by: Lowy Institute, Sydney, Australia

India’s Rank: 4th

Top 3 Countries:

1. United States

2. China

3. Japan

Indicators: The Indicators uses 2 methodologies

Resources. Economic capability (17.5%) Military capability

(17.5%) Resilience (10%) Future resources (10%)
Influence. Economic relationships (15%) Defense networks
(10%) Diplomatic influence (10%) Cultural influence (10%)
 
 
K Home
27. TRACE global Bribery Risk Ranking
u Study Plan
Bribery Risk Matrix, 2021
j Game Center

Discussions Released by: Race International

Lessons India’s Rank: 82nd
g Flashcards Top 3 Countries:
r Practice
1. Denmark
" Resources
2. Norway

3. Sweden

Indicators: Score is calculated on the basis of four factors:

Enforcement and anti-bribery deterrence.

Business interactions with the government.

Government and civil service transparency.

Capacity for civil society oversight which includes the media's


28. Global Drug Policy Index 2021

Released by: Human Reduction Consortium

India’s Rank: 18th
 
 
Top 3 Countries:
K Home

Study Plan
1. Norway
j Game Center 2. New Zealand

e Discussions 3. Portugal

k Lessons Indicators:
g Flashcards
(a) extreme responses
r Practice

(b) drug policy
(c) criminal justice

(d) health and harm reduction

(e) access to internationally controlled medicines.

29. 2022 Global Crypto Adoption Index

Released by: Blockchain data platform Chainalysis.

India’s Rank: 4th

Topped by: Vietnam

Indicators: On Chain cryptocurrency value received at

centralized exchanges, weighted by purchasing power parity
(PPP) per capita.
30. Democracy Index 2021
 
 
Released by: Economic Intelligence Unit
K Home

Study Plan
India’s Rank: 46th
j Game Center Topped by: Norway

e Discussions Indicators:

k Lessons (a) Civil liberties,

g Flashcards
(b) Electoral process and pluralism;
r Practice

(c) Functioning of government;
(d) Political participation; and

(e) Political culture. 25. Democracy Report, 2022

Released by: Varieties of Democracy

India’s Rank: 93rd

Topped by: Sweden

Indicators: Liberal Democratic Index (LDI): The LDI captures

both liberal (individual and minority rights) and electoral aspects
(free and fair elections) of a democracy based on 71 indicators
that make up the Liberal Component Index (LCI) and the
Electoral Democracy Index (EDI).
31. World Investment Report 2022
 
 
Released by: United Nations Conference on Trade and
K Home
Development (UNCTAD) – 1964, Geneva Switzerland.
u Study Plan
India’s Rank: 7th
j Game Center

Discussions Topped by: USA

Lessons Indicators: The Total Foreign Investments received plus the
Business Ecosystem.
r Practice 32. World Air Power Index 2022

" Resources Released by: World Directory of Modern Military Aircraft


Rank of Indian Air Force: 3rd

Topped by: US Air Force

2nd position occupied by Russian Air force

Indicators: TrueValueRating’ (TvR), which helps WDMMA

separate each power based on the overall strength and factors
like modernization, logistical support, attack and defence

Factors like modernization, logistical support, attack and

defence capabilities are being considered. Thus, the military air
power of a country is not ranked only on the basis of its total
quantity of aircraft but it also considers its quality and
components of inventory.
 
 
K Home
33. On-Time Performance’ Index
u Study Plan
Released by: Cirium, an organization that specializes in offering
j Game Center
aviation data to travel.
e Discussions
India’s Rank: Chennai International Airport ranked 8th in Global
k Lessons
g Flashcards
Topped by: Miami Airport (United States)
r Practice

Resources 2nd Rank: Fukuoka Airport (Japan)

3rd Rank: Haneda Airport (Japan)

Indicators: On time performance for aircraft is simple to

calculate as aircraft depart and arrive at airports, and these are
clear points to complete the on-time performance calculation.

34. QS World University Rankings by Subject 2022

Released by: QS Quacquarelli Symonds

India’s Rank:

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Bombay ranked 65th

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)- Delhi ranked 72nd

Top 3 QS World University Rankings 2022:

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
 
 
2.The University of Oxford
K Home

Study Plan
3. Stanford University & the University of Cambridge
j Game Center Indicators:

e Discussions (a) Academic Reputation

k Lessons (b) Employer Reputation

g Flashcards
(c) Faculty/Student Ratio
r Practice

(d) Citations per Faculty
(e) International Faculty Ratio /International Student Ratio

35. Global House Price Index Q4 2021

Released by: Property consultant Knight Frank

India’s Rank: 51st

Top 3 Country:

1. Turkey

2. New Zealand

3. Czech Republic

Indicators: The index tracks nominal and real price growth in

local currencies.
36. Global Investment in Digital Shopping 2021 Index
 
 
Released by: London & Partners analysis of Deal room
K Home

Study Plan
India’s Rank: 2nd
j Game Center Top 3 country:

e Discussions 1. United States (US) – USD 51 billion

k Lessons 2. India – USD 22 billion

g Flashcards
3. China – USD 14 billion
r Practice

Indicators: Investments in Digital Shopping across Global

37. Global Terrorism Index 2022

Released by: Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP)

India’s Rank: 12th

Topped by: Afghanistan with a score of 9.109 points.

Indicators: number of terrorist incidents, fatalities, injuries and


38. Global Talent Competitiveness Index 2021

Released by: Adecco Group, INSEAD and Tata

India’s Rank: 88th
 
 
Top 3 Countries:
K Home

Study Plan
1. Switzerland
j Game Center 2. Singapore

e Discussions 3. United States

k Lessons Indicators: Input-Output model is used to conclude this index is

g Flashcards composed of 6 pillars:
r Practice
(a) Enable
" Resources
(b) Attract

(c) Grow

(d) Retain

(e) VT Skills

(f) GK Skills

39. The Global Livability Index 2022

Released by: Economic Intelligence Unit’s (EIU)

India’s Rank: 112th – New Delhi

117th – Mumbai

Topped by: Vienna (Capital of Austria)

Top 3 Country:
 
 
1. Vienna
K Home

Study Plan
2. Copenhagen
j Game Center 3. Zurich

e Discussions Indicators:

k Lessons (a) Stability

g Flashcards
(b) Healthcare
r Practice

(c) Culture and Environment
(d) Education

(e) Infrastructure

40. Use of e-Prosecution Portal Index

Released by: Union government under its Digital India Mission.

Uttar Pradesh Tops in Use of e-Prosecution Portal followed by

Madhya Pradesh and Bihar.

41. Grievance Redressal Index 2022

Released by: Department of Administrative Reforms and Public

Grievances (DARPG)

Topped by: Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI).

UIDAI has been the top performer in redressal of cases

received through Centralized Public Grievances Redress and

 
K Home Monitoring System (CPGRAMS) among all
Study Plan Ministries/Departments.
j Game Center 42. Top 10 Indian companies by market value Index
e Discussions
Released by: Performance on NSE and BSE
k Lessons
Topped by Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), followed by Tata
g Flashcards
Consultancy Services and HDFC bank.
r Practice
43. State Ranking Index for NFSA’ 2022
" Resources
Released by: Union Food and Consumer Affairs

Odisha has topped in the state ranking for implementation of the

National Food Security Act (NFSA).

Odisha followed by Uttar Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh. Among

the special category states Tripura tops the list.

44. States Start-up ranking 2021 (3rd edition)

Released by: The department for promotion of industry and

internal trade (DPIIT).

Best performers: Gujarat and Karnataka

Meghalaya tops among Northeastern (NE) states

45. State Energy and Climate Index
 
 
Released by: NITI Aayog
K Home

Study Plan
Top Three States among Larger States Category
j Game Center 1. Gujarat

e Discussions 2. Kerala

k Lessons 3. Punjab
g Flashcards
Top Three States among Smaller States Category
r Practice

1. Goa
2. Tripura

3. Manipur

Top Three UTs

1. Chandigarh

2. Delhi

3. Daman & Diu/Dadra & Nagar Haveli

The Ranking based on the states’ performance on 6

parameters, namely,

(a). DISCOM’s Performance

(b). Access, Affordability and Reliability of Energy

(c). Clean Energy Initiatives
 
 
(d). Energy Efficiency
K Home

Study Plan
(e). Environmental Sustainability
j Game Center (f). New Initiatives.

e Discussions 46. Top vegetable producer Index

k Lessons Released by: Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare.

g Flashcards
Top 2 producer of vegetables:
r Practice
1. Uttar Pradesh
" Resources
2. West Bengal

Andhra Pradesh is the top Producer of Fruits in India.

47. Export Preparedness Index 2021

Released by: NITI Aayog

Top3 State:

1. Gujarat

2. Maharashtra

3. Karnataka

The index ranked states on four key parameters – policy;

business ecosystem; export ecosystem; export performance.
48. State of Governance ranking 2021
 
 
Released by: SKOCH Group
K Home

Study Plan
Top 3 states:
j Game Center 1. Andhra Pradesh

e Discussions 2. West Bengal

k Lessons 3. Odisha
g Flashcards
The SKOCH report based on the performance in various
r Practice
projects at state, district, and Email Article Print Article
" Resources municipal levels.

49. India Press Freedom Report 2021

Released by: Rights and Risks Analysis Group

Topped by (UT): Jammu and Kashmir

Top 3 states:

1. Uttar Pradesh

2. Madhya Pradesh

3. Tripura

According to the report, 13 media houses and newspapers were

targeted in the country, 108 journalists were attacked, and 6
journalists were killed.
 
 
50. India State of Forest Report (ISFR)’ 2021
K Home

Study Plan
Released by: Forest Survey of India (FSI)
j Game Center Area-wise, Madhya Pradesh has the largest forest cover in
Discussions India.
Lessons India’s forest & tree cover rose by 2,261 sq. km in last 2 years.
g Flashcards 51. Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA)
r Practice 2021.

" Resources Released by: The Ministry of Education’s innovation cell.

IIT Madras has bagged the first position A total of 1,438 higher
education institutions (HEIs) including all IITs, NITs, and IISc
participated in the third edition of ARIIA rankings.

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