Letter To The Editor

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You are Kavya of Civil lines Extension, M. G. Road, Trivandrum.

The main road leading to your locality has three open manholes
causing frequent accidents at night. Write a letter to the Editor,
The Times of India, drawing attention of the public and the
authorities to this problem and urging a solution.

Civil Lines Extension


15 July 2020

The Editor
The Times of India
Subject: Open manholes in the middle of the road!
Through the columns of your esteemed news paper, I wish to
draw the attention of the authorities concerned and the public
to the inconvenience caused to the residents of the Civil Lines
Extention area of the M. G. Road due to the pathetic condition
of the main road leading to the locality.
The road is a virtual deathtrap for the passers by as it is dotted
with open manholes. The situation worsens during the rainy
season, when the road gets waterlogged and these open
manholes go unnoticed. These deathtraps have claimed many
lives till date, last week’s accident that cost the lives of two
young men at the prime of their youth being the latest.
Countless pleas to the authorities have fallen in deaf ears. I
would appeal to the municipal authorities open their eyes and
to take immediate action address to the issue and to ensure
that people can walk and ride safely through the road.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully

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