Running Events On Public Roads CEC Letter 2011-10-14

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Kezia Dugdale MSP The Scottish Parliament Edinburgh EH991SP

Date Your ref Our ref Corr No.

12 October 2011 nla RS/EV/SF RSE6370

Dear Kezia Dugdale


Running Events on Public Roads I refer to your letter of 4 October 2011 regarding response. the above which has been passed to me for a

Currently notification of the proposal to hold an event is made through the Council's Legal Services section. The information is then disseminated to a number of agencies, both internal and external, for comment. For larger events a series of Events Planning and Operations Group meetings (EPOG) will be convened. These multi-agency meetings are chaired by the council's Public Safety section and will guide and assist the event organiser through the whole planning process. The agencies involved in the EPOG will advise the organiser on safety issues, transport matters, licensing requirements, stewarding and medical requirements, etc. A joint statement of intent is signed prior to the event to ensure a co-ordinated approach has been undertaken in the planning of the event and that those involved agree that all measures to be taken are considered reasonable in respect of ensuring the safety of all those attending the event. Following the event, a debrief meeting will be held to discuss the positive and negative features and how the event could be improved for future years. -For-smaller-events, advice/conditions a 'espurfse~issenrbackto-ffie organiserfrom from any of the relevant agencies. Legal Services togeth~ with


We recently pulled together a meeting with Lothian & Border's Police (LBP) and the council's Public Safety and Legal Services sections to discuss the issue of running events held on open roads. LBP take a stance that they will not support events on open roads and advise that any events of this nature be held on closed roads. They do however continue to attend any planning meetings and give their professional advice to event organisers.

Euan Kennedy, Road Services Manager, Services for Communities

Level 5 Chesser House, 500 Gorgie Road Edinburgh EH11 3YJ




Previously Road Services' response to smaller events would only consider whether there were any other conflicting road occupations which would affect the event route e.g. road works, other events. This 'approval' may have given a false impression that the Council, and in particular Road Services, considered an event to be safe and there was a concern that if an accident did occur the Council may in some way be held partly responsible. We have as a result recently adopted a similar approach to LBP whereby advice is given that the event should be held on closed roads the Highway Code should be adhered to at all times and event organiser's staff have no authority to stop or hold any other road users. Legal Services are now looking to amend the response they currently issue to organisers to reflect this information along perhaps with a caveat indemnifying the council against any claims resulting from any incident directly as a consequence of the event. There is a proposal being considered to invite the organisers of smaller events to attend at least one EPOO style meeting, regardless of how many years their particular event has been running for, to highlight any issues and advise them of their responsibilities as the event organiser. I trust the information above has answered your concerns. However if you would like any further assistance or would like to discuss this in more detail then please contact my assistant Scott Findlay on 01315293433.

Yours sincerely

Euan Kennedy
Road Services Manager

Euan Kennedy, Road Services Manager, Services for Communities

LevelS Chesser House, 500 Gorgie Road Edinburgh EH11 3Y J




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