Homework 05

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Preparatoria Universidad Panamericana

Physics IV

Period 2

Homework 5

Luis Ángel Martı́nez Romero

November 8th 2023

Homework 05
Martı́nez Romero Luis Angel David Garcı́a Peláez Cruz

A skier goes down by a 30◦ slope. Suppose that between the skier and the snow exists µk = 0,1

a) Calculate the acceleration that the skier descends with.

En ejex :

Σf = ma
mg cos 60 − Ff = ma mg cos 60 − µk N = ma...(1)

En y :

ΣF = 0
N − Py → N − mg sin 60...(2)

We sustitute equation (2) in (1)

mg cos 60−µk mg sin 60 = ma → cos 60g −µk g sin 60 = a → (9,81)(cos 60)−(0,1)(9,81)(sin 60)

a = 4,05
b) Calculate the velocity of the skier 4 seconds after beginning the descend.

v f − vi m
a= → vf = at → (4,05 )(4s)
t s2

vf = 16,2
c) Suppose that there is a different kinetic friction coefficient (µk ) between the snow and the skier. Which
should be the value of this new coefficient in order to make the skier descend with constant velocity?

Σf = 0

mg cos 60
mg cos 60−µk N = 0 → mg cos 60 = µk N → mg cos 60 = µk (mg sin 60) → = µk
mg sin 60

µk = 0,57

Centripetal and centrifugal force in the road.

The centripetal force is define as the force that generates centripetal acceleration. As we know, this
acceleration appears when a body rotates. By Newton’s Third Law, there exists another force with the same
magnitude but contrary direction. This force is called centrifugal force.

a) Write an equation for the centripetal force in terms of the velocity and a radius of the curve.

Fcentrifuga = Fcentripeta

Fcentrifuga = m
b) Consider a car traveling through a plane highway. Suppose that the car is turning in a curve of the
highway of radius R. If there is statical friction that balances the centripetal force, prove that the
maximal velocity that the car could have without slipping is given by
v= µs gR
mv mv 2
Fc = Ff = N µs = mgµs mv 2 = mrgµs
r r

v 2 = rgµs v= rgµs

c) Find out this velocity for a a radius of 100 m and µs = 0,7. Observe that the less the friction coefficient
is, the less velocity the car can get.
v= (100m)(9,81 )(0,7)

v = 26,20
d) The camber of a curve is an angle provided to the curve for balancing the centripetal force also with a
component of the weight, instead of balancing it only with friction. As a consequence of this angle, the
centripetal force turns into centrifugal force (changes its direction), as shown in figure 13.1. Suppose
that there is no friction in a curve with camber.
√ Prove that the maximum velocity in which the car
can turn without slipping is given by v = Rg cos α, for α = 90 − θ, θ being the angle of the camber.

En el eje x:
ΣF = 0
Px − F c = 0 mg cos α − m =0
= g cos α

v= rg cos α

e) Using the data of c) and a camber angle of 10, calculate the maximum velocity of the car in the turn.
What happens if θ = 0?

R = 100m v = (100m)(9,81 sm2 )(cos(80))

θ = 10◦
α = 80◦ v = 13,05 ms

Si θ = 0 no habrı́a inclinación por lo tanto el componente del P en y no ayudarı́a a que el auto se

mantuviera dentro de la curva

v = rg cos α v=0

f) Suppose that the velocity of the car in the curve is so high, that the component of the weight cannot
balance it anymore. The friction appears top solve the problem. Prove that, when the friction appears,
the maximum velocity is now given by v = R(g cos α + gµs sin α). Hint: In this case, the centrifugal
force should be greater than the component of the weight, so the friction should help the weaker force.

Σf = 0 Px − Ff x − F c = 0 90 − θ = α
mg cos α + µs mg sin α − m =0
= g cos α + µs sin α
v = R(g cos α + gµs sin α)

g) Use the previous data to calculate the maximum velocity in this final case.

R = 100m
100m((9,81 m m
v= s )(cos 80) + (9,81 s )(0,7)(sin 80))
θ = 10◦
α = 80◦
v = 29,096 m
µ = 0,7

Blocks on the table

Two masses m1 and m2 are tied to a block on a table as shown in figure 13.2. Consider friction in every

a) Calculate m2 for the block to stay still. Suppose statical friction given by µs = 0,3. Hint: The answer
is not a number, but a set. Consider that the statical friction may help both masses (so it can act in
both directions, resulting in a minimum and maximum mass). Be careful calculating the normal force
and with the interpretation of the resulting numbers.

ΣF = 0 T1 = m1 g T2 = m2 g

En el eje x:

−Ff − T1 cos 45 + T2 cos 30 = 0 − µN − m1 g cos 45 + m2 g cos 30 = 0

−µN − m1 g cos 45 + m2 g cos 30 = 0 − µM g − m1 g cos 45 + m2 g cos 30 = 0

µM + m1 cos 45
m2 cos 30 = µM − m1 cos 45 m2 =
cos 30

(0,3)(300kg) + (400kg)(cos 45)
m2 = → m2 = 136,58
cos 30
Segundo caso:

−(0,3)(300kg) + (400kg)(cos 45)

m2 = → m2 = −71,26
cos 30
Pero no podemos tener masa negativa por lo tanto no hay solución
b) Calculate m2 for the block to move with 2 m/s2 to the right. Consider that µs change into µk = 0,1.

−Ff − T1 cos 45 + T2 cos 30 = ma − µN − m1 g cos 45 + m2 g cos 30 = (300kg)(2m/s2 )

(0,3)(300) + (40)(9,81)(cos 45)

= 113,81
9,81 cos 30

Kepler’s Third Law

For the Earth to have a stable orbit around the sun, it is necessary to balance the gravity force between
the Earth and the Sun with some centrifugal force. Suppose that the Earth describes a circular orbit around
the Sun and the Earth’s velocity is constant (mean velocity).
a) Write the forces of the second law for the Earth.

Fc = Fg ; v=

2 3
b) Prove, using Newton’s 2 law, that T 2 = 4π r
GMs , where T is the period of the Earth (time to complete
one lap around the Sun), Ms is the Sun’s mass and r is the distance from the Earth to the Sun.

Gms mt v2 2πr
Fg = Fc = m Hint: v = ...(1)
r2 r T

Gms mt v2
= mt ...(2)
r r
Sustituimos 1 en 2
mt 4π 2 r2 4π 2 r

mt 2πr Gms mt Gms mt Gms
= → = → = 2
r T r2 T 2r r2 T2 r

4π 2 r3
= T2

c) Calculate the period of the Earth using the mean value of r and Ms (investigate them). Hint: In the
mean velocity equation, consider the distance travelled as the perimeter

4π 2 (1,5 × 1011 m)3
T = m2
= 31715466,44s
(6,69 × 10−11 Nkg )(1,9891 × 1030 kg)

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