Dimatera, Nathaniel 2-Psych-7 TCW M7A

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Nathaniel M.

Dimatera 2-PSYCH-7
The Contemporary World: M7 Assignment 3

A. Enumerate ten (10) positive and negative impacts of mass media. Use the table

1. It can be used as a platform to spread knowledge or 1. It can be taken advantage of by criminals or malicious
education. people.
2. It can be used to spread or share good inspiring 2. It can be used to spread disinformation or fake news.
news around the world.
3. It makes us interconnected than even to our loved 3. Prone to hacking, spamming, and cyberbullying.
ones that are far away from us.
4. You can find groups/communities that you can 4. It might make you compare yourself to others
connect, bond, or relate with. resulting to insecurities and sadness.
5. A medium for self-expression. 5. It might cause addiction especially for young people.
6. Can be a source of entertainment and inspiration. 6. It might lead to some health problems due to
7. Can help you develop your social skills. 7. It might affect your social skills in physical
8. Can teach you beneficial skills and information 8. It has contents that might trigger you.
when you need it.
9. Can be used to became aware of the important 9. It might give you unrealistic expectations about
updates/news around the world. yourself, people, and the world.
10. Can be used to spread awareness and starts a 10. You may subconciously absorbed the negative
positive societal movement/project. attitudes, actions, or beliefs of some content creators.

B. Discuss how does mass media affects you? (In not more than 150 words)

Print and broadcast media, in particular, were already widespread when I was born. As a young child, media content
provides me an awareness of how our world works and serves as both a source of entertainment and education.
However, I wasn't as preoccupied with it at the time because I still preferred to play outside. But social media is
something else entirely. Social media is a relatively new phenomenon, and I believe it has the most impact on my life,
both positively and negatively. Social media attracted everyone when it became mainstream, and it continues to do so
even now. It's beneficial because it exposes me to wonderful cultures, individuals, perspectives, and knowledge from
around the globe. However, it's bad for me because it's highly addicting and leaves me exposed to harmful contents.
It's ultimately a double-edged sword, and how I use it will determine its influence.

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