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Carlo Rocha

Balancing declining consumption while not negatively impacting the companies that sell products
can be a challenge, but it is possible to pursue a more sustainable and ethical approach. Here are
some suggestions:

1. Promote conscious consumption: Promote the idea of buying quality products that last longer
instead of disposable products. Educates people on how to make informed and thoughtful
purchasing decisions.

2. Economy Circular: Support business models that promote the reuse, recycling and repair of
products. This can help companies remain profitable even when consumers buy fewer new

3. Sustainable innovation: Encourages companies to develop products and services that are more
environmentally friendly and socially responsible. This can open market opportunities for new
sustainable offerings.

4. Taxes and regulations: Consider implementing taxes on unsustainable products or regulations

that promote responsible business practices. This can encourage companies to adapt and
consumers to make more sustainable decisions.

5. Transition Support: Helps companies shift towards more sustainable models by providing
financial incentives, advice and resources to transition towards more ethical and green business

6. Public awareness: Promotes awareness of the negative impacts of excessive consumption on

society and the environment. This may inspire more people to reduce their consumption

7. Collaboration: Encourages collaboration between governments, businesses and non-profit

organizations to collectively address the challenges of overconsumption and find sustainable

Remember that the balance between reducing consumption and supporting businesses will not be
easy to achieve, but it is essential to address long-term environmental and social challenges. The
key is to find solutions that benefit society and the planet, while allowing the economic viability of

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