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Lesson Plan (Odd semester 2022-23)
Sub: Ground Water Hydraulics Sub Code: 18CV734
Faculty Name: Mr. Akshay N K Course Code: C403
Class Date Date
Topic Mode of teaching Remarks
No. Planned Executed
MODULE -1: Introduction
Introduction about Course Overview, Syllabus and
1 19/09/2022 Evaluation system
Chalk and Talk
Importance of Ground water and Vertical Chalk and Talk &
2 20/09/2022 distribution of subsurface water Charts
Origin of water – Meteoric, connate, fossils, juvenile
3 21/09/2022 and Vadose water
Chalk and Talk
4 22/09/2022 Occurrence in different types of rocks and soils Chalk and Talk
Definitions-aquifers, aquifuge, aquitard, aquiclude, Chalk and Talk &
5 26/09/2022 Perched aquifer and Leaky aquifer Charts
Confined and Unconfined aquifers.
Chalk and Talk &
6 27/09/2022
MODULE -2: Fundamentals of Ground Water Flow
Aquifer parameters, specific yield and specific
7 28/09/2022 retention, porosity, storage coefficient,
Chalk and Talk
8 29/09/2022 Derivation of the expression for storage coefficient Chalk and Talk
9 03/10/2022 Problems Chalk and Talk
10 06/10/2022 Problems Chalk and Talk
Definition of Darcy’s law, Experimental verification
11 10/10/2022 and limitation.
Chalk and Talk
Hydraulic conductivity, Measurement of
12 11/10/2022 conductivity by laboratory methods
Chalk and Talk
13 12/10/2022 Measurement of conductivity by Field methods Chalk and Talk
Coefficient of permeability and intrinsic
14 13/10/2022 permeability
Chalk and Talk
Transmissibility, permeability in isotropic,
15 17/10/2022 anisotropic layered soils.
Chalk and Talk
16 18/10/2022 Problems Chalk and Talk
MODULE -4: Ground Water Exploration
Surface methods and Sub surface methods
17 19/10/2022 Seismic method
18 20/10/2022 Electrical resistivity method PPT
Geo-physical techniques, Electrical logging -
19 27/10/2022 Normal and Lateral logging
Radioactive logging – Gamma ray logging and
20 02/11/2022 Neutron logging
21 03/11/2022 Induction logging, Sonic and fluid logging. PPT
MODULE -5 : Ground Water Development
Introduction of water wells, Types of wells, Open
22 07/11/2022 well classification
Chalk and Talk
23 08/11/2022 Open well classification Chalk and Talk
24 09/11/2022 Tube well classification Chalk and Talk
Methods of construction,
25 10/11/2022 Chalk and Talk &PPT
Augering - Hand auger  Power auger
Driven methods - Hand, air, hammer, jetted wells,
26 14/11/2022 light, portable ring
Chalk and Talk &PPT
Drilled methods - Cable tool/ percussion, Rotary,
27 15/11/2022 Reverse circulation rotary, Rotary percussion
Chalk and Talk &PPT
28 16/11/2022 Tube well design Chalk and Talk &PPT
29 17/11/2022 Dug wells Chalk and Talk &PPT
30 21/11/2022 Pumps for lifting water, Types of pumps, Pumps for Chalk and Talk &PPT
shallow wells
Pumps For Deep Wells - Submersible Pumps, Jet
31 22/11/2022 Pumps
Chalk and Talk &PPT
32 23/11/2022 Air Lift pump and Deep Well turbine pump Chalk and Talk &PPT
power requirement, Conjunctive use, necessity,
33 24/11/2022 techniques and economics.
Chalk and Talk &PPT
Ground Water Recharge
34 28/11/2022 Artificial recharge – Direct Methods PPT
35 29/11/2022 Artificial recharge – Indirect Methods PPT
36 30/11/2022 Rainwater harvesting for ground water recharge PPT & Chart
MODULE -3: Well Hydraulics
Introduction, Analysis of steady flow in
37 01/12/2022 Chalk and Talk
Confined aquifer
38 05/12/2022 Analysis of steady flow in Unconfined aquifer Chalk and Talk
06/12/2022 Analysis of unsteady radial flow to well – Thies Chalk and Talk
40 07/12/2022 Problems Chalk and Talk
41 08/12/2022 Problems Chalk and Talk
42 12/12/2022 Thies Graphical Method Chalk and Talk
43 13/12/2022 Jacobs and Cooper Drawdown method Chalk and Talk
44 14/12/2022 Chow’s Method Chalk and Talk
45 15/12/2022 Problems Chalk and Talk
46 19/12/2022 Flow through leaky confined aquifers Chalk and Talk
47 20/12/2022 Application of Image well theory Chalk and Talk
48 21/12/2022 Interference between wells. Chalk and Talk
Course faculty HOD

Name Dr. B C Nagendra Prasad


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