Fastening Report

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Materials and Processes Report



June 2, 2020

Group D
Partha S. Hukai (2018518)
Saurav Basumotari (2018526)

Prof. Puneet Tandon
Professor of Mech. Engg; Professor of Design at PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur, India


This report details a project undertaken by Design undergraduate students at the PDPM Indian
Institute of Information Technology, Design, and Manufacturing, Jabalpur as a part of the course
DS-219. The goal of the project and the course was to gain experience and knowledge on the
manufacturing processes that go behind producing a tangible product.

In this particular assignment, we were asked to use our knowledge of manufacturing a rotating
face shield for protection against COVID-19

Throughout the design process, both the assignment requirements and their corresponding
specifications have been kept in mind. The design process in its entirety is detailed throughout
this report, including methodology, procedures, analyses, and end results. A detailed description,
including plans and finalized design sketches of the components, is provided as well.
This report serves to document the entire process from the initial background research to final
recommendations for improvement to the final design. This report documents the entire design
process including the final manufacturing plan, the measures are taken to ensure that all
requirements of the assignment have been fulfilled and specifications have been validated, a
detailed description and analysis of every major manufacturing processes that are to be used to
produce the desired product, this also includes a description of the product and its features, and
finally, our recommendations concerning improving the final design and suggested future work


With the increased need for PPE to battle COVID19, we need more and more face mask and face
shield then ever but convenience should also be taken into consideration, therefore, we designed
a rotating face shield for the user which he she can wear and when necessary can lift it up for
eating purposes or other purposes. It has a sleek and futuristic design and the face shield is lifted
with the help of rivets an fasteners attached at the corner of the face sheild

It has become increasingly clear that, during the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are
desperate for PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) solutions. Whilst much fine work is
taking place to design and make quality solutions for NHS staff, there remains an urgent
need for PPE at the domestic scale (home carers, supermarket workers, delivery drivers

Ordinary people need simple, accessible and well-considered options that have been
reviewed and approved by people who know something of what they are talking about.

With this in mind, We decided to get making and improvised an idea that has proved
surprisingly practical, comfortable, robust and easy to clean.


Our final aim is to make a Face shield out of plastic sheets and rivets with a head band to support
it over the head

We carried out our desk research for making the mask, we took inspiration from a real PPE mask
and look out its mechanism and found out it was just a stationary mask which do not rotate thus
creating inconvenience we look at diy projects and other websites for an alternative design but
found out nothing really useful for our design
So we had to develop our own mechanism for face shield and for that we looked into some
simple mechanism and put them into our shield
Rivets are going to be the main mechanism in our product as it allows for free movements and
easily available fasteners

The basic concept of this design is that the mask cannow be open and closed for convience with
the help of riivets at the corner


Materials required
1. 2 Plastic hanger strip
2. Siccors
3. 3.glue
4. Rivets
5. Markers
6. Cutting pliers
7. Clear plastic cover (PPE Sheild)
8. Velcro
9. Feviquick

1. Take plastic hanger stips and cut it in the length of your forehead
2. Take the clear plastic sheet and bend it to create a semi cyinder and mark 2 dots on upper
two corners
3. Place the marked corners over bent plastic strip and mark the exact same spot on the band
4. Cut out those points with the help of scissors or pilers on both the plastic strip band and
the clear plastic sheet
5. Add a rivet to the exact location on both ends to seal it completely
6. Just bellow the rivet add a stopper by glueing extra plastic stip vertically which will
prevent the face shield to drop down completely hence securing it to one position
7. Add a velcro at the back end of the plastic stip for locking mechanism over the head
8. Cut the corners of the face sheild by siccors to prevent it from pinching to the chest
9. Face shield i ready

Face mask and face shield is a most required product in this pandmic as the virus outbreak is
getting dangerous day by day it is really a useful product which can save lives, the
manufacturing process is rather simple and anyone can make these face shield with some
common households products


DIY face mask

Household face shield for

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