Policy Analysis Finals

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MT Villanueva Ave., Liboton, Naga City

College of Arts & Sciences


Direction: Discuss the following questions below and make sure you present
clear arguments and ideas.

1. Is the request of DILG Sec Abalos asking the colonels and generals of
PNP to voluntary resign a radical approach to cleanse the PNP from
drug involvement?
-In my opinion, the intervention being proposed by DILG Sec Abalos asking the
uniformed personnel to voluntary resign to cleanse the PNP from drug
involvement is somehow ineffective because it might get obvious that the people
who should primarily obey the law is guilty of committing such unlawful act.
Hence, the DILG and the PNP must take an action such as re-integrating their
chosen profession and field which is to serve the Filipino people and assure them
their security, safety, and welfare. Resigning is not an option, if they commit
such unlawful act they must be punished as we promote equal rights and justice.
2. Do you really believe that a five-member committee can really evaluate
whether to accept or refuse the resignation of police officers? Can it
help in shaping the organization?
No. That will just make them repeat the same act because that approach for me
is very ineffective and inappropriate knowing the Justice System in our country.
If the five-member committee will be given the responsibility to scrutinize
whether they would accept or refuse the resignation letter, we still have no
assurance if they will undergo the right process and no transparency at all. This
wouldn’t help the organization, but rather would put dirt on their reputation.
3. If you were one of them, are you going to submit your voluntary
No. I will face the consequence of my action. Before we get the profession that
we wanted, we exerted effort, we did everything just to be in that position then
we will just waste it for what? For nothing. Working in the government, we must
always put into our minds that public service is a public trust. Since our law
enforcers are expected to make us feel secure and safe, at the very first place
they should not make any unlawful act that will break the people’s trust.
****nothing follows****


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