Public Enterprise Service Delivery System & Records & Property Management Final Exam

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ELEC3: Public Enterprise/ Service Delivery System & Records & Property

First Semester S/Y 2022-2023
Name: Section: Date: Score:

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Circle the letter that corresponds to the CORRECT answer.
(10 points)

1. Which Presidential Decree defined the GOCC?

a. Presidential Decree 2020 b. Presidential Decree 2026
c. Presidential Decree 2027 d. Presidential Decree 2029
2. Which Executive Order created the GCMC (Government Corporation
Monitoring Committee) a. Executive Order no. 639 b. Executive Order
no. 369
c. Executive Order no. 936

d. Executive Order no. 996

3. The law that authorized the privatization of GOCC’s.
a. Presidential Proclamation no. 70 b. Presidential Proclamation no. 50 c.
Presidential Proclamation no. 40 d. Presidential Proclamation no. 60 4. Which
Republic Act that requires full disclosure of all GOCC through a website and grant
unrestricted public access.
a. R.A. 10149 b. R.A. 10150
c. R.A. 10949 d. R.A. 10151
5. The classical approaches to public administration were based on a sort of
assumptions called ___________. a. Impeachment b. Paradigms
c. Decentralization d. GOCC’s
6. Charged on external customers for services in an attempt to strengthen market
signals, and thus improve resource allocation decisions in the public sector.
a. User Fees b. Tuition Fees
c. Toll Fees d. Extra Charge Fees
7. It helps the government to improve the quality and cost-
effectiveness of many services. a. Internal Market Competition b.
Market Testing
c. External Market Competition d. User charges
8. It covers the stages in the market testing process from developing the specifications
up to, and including awarding of contract or service level agreement.
a. Competitive Tendering b. Market testing
c. Commercialization d. Contracting out
9. It is the purchase of a service from an outside organization and can be a result of a
market-test involving and in- house bid of strategic decision to obtain the service from
the private sector.
a. Commercialization b. Competitive tendering
c. Contracting out d. Market testing
10. It is defined as a process where markets are established for selected public sector
goods and services in order to increase competitive pressures on suppliers.
a. Competitive Tendering b. Market testing
c. Commercialization d. Contracting out
II. TRUE OR FALSE. Write T if the statement is TRUE and F if the statement is
False. Write the answer on the line provided before each number. (10 points)

F 11. The New Public Management (NPM) is a movement accompanied with old
management approach and new approach emphasized the partnerships among
government, private sector and civil society.

T 12. Hughes,1994, believes that the main reason for the eclipse of the old
traditional model of administration is simply that it did not work anymore and widely
perceived as not working.
T 13. Good public relations and open communication are important to the success of
cost-recovery initiatives.

T 14. Fee-charging can create pressure to minimize cost and increase

responsiveness to client needs, but may also be putting at some risk policy support
and maintenance of public values, such as fairness and consistency.
T 15. E-Administration maybe concerned both with delivering services on a
commercial basis to increase efficiency through competitive mechanisms and with
reorienting budgetary processes and funding regimes to a more commercial focus
to achieve cost savings.
T 16. Alternative Service Delivery may take place within or outside the public
service through partnership between the public, private and or non-profit sectors.
T 17. E-Services involves the use of internet-based technologies to transact business
of government.
F 18. E-Government describe the use of electronic delivery of government
information, programs, strategies and services.
______19. Commercialization refers to back-office information systems that
support the management and administrative functions of public institutions.
T 20. As governments have become more conscious of the need to address
service quality, a range of approaches have been adopted to deliver services in a
more efficient and effective way.

III. ESSAY. Answer the question as concise, comprehensive and legible as possible.
Limit your answers in three (3) to five (5) sentences only. (5 points each question).

21. – 25. Why GOCC was created? From the time it was created to the present
time, can we say that the people of the Philippines benefited from GOCC? How?

-GOCC was created to provide a quality yet affordable and accessible services to the
public. During the different discussions and the points presented we have seen
various names of GOCC that provided services specially during the administration of
former President Marcos Sr. The main objective of GOCC is to provide goods and
services with a reasonable price since the government is expected to give its best in
addressing the needs and demands and the general welfare of the public. People of the
Philippines have been benefited by the services provided by these GOCC’s specially
acquiring the basic necessities and needs of every individual such as water, electricity
and etc.

26. - 30. Why was Governance Commission of GOCC (GCG) created? Does it
really have an important role in the GOCC’s?

- The GCG was created under Republic Act 10149 which is mandated to ensure that
the governance of GOCCs is carried out in a transparent, responsible, and
accountable manner and with the utmost degree of professionalism and
effectiveness. It plays a vital role in the GOCC’s because it is the central advisory
that monitors, oversight body with authority to formulate, implement and coordinate
policies to govern Government Owned and controlled corporation.

31. – 35. What is the role of government and public sector in the new era
which can be called as “the age of service”? How can government produce
and transfer services for the benefits of its citizenry?

-In the new era of governance which Industrialization has been revolutionized,
and the use of technology has been dominant, the government should adapt the
new approaches brought by huge changes made by time. E-governance is the new
approach of the governance to continually provide an effective and efficient
service to the public. The government and the people should have a harmonious
relationship to raise and address various demands and concerns and to have
collaborative efforts and collective actions for the success of every programs of the

36 - 40. Is reforming the public service structures and procedures enough to

have a better public service? What other steps needed to encourage a better
service delivery?

- Reforming the public service structure and procedures has plays an important
role to help providing a better public service. However, there are steps that needs
to be considered and implement to provide a better and efficient delivery of
service. First, alongside with reforming the public service structures and
procedures, the government should thoroughly maintain a transparent and
accountable government which helps to ensure public trust and public
participation. The government should also consider the consultative governance
in which the people can confidently address their issues, concerns and demands
specially the marginalized sector. Consultative governance promotes an open
communication so that the people and government would have a mutual

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