Sample Board Resolution of Orion Bataan

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(WAIUNG ADOSS: AALNGAY ALLAN OOH, RATA 10 PPE “RPO 9} 06D EXCERPTS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE FIFTY-NINETH (39) REGULAR SESSION. (OF THE THIRTEENTH (13) SANGGUNIANG BAYAN OF ORION, BATAAN (2019- 2022) HELD AT THE SESSION MALL OF THE ORION LEGISLATIVE BUILDING, ARELLANO, ORION, BATAAN ON MARCH 24, 2021 ‘Hon. Rew Joseph R. Fuster - Municipal Vice Mayor and Presiding Officer Hon, June D. Hernandez Sangguniang Bayan Member Sangguniang Bayan Member Sangguniang Bayan Member Sangguniang Bayan Member Hon. Pepito £. Guinto Hon, Donald R. Chan Hon, Mereelita D. Cruz Hon. Danilo 0. Bunsoy ~~ Saneguniang Bayan Member Hon. Ben Ruben L. Cruz ~ Sangguniang Bayan Member Hon, Marina D. Catalan ~ Sangguniang Bayan Member Hon. Concapeion C. Santos = Sangguniang Bayan Member Hon. desselton 6, Manaid = Sangguniang Bayan Member, President-Grion inB Hon, Lajessa C. Gutierrez = Sangguniang Bayan Member, President-Orion PPSK ‘A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MUNICIPAL MAYOR, HON. ANTONIO L. RAYMUNDO, JR, TO ENTER INTO AND SIGN FOR AND IN BEHALF OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ORION, BATAAN, AS THE FIRST PARTY, THE MEMORANUM. OF AGREEMENT (MOA) WITH THE KIDNEYWELL MEDICAL HEALTH SERVICES, A DULY ORGANIZED PRIVATE COMPANY AND EXISTING UNDER THE LAWS OF THE PHILIPPINES, REPRESENTED BY MR, ANOREW JAVELLANA SALDANA, AS THE ‘SECOND PARTY, FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A DIALYSIS CENTER EQUIPPED: WITH TEN (10) DIALYSIS MACHINES AT THE APPROPRIATE MEDICAL FACILITY ‘OF ORION, SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS PRESENTED UNDER THE DRAFT MOA, ABSENT: NONE Sponsors: Commies on Rules, lustice & Human Rights, Ehics B Legal Matters Comittee on tate WHEREAS, before the Sangguniang Bayan was the First Indorsement Latter dated 24 March 2021 from the Ofice of the Municipal Mayor, through the Hon, Antonio |. Raymundo, Jr, Municipal Mayor, indicating a “Certified Urgent” request for authority to enter into and sign the Memorandum of Agreement with Resolution No. 44 52023, 1 “ORION - BAYAN KO, MAHAL KO" i, MAN fa ro Poet oy es CARLO T. Vaan freere neonate ‘the KIDNEYWELL MEDICAL HEALTH SERVICES, for the establishment of a dalysis Centerin the Municipality of Orion, Bataan, to wit: Aeouatotne apenas ec tan ‘uma OF ORION eee Oilice of the Municipal # ‘eoccu chad he Samrteng Byes of on wu ee a {SR Fs, Muniz! Voe ar and meciny Oe of Me een a gia for & Rent fe th “tbrey 0 err to HENCE CF ‘AGKEEAENT (HOA, Detnes he OR Mico Goverment ero berm ‘nr HOR anTowmD L. RANRUNOD, IR, Musical Mayr, Pewee ere | to nF Parad KICNEPELL MERCA, EAL TH BEERS, morte ol ty Rs resus ANDREW JAVELLANA SALDANA, tere ere ‘De Second Pay? ‘Acad se oR py of Pemeraan of seem x your pee, CERTIFIED URGENT ‘L mana(tibg, an, WHEREAS, attached to the sald indorsement tetter was a copy of the Draft Memorandum of Agreement to be executed between the Parties concerned, as follows: ‘Resolution No. Als, 2021 “ORION ~ BAYAN KO, MAHAL KO” ‘hues Rca: RUAAGAT AMT, OOK eATA Fe) Dro “sno eo sae now ans bate meses pend Seem, serene | | ee | Snare —— me | Sac Veeatee cheng | si SEER Se SECOND FabsY mina wp sgoucnairt a set ot a ORISA FISH PARTY usmle Se SECOND EARTY pl Sy pre a ee a a ee The ‘DULY ADOPTED: JN. CARLO T. WALT Soret ert [Resolution No. 44 3.2021 3 “ORION = BAYAN ON, WL neuen mm. n [tea Pifsteneec ed aan BE DULY ADOPTED: ‘MRS. CALOTAT Yu Severe eerie ie DENIES Avo nesronsIM us OF TE HORSE FARE 11 Nee ef da sgt nt aay (Ses ein Fab yan enn ae saereaiaoe : aa cama Teel ine ow mma ero stesso ence ttepeno s Saperaer ps be, tes ene, wea ‘vn po ren, “Tsp cae aie oo Hae ete in ae ten he dracon ‘Resaluthon No. 443.2021 “ORION - BAYAN KO, MAHAL KO” Aeneas 11 noua tanga sy emma th roe at 12 epmaeanenme nay test i nhs jai ‘ARC PLAL YS SEPPLIES (ala mh tt Pekan hacen Arona ee Bi (ene i * Pimae a (THR DIALYSE SUPFLAES stem! npr tule ype} + playa + Steet ely pt A Baha me Boer Ents ee Seen ‘CERTIFIED Fojae out ADOPTED; SCART TY RIO Seren wre agen ee Resolution No. dds. 2021 “ORION ~ BAYAN KO, MAHAL KO” SUI ABO. MAGA atined uo ant Zee Par, Sug>0N 8,07 2687280 AS,g Mere open al es og | (4) i en tin en eu oi | 2) SSeS tat Ee eres none | | Be ho eccesne | SECOND PARTY. ™ ” " ye eee Re (== sing or ret era Wb hor hs Sano he SECOND PRAT | iw | 277 Bal Sid ii heals wm ss» AG as Stn aaa Te a | om wl Bet P2250 68) pr mre, a am {COND ARTY aa ea tot | (a ame Shas eet ne en os | =o DULY ADOPTED; S.CT 1 VAIO emer ieeigten ‘Resolution No. 44's. 2021 anne nivieen mo ad cranes Seana eee (CEATFIED TO BE DULY ADOPTED: CARLO FALE a MAKING ADEN HAREY Hao, Onion ATANN 03 APPR LUMEN NO. AT 11 Te et tment met ah omg fe epee mee a ee er en actus pare Srataathe 12 Men SOOOND PRY Sat he 4 tn i ene FT “TART in Maneentey st rms med a ten on Steer onan cnt SA ‘hn Saran amen bee tot yn ta ‘har to ere FRET PARTY td SCOPE) TART. Ts SEER PE ‘sme ety pi a ma a ga eed ‘reo ena To * Snmmemenytatmeanttoat ater oa pared estar Figo pacag nme soos tice pies + REM PArTY coated ee na senegal print an umn pasion ag ge nos toae TRH PT epee dm er ine 7 wom deme sng mt) ‘vn now, ats sap ee ce a ‘Sales oe EOIN PT Pu TTA es ce ‘Sts ate SCG PRT Be ‘cannon cf mat HET PTY ‘+ DeFRET PARTY So ori Se SECON PARTY rr cme iene Resolution No. 43.2021 ‘ORION ~ BAYAN KO, MAHAL KO” a (A MITES WERE, te petty iad po ha _ yf seknomLepoMsT RRC Oe TE ELDRSES) | M8 wn ite |g SIREN eRe rte te jes fcc este $$$ | a [RATSESS NY HAND AND NOTARUAL SAL oh ead pl ine al eriee je mn ceric (Doc No, =e SS || ee ae ‘Seve of 221 LIAN AN ADD sen re a Resolution Na, 445.2021 “ORION ~ BAYAN KO, MAHAL KO" - MING ARES = ric Ane ONO AAG ra WHEREAS, the said i ' aquest was calendared for Fist Reading during this eee arco hie ‘Wad Felerred to the Committee on Tes, ee & Sty and ek ne Be Mates 208 Corwen Heath & Sanitation or WHEREAS, the evaluating Committees, acknovledging that the sald Teduest Was Certified Urgent, rendered a verbal report sharing ta the Body the {ollowing information culled from the Draft MOA: 1. The KIDNEYWELL MEDICAL HEALTH SERVICES, a duly organized private Company extsting Under the Faws of the Philippines, wishes to establish Alahsis center to be equipped with ten (10) diahysis machines in Municipality of Orion, Bataan. ‘The KIDNEYWELL MEDICAL HEALTH SERVICES will provide: the major dialysis equipment and consumables as enumerated in the Oraft MOA, ‘The Municipality of Orion, Bataan is willing to allow the KIONEYWELL MEDICAL HEALTH SERVICESta set-up the dialysis center in an appropriate ‘medical facility to be constructed on a municipal property and to provide the necessary and competent medical staff/personnel for dialysis services and the basic utlties such as water supply, eleciriciy and telephone line with the payment for such utlites to be provided by the IDNEYWELL MEDICAL HEALTH SERVICES. i. The Municipality of Orion and the KIDNEYWELL MEDICAL HEALTH SERVICES have agreed to a sharing scheme (20% for the First Party-LGU- Orion, and 80% for the Second Party-KIDNEYWELL MEDICAL HEALTH SERVICES) of the net revenve/income. Sharing will be based on the existing PhilHealth per treatment at Php 2,600.00 less Doctor's Fee of Php 350,00, the actual sharing cost of which {5 Ph0 2,250.00 per treatment, woe i i WHEREAS, the Sangguniang Bayan, upon recommendation of the evaluating Committees, firmly believes that the Agreement to be established mm, STS between the contracting Parties for the setting-up of dialysis center in the Sas ‘Municipality of Orion, Bataan by KIONEYWELL MEDICAL HEALTH SERVICES will =e" | benefit renal patients fram the Municipality and other neighboring. municipalities; CCAD — ‘On motion duly seconded, be it Sat Tete RESOLVED, that the Thirteenth (13) Sangguniang Bayan of Orion, mm Bataan (2019-2022), in regular session duly assembled, hereby resolves to a ‘authorize the Municipal Mayor, Hon. Antonio L. Raymundo, Jr, a8 he is hereby rnatmsteaent | authorized, to enter into and sign for and in behalf of the Municipality of Orion, Bataan, a the FirstParty, the Memorandum of Agree ment with the KIDNEYWELL cennmeazopeoutyaporren: | MEDICAL HEALTH SERVICES, a duly organized private company and existing Under the laws of the Philipines, represented by Mir. Andrew Javellana Saldana, for the establishment of a dialysis center equipped with ten (10) dialysis MS. ARLOTAT atmo be Seren eeitee Aesalution No. 45, 2021 “ORION — BAYAN KO, MAHAL KO” ‘mis, CLOT T, Yu enya ‘Machines a the appro : “hc 7 | sonditions presented ee noe” Drie, subject to the terms and net RESOLVED FURTHER, that tis Resolution be forworded tothe Office of . et Mayor, through the Hon. Antonia L Raymundo, Jr, Municipal Sis information, guidance and appropriate executive action: RESOLVED FURTHER, tat the fics ofthe munpal Heath OMe Municipal Engineer, Munkial Accountant, Municipal Treasurer, Municipal Buriget Officer, and MPDG are hereby authorized to extend all necessary ‘stistance for the implementation of the purpose herein stated; RESOLVED FURTHERMORE, thatthe Sanguniang Bayan hereby requires ‘that the said Boy be furnished with a copy ofthe final MOA, duly signed by the ‘Tepresentatives of both Parties and notarized for documentation purposes; RESOLVED FINALLY, that copy of the approved Resolution be furnished ‘the Offices of the Municipal Mayor, Municipal Health Officer, Muricipal Engineer, Municipal Accountant, Municipal Treasurer, Municipal Budget Officer, ‘and MPOG, all of Orion, Bataan and KIDNEYWELL MEDICAL HEALTH SERVICES thru Mt, Andrew Savellana Saldana, and the Commission on Audit, thru Ms, Josefina M. Serrano, Superssing Auditor, for their information and guidance. ADOPTED UNANIMOUSLY. MARCH 24, 2021. | hereby certity that the Sangguniang Bayan duly adopted the foregoing Resolution No, 44 5. 2021 on the date specified, wal CARLOTA T. WALERIO Secretary to the Sangguniang Bayan ATTESTED BY: ‘Mayor/Presiding Officer APPROVED: NOL JR. Municipahigaype ————— solution No, 44. 201 “ORION ~BAYAN KO, MAHAL KO"

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