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#include <iostream>


#include <vector>

#include <windows.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <fstream>

#include <string>

#include <conio.h>

#include <graphics.h>

using namespace std;

int Time = 150;

void TextColor(int color) {

SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), color);

void gotoXY(int x, int y) { // x la ngang, y la doc

COORD coord;

coord.X = x;

coord.Y = y;

SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord);

vector <string> input(char* s) {

ifstream cin(s);

vector <string> kq;

string x;

while (1) {

if (!getline(cin, x))

return kq;


}int mau=9;

void MayTinh(int x, int y, vector<string> may_tinh) {//ve may tinh

for (int i = 0; i < may_tinh.size(); i++) {

string s;

if (i == 8) {

s = may_tinh[i].substr(0, 20);


s = may_tinh[i].substr(0, 25);

gotoXY(x, y + i);

cout << s;

for (int i = 0; i < may_tinh.size(); i++) {

string s;

if (i == 8) {

s = " " + may_tinh[i].substr(45);


s = may_tinh[i].substr(43);

gotoXY(x + 44, y + i);

cout << s;

}//may tinh bên phai

for (int i = 0; i <= 12; i++) {

gotoXY(x + i + 21, y + 8);

cout << may_tinh[8][i + 21];

gotoXY(x + 45 - i, y + 8);

cout << may_tinh[8][45 - i];


}//day noi

for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {

gotoXY(x + 35 - i - 3, y + 8 - i);

cout << may_tinh[8 - i].substr(35 - i - 3, i * 2 + 3);

if (i == 4) {


gotoXY(x + 13, y + 5);

cout << "___";

Sleep(Time * 1.5);

gotoXY(x + 12, y + 5);

cout << "\\";

gotoXY(x + 16, y + 5);

cout << "/";

} // trai tim o giua

Sleep(Time * 1.5);

void heart(int x, int y, vector<string> s0, vector<string> s1, vector<string> s2) {

while (1) {

TextColor(7);//hinh vuong bao quanh trai tim

gotoXY(x + 4 + 13, y + 30 + 3); cout << "v v";

for (int i = 0; i < s0.size(); i++) {

gotoXY(x, y + i);

cout << s0[i];

}//dinh trai tim ngoai

gotoXY(0, 0);


for (int i = 20; i >= 5; i--) {

for (int j = 17; j < 61; j++) {

gotoXY(x + j, y + i);

if (s1[i][j] == '*') {

}//vien trai tim nho



cout << s1[i][j];

}// cac ki tu trong trai tim to

gotoXY(0, 0);


Sleep(Time * 2);


for (int i = 20; i >= 5; i--) {

for (int j = 0; j < 61; j++) {

if (s2[i][j] != '@' || (j > 30 && j < 47 && i <= 8))


gotoXY(x + j, y + i);

cout << s2[i][j];


} // phan vien ngoai ben duoi cua trai tim to

gotoXY(x + 22, y + 4); cout << "@@@@@@@@@@@";//vien ngoai phai tren

ben trai

gotoXY(x + 44, y + 4); cout << "@@@@@@@@@@@";


gotoXY(x + 31, y + 5); cout << "@@@@@";//vien ngoai phai tren ben trai

gotoXY(x + 41, y + 5); cout << "@@@@@";


gotoXY(x + 35, y + 6); cout << "@@@";

gotoXY(x + 39, y + 6); cout << "@@@";


gotoXY(x + 38, y + 7); cout << "@";

for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {

for (int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) {

TextColor(mau);//vien trai tim nho rot

gotoXY(x + 38, y + 8 + ii);

cout << char(3);

Sleep(Time * 2);


gotoXY(x + 38, y + 8 + ii);

cout << s2[8 + ii][38];

for (int j = 33; j < 44; j++) {

if (s2[14 - i][j] == '3') {


gotoXY(x + j, y + 14 - i);

cout << char(3);

Sleep(Time * 2);

gotoXY(x + 4 + 13, y + 30 + 3); cout << "0 0";

Sleep(Time * 3);mau++;

char may_tinh_input[] = "./may_tinh.txt";

vector<string> may_tinh = input(may_tinh_input);

MayTinh(x + 5, y + 30, may_tinh);

for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {


gotoXY(x + 35 - i - 3, y + 8 - i);

cout << may_tinh[8 - i].substr(35 - i - 3, i * 2 + 3);


int main() {



int x = 20, y = 2;

char may_tinh_input[] = "./may_tinh.txt";

char heart_0[] = "./heart0.txt";

char heart_1[] = "./heart1.txt";

char heart_2[] = "./heart2.txt";

vector<string> may_tinh = input(may_tinh_input);

vector<string> s0 = input(heart_0);

vector<string> s1 = input(heart_1);

vector<string> s2 = input(heart_2);

MayTinh(x + 5, y + 30, may_tinh);

heart(x, y, s0, s1, s2);

return 0;

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