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Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan in Home Economics 10

Meal Management

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

1. define formal or Russian table setting;

2. demonstrate the Russian table setting;
3. tell the importance of table setting.

II. Subject Matter: Styles of Table Setting – Russian Style

Reference:Home Economics Learning Module Food and Beverage

Materials: Printed Materials, Table appointment, LCD Projector, papers,


Concept: : Russian table setting is a manner of dining that involves

courses being brought to the table sequentially, and the food being
portioned on the plate by waiter.

Strategy Used: Demonstration

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity

A. Preparatory

1. Prayer/Greetings
2. Review of the lesson
3. Motivation
The class will have a short activity called “4 pics,1 word”

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation of the lesson
a. Setting of standards

2. Lesson Proper
1. Discussion
a. Demonstration
b. Return demonstration
Indicators 25 points 15 points 10 points
All – 19 – tableware are 15-18 tableware are 1-14 tableware are
Mastery correctly placed on its placed on its proper placed on its proper
proper places. places. places.

All tableware are correctly 10-15 tableware are 1-9 tableware are
named. correctly named. correctly named.

Voice Well-modulated voice. Voice is modulated. Voice is very low.

Tone of Voice All words are clearly uttered. Some words are not Most of the words
clearly uttered. uttered are not clear.

Participation/ All members participated Few members did not Most of the members
Engagement during the demonstration. participate during the did not participate
demonstration. during the

C. Concluding Activities
1. Generalization
2. Valuing

IV. Evaluation
The result of the return demonstration of the learners serves as their score in

V . Assignment/Agreement:
Open the link below. Watch the video and write your learning experience
about it.

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