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Scene No. 1:

Jed (voice over): I had a dream, that I was standing on top of a mountain, towering peaks ahead, golden light hitting my
face. It’s the most vivid dream I’ve ever had. IT FELT SO REAL. But it got me wondering, “what does it mean?”. Maybe
because I have been longing to go on an adventure for so long that my mind began to burst. But I always told myself
that’s for people in magazines, on Instagram, NOT ME.


Jed (voice over): (stressfully) OKAY, time to wake up now. Back to the grind, studying for exams, watching TV, playing
games, and reading books throughout the night. I’m stuck within walls. I need a break; this is no way to live.

Jed (voice over): Yet in the back of my mind, this dream is on repeat. My heart was yearning to feel the way I felt. I can’t
deal with this anymore.

Jed: I need to go on an adventure. But I don’t want to go alone.

Scene No. 2:


Jed: Florence?

Florence: Yes, Jed.

Jed: Do you want to travel with me?

Florence: Travel where?

Jed: I don’t know, Africa maybe? I’ve always wanted to go to that country.

Florence: (curiously) Africa? (excitingly) Yeah, sure!

-insert Divine-

Divine: (jokingly) Did I just hear “travel”?

Jed: Yeah? Why?

Divine: Can I join? (Sarcastically) You’re acting as if Jed is your only friend! (as a joke)

Charisse: I completely agree. Whether you like it or not, I’m going on the trip with you.

The rest of the friends: ME TOO I’LL JOIN!!

Clifford: Wait lang, saan tayu pupunta?

Kacey: (ge-dukol si Clifford)

Scene No. 3:

Angel (voice over): (soft and calm) Africa, a continent of diverse cultures, vibrant landscapes, and unforgettable
experiences. A land of mystery, adventure, and untold wonders waiting to be discovered. We will take on a thrilling
journey through some of the most breathtaking destinations in this amazing country, each one offering its own unique
blend of culture, wildlife, and natural beauty.

Divine (voice over): From the cosmopolitan city if Johannesburg, with its rich history and thriving art scene, to the
stunning cape Winelands, where world-class wines and breathtaking vistas await, to the rugged coastline of Western
Cape, where the Atlantic Ocean crashes against the shore.

Kacey (voice over): But South Africa is more than just beautiful landscapes and vibrant cities. It’s a country with a
cultural heritage, where traditional customs and modern sensibilities coexist in perfect harmony.


Kacey: And of course, no trip to South Africa is complete without experiencing the incredible wildlife that roams its
savannas and parks.

Florence (voice over) : From spotting the Big Five in Kruger National Park to observing penguins on the beaches of Cape
Town, you’ll have the chance to witness some of the world's most incredible creatures in their natural habitat.

Scene No. 4:

Jed (voice over): What a dream. Traveling in this beautiful country and making memories with friends. What more could
I want. How is it possible that we have neglected the natural world. I’m not adventurous but the next hike can’t come
soon enough. My desire to be outside becomes everything. With all my heart, I want to explore as much of South Africa
as possible. These places can speak without saying a word and evoke feelings that is hard to describe. These places filled
my heart and my soul because I was longing for this moment for all my life. And the fact that I’m with my friends. It
made it more wonderful and memorable.

Florence (voice over): During our trip, we were off to the city of Johannesburg, seeing the wildlife, Cape Winelands, and
seeing the BIG 5 in Kruger National Park. And suddenly the world is our playground.

Scene No. 5:

Jed (voice over): I was never consumed with traveling abroad, but I never imagined that my biggest adventures are
waiting for me, for us, out there, waiting to be experienced. While, I was just admiring the beauty of this world, and it hit
me that we are in the presence of the most beautiful country.

Charisse (voice over): Where else could you experience a unique and unforgettable cultural experience that is unlike any
other. From there foods, culture, traditions, art, and people that can make you more drawn to this country. This country
was our playground, I spent all this time dreaming about going on a travel. When all this magic can be bigger with the
right people.

Angel (voice over): In the heart of every being, lies a deep yearning for this connection with nature and it only comes
alive when you immerse your life in it.

CIifford (voice over): Get up. Get out. You don’t know what you’re missing for. Adventure is our calling, be with your
loved ones and experience a whole new world.


Jed: I’m standing on top of a mountain, towering peaks ahead, golden light hitting my face. This is so much like my


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