Format Agenda 2

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TITLE (using capital)


B. OBJECTIVE (minimum 3)
1. Students can calculate and classified slope angle based on RBI Map information
2. Students can understand the features and characteristics of contour lines
3. Students can find the differences in appearance between RBI Map scale 1:25.000 and
4. …
5. …


1. RBI Map Scale 1: 25.000 Gitgit Sheets
2. RBI Map Scale 1: 50.000 Siapiapi Sheets (based on the map you used)
3. Drawing pen size 0.3 (blue, red, and black)
4. Color pencil
5. Blue pen
6. Pencil
7. Ruler
8. Eraser
9. Clipboard
10. Handphone
11. Laptop
12. ……
- Materials
1. Cover Paper
2. Folio Paper
3. HVS F4 Paper
4. Mica Paper
5. Milimeter Block Paper
6. Label
7. ….
8. ….
D. BASIC THEORY (two pages minimum)
1. Definition of RBI Map (1 general and minimum 3 from experts then conclude)
The RBI map includes elements of the appearance of the earth which can be
classified into 7 themes, namely:
1. Theme 1: Public facility building
2. Theme 2: Transport and utilities
3. Theme 3: Hypsography
4. Theme 4: Hydrography describe it

5. Theme 5: Land cover

6. Theme 6: Administrative boundaries
7. Theme 7: Toponymy

2. Definition of Contour (describe it)

3. Characteristics and Properties of Contours

a. Contour Characteristics
b. Contour Properties

4. Definition of Slopes

5. Slope Classification (make a table)

a. Classification of Wentworth Slopes
b. Van Zuidam Slope Classification
E. WORKSTEP (minimum 10 worksteps)
1. Students and practicum assistant prepare basic geomorphology practicum tools and
2. Students listen to the explanation from the practicum assistant
3. Students
4. Students
5. Students
6. Students
7. Students
8. Students
9. Students
10. Students give the practicum reports to the practicum assistant on time
1. Observation Result (separate sheet)
a. RBI Map Information scale 1: 25.000 Gitgit Sheets and RBI Map scale 1: 50.000 ….
b. Table of differences in appearance on RBI map scale 1: 25.000 sheets Gitgit Sheet and
RBI Map scale 1: 50.000 …. Sheet
c. Slope Profile of Gitgit area on RBI map scale 1: 25.000
2. Analysis (two pages minimum)
 Explain the differences in symbols, colors, or appearances on the RBI Map scale
1:25.000 and scale 1:50.000
 Explain the calculations and result (slope classes are also explained)
 The differences between Van Zuidam and Wenworth slope classification
 General description of Gitgit Village
 Landuse of Gitgit Village
 Gitgit regional economic activity

Using paragraph writing

Minimum ¾ page, maximum 1 page
Contains 40% from basic theory and 60% from analysis

(minimum from 2 journals, 2 trusted websites, and 1 books using APA style)


1. Book:
Setyowati, Dewi Liesoor, dkk. (2017). Kartografi Dasar. Yogyakarta: Ombak

2. Journal:
Ware, J. M., & Jones, C. B. 1998. Conflict reduction in map generalization using iterative
improvement. GeoInformatica, 2(4), 383-407.

3. Website:
Anonym. (2019). “Definition of Map”.
(accessed on 28 Oktober 2022 at 16.05)
1 cm

8 x 8 cm 4 x 4 cm

RBI Map Scale 1: 50.000

……… Sheets (Which area)
2 cm

1 cm
RBI Map Scale 1: 25.000
Gitgit Sheets

the size adjusts to the print paper

Slope Profile

RBI Map Scale 1: 25.000

Gitgit Sheet

1 cm
(10 differences minimum)

RBI Map Symbol RBI Map Symbol
No Appearance Description
1: 25.000 1: 50.000


Milimeter Block Paper (Gitgit area slope profile)

1. Format dan Penulisan:
 Setiap poin ditulis dengan huruf capital semuanya, contoh “A. TITLE”
 Poin A, B, C ditulis dalam 1 halaman
 Pada poin F, satu halaman mengandung satu alat praktikum
 Daftar pustaka disusun secara alfabetis menggunakan APA style
 Laporan praktikum ditulis tangan secara manual di kertas folio bergaris
 Garis tepi kiri 2 cm kanan 1 cm
 Penulisan wajib full English dan mengunakan pulpen biru
 Foto alat di print lalu di tempel pada kotak bagian kanan
 Penggambaran alat manual menggunakan pensil di kotak bagian kiri
 Penulisan tidak boleh bolak-balik harus beda halaman
 Dilarang menggunakan tipe x, boleh menggunakan label
 Cover praktikum geomorfologi di print warna biru muda
 Kerapihan dinilai, setidaknya tulisan bisa terbaca jelas

2. Pengumpulan dan Penilaian:

 Batas pengumpulan laporan 1 minggu sebelum praktikum selanjutnya dimulai
 Pengumpulan laprak secara kolektif melalui komting
 Pada saat pengumpulan, laporan harus di klip agar tidak tercecer
 Keterlambatan satu hari -2 seterusnya -1
 Jika setelah dikoreksi nilainya kurang dari kkm maka akan direvisi
 Prinsip kejujuran diutamakan, jika ketahuan menyontek maka tidak akan dinilai
dan langsung revisi hari itu juga
 Jika mahasiswa tidak mengumpulkan semua laporan praktikum maka mahasiswa
akan mengulang mata kuliah tersebut di semester depan

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